The strongest commander in the last days

Chapter 19 Self-heating Hot Pot

Chapter 19 Self-heating Hot Pot
The post-apocalyptic gourmet supplement pack is a square box about the size of a suitcase, made of plastic.The visual volume is about 120 liters.There are eight boxes in total, each with a different pattern.

Zhang Wei took one at random, and tore off the upper cover like a can, and a sizzling sound came out from the bottom of the box.Inside the box are large and small milky white, translucent plastic boxes.A stream of white gas, like volatilized dry ice, slowly emerged.

There is a small pot in the middle of the box, and the sizzling sound comes from the bottom of the pot, but such a high-end thing should not use quicklime, and that thing does not have long-lasting heat.

Li Zhuang also came over curiously, picked up a plastic box, and kept it cold.After opening it, there are rolls of mutton with ice residue, which weighs more than a kilogram at least!

Xiaoyu was no longer reserved, and walked slowly: "This is not an oversized self-heating hot pot, is it?"

Zhang Wei didn't answer, and stepped forward to take apart the plastic boxes one by one, including all kinds of base materials, dipping materials, fresh vegetables, mutton and beef, beer drinks, chopsticks and plates... almost everything you need.

Li Zhuang was a little excited: "It's really hot pot! I thought I had said goodbye to hot pot forever! I didn't expect to see you again by fate. Don't be dazed, I'll fix it first!"

Zhang Wei said: "These ingredients add up to at least 30 kilograms. Since they are unpacked, don't waste them. Go ahead and call Cai Wenzhuo and Tie Jun over."

Li Zhuang was a little reluctant. Since the end of the day, his appetite has been getting bigger and bigger: "If you can't eat one meal, don't you have another meal? Besides, how do you explain the source of hot pot?"

Zhang Weidao: "This is also one of the purposes. When we get along together, our secrets are also coming sooner or later. With so many bullets fired these days, I guess they have already become suspicious. Moreover, the power revealed can also deter people who are ready to move!" "

Xiaoyu also agrees: "I also want you to mention this. The people I saved before can still be fooled with potions. Today, those girls who have lost arms and broken legs can't be said to be full-grown after an injection. ?”

Seeing that there was no one to support him, Li Zhuang reluctantly went out and called Cai Wenzhuo and Tie Jun over.

The two originally thought they had some business to discuss, but as soon as they entered the room, they saw Zhang Wei pouring mutton into the boiling water.
The three of Zhang Wei immediately switched modes as soon as they entered the room, and the cold aura was very oppressive.

Zhang Wei said with a little dignity: "You two, sit down and eat together."

The two were flattered, and hurriedly moved two low stools to come over.At this time, the aroma of food was already wafting from the boiling pot. The two of them smelled the familiar yet unfamiliar smell, and their throats twitched.Seeing Zhang Wei put a piece of mutton into the bowl, the two dared to pick up the chopsticks,

Zhang Wei took a few bites and said: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Knowing more is actually not good for you two. This world is not as simple as you see! There are still many secrets hidden in the depths!"

Just such a paragraph of irrelevant words, but it aroused the two people's infinite imagination and conjecture.The two of them who were seriously degraded, even the meat in the pot didn't taste good~~~~~Of course it's impossible!These two veterans seemed to move their chopsticks slowly, and they could pick up at least three pieces of meat each time.After eating, the speed directly surpassed Xiaoyu and caught up with Li Zhuang!
Li Zhuang looked at it from the corner of his eye, and felt a little contempt in his heart, who is our old Li?How can it be surpassed by these two ordinary people?For a while, the chopsticks turned faster.

At the dinner table, Zhang Wei also showed off his old village chief's style and praised the two of them for their recent performance. There was peace for a while.
Zhang Wei waved his hand, and a huge technological cylindrical object appeared at the door.Such a miraculous skill seriously deterred Cai Wenzhuo's iron army.

Zhang Weidao: "This thing is called a corpse crystal generator set. In principle, um, that is, um, use a corpse crystal to generate electricity!"

"Oh, oh, it's amazing!" Tie Junshuai flattered him with no skill!

Zhang Wei strolled to the generator set, carefully read the engraved instruction manual, and said for a while.

"This is an artifact! Since then, zombies are no longer refugee monsters dropped without equipment. According to the instructions, a small white corpse crystal can convert 80-120 degrees of electrical energy. I think for you old Electrician, what does it mean to be able to move?"

Although Cai Wenzhuo is in charge of personnel, it is impossible for him to be ignorant of technology: "The set of wind turbines we use has an output power of at least 800 kilowatts. But without maintenance, the running time of the unit is a mystery, but it will never exceed Four months. At this stage, we can store more corpse crystals, just in case."

Tie Jun is now in charge of the team, and the first thing that comes to mind is the team: "Craniotomy on zombies is a dangerous job. Even if you wear protective clothing, you may be infected if you are not careful. In order to reduce unnecessary attrition, the job of craniotomy is assigned to already People who have been vaccinated. There are still too few vaccines, and they are urgently needed! Commander, how is the cultivation of vaccines going?"

Zhang Wei said: "Well, there is no rush for the vaccine. Let the craniotomy work be handed over to those who have been vaccinated first. As for this machine, find a good place to keep it strictly. ! Go ahead."

The two quickly said yes, and gathered a group of people to transport the machine away with difficulty.

After seeing the two of them off, Zhang Wei looked at the mess, and his heart ached so much!Xiaoyu began to clean virtuously.

Li Zhuang picked his teeth leisurely and said: "I didn't see that, these two old guys have a lot of appetite. Every now~~~~~"

How can you eat it! ! !
Early the next morning, Zhang Wei and Li Zhuang accompanied Xiaoyu to visit the rescued women.According to reports from the guards, these people had some mental problems, big or small.

In Zhang Wei, I also saw a familiar face, that girl full of campus atmosphere.She was hugging and crying with a girl who lost both eyes.

Seeing Zhang Wei approaching, the girl wiped her tears: "Hello, my name is Zhong Qianqian. Thank you for saving me yesterday. This is my cousin, Zhong Yiqing." She said, pointing to the eyeless girl.

Zhang Wei said: "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Immediately afterwards, he said to his cousin Zhong Qianqian: "Don't worry, even if you lose your eyes, they can grow back again. I am not an ordinary person! Can you talk about that fat man? It is the one you call Mr. Death."

As soon as the words Lord Reaper came out, all the disabled girls, including Zhong Qianqian, trembled slightly.

Zhong Yiqing seemed to be restraining his fear, and after a long while he said slowly: "Can my eyes really grow back? It doesn't matter, I will tell you about that person no matter what."

After recruiting Xiaoyu, within 3 minutes, Zhong Yiqing's eyes grew back intact.Before she could open her eyes, Xiaoyu covered her eyes with a black cloth.

"Miss, you can't open your newly grown eyes, the sun will hurt the immature retina. You can take off the gauze tonight. Get used to the low light environment first, take your time."

Zhong Yiqing was very excited. People who have never lost their eyesight will not know the feeling of regaining their light.

Zhong Yiqing said slowly: "I know that fat man, not very familiar with him, but I always see him a few times in a neighborhood. I heard from others that he is an old dick and lives alone. He always looks at me with kind eyes. I felt obscene, so I didn't talk to him."

Zhang Wei was a little embarrassed, what happened to the otaku?What a dick.But think about it, that fat man is really wretched, huh?What an embarrassment to nerds.Pooh!

Zhong Yiqing continued: "Usually I didn't see him having any abilities until the end of the day!"

"This passage was told by the dead sisters. They and the fat man were trapped in the cangmai at the gate of the community. Before the fat man escaped, he was scratched by the zombies. The sisters were afraid that he would turn into a dead body, and they wanted him to go out by himself.

The fat man was unwilling and quarreled with a few people.The sound attracted the zombies. After the fat man was caught, it was said that he became fierce and killed the zombies!Mouth full of blood!Possibly a few more bites. "

After all, Zhong Yiqing swallowed, with an indelible fear in his expression.

"It is said that the fat man has been completely reborn after that, and he has become very capable of fighting. He can knock down zombies with a few punches. And I have indeed seen it with my own eyes! He is indeed too powerful!"

Zhang Wei touched his swollen cheek and agreed with this statement.

"Later, he showed great kindness and saved people everywhere. I was one of them. He knew where almost all the good-looking girls in the community lived! Later, he hardly concealed it. Although I discovered this, but, but I was really scared. I still continued to follow him for protection."

"Until that night, he finally revealed his true colors. He drove all the men out, and my husband was among them! I really wanted to go with me at the time, and the fat man didn't stop me. But I really I dare not!!!!”

As she said that, Zhong Qianqian's tears flowed down her cheeks, and her wailing sound was extremely miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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