The strongest commander in the last days

Chapter 11 1003 Gathering place

Chapter 11 1003 Gathering place

Chapter 11 1003 Gathering Places

Just as Zhang Wei took out the crystals from the two predators, Xiaoyu and Li Zhuang had already turned back.

Zhang Wei glanced at the group of corpses chasing behind Li Zhuang and said, "Li Zhuang's voice is quite sarcastic! The terrain here is not good, so go back to the guard building first." After that, he turned around and ran away with the two of them. got up.

When I returned to the roof of the guard room, I looked back and saw that there were at least 300 zombies gathering from the street.

To generate a red phosphorus incendiary bomb will consume three points of energy, a total of ninety bullets, which is a complete luxury.Li Zhuang reported the blue amount, which was 26 points, so he didn't panic at all.

Another shooting practice begins!

The sun was gradually setting to the west, and a group of blue figures in the distance approached quickly.At this time, the corpses of the zombies were piled up nearly two meters high in the gatehouse, and there were at least 300 zombies who fell here. As a result, Zhang Wei, who was originally in charge of the lookout, had to take out the holy sword of physics, and from time to time, some of them flew away and almost crawled. up.

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the zombies gradually becoming rarer around him.And the group of blue figures gradually appeared in front of the three of them.Zhang Wei's heart, which had been relaxed just now, suddenly became tense again!

Xiaoyu glanced at it with a magnifying glass and said, "Brother Xiaowei, he seems to be alive!"

Zhang Wei: "So many? That's great, the task should be completed all at once?"

From far to near, this group of people quickly ran towards Zhang Wei and the other three menacingly, not to mention all of them were armed with murder weapons, ranging from large axes to steel brazing and iron rod wrenches.

A burly man in the lead fiercely split the zombie in front of him with an axe.Although he looked very imposing, the twitching muscles on his face and the trembling arms betrayed him. This ax should be the first blood.

The strong man holding an ax stopped at a distance, and the zombies in this area obviously calmed him down.And Zhang Wei naturally doesn't care. These people won't fight him with axes and iron bars, right?He simply jumped down and walked up to the strong man holding the ax in a few steps.

The strong man with the ax was the first to speak: "Comrade, are you all okay? We're here to help."

Zhang Wei laughed: "Thank you all, but this amount of zombies is not a threat to us!"

"Comrade, it's too dangerous to talk here, why don't you come to our place first?"

Zhang Wei replied: "Well, there are too many of you and your goals are too big, so let's go!"

After all, Zhang Wei and the three followed the group of men in blue to a huge courtyard.There are four large characters written on the marble door wall, 'Chunyang Heating'.There are seven or eight muck trucks and hook machines parked at the gate of the courtyard, and the road in the courtyard is paved with coal ash.If Zhang Wei is not mistaken, this place is legendary.

Big ~pot~stove~room!
A group of people marched into the boiler room in a mighty manner, and Li Zhuang raised his gun to symbolically clean up a few zombies who followed and entered the room together.

There are still a group of people waiting anxiously in the house, including women, children, and a large number of adult men.

Zhang Weiqi said: "You actually have electricity here, and the power plant is still in operation?"

Walking out of the crowd was a kind old man who looked to be in his fifties and looked quite respectable.

The old man opened his mouth and said, "Comrade, our factory has naturally kept pace with the times in the development of new energy sources in recent years, and we cannot just follow the old path of thermal power. Although the furnace of the power plant has been turned off, the nearby wind power towers are not disturbed by the disaster."

"Well, but why is this boiler room the only one nearby that has electricity?"

The old man looked a little embarrassed: "Well, logically speaking, the electricity belongs to the state's property. But, the boiler room belongs to the property of the power plant, and the internal wiring is used, which is counted as production consumption."

"Isn't this boiler room heating the nearby community? What's the calculation?" Suddenly Zhang Wei seemed to realize something.

The old man also changed the subject at the right time: "Comrade, were you sent by the higher authorities to organize the rescue?"

Zhang Wei already had a draft: "We were originally performing a special task, and the content of the task was confidential. But after the disaster began, the task changed to try our best to gather the victims and act as a temporary guide, waiting for the rescue of the large force!"

Then Zhang Wei said loudly: "From now on, military control will be implemented here! I will come back here as the supreme commander during the disaster and coordinate all matters. I have the right to follow the military laws of any organization or individual that endangers the interests of the collective." Engage!"

The people around were obviously stunned by these words, this is not a rescue team, it is clearly a group of die.Zhang Wei's words are hard to believe. Isn't this the rhythm of the Tu Emperor?But fearing the guns in the hands of the three, none of them dared to speak out.

Taking a panoramic view of the expressions of the surrounding crowd, Zhang Wei said again: "I announce that gathering place No. 1003 will be established from now on! If the gathering place performs well, the group devotees can be vaccinated against the virus in advance to be immune to the zombie virus!"

The surrounding crowd immediately exploded!The old man said excitedly, "Is there really a vaccine for the virus?"

Zhang Wei said: "It's absolutely true, and our team already has a method of breeding seedlings. As long as you follow the command, everyone will be vaccinated sooner or later! Xiaoyu!"

Xiaoyu took out the vaccine gun in response. The vaccine gun had a high-tech metal casing and a glass tube filled with blue liquid inserted into the gun.Immediately conquer the crowd around you!
Zhang Weidao: "This operation happened to bring two vaccine injections. I decided to choose two cadres to assist in the management of the gathering place and inoculate the seedlings. The war situation is urgent, so we will not engage in democratic elections. Is there anyone who recommends himself? Yes Alright, Li Zhuang!"

Li Zhuang stood straight: "Here!"

"Go and catch a little zombie, forget it, just take off an arm and bring it back! Xiaoyu, go and take care of it together!"

"Yes!" After saying that, Li Zhuang Xiaoyu turned around and walked towards the door.

Everyone still looked at Xiaoyu reluctantly. If it weren't for the gun in Xiaoyu's hand, Zhang Wei would have suspected that he would be blocked and robbed!
The old man burst into a confident smile: "My old man, Cai Wenzhuo, just took up the post of director of the personnel department of the power plant. He has never made any major mistakes in his 11 years of office. Personnel management is regarded as the second, and no one dares to recognize the first!"

After Cai Wenzhuo finished speaking, he looked around and looked at Zhang Wei expectantly.

The man with the ax who was looking for Zhang Wei before the batch of zombies also said: "Just call me Tiejun, and I won't talk about it if I didn't have any achievements before. But in terms of credit, I dare say that no one here is as big as me! Whoever found the boiler Fang, who covered you coming in, who went out desperately to find food for you! Let’s not talk about it, I don’t suggest going to the gunshots to find an organization, how can there be such a thing?”

A man next to him said shortly: "Tie Jun, what you said, I also have a share, that's all. How can anyone be a softie, who hasn't gone out yet?"

Hearing this, the few men around who didn't dare to go out blushed, and held back just as they were about to say something.

Tie Jun didn't care about that: "I'm the leader to go out, can that be the same, no matter what you say, as long as you choose me as the leader, you let me go east and I won't go west. You let me beat dogs, I won't chase chickens!"

Seeing that Tie Jun was so active, the rest of the people were not to be outdone, and expressed their views positively.After all, promotion is small, but vaccines are big!Who knows whether vaccines can be cultivated is true or false!Even if it is true, what about the quality?Even if everything is fine, if there is something wrong while waiting, wouldn't it be an account of my life?

For a while, a group of demons danced wildly.Secretary copywriting, security auto repair, basically explained everything in the meeting!There are also a few pretty ones who say they are single.Zhang Wei was furious, who did he think of me!So many people ask me how to speak?Come straight to my bedroom tonight!
In the end, Zhang Wei chose the old man Cai Wenzhuo to manage together with the strong man Tiejun.Compared with ability, Zhang Wei values ​​their charisma more.These two people seemed to be the backbone of this group of people. Taking them in was equivalent to taking the hearts of these refugees.Add the two big carrots of guns and vaccines.Don't be afraid that this gathering place will not accept the management!
At this time Li Zhuang came back with Xiaoyu holding one arm, and a layer of cloth was still wrapped around the severed arm to prevent the blood from dripping, probably it was Xiaoyu's careful masterpiece.

Zhang Wei relayed the election results and the vaccine to Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu thought about it, and her face turned red.

Lie in Zhang Wei's ear and said timidly.

"I don't know how to give injections!"

(End of this chapter)

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