The strongest red envelope in Wanjie

Chapter 75 Shocking Everyone

Chapter 75 Shocking Everyone

At this moment, a group of masked men rushed in,

"Don't move! You, come out! Come with us!"

Among them were three men with guns, one pointed a gun at the staff of the store, and the other pointed a gun at Meng Xiaoqing.

Everyone was taken aback.

Meng Xiaoqing was also very surprised, unexpectedly, there were bad guys coming to deal with her.

However, Meng Xiaoqing is not nervous now, because Meng Xiaoqing also has a way to protect herself.

For the time being, no third person knows this method, only she and Lin Mo know.

Meng Xiaoqing could have knocked these enemies away immediately.However, she wanted to know who these people were. After all, such a group of bad people came, and if they didn't find out their identities, there might be endless troubles.

"Oh my God, come here, help me." The staff in the store were startled and exclaimed.

They opened this small shop and it has been safe and quiet.Therefore, they feel that their lives are very peaceful, and they will live in peace like this.

Unexpectedly, now there is a group of people with guns. They killed them, and they never thought that this kind of thing would happen.

However, now that these people are all holding guns, this is the first time they have seen such a real gun with their own eyes.

However, sometimes, they have seen them on some occasions, but that has nothing to do with them, but now, these people's guns are pointed at their heads.

"Help, help, what are you doing? Leave quickly!" A woman was so frightened that she had no idea and just yelled crazily.

Seeing this situation, the gang of villains couldn't help being very annoyed, because what they want is safety, and no accidents should happen, and this woman was so frightened that she screamed like crazy.

This is beyond their tolerance.

A masked man got angry and shot the woman directly in the leg.

"Ah!" This shot made the woman scream.

"Oh my God"

All of a sudden, the five or six people in the store were too scared to speak out.The woman was frightened as if she had woken up from a dream, and she didn't dare to scream anymore.

Because, this gunshot is an omen of death!Who dares to say that he is not afraid of this gunshot?After all, there is only one life, and these guns are powerful enough to take away a person's life in a few seconds.

Now, everyone is aware of the fragility of life, because as long as these bad guys shoot lightly, their precious lives will be gone.

Therefore, everyone became rational and didn't dare to say anything anymore. They all quickly and honestly raised their hands. Some people squatted down and didn't dare to say anything.Some people even dare not look at these bad guys.

Seeing that the place has become quiet, the group of masked men stopped shooting. A big masked man looked at Meng Xiaoqing, and couldn't help looking at Meng Xiaoqing. look.

Suddenly, the masked man couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his hand, about to touch Meng Xiaoqing's alluring...


Suddenly the masked man was kicked by one of his companions.

The masked fat man said sternly: "Don't touch her! She is Dong Shao's favorite woman. If you dare to touch her, don't you want to live?"

"Damn it, you kicked so hard, are you fucking out of your mind? Do you want to touch her too? Damn." The masked man was still cursing angrily. After all, he was kicked. It hurts to kick.

"You're still not convinced, are you? Believe it or not, I'll kill you with one shot?" Unexpectedly, this masked fat man was not an honest person, so he became angry all of a sudden, and pointed a gun at the masked man.

The bodies of the two are almost strong, and although the fat man is fatter, if they really fight, they may not be the opponent of this masked big man.

At this time, both of them pointed their guns at each other, making the atmosphere a little tense because of a beautiful woman.

The other three masked men were taken aback for a moment, then became nervous and came over to persuade them to fight.

"Hey, what are you doing, everyone is your own! Don't be impulsive!"

"Yeah, I'm stupid, you two, why are you crazy?"

"Nimma, do you have any brains? You want to beat your own people for such a trivial matter! I'm stupid!"

All three were furious.

"Fuck, this is not a trivial matter! This is a matter of dignity! I just wanted to touch this beautiful woman, this fat man, and kicked me hard! Look, this kick is too damn hard! This The fat man must have done it on purpose!" The masked man was still very angry, and he even pulled up his trouser legs to show them his injuries.

Sure enough, there was an obvious injury on the leg. It had been kicked and turned blue, and there was a large amount of blood.

This kick was really hard.

The three of them were a little surprised, they all stared at the fat man all of a sudden.

"Fat man! What the hell are you thinking? Why did you kick him so hard?" A masked man in purple leather glared at the masked fat man angrily.

The masked fat man was taken aback, "Damn! What do you mean? He wants to touch this beautiful woman, and I want to stop him. Is there anything wrong?"

The masked man in purple leather said: "You can stop him, but why did you kick him so hard? Grass, are you sick? Come on, did you do it on purpose?"

All of a sudden, these bad guys started to make trouble among themselves and started fighting with each other.

Of course, when they fought, they didn't use guns. After all, if they used guns, it would be very dangerous. If they were not careful, they would kill people.

These people started fighting in this small bookstore, and they beat them so fiercely that they fell to the ground, and got up again to continue beating.When they fought, they knocked over some bookshelves and kicked some tables to the ground.

There was an uproar in the store.

The five people in the store were startled, and quickly took the opportunity to run out.

At this time, Meng Xiaoqing had already run out.

"Damn, stop beating, that beauty is out! Catch her!"

The five people came to their senses, and they realized that something was wrong, after all, they were fighting each other like this and screwing up big things!
The masked fat man glared at these companions, "I'm stupid, you suckers! If that beauty runs away, you'll be punished by Dong Shao! Hurry up and chase after her!"

"This, this, damn it, she can't escape!"

These vicious villains rushed out quickly, not afraid of being seen by others with the guns in their hands, so they rushed out frantically.

At this time, Meng Xiaoqing had already got into a car, and there were three bodyguards inside. These three bodyguards had always followed her and protected her.After all, she is the general manager of a big company, a beautiful woman, and a famous school belle.Therefore, Lin Mo had already arranged some bodyguards to protect her.

Of course, besides these three bodyguards, there are also two female assistants who often follow Meng Xiaoqing.

Moreover, these five people are not all,

There are as many as 24 people protecting Meng Xiaoqing 52 hours a day, including 25 well-trained bodyguards, and some female assistants and secretaries.

In short, 24 hours a day, these 52 people were divided into three shifts to protect Meng Xiaoqing's safety.

No matter where Meng Xiaoqing went, there were always some bodyguards and female assistants following her.

Originally, Meng Xiaoqing didn't think of such a high level of security measures for herself before. At that time, Meng Xiaoqing didn't even think about asking someone to protect her. Later, Meng Xiaoqing became the general manager of Lin Mo's company. Realizing that he had to pay attention to his own safety, he prepared to hire two or three bodyguards for protection.

However, Lin Mo has already arranged dozens of bodyguards and female assistants for her.Later, everything became what it is now, with three bodyguards and two female assistants following Meng Xiaoqing at any time.

In the car, the three bodyguards were very calm, but the two female assistants were a little flustered.

"Mr. Meng, who are those people? They all have guns, so scary." A female assistant glanced back, saw those people rushing out from behind, and saw the guns in their hands.Seeing someone with a gun in broad daylight can be a bit scary indeed.

However, it has already happened anyway, so there is no need to make a fuss about it.

Meng Xiaoqing was very calm, "Don't be afraid, they have guns, that's all, it's not a big deal."

Hearing Meng Xiaoqing's words, the people in the car were all stunned, they all looked at Meng Xiaoqing curiously, they felt that Meng Xiaoqing's words were weird.

Aren't guns scary?It's incredible that she didn't pay attention to the enemy's gun.

(End of this chapter)

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