The strongest red envelope in Wanjie

Chapter 5 Put down the knife and hand over the wallet

Chapter 5 Put down the knife and hand over the wallet

Chapter 008 Put down the knife and hand over the wallet

There were many people in front of them, and pedestrians blocked their sight. Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng had no idea, so they could only follow Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stood on a step, high up, looked forward, looked for a while, but didn't find that there were those two black-clothed men picking pickpockets on this street.

"You can't see them." Lin Mo said.

"How did you find it? There are too many people." Zhang Shunyin frowned.

"Or, don't look for it, there are so many people, where can we find it?" Ren Dafeng said.

"Hey, there, they came out of a supermarket, chase after them."

Suddenly, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help smiling. He felt lucky, so lucky, that he could still see the two pickpockets.

Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng were stunned for a moment, but they had no choice but to chase after them.

The two pickpockets turned to the left and entered a small alley.

Lin Mo hurried to catch up and yelled, "Hey, stop and return the wallet to us."

The two men in black were not very happy. Seeing that there was no one here, and only three young men in the age of sixteen or seventeen came, they didn't take it seriously, "Boy, what wallet? Are you looking for a dozen?" "

Lin Mo and the three of them all ran here. Zhang Shunyin, in order to show his courage, pointed at the two men in black and said: "You stole a girl's wallet! Stop pretending, take it out!" There’s 800 yuan in it!”

Ren Dafeng also felt that he was going to stand out, and looked at the two men in black with a strong face, "Hand over your wallet!"

The two men in black sneered, and didn't pay attention to the three students in front of them at all, "So that's what happened. Boy, you dare to ask for your wallet back, aren't you afraid of being beaten?"

Suddenly, the two men took out a dagger from their pockets.


Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng were frightened on the spot, and retreated hastily.

Suddenly, Lin Mo took a step forward, "Put down your knives quickly. Take out your wallet."

"Hey, old Wang, look, among these three, there is one who is not afraid of death," said a man in black.

"This kid just owes a beating." Another man in black said.

"Boy, believe it or not, I will stab you to death with one knife?" said the first man in black.

"Boy, if you don't leave, do you want to die?" Another man in black asked.

The two men in black were threatening while waving the knives in their hands. There was a hint of killing intent in their eyes. If they provoked them, they would definitely use the knives.

Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng were already tense with fright, and took a few steps back.

Lin Mo quietly put the invisible glove on his right hand and said calmly: "The last thing I want to say is, put down the knife and hand over the wallet."

The four people present were surprised to see Lin Mo so calm.

Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng couldn't understand why Lin Mo was not afraid at all.

The two men in black couldn't bear it any longer. They brandished their knives and stabbed Lin Mo. "Boy, don't be serious. Do you think we are joking?"

Lin Mo hurriedly flashed to the left, and for some reason, for the past few days, Lin Mo felt that his own strength seemed to be a little different, and his nerve response was also faster. For example, now, in this case, the two A bad guy stabbed him with a knife. If it was someone else, he couldn't hide at all. If he died, he would be injured. But Lin Mo found that he reacted very quickly, and jumped very quickly. He even avoided their knife.

Behind, Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng are slightly taller than Lin Mo and stronger than Lin Mo, but when they saw the battle, they were already frightened, so they ran to the back and watched from a distance. To Lin Mo, he was puzzled and curious.

Lin Mo dodged and avoided the enemy's knife. After that, he immediately realized that the opportunity to counterattack had come. He could not hesitate. He had to seize the opportunity, because the bodies of the two enemies were still leaning forward. out front.

Counterattack is the best, Lin Mo, with a decisive right fist, hit a person's shoulder.

Originally, Lin Mo felt that hitting the neck would be more effective, but he was still not agile enough and punched an enemy on the shoulder.

However, the effect is also very good. With this blow, the enemy could not stand still and fell into the air. Two or three meters away, he fell to the ground.
The man yelped in pain, after all, it hurt from the fall, and then his face was full of surprise.

The other one, the man in black, was shocked when he realized that his companion had been knocked into the air, and was in a daze, feeling incredible.

Of course, Lin Mo didn't miss the good opportunity to fight back. Another punch, this punch, hit the enemy's back, and the enemy fell directly to the ground. One fell, the dog ate shit, and his teeth were broken. pieces,
The enemy screamed in pain, and then got up angrily, "Boy, you are looking for death! I will kill you!"

Regardless of his mouth, the enemy was bleeding, waving a knife, and rushed towards Lin Mo fiercely.

Because, just now, one fell, and the dog ate shit, completely, making people angry, almost outraged, even, forgetting to be shocked, and thinking about it, wanting revenge.

The other three people were even more shocked and puzzled by Lin Mo. The man in black who fell to the ground hadn't stood up yet, and sat on the ground, because he fell too badly and broke one of his legs. Now he hastily called Said: "Old Wang, this kid is not simple! Don't hit him."

'Old Wang' is currently in a state of rage. How can he listen to his companion's reminder?He was only thinking about knocking down the young man in front of him.

Facing Lin Mo, the bad guy swung a knife to stab him. Still, according to the old rules, he quickly stepped and dodged. This step was so fast that he avoided the enemy's stabbing twice.

If this is an ordinary person, facing such a fierce enemy, there is no way to dodge. Now, Lin Mo secretly feels that he is better than ordinary people. Not only the invisible gloves, but also his physical fitness seems to have improved Quite a lot.

Facing the enemy with a knife, Lin Mo dare not fight head-on. After all, his weapon is shorter. If he fights head-on, he will not hit the enemy. The enemy's knife may have pierced his body , then, it's over.

Therefore, Lin Mo has considered this point from just now, and must not fight the enemy head-on.

Fortunately, the one who dodged was faster, otherwise, there would be no chance to attack from the side at all, and he would have been stabbed a few times long ago.

This time, Lin Mo dodged to the side of the enemy again. He quickly punched and hit the enemy's shoulder. The invisible fist glove was very powerful. This hit knocked the enemy away and the enemy fell again.

This time I fell and flew, three meters away, the fall was very painful, and I couldn't get up for a long time.

Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng looked in a daze, the shock on their faces was very obvious. They never expected that Lin Mo could have such a powerful skill.

Lin Mo searched on the two bad guys and found three wallets, one of which contained exactly 800 yuan, which should belong to He Xiaoyi.In the other two wallets, there are two other people's ID cards and several hundred dollars.

Lin Mo said indifferently: "These three wallets are all stolen from others, right?"

After the two pickpockets were shocked, they didn't dare to get angry anymore. They didn't even dare to speak, they just nodded.

Lin Mo said lightly: "Okay. I'll take it away."

Then, Lin Mo walked up to Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng, "Let's go, I got the wallet."

"You... are amazing." Zhang Shunyin swallowed, feeling his mouth was dry.

"I didn't expect that." Ren Dafeng said something after recovering.

Then, they followed Lin Mo all the way back.

Arriving at the place just now, meeting up with a few other people, Lin Mo took out a wallet, and said to He Xiaoyi, "Is this yours?"

He Xiaoyi said in surprise, "It's mine. Thank you, thank you."

Zhang Shunyin and Ren Dafeng smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

The teacher said: "You have done a good job and are promising. Well, go back to school."

Being praised so much by the teacher, Zhang Shun cited what he wanted to say, but he didn't say it.
Ren Dafeng, embarrassed again, smiled and didn't say anything.

A group of people, back to school.

Lin Mo, enter the classroom and continue the class.

Zhang Shunyin returned to his seat and wanted to tell others what happened just now, but he hesitated for a moment and didn't say anything.

Ren Dafeng glanced at Lin Mo, and still felt that what happened just now was unbelievable.

He Xiaoyi was sitting at the front table of Ren Dafeng, she turned around and asked: "Ren Dafeng, who are you, how did you get your wallet back?"

Ren Dafeng hesitated, lost interest, and said casually: "Those two pickpockets are timid. As soon as we scare them, they will hand over their wallets."

"You are so brave." He Xiaoyi said.

"It's nothing." Ren Dafeng opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't.

The teacher in class, come in, everyone pay attention and listen to the lecture.

Lin Mo, I don't want to concentrate on listening to the lecture. I feel that the competition in the school is too strong. "One by one, they are working so hard. What are you doing? What's the use of it. I'd better relax."

Lin Mo, doing nothing, followed the "Taishang Laojun Task Forum", and read many posts of gods,

Lin Mo didn't stop browsing the forum until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, as if returning to reality from a dream, feeling that the gods in the forum were not real,
"Are these gods real or fake?" Lin Mo came outside and looked at the sky.

I feel that the sky is the same as before, everything in the sky is a natural phenomenon, and has nothing to do with gods.

Lin Mo, it feels too unreal to be on the Laojun forum.

Today, instead of studying at night, I went to the cafeteria and had dinner. It cost three yuan, and the food was the cheapest.

"I don't have money to eat, it's hard to do." The money has been spent, Lin Mo looked at the two wallets, the money in it is ill-gotten wealth, do you want to spend it?

Lin Mo, walked quickly to the dormitory building, quickly ran upstairs, and entered the dormitory where he lived. Now, no one came in, it was empty.

Came to the balcony to check the Ganoderma lucidum, Lin Mo smiled in surprise,

"It's so tall! It weighs at least two catties! It can be sold for 500 yuan."

Among the potted plants, there is a huge Ganoderma lucidum with pure color. Such a large Ganoderma lucidum is extremely rare, but Lin Mo decided to let it grow for a few more days.

Lin Mo felt that there were footsteps approaching outside, knowing that someone was coming in,
Sure enough, people who came in actually came in. The three girls were He Xiaoyi, and the other was Meng Xiaoqing. I don't know why the dignified school belle appeared here.

(End of this chapter)

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