Chapter 48

Chapter 059
Lin Mo received a call from Meng Xiaoqing, and after listening to it, he said, "I have expected that some of these students would be dissatisfied."


There are many new tasks in the Taishang Laojun task forum.

Lin Mo took a look and accepted a task: Idiom Solitaire.

After reading the rules of this task, Lin Mo couldn't help but smile. He felt that this task was very easy.

"Then let's start the task. Start, haha."

And so the mission begins.

The first idiom is: Thousands of troops!
Lin Mo couldn't help smiling, "This is easy, and it will be a success!"

Immediately, this task received an idiom: "Success and fame!"

Lin Mo couldn't help being taken aback, "How should I answer it? It's hard to answer any idioms! There seems to be no idioms at the beginning of the word."

There is still a time limit for this task, and the next idiom must be answered within ten seconds.

Lin Mo thought for a while, "It's not easy, I can't think of any idioms that start with a word."

At this time, someone made a call, and the call turned out to be from a stranger.

The stranger said: "Boy, you are Lin Mo, right!"

When Lin Mo heard it, he couldn't tell who it was, "That's right. Who are you?"

The stranger said: "I am a senior brother of Xu Xuanbing, boy, you broke his hand, you have to pay a heavy price."

Hearing this, Lin Mo understood that Xu Xuanbing had found a helper and wanted revenge.However, Xu Xuanbing is a member of the martial arts academy after all, and there are many senior brothers, so they should be stronger.

However, Lin Mo felt that those senior brothers should not be desperate to avenge Xu Xuanbing.After all, just the relationship between seniors and brothers is not enough for them to work hard.Maybe just a threat.

Lin Mo didn't take this threat too seriously, "What? I'm going to pay a heavy price, I made a mistake. What a joke. I'm not so weak."

The stranger said angrily: "Now I will give you a chance, if you cut off your hands, I can let you go!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but laugh, "What nonsense, am I cutting off my own hands? Who can cut off his own hands? Are you a fool?"

The stranger became angry when he heard this, "Grass, boy, you can't cut off your hands yourself, you can find someone else to cut off your hands. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Lin Mo couldn't help but laugh, "Wowhaha, wowhaha. Look at your IQ. What idiot would ask others to cut off his own hands? What a joke. It turns out you are a big Shabi. You are like this Dashabi, you can still come to trouble me, it’s ridiculous.”

The strange half-dead man yelled, "My surname is Lin, just wait, you won't survive three days! If you survive three days, write my name backwards!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo said: "Ah, I'm so scared, I'm so scared. Do you think I'm scared? Damn!"

"You... just wait. You definitely won't live for three days! I'm going to punish you on the spot!" The stranger was furious.Then I hung up the phone.

Seeing this person hang up the phone, Lin Mo couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Haha, this idiom is a good one. Fa-rectification on the spot!"

Sure enough, this idiom Solitaire started the next idiom, and the task continued: "The law is not merciful!"

"Good job! Can't help it!" Lin Mo laughed.

Lin Mo couldn't help smiling. I couldn't even think of the idiom at the beginning of the forbidden word. Is this mission a success?
The mission continued: "Stop violence and chaos!"

"Damn, there is such an idiom, I have never heard of it."

Then Lin Mo smiled, it's easy to make idioms starting with random characters!

Lin Mo said: "It's a mess!"

Haha, Lin Mo couldn't help laughing, it seems that he is going to win!Because the next idiom is really hard to think about!too difficult!

Unexpectedly, the task continued: "The wife of the scum!"

Lin Mo was taken aback, "Damn it! My wife, I've heard of this idiom before. So, which idiom starts with the word wife?"

After thinking for three seconds, Lin Mo still didn't think of what to say next.

"Three wives and four concubines? Oh, no, this idiom doesn't start with the word wife. What should I do? This task is difficult to do. If you can't do it, you won't get a red envelope!" Lin Mo thought quickly, a large number of brain cells were destroyed wasted.

The time is very limited, only ten seconds.

A waitress came by, seeing Lin Mo's distressed look, she couldn't help smiling, "Sir, can I help you?"

Lin Mo had an idea, "Yes, yes, do you know the idioms that start with the word wife?"

"An idiom that starts with seven characters? By the way, does Dragon Ball count?" The waiter smiled.

"Dragon Ball? No, you heard the wrong word, it's not the seven, it's the wife, the wife's wife." Lin Mo couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh. My wife's wife, let me think about it." The waiter thought about it carefully, and then smiled, "Yes, there are groups of wives and concubines! Right?"

"Wow, that's a good idiom. Yes. - Wives and concubines are in groups!"

Lin Mo laughed, surprised.

Sure enough, this idiom answered the task of Idiom Solitaire correctly.

The task continued: "The dragons have no leader!"

Damn, come back?This task is really unusual.

The system suddenly prompts: "This task is a level task, the more you answer, the higher the red envelope you get!"

"Oh! That's great, I want to answer a few more idioms!"

So, Lin Mo quickly thought about it, what is the idiom starting with the first word?This idiom is hard to think of!

Lin Mo simply wanted to ask someone else, but the waiter had already left. Lin Mo took a look, and it happened that there were two customers sitting next to him, one was a beautiful woman in a suit and the other was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy. She looks a bit like her, maybe her younger brother.

In this hotel, the tables are relatively close to each other.

When Lin Mo asked the waiter about idioms just now, the two paid more attention, and the boy even smiled.

Lin Mo said to them, "Can I ask you to do me a favor?"

They were all taken aback, and the boy said, "What do you want to help? We are eating."

That beautiful woman in a suit is very beautiful, and has long attracted the attention of many men.

When she heard Lin Mo's words, she glanced at Lin Mo and nodded friendly, "Do you want to guess the idiom?"

Lin Mo couldn't help feeling a little moved, this girl is really understanding, she knows what I want to ask as soon as I ask.Lin Mo smiled happily, "Yes, I want to ask, what is the idiom at the beginning of the first word?"

"Is it an idiom that starts with handwriting?" the pretty girl asked.

"Yeah, it's the idiom at the beginning of the first word, I can't think of it now." Lin Mo said.

"There are a lot of them, be merciful and in a hurry," said the beautiful girl.

"Ah, that's right, you're so smart. Thanks."

Immediately, Lin Mo hurriedly continued the task, realizing with a sudden: "Be merciful!"

The task continued: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"

"Damn, is it an idiom if it's so long?"

Lin Mo couldn't laugh or cry.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Lin Mo couldn't help but looked at the beautiful woman in a suit. She was wearing a professional attire, which looked crisp and neat, with a different kind of beauty. She should be a white-collar employee.

Seeing Lin Mo looking at her, she smiled slightly, "Are you going to ask idioms again?"

Lin Mo couldn't help laughing, feeling that she was really a gentle and considerate beauty, "Yeah, I have encountered another problem, what is the idiom at the beginning of the word Shi?"

"Teacher? Which teacher?"

"Fertilizer Shi, homonyms are fine."

"Well, let me think about it, the teacher is born without a name." The beauty in the suit smiled.She smiled beautifully.

"The teacher comes from no name. Yes, this idiom is good. Thank you." Lin Mo couldn't help admiring.

Then the task continued: "Famous in the world!"

"Famous all over the world? Well, what's the idiom starting with "下"? Oh, it's so hard to think about. Let me think about it." Lin Mo muttered to himself, and quickly took a sip of a high-end drink to calm down his shock!

"Are you saying the idiom that starts with the next word?" The beautiful woman in a suit heard Lin Mo talking to herself.

"Yeah, do you know? I can't remember, what is the idiom at the beginning of the next word, I really can't think of it." Lin Mo said depressedly.

The pair of siblings laughed, the boy didn't even think about it, and immediately said: "I know, whereabouts are unknown! Sister, whereabouts are unknown, is that an idiom?"

The beauty in the suit smiled and nodded, "It's an idiom. My brother is so smart."

Hearing this, Lin Mo smiled and said, "Okay, his whereabouts are unknown."

As a result, the task continued: "Be aware of the details!"

"Ah, is it clear? Alright. What is the idiom that starts with the word hao? My God, I can't think of it again. I'll ask someone else."

Suddenly, the task reminded: "Mortal, you are no longer qualified to ask others for help. Otherwise, it will be invalid!"

"I'll go. All right. I'll think about it myself then."

Lin Mo nodded.

At this time, the young man heard Lin Mo talking to himself, and immediately said, "I don't care. Haha."

"Ah, yes, I don't care." Lin Mo smiled.

The task suddenly reminded: "Mortal, you have lost the qualification to continue answering the questions. This task is over! Success level: good!"

Okay, let's end it. This idiom solitaire is really endless, Lin Mo smiled.

However, if I got so many correct answers, I will definitely get a red envelope.

And the success level has reached the good level, which is not bad, after all, I have answered a lot of idioms!
Ordinary people can't answer so many!

Then a task popped up: "Congratulations, you got a level six red envelope!"

Sure enough, a red envelope instantly fell from the sky above his head. This red envelope was invisible to others, but only Lin Mo could see it.

(End of this chapter)

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