Chapter 35

Chapter 046
Chu Qi said: "I heard that you are very powerful, right?"

Lin Mo couldn't help being taken aback, it turned out that she also knew that she was very good, haha, I'm so sorry, I pretended to be a coward in front of the big beauty.

Now his strength is indeed not ordinary.

Lin Mo knew some secrets about cultivation, of course, from some explanations of the system,

At the first level of cultivation, people's perception will surpass that of ordinary people, and they will also produce magical spiritual consciousness!Spiritual consciousness is a good thing, it can sense the situation within a certain distance.

People at the first level of comprehension can also produce spiritual power, which is a kind of magical power, and they can also use some small spells, and they can also create some small spiritual weapons by themselves.

Therefore, it is not easy for people who are at the first level of comprehension!

People at the first level of comprehension also live longer than ordinary people, at least 150 years old!

Then, the 10th level of comprehension is another obvious dividing line. After reaching the 10th level of comprehension, you can take a short flight!Flying is a human dream!

Moreover, a person with level 10 comprehension can go without food or drink for 10 days and still be full of energy!

By reaching level 10 of cultivation, you can already create real spiritual weapons!
Then there is the 30th level of comprehension, which is another obvious dividing line, and the strength has greatly increased. It is no problem for one person to beat a thousand ordinary people, and he can not eat or drink for 15 days!Comprehension level 30 is very powerful, not afraid of fire and water!Don't be afraid of ordinary lightning and ordinary bullets!

Lin Mo is full of confidence and longing for the future of cultivation.

"Of course I'm good, as long as you know it." Lin Mo smiled.

Now Lin Mo heard the system remind: "Dragon Realm Ethereal Red Packets are sending red packets in groups! If you don't grab it, it will be too late!"

"Really? Damn, it's no wonder if you don't grab the red envelope! In a word, grab it!"

Lin Mo quickly paid attention to the Dragon Realm Void Spirit Red Envelope Group. Why is this group called Void Spirit Red Envelope Group?In fact, there is nothing strange about it, it is just the name of a group, just name it whatever you want.

For example, if you create a group, you can also give the group a name.

There are only three poor people in this group, which is really deserted.

However, these three people were not stingy at all when they issued red envelopes. No, the three of them sent eighteen red envelopes together!

Lin Mo laughed, and grabbed the eighteen red envelopes one by one. With the red envelopes in hand, I have them all!
Grabbing red envelopes is not a trivial matter, it is a major event to compete for the world!
With the red envelope in hand, I have it all over the world!
Lin Mo feels that this is the real big business!Therefore, every time I grab a red envelope, I pay close attention to it, and never take it as a trivial matter, it is a big event!
"Haha, eighteen red envelopes, amazing, amazing!" Lin Mo laughed.

At this time, Chu Qi said: "I know something about you. Do you know something about me?"

Lin Mo shook his head, "How do I know about you? I can't even write your name. I only know the sound of your name."

Chu Qi was very depressed, "Chu, do you know which Chu?"

Lin Mo nodded, "Of course I know. My surname is Chu. What's the character at the end?"

Chu Qi smiled and said, "It's Qi. Qi, you know?"

Lin Mo said: "Which one? Is it the flag of the flag?"

"No, it's Qi."

"Odd? Strange odd?"

"No. Didn't Xiaoqing tell you?"


"I'll go. I'm so famous in school, my name is all over the Internet, and you can see my name on the two big advertisements above. It's my endorsement. Didn't you pay attention to it?" Chu Qi laughed.He pointed to a large billboard on the building on the left.

Lin Mo looked at the billboard, "It turned out to be that Qi. I didn't pay attention to it before."

"Okay. Do you want to know more about me?" Chu Qi felt the need to promote herself to Lin Mo.

"There is no need to say more about ordinary things. Do you have any magical things?" Lin Mo said.

Lin Mo is not in the mood to listen to other people's autobiography.However, after all, there is a beautiful woman in front of me, so there should be something different happening, right?
Chu Qi giggled, "Of course. If I tell you that you may not believe it, I have met two foreign presidents and a generalissimo. I have also met a princess. It was a formal reception. They shook hands. We talked a few words. Do you believe it?"

"What? Are you so capable?" Lin Mo couldn't help but have a little doubt about her identity.

"Of course. Do you want to know why?" Chu Qi smiled.

"That's what you say. I'd love to hear it." Lin Mo smiled.

"Tch. I'm not telling you. Maybe you'll find out later. Bye."

Chu Qi smiled slightly, waved her hand and left.

After walking a certain distance, she called: "Sisters, the plan is cancelled. Don't hurt him, he is not bad."

At this time, Lin Mo walked towards the classroom building.

Mingyang Middle School covers a vast area and has a large number of students.There are many buildings.It is very modern and developed, unlike a bustling city.

There are many universities in Dongzhu City, [-] universities are spread all over the city, and [-] middle schools are scattered all over the city.

Of all the schools, Mingyang Middle School is the most powerful and famous, with a student population of over 20, and it is adding new students every day. I heard that a large number of new students have been recruited in the past few days.


On the spacious school road, a hundred huge high-end luxury passenger cars drove up, full of new students.

Each luxury bus can seat 150 people, and the seats are full.

Some walking students couldn't help watching sideways.

"Wow, there are so many new students here!"

"Yes, there are new students joining every day."

"Then the question is, how many students are there in our school now?"

"Cut. Teacher Zhang said about this problem yesterday, saying that there are 22 students!"

"What the hell are all these people doing?"

"Don't you know? Now the school has added several majors!"

"Really? What major is so popular?"

"Martial Arts Academy, Fighting Academy, Football Academy, International Warrior Academy"

"My God, these four majors sound very interesting!"

"Of course it's interesting, and it's very promising. I'm going to sign up for the Martial Arts Academy tomorrow."

"Really? Great. I'm going to sign up too."

"Yes. Now the competition is more intense! Everyone is working hard for their own future!"

A short time later, the large bus drove past and disappeared.

Lin Mo heard the words of passers-by on the road, and couldn't help becoming interested, "What? Martial arts academy? Fighting academy? What are these two majors for? Is this to train fighters?"

"International Warrior Academy? This major seems to have a bigger goal. Does the school want to train international fighters? To conquer the world?" Lin Mo was taken aback, feeling that this was very unexpected.

However, this school is the best school in the entire Huaxia Kingdom after all, with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and many elites!It is not surprising to have such three special majors.

Well, since I have nothing urgent to do now, I can't help but look at these newly added majors.

(End of this chapter)

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