The strongest red envelope in Wanjie

Chapter 125 The Cultivation Technique Created by Nuwa

Chapter 125 The Cultivation Technique Created by Nuwa
Chapter 142 The Cultivation Technique Created by Nuwa
At this time, Lin Mo found that the system released an upgrade task!
Task: "Kill these three orcs! You can upgrade to one level!"

"Haha, this task can be upgraded to a level! That's great."

Lin Mo couldn't help but be very happy, because generally speaking, upgrading is not so easy, but this time it seems to be very easy.

So, Lin Mo didn't think about anything, turned around, and looked at the three orcs. These were three lion men. They looked a bit like humans, but the characteristics of orcs were still obvious.

Therefore, this kind of orc is easy to recognize, and it can be seen that they belong to the orc family at a glance.

However, there are also a small number of orcs whose appearance is very similar to that of humans, and you can't tell if you don't look carefully.

"Why are you three orcs following me? Don't you want to live anymore?" Lin Mo glanced at them and sneered.

"Boy, you dare to come to our orc territory, you don't want to live!" an orc said angrily.

Lin Mo was stunned and couldn't help laughing, "What you said doesn't make any sense. The earth is our human territory! Therefore, this town is also our human territory, not your orc tribe's!"

Upon hearing this, the three orcs all burst out laughing.

"Haha, I laughed so hard, now, there are still people who say that the earth is the territory of human beings!"

"Yeah, it's so funny, the earth has long been occupied by demons!"

"That's right, this man is really a fool."

The three orcs laughed at Lin Mo.

At this moment, someone called, Lin Mo answered the phone, and at first glance, it turned out that it was Meng Xiaoqing.

Meng Xiaoqing said, "Lin Mo, where are you now? Why haven't you come back yet?"

It turns out that Lin Mo has been wandering around for almost a month. These days, Lin Mo has been entangled with many things and cannot go back right away.

Lin Mo also has his own plan. He feels that this is not a good opportunity, because it can kill some foreign races and find out some inside truth about the demon clan. He even suspects that the demon clan has many fatal weaknesses. In various places on the earth, if these weaknesses are found, the demons can be wiped out faster and make great contributions to mankind.

Besides, Lin Mo's goal is the universe and the stars. If he can't even protect the earth, why would he talk about conquering the universe?

Therefore, Lin Mo did not give up at all. If he wanted to continue fighting, he must destroy the demons.

Now the human beings on the earth, apart from those few sects, no one dares to fight against the demons anymore. Many people are desperate and give up fighting.

Therefore, there are very few people like Lin Mo.

So, Lin Mo simply told Meng Xiaoqing his thoughts.

Meng Xiaoqing expressed her understanding, "Okay, then you have to be careful. I will tell my friends what you think, and tell everyone not to worry too much about you."

Lin Mo smiled, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. You should also pay attention to safety. Don't let the demons trouble you."

Meng Xiaoqing said: "We are still very safe here for the time being. The demons are not targeting us. And because the demons really need Mo Shao's mobile phone."

"Yes, that's true, so the demons won't trouble you." Lin Mo smiled.

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly had an idea and thought of a good way, "Xiaoqing, I want to use my mobile phone to monitor the information of the demons!"

"Mr. Mo, we've thought about your idea a long time ago, and found that it doesn't work at all! When the demons make calls, they will use special magic skills, and it is impossible for outsiders to monitor them."

"Don't worry, I have my own way. Only I can do this, so you don't need to help."

"Are you going to do anything to the phone? Then when will you come back to the company?"

"No, I was the one who made all Mo Shao's mobile phones. I have a special connection with all of them." Lin Mo smiled happily.

"What? There is such a miraculous thing? There are so many mobile phones, dozens of mobile phones, can you still be connected with those mobile phones?"

Meng Xiaoqing couldn't help being very pleasantly surprised.You know, what Lin Mo said is amazing, if it can be done, it will be very helpful to the entire human race!

Lin Mo said: "This matter has a chance to be realized."

So, the call ended.

The three orcs got impatient and looked at the man in front of them angrily: "Boy, it's already this time, you still have the mood to call."

In the eyes of these three orcs, Lin Mo was already a doomed person.Therefore, they didn't quite understand why Lin Mo was still in the mood to make a phone call.

Lin Mo chuckled, "I'm in a happy mood now, so happy, you don't understand."

The three orcs were taken aback, and one said: "Boy, why are you so happy? You might as well tell us."

Of course, Lin Mo would not tell them the plan just now, but said: "Because I found that I can kill you, and it is very easy."

Hearing this, the three orcs were all taken aback, "Boy, you are so powerful! Are you serious?"

Lin Mo laughed, "Of course it's true, would I lie to you?"

"Damn it, you humans are the most cunning, you humans are the most deceitful, who knows if you lied to us on purpose." A beast said angrily.

The second orc was also very angry, "That's right, I have been deceived by humans before. I fell in love with a human girl at that time, but I didn't expect that girl to lie to me! How abominable!"

Lin Mo couldn't help being stunned, "My God, you are orcs, and you actually like human girls!"

This is the first time this kind of thing has been discovered. You know, I have seen so many orcs, but I haven't seen any orcs who like humans.

However, Lin Mo feels that maybe humans don't know much about the orcs, so this kind of thing is not too public, and many people have never heard of this kind of thing.

And there is no report about this in the news.

But Lin Mo thinks about it now, and feels that this kind of thing is normal, and there is nothing to make a fuss about. After all, the orcs are also humans, and they are a race with IQ. It is normal to like girls.

Just like the demons of the demons, they also like humans. After the demons occupied the earth, many demons of the demons developed feelings for humans.

Therefore, the orcs are no exception.

The news said that several powerful demon kings married human women as wives.

Lin Mo glanced at the three orcs, "There is no need to say anything more, whether you believe it or not, I will definitely defeat you today, and it is very easy!"

The three orcs were frightened, and immediately backed away in fright, "Oh my god, you are so powerful, so why should we fight, run away!"

"Damn, don't run, what are you afraid of, the fight hasn't started yet!" Lin Mo couldn't help feeling depressed.

"No fight, no fight, you are so powerful, we are afraid of you."

The three orcs ran away, faster than anyone else.

"Haha, haha, let me go! What three cowards." Lin Mo smiled, and then continued to walk forward. After a while, he came to a square in the small town. There were hundreds of orcs here. I am practicing martial arts here.

The skills of the orcs are different from those of humans, but the way they practice is not the way of the orcs, but the way of monsters!

Legend has it that in the age of mythology, there was no such race as the orcs. All orcs are just a branch of the monsters!

Therefore, orcs are also demons, so, so far, the orcs still practice the way of demons, and learn demon skills and techniques.

According to legend, the mythical ancestor of the orcs and monsters is Nuwa.

Of course, although this kind of legend is just a legend, it is already recognized. Both the orc and monster tribes regard Nuwa as their ancestors.

At this time, an old man of the orc tribe said: "Everyone must practice this 'Demon Thunder Technique' well! Improve your strength!"

"Master! In my opinion, the power of this demon thunder technique is only so powerful, and it is not very useful." A man of the orc clan said.

The old man said seriously: "You are wrong. Legend has it that the Demonic Thunder Technique was created by Nuwa Empress in the mythical era! Although after hundreds of millions of years, this technique has become weaker and weaker, but this There is magical power hidden in the exercises, but no one can discover the power."

Many orcs are ignorant and don't quite believe that this weak exercise was created by Empress Nuwa.

At this time, of course Lin Mo heard what the old man said, and couldn't help but be slightly startled, "Oh my God, the exercises they practiced were actually created by the mythical goddess Nuwa! That's so awesome!"

Therefore, Lin Mo involuntarily pays close attention to this exercise, carefully observes how they practice this exercise, he really wants to write down this exercise, and then study it carefully to see if he can discover the magical power hidden in this exercise.

(End of this chapter)

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