The strongest red envelope in Wanjie

Chapter 1 Wanjie Red Envelope Lottery System

Chapter 1 Wanjie Red Envelope Lottery System

Chapter 001

Lin Mo, walked out of a middle school,
Feeling too bored in school, I deliberately came out early in the morning to relax,

Take a breath of fresh air!

"Hey, classmate, you lost your wallet!"

Suddenly, there was a cry from behind.

At this time, it was only 06:30 in the morning, and there were not many pedestrians.

Hearing the call, Lin Mo felt that he was calling himself,
I hurriedly touched the wallet and found that the wallet was not lost.
I thought, I must have encountered a liar, so I ignored it.

"Hey boy, stop! Is the wallet yours?"

Unexpectedly, two young men in black came over from behind, holding a wallet and talking.

When Lin Mo saw their faces, he felt that they were not good people.
It's obvious that they just want to cheat money, but Lin Mo can't figure out how they plan to cheat money. Is this the latest scam?

Although Lin Mo is only a sophomore in high school, he still has a lot of social experience.
I know many tricks of deceit, but now, I don't seem to have heard of this kind of deceit.

Lin Mo glanced at the wallet, shook his head, "It's not mine."

A young man in black said, "It's really not yours?"

Lin Mo said with certainty, "No."

"Then let me see how much money is in this wallet."

They opened their wallets, took a look, and shouted exaggeratedly: "Damn it, so much money, thousands of dollars!"

They took out the money in their wallets and counted them up, while worrying that they were spotted by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo couldn't help but feel a little regretful. With so much money, if he said the wallet was his own just now, wouldn't he get thousands of dollars for nothing?Even if they want to split half and half, they can still get one or two thousand!
The young man in black suddenly said: "Boy, whoever sees it has a share. The three of us will share the money equally. Do you want it?"

I wipe!There is such a good thing?Unexpectedly, someone offered to share the money they picked up equally?

Lin Mo laughed in his heart, a liar is a liar, finally showing his feet!

Lin Mo shook his head, "No."

"You really don't want it? Kid, don't be so honest. You don't even want money if I give you any money."


Lin Mo, continue to move forward as you speak.

At the back, the eyes of the two black-clothed youths showed a fierce look. They gritted their teeth and discussed in a low voice, "This kid is not fooled, what should I do?"

"Follow him, find an opportunity, and teach him a lesson."

"Yes, just do it."

They followed behind quietly.

, Lin Mo took a walk, looked back a few times, and found that the two people were gone, so he breathed a sigh of relief, "The two liars came out early in the morning to deceive people. I'm not that stupid!"

Lin Mo walked into a park, took out his mobile phone, and started playing.

In a QQ group, Lin Mo saw that someone in the group posted an advertisement: "The strongest system download in history! Myriad Realms Red Envelope Lottery System! Come and download it! There is only one chance! If you miss it, wait for [-] million years!"

"I'll go! If you miss it, you have to wait [-] million years? This is too exaggerated!" Lin Mo exclaimed.

Seeing such an exaggerated advertisement, Lin Mo was curious, and clicked in, only to see, the screen of the mobile phone flashed, and a blue bar popped up, showing "Downloading!"

"Actually, automatic downloading? Ads are too unconscionable! I don't have much traffic anymore! If the system is very large, how much of my traffic will be wasted? It won't exceed 500M, right? My monthly traffic is only [-]M !”

Lin Mo couldn't help feeling a little flustered. If the flow rate is exceeded, a lot of money will be deducted. I don't have much money. One month, all expenses are only 500 yuan.

Lin Mo decided to forcibly shut down the machine. Unexpectedly, it couldn't be turned off at all. A line of words popped up on the screen:

"Hello, visitor, you can't turn off the phone while downloading! This system has 100G, please wait patiently for the download to complete! After the download is complete, you will get a big surprise, and your life and destiny will take a turning point!"

"Wow! 100G! Oh my god! It's done, I'm done! No, I have to take out the card!"

Lin Mo was so surprised that he had an idea and quickly disassembled the phone. As long as the battery was removed, wouldn't the download be impossible?

However, a surprising thing happened. The phone was surrounded by a layer of transparent white light. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't remove the back cover!

Lin Mo saw another line of words appeared on the screen: "Hello tourist! You can't turn off the phone during the download! You can't take out the battery! Don't wish to interrupt the download!"

"Oh my god! What kind of trick is this! It's trying to kill me, how much is a hundred G! I have no traffic!"

Lin Mo was so anxious that he was about to smash his phone, but after all, his family spent 1000 yuan on the phone, which was equivalent to half a month's income for his parents!You can't just drop it.

"By the way! Use WIFI! I have to go back to school!"

Lin Mo, with an idea, turned around and ran towards the school. After all, it would take at least 5 hours to download [-]G!

At that moment, two young men in black with fierce faces came out from behind a big tree, blocking Lin Mo.

"Boy, stop! You angered me just now, I'm going to hit you!" One of the fatter young men in black stared at Lin Mo and said.

Lin Mo recognized at a glance that these two people were just now, two liars. Unexpectedly, they followed to the park with obvious malicious intentions. There was no one here in the early morning. Lin Mo felt it. Nervous and scared, "What are you guys doing? Why are you hitting me? What does it matter to me?"

"Boy, we gave you the money just now, but you didn't want it! You are too disrespectful to us! That's why we want to beat you!"

"That's right, boy, you don't give us face, if you don't hit us, who will you hit?"

These two black-clothed youths had arrogant expressions, fierce eyes, and clenched fists.

Lin Mo felt that his scalp was a little numb, feeling threatened by others, nervous and afraid, and said nervously: "Don't mess around, I'm going to call someone! Come, help, someone is going to beat me!"

Lin Mo, almost instinctively, yelled a few words.

"Haha, boy, there is no one here! The park is not guarded, so it's useless if you call. Prepare to be beaten!" The fat young man waved his fist and beat him.

"do not hit me……"

Facing Lin Mo, two people who were taller than him didn't dare to fight back at all, so they turned around and ran away.

Fortunately, when I was in school, I liked running. As soon as I started running, I felt it. I ran smoothly and at a very fast speed. After a while, the two of them couldn't catch up with Lin Mo at all.

"It's dangerous! However, I seem to have run in the wrong direction. I ran inside, and there is a mountain in front of me! Damn, I ran to the mountain to hide for a while."

Lin Mo simply, cruelly, rushed into the mountain and hid behind a big tree.

"Boy, don't run, what are you running, stop!"

Behind them, the voices of those two people came.

, Lin Mo was slightly relieved, hid, and waited for the opportunity to run out.

"Why is the mobile phone so hot?" Suddenly, Lin Mo felt that the mobile phone was as hot as fire in his trouser pocket. This has never happened before!

Quickly took out the phone, and saw, my God, this phone burst out with a strong light.

This strong light rushed into the sky, into the clouds, and into the universe!

"Oh my God! The mobile phone actually erupted with laser light!" Lin Mo exclaimed.

"Hello, visitor! The system has been downloaded! Now this system will be bound to your soul!"

"The binding is successful! Now the system starts to detect your information!"

"The test is over! Your information appears on the big virtual screen of the system!"

In front of him, unexpectedly, a large, virtual electronic screen appeared, very clear, just like the real thing.

I rub it, the download speed is so fast, 100G is downloaded so quickly!Lin Mo was amazed. After being shocked, he looked curiously, and saw that his name, age, personality, and hobbies were listed on the screen... Hey, wait, what does level mean?
I saw an item appear on the screen——

Strength level: Not yet started in cultivation!

"Cultivation? Damn, what are you kidding?" Lin Mo couldn't help feeling very funny.

"Congratulations Lin Mo, you have now become a VIP user of this system! This system first briefly introduces itself. This system is called the strongest red envelope system in Wanjie! As the name suggests, this system is, the strongest system! You provide red envelopes from countless worlds! In every world, there are many people who send you red envelopes! Back to you, provide various red envelope groups in countless dimensions to help you grab red envelopes in the red envelope groups! From then on, your destiny , there will be a huge turning point."

"Okay! Self-introduction is over! From now on, I will provide you with the first red envelope. This is a red envelope sent by a lucky goddess, called a lucky red envelope! Please accept it!"

"My God, it's amazing! I can't believe it! Such a high-tech smart screen!" Lin Mo was shocked and curious for a while.

"User! Please take the time to receive the red envelope! Don't miss it, wait for [-] million years!"

"I'll go, your advertisement is so good. Wait a minute, why can you provide me with red envelopes from countless worlds?" Lin Mo said.

"Cut! Because this system is called the strongest red envelope system in Wanjie. It is the bounden duty of this system to provide users with red envelopes and red envelope groups!"

"So that's it! Alright! Then let me ask you, how much is the lucky red envelope?"

"Money? Users, the red envelopes mentioned in this system are not red envelopes in the narrow sense, but red envelopes in the broad sense! Red envelopes are not necessarily money!"

"I'll go! There's no money in the red envelope. You let me down so much! I thought I found a treasure and I was going to make a fortune!"

Lin Mo shook his head.

"Users! Some red envelopes have money, and some have no money, but there are other good things! For example, the cheat book of exercises! Don't you like it?"

"It turned out to be like this! Not bad, I'm not disappointed! What's in the lucky red envelope?"

Lin Mo smiled in surprise and became excited, feeling that his life was really going to take a huge turn!From now on, you will have a good life!Set a small goal first: conquer the entire universe!
System: "Of course this system will not disappoint you, the user! With this system, from now on, you can marry Bai Fumei! Move towards the pinnacle of life! As for what is in the lucky red envelope, you will know it after you receive it!"

"Haha, speaking of my heart, I just want to marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life! Now my goal is [-] million times bigger than before! My goal is the stars and the sea! I want to conquer the universe! Haha ..."

The more I talked, the more excited and happy I became, Lin Mo laughed.

Lin Mo couldn't help thinking of the number one beauty in the school, and a phantom of a beautiful girl appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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