Chapter 89
Chapter 89
When Mo Fan went back, two girls were waiting anxiously at the hotel entrance.

When he saw him, he walked up in an instant, looked up, down, left, and right, and observed his physical condition.

Qi Mingyue asked worriedly: "Those people didn't hurt you, did they?"


In time, there are only a handful of people who can hurt him.

"It's fine if you don't get hurt."

Qi Mingyue looked at him with admiration in his eyes, this boy was three years younger than her, he was mature and stable, taking care of them like a big boyfriend.

No sleep for one night.

The next morning, there were several missed calls on Mo Fan's phone, all of which were from the same person.

When he dialed, that disgusting voice came from the phone.

"You kid, what are you doing sneakily at night, and you don't answer the phone."

This is his former junior high school classmate, and he said before that he wanted to find a place where everyone could get together.

His family also lives here, and the family counts upwards. They are all business materials. They compare themselves to nobles and look down on poor students.

When he was studying in the same junior high school, he was surrounded by pugs.

The people around Qian Duoduo were divided into three or six grades. To get into his circle, one had to have good grades, or someone with some influence outside, or at least as rich as him.

Mo Fan belonged to the Sanwu personnel within the scope of their division. At that time, Qian Duoduo took pleasure in making fun of him, often announcing his family background in public.

Their happiness is based on the pain of others. The word conscience never appears in them.

Some people are so disgusting, in order to please others, they follow Qian Duoduo and make fun of him whenever they have something to do.

After a long time, Mo Fan also got used to it, and no longer had the same knowledge as them.

After all, with his family conditions at that time, he was not qualified to fight against such a person.

The idea at that time was to be able to pass through junior high school safely and get into a high school that I like.

After Qian Duoduo graduated from junior high school, he didn't continue to go to school. In his words, he couldn't use up the family's money in a few lifetimes, so why waste time in school.

The top priority is to follow your parents and make the business bigger and better.

What he said was correct, after all, the Tai family was rich and powerful at the time, and even the teacher turned into a pug, humiliating in front of him.

"Are you listening to me?"

Qian Duoduo's voice successfully brought back Mo Fan's thoughts.

Then whoever is too timid and cowardly, everyone wants to step on it fiercely.

Qian Duoduo invited himself to the class reunion because of how deep his relationship with him is, but life is too boring and he wants to let him be the seasoning agent of life.

Mo Fan closed his fingers slightly, since the other party wanted to play so much, he would accompany him to the end.

"I'm listening. I happen to be in the city where you are. The party is three days later. I will definitely be there."

Mo Fan's tone was indifferent, and he couldn't hear any emotion in it.

Qian Duoduo still treated him like an idiot, revealing his contempt inside and out.

"That's fine, if you don't have the money to come to the AA system at that time, for the sake of the classmates, I will help you pay for it temporarily."

Qian Duoduo thinks he is superior to other people. In the place he booked, a bottle of drink may cost Mo Fan a week's living expenses.

After the chat, Qian Duoduo hung up the phone.

Surrounded by him, surrounded by beautiful women like a cloud, he sat in the most luxurious bar, enjoying the admiration of everyone.

Money is good, even if it is wrong, it can be said to be right.

He is a frequent visitor to this bar, spending [-] plus each time, so even the manager of the bar is polite to him.

"With little money, could it be that poor kid like Mo Fan?"

One of them asked maliciously.

He was also in the same junior high school as Mo Fan, wearing a black T-shirt and wearing a gold necklace with the thickness of a thumb around his neck.

Even his hands were covered with gold rings, revealing a rustic look from the inside to the outside.

"It's that kid. Let's hold a junior high school reunion. If we invite that kid over, there will probably be a lot of dramas to watch."

Qian Duoduo took a sip of the red wine, kissed the beautiful woman next to him, and lived a happy life.

Da Zhuang is his sidekick, who has been his thug since junior high school.

After Qian Duoduo did not go to school, Da Zhuang also chose to drop out of school and go home. Finally, by chance, he returned to Qian Duoduo's side again.

These two people have been idle all day since they dropped out of school, and they don't do anything that has anything to do with people.

Burning, killing, and looting are all kinds of evil, but unfortunately, because of their status as rich and powerful, those poor people dare not speak out.

This also made Qian Duoduo bolder and presumptuous, and even took some things out of his pocket.

"It's really boring, that kid Mo Fan is in this city, why don't you trick him out for fun?"

Qian Duoduo suggested.

The white powder in his hand is a contraband, as long as Mo Fan gets a little bit of it, his life will be ruined.

Although Mo Fan is a poor boy, his bones are very hard. No matter how they beat him before, that guy would not beg for mercy.

But it's different when it's stained with this thing, even if it's the hardest bone, I can break it for him.

"Boss is such a good idea, call now and get that kid out."

Da Zhuang also seemed eager to try, which was one of the funniest things about him in junior high school.

Now that I think about it, I really miss that time when I could do things without any scruples, and I was completely under one person and above ten thousand people.

So, Mo Fan received their invitation call again.

Evil bar?

How fun!
I also planned to deal with him after a while, but I didn't expect that if there is a way to heaven, he will not go, and if there is no way to hell, he will come by himself.

Mo Fan agreed immediately, and went directly in the car.

According to the other party's instructions, I went directly to the box on the second floor. The moment I opened the door, there were some familiar and unfamiliar faces inside.

The reason why I feel familiar is because in the years of junior high school, these gangsters bullied me a lot.

Now that I think about it, I was too cowardly at that time, and I was somewhat unwilling.

If time could come back again, even if he had nothing at that time, it would definitely not make these people feel better.

Qian Duoduo crossed his legs, saw the door was opened, and saw the people standing at the door, which was in stark contrast with them, the smoky people.

After so many years, because of eating, drinking and having fun, their bodies became abnormally bloated. Mo Fan stood there like a handsome young man. Qian Duoduo said that he was not jealous, but that was all a lie.

(End of this chapter)

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