Chapter 244 The use of lynching
Chapter 244 The use of lynching
"You are responsible for carrying these stones every day. If you dare to make trouble, don't blame me for being rude."

Xu Hao gave them a brief introduction.

It's the hardest and most tiring job, and it's not threatening, but if things go on like this, the body will definitely not be able to bear it.

Mo Fan didn't make any comments, and started to work on it.

His physical strength is surprisingly amazing, and he has done most of the work for most of the day.

When he pushed the car back again, an elderly man suddenly took his hand and led him to an invisible corner.

He said cautiously to him: "Young man, you may have just come here, and you don't know the rules here. You have to work sixteen hours a day here. If you work so hard now, your physical strength will definitely not be able to bear it by the afternoon."

The old man smiled helplessly. He has been working here for three years, and he is very familiar with the rules here.

If you put your head down and work hard, they will not praise you. If you work less, what awaits you is a whip dipped in salt water, which will make you feel worse than death.

"Thank you, sir. I want to know how many newcomers come here every month?"

Mo Fan began to ask about the situation.

"It's hard to say. Sometimes there are twenty or thirty people, and sometimes there are more than a dozen people."

The old man stayed here for a long time and learned a lot.

"Most young people couldn't stay still, and some couldn't bear the hardship, so they committed suicide on the spot."

The dark life wiped out all their longings and hopes.

Some people who cannot bear the pressure choose to end their lives.

Although people die every month, the behavior of this black factory not only shows no restraint, but becomes more and more arrogant.

"It's really not a human job. When I came here, I weighed more than 200 catties."

The old man smiled bitterly, which could be regarded as joy in suffering.

Only with his mentality can he stay here for so long. If it were someone else, his soul would have gone to the west.

Mo Fan glanced at him up and down, he was so thin that only a row of bones remained, and when he stretched out his hands to lift something, his ribs were faintly visible.

The chat between the two of them didn't go smoothly, and soon the supervisor found them.

"You bunch of lazy guys are really incapable of success, and you dare to hide here and be lazy."

The speaker bared his teeth, and there would be a supervisor for every ten people. Once they found out suddenly, they would serve with salt water whips.

There is no concern for the lives of these workers, which is linked to their commission.

If the monthly amount does not reach a certain level, not only will they not have a commission, but they may even be deducted from their guaranteed wages.

No one wants to stay here for the rest of their lives. They all want to take advantage of these two years to make a fortune so that they can go to other places and start a new life.

"I'm sorry, we know we were wrong and we'll get to work right away."

The old man admitted his mistake immediately, and he could avoid the physical pain by being cowardly.

But this time, the other party didn't plan to let him go tomorrow.


The supervisor roared angrily, and he immediately stood there obediently, at a loss.

Even if the other party hit him with a whip soaked in salt water, he didn't dare to move.

Because escaping will only lead to more serious punishment, and only by surviving through it can we get a few days of peace.

Otherwise, they would have to be locked up in a small dark room for a week, during which time they would not be given any food or drink.

Two days ago, those two people wanted to escape, but they were arrested and locked in. They have not been released until now, and they don't know whether they are dead or alive.

"You immortal thing, I haven't seen how much work you have done in the past few days. If you can't finish today's task, you can die with those two people."

The overseer slapped him with a whip, which could be regarded as venting his dissatisfaction.

Also as a low-level person, there are too many difficulties, but he chooses to vent his difficulties on others.

"Let me tell you, at this juncture, even if I kill you, no one will sympathize with you."

Immediately afterwards, another whip hit, causing the opponent to curl up in pain.

Because of long-term malnutrition, his body was so thin that he couldn't bear to look directly at it.

The whip hit his body, and his skin and flesh were immediately swollen. The blood on it stuck to his clothes, and even the slightest movement caused heartbreaking pain.

When the local three whips were about to fall, Mo Fan kicked them out with one kick.

He originally planned to endure for a while, and after finding out the situation here, he would rescue the people here.

This kind uncle wanted to remind him, so he was discovered by the supervisor.

It was impossible for him to watch the opponent die, so he decided to make a move.

"What are you doing, do you want to rebel?"

Seeing that his whip was being held, the supervisor looked a little unbelievable.

Anyone who dared to fight back here has been cleared out.

Looking at the angry face of the other party, he suddenly came back to his senses and said, "You are new here, it seems that the superiors have not taught you the rules yet, so that you have the courage to resist."

Every newcomer, after all, is a little arrogant. Even if he is in a dangerous situation, he still doesn't understand his current dangerous situation.

"I will let you know today what the rules are!"

He suddenly stretched out his hand and wanted to snatch his whip away, but no matter how hard he tried, the whip stayed motionless in the opponent's hand, and there was no way to take it away.

Mo Fan let go of his hand lightly, and the other party fell to the ground.

The group of workers next to me were very happy to see this. They had been oppressed for so long that they had forgotten what it was like to resist.

Seeing that the supervisor suffered a disadvantage now, they secretly joked in their hearts.

"You dare to fight back, it's against you!"

The supervisor got up directly from the ground and picked up the pager attached to his waist.

A group of people were called, and all the supervisors gathered together, including the thugs.

The supervisor straightened his sleeves, and specially asked several people to bring buckets over, and soaked the whip in their hands in salt water.

Today, she will teach these two people a good lesson, and let the newcomers have a look to see what will happen to them.

"I will give you a chance now. Kneel here and I will only give you three lashes. Otherwise, I will have to break the whip in my hand before it is over."

Upon hearing his words, the old man's legs went limp on the spot, because the person in front of him was really capable of doing such insane things.

He knelt down with a plop, and he bowed his head completely.

The supervisor nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, I guess you are aware."

Immediately afterwards, his gaze fell on Mo Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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