Chapter 233 The Highest Price
Chapter 233 The Highest Price
Mo Fan watched from the side. This sudden show made him see many things clearly.

What Zhou Ting said is correct, the couple is indeed at odds, and it has reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated.

On such a critical and formal occasion, Xiao Xuan brought a third party here, which was a slap in the face of his original wife.

Shao Hongmei was able to bear it, and she was a person not to be underestimated. If it was an ordinary person, she would have turned the table and left.

No matter how bad it is, it will be a big disturbance, and this matter will be turned upside down, and no one can get through it safely.

The charity dinner officially started. Shao Hongmei took out a pair of jadeite bracelets. The color and age were quite good. The starting price was 10 yuan.

Others hadn't started shooting yet, the mistress Xiao Xuan brought said in a coquettish voice: "If I want this pair of jade bracelets, you have to buy them for me."

Xiao Xuan frowned slightly, it wasn't that he didn't have the money to buy it, it was his wife's bracelet, if he bought it in front of so many people, he would be slapping her in the face.

Before he opened his mouth to refuse, the person in his arms continued to act like a baby.

"I don't care, I just want this pair of bracelets, otherwise I don't want the baby in my belly."

She touched her flat belly and spoke in a crying voice.

This is a drama she is good at, crying, making trouble and hanging herself, no matter how difficult it is, there is no reason why it cannot be done.

Sure enough, when Xiao Xuan heard her say this, the only bit of rationality left in his mind disappeared at this moment.

I was afraid that she would get angry because of this matter, so she immediately compromised.

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't get angry, I'll buy you anything you want."

The child in her stomach is the most important thing. Whether she can have a son depends on whether her stomach is full of energy.

He couldn't afford it at his current age, and if he didn't have a son to inherit the incense, no matter how much money he earned, it would be meaningless.

Therefore, this pregnancy is very important, and no one can stop the birth of this child.

Shao Hongmei saw that the bracelet she took out was about to be photographed back, and she was very angry.

She followed him at a young age, a full 17 years younger than him, but what she got in return was this result.

"The starting price has reached 20, is there anything higher?"

The host raised his voice, seeing that the people under the stage were not interested, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The price of this thing is linked to his commission.

Xiaosan glanced at Shao Hongmei triumphantly, silently announcing her victory.

"100 million!"

Mo Fan suddenly raised the sign, and the price he called out was simply unexpected.

This bracelet is not even worth half of the price, but he can offer 100 million.

Quite a few people turned their heads, and the matter fell on him, and they looked at the person in front of them curiously.

"This gentleman bid 100 million, is there any higher price?"

The host's eyes lit up, as if he had picked up a huge loophole.

The fact is true, if this kind of transaction is successful, he can withdraw a lot of money from it.

Xiaosan saw that what she got fell into the hands of other people, and continued to instigate, "No, I want this bracelet. You have to buy it for me today."

Xiao Xuan was really helpless, so he could only continue to bid, "110 million!"

He thought that the victory was within his grasp this time, and the bracelet must belong to them, but the arc of the corner of his mouth hadn't been raised yet, and he heard the people behind continue to increase the price again.

"200 million!"

Mo Fan continued to draw the lottery without any hesitation.

This has exceeded the original value of this bracelet. At the price he paid, he could buy another jadeite stone and at least carve dozens of bracelets.

Xiao Xuan turned around and said with a smile: "This gentleman seems to be very interested in this bracelet."

"Not very interested."

Mo Fan said with a smile.

"Then why do you keep raising prices again and again?"

Xiao Xuan heard that he was not interested in this bracelet, and felt a little dissatisfied in his heart.

He wasn't even interested, and asked him to increase the price here, obviously to make him unable to get down in front of the big guys.

"I just want to know, why did you auction off the things your wife brought back to a mistress?"

As soon as Mo Fan asked the question, the scene fell into deathly silence.

In fact, no one can stand this shameless behavior, but no one dares to stand up and expose the other party's behavior in person.

After all, who would want to cause such a big trouble, and it is not easy to live safely on this island.

This was a shady matter, but when he said it so grandly, Xiao Xuan's face was slapped so hard that he even wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

After blushing, Xiao Xuan was only angry.

"This is my family business and has nothing to do with you."

Mo Fan pointed to the bracelet above and said, "It's my business to buy this bracelet, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Honey, I think this person is deliberately against you, so let's buy this bracelet back to kill his vigor."

Xiao San was constantly encouraging, and Xiao Xuan immediately raised the sign because of the problem of face.

"300 million!"

Given such a high price, he didn't believe that the other party could continue to increase the price because of a pair of bracelets.

"500 million!"

Mo Fan held up the sign and it was really a fight to the end.

Some people have already begun to worry about his safety, whispering constantly beside him.

"This young man is really courageous. Even if he has money, he can't fight against the Xiao family. I'm afraid that even if he buys this pair of bracelets, he won't be able to leave this aisle."

"Whoever says no, those who dare to oppose the Xiao family have already gone to see Lord Yan."

The Xiao family is the one who will take revenge. If anyone dares to offend them, they may not have a good life in the future.

It's just a pair of jade bracelets, which are of no great use at all, and it's useless for a man to take them.

What's more, this jade bracelet originally belonged to the Xiao family. Whether it was bought for the eldest wife or the mistress, it was someone else's freedom and had nothing to do with him.

The end of being nosy is often not very good. After all, you are still too young, and you don't think about things very clearly.

"Are you really going to fight against my Xiao family?"

Xiao Xuan turned his head and asked through gritted teeth.

"Auctioning things is always for the highest bidder. If you like it, just increase the price."

Mo Fan said calmly.

The truth is such a truth, but to reason with the Xiao family, it is a bit too long to think that his life is too long.

Shao Hongmei didn't know what was going on, but she just felt happy.

(End of this chapter)

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