Chapter 221
Chapter 221
After the daze, Takeshi Miyamoto became extremely manic. He felt that these judges must have taken advantage of each other to give such an evaluation against their will.

"I don't agree!"

He stood directly at the highest point, expressing his dissatisfaction and protest.

"There must be an inside story here, but it's just a bowl of plain water. If it really tastes so good, people don't need to eat."

This is fooling a three-year-old fool, even if it's cheating, don't make it so obvious.

The audience had the same idea as him, that is, there was an inside story in this matter.

These judges must have been bribed, so they gave such an evaluation against their will. If they are not allowed to know the truth of the matter, then no one can accept this result.

Feng Wei immediately became unhappy, and stood up to explain, "Is it so difficult to admit that others are better than you?"

"You are from the Dragon Kingdom, so of course you will help the Dragon Kingdom speak out. How can I be your opponent, but only you can achieve victory with such despicable means."

Takeshi Miyamoto didn't believe this result at all.

"We are from the Dragon Kingdom. If you don't want to believe this result, is it possible that people from your own country will also favor us?"

Feng Wei pointed to the other six judges. For the fairness and justice of this competition, these six judges were invited from their countries.

This has achieved absolute fairness and justice.

And the result of this competition was beyond everyone's expectations. Before he tasted the soup, he thought it was just plain boiled water.

But after I tasted it, I realized how stupid my previous thoughts were.

The most beautiful thing in this world is the food that can flow into people's hearts, which is the most unforgettable.

"Anyway, I don't believe it. Even if these people belong to our country, they are on your territory. As the saying goes, a strong dragon can't beat a local snake. Who knows if they were bought by you."

Takeshi Miyamoto gave examples of all the bad assumptions one by one.

He just didn't want to believe and admit the result.

Not to mention him, even the audience didn't buy it because they felt that the judges' judgment was completely biased.

Mo Fan knew that they didn't want to believe it, but this thing looked like plain water, but in fact it contained 49 [-] flavors.

It can also be regarded as reaching the highest level of culinary art, which is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

He slowly walked to the place where he was cooking and opened the lid. There was a whole pot of soup inside.

"If you don't believe it, you can come and taste it yourself, and you will know whether what the judges said is true or false."

Mo Fan stood still, and Miyamoto Wuwan was the first to step forward.

He didn't have much expectations for this thing, he just wanted to reveal this person's true face in front of the big guys.

It's just a pity that he was still thinking too naively.

But when he served the soup himself, he took a careful sip. The complex taste inside made people linger.

He was in hell at one moment, and fell into the clouds at the next. This feeling of ups and downs made his breathing quicken.

He suspected that what he was drinking was not a kind of soup, but a kind of medicine.

This illusion made him unable to recover his blood for a long time. It seemed that the wind that was galloping past his ears became extraordinarily gentle, like a mother's hand gently caressing his face.

And the noisy voices of those people were directly blocked by him, as if he didn't hear anything.

As time passed, he stood quietly in place like a sealed puppet.

Except for the regular breathing, it is like a dead person.

After a long time, Takeshi Miyamoto knelt down on the ground with a plop.

He slapped himself twice hard, thinking that the first half of his life was wasted.

He thinks that his culinary skills are the best in the world, and his sashimi is even more invincible. All the food can reflect the best value in front of him.

It wasn't until he drank this soup that he understood the meaning of being a human being, which should be like this bowl of soup. It was as calm as water, transparent and colorless, but in fact the taste inside already contained all the flavors of life.

He looked delighted, as if he knew more things, and he kowtowed twice.

"I am convinced that I lost, and I am willing to honor my previous promise."

Takeshi Miyamoto knew what it meant to lose.

Even if he paid his life, he would not hesitate at all.

Being able to taste such a delicious soup in his lifetime, he felt it was worth it even if it cost him his life.

Some people may think that he must be crazy to think so, but only he knows whether it is worth it or not.

Mo Fan gave him a high look. Although this guy is arrogant and conceited, his spirit of willing to admit defeat is really admirable.

Because their bet is based on human life, if they lose, apart from quitting the world, they will not be able to keep their heads around their necks.

"So, are you willing to sacrifice your life?"

Mo Fan asked.

Takeshi Miyamoto nodded without hesitation.

"I would like to bet and admit defeat. I am convinced that I lose, that is, before I die, I have a merciless request."

"You said."

Mo Fan stood beside him, seeing his resolute face, he thought he was going to make some request, but who knew this guy said stupidly.

"I want to serve another bowl of soup."

It is unimaginable that when he said this seriously, Mo Fan almost died of laughter.

Sure enough, the world of foodies cannot be thought of with normal people's thinking, because it is simply impossible to figure out.

"Okay, after finishing this bowl of soup, I will send you on your way."

Mo Fan picked up the knife next to him. The knives used in the competition are very sharp.

And this knife, even if it cuts steel, will not leave any marks, it is a rare good knife.

Miyamoto Takewan deliberately picked a large bowl and served himself a large bowl of soup. He looked at the colorless and tasteless thing and licked his lips hungrily.

It's like caring for the most precious thing in the world, savoring it carefully one bite at a time.

If it weren't for his crazy look, Mo Fan would have wondered if this guy was delaying time on purpose.

The audience on the stage craned their necks, craving for the bowl of soup.

They were surprisingly quiet, their eyes widened and they were licking their lips at the same time.

It took a full quarter of an hour for Takeshi Miyamoto to finish the bowl of soup, and he smacked his lips a little unsatisfied, feeling that life has been satisfied.

"Go ahead, I have no regrets."

He patted his stomach very contentedly, and almost missed Tianqi Miyamoto in front of the TV, and was so angry.

(End of this chapter)

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