Chapter 204 Introducing the Wolf
Chapter 204 Introducing the Wolf
"of course can!"

The principal was standing in front of him. The food those children ate was not bad, but it wasn't particularly good either.

If the engine is so stupid and really wants to invest, then he can't stop him, after all, who would think too much money.

What the students ate, the menu said four dishes and one soup, but when the students ate, there were only two dishes and one soup.

And it's one meat and one vegetable, plus a no-nutrition seaweed soup, this is what the students eat at noon.

When Mo Fan showed up in front of the dumpling, he saw the teacher was feeding him.

The other students ate by themselves, but the dumplings needed to be fed by the teacher, which seemed a bit strange.

The principal was afraid that he would not understand, so he explained beside him.

"You may not understand that this child has been inflexible since he was a child, and he has been mischievous and often does not eat well, so he asked the teacher to feed him."

It's okay if the principal doesn't explain, but once he explains it, Mo Fan's doubts will be aggravated.

What kind of child is Tuanzi? Although she doesn't get along much, she is very clear that Tuanzi is more introverted and a more obedient child. She is not like what this person said at all.

"Long white and fat, you take good care of me."

Mo Fan didn't agree, so he picked up the plate without any hassle.

The teacher watched nervously, but under the direction of the principal, he obediently retreated to the two sides.

Sure enough, there was something wrong with the bowl, and even if it wasn't close to the nose, it could still smell a faint pungent smell.

He didn't say anything, even if he realized something was wrong now, the other party would not admit it even if he was beaten to death, and would only make matters worse.

A little teacher, if she didn't have other people's consent, she wouldn't have the courage to dare to feed these things to children.

After coming out of the classroom, the principal has been following him, waiting for a word from him.

Mo Fan did not disappoint him and made a promise.

"I will pay for the renovation of this school from the inside out. The children are the future flowers of the motherland, and we cannot let them suffer any pain."

"I think you're right." The headmaster said cheerfully.

"The children of today are the hope of the motherland in the future. We should treat them kindly, but I don't know when will you allocate this sum of money?"

The principal kept the word money in every sentence.

This is completely a master who has fallen into the eyes of money. He only recognizes money but not people. He can say anything if he has money.

"Give me the card number, and I'll call you the money right away."

Mo Fan said with a smile.

The opponent hardly had any defenses, and immediately revealed his card number.

"It's the card number, just put the money in it."

He said meanly.


Mo Fan took the card number and left, directly asking his subordinates to investigate the information about the card number.

Only then did I realize that this principal is really a talent. Not only did the other parents donate money one after another, but he also had a large amount of income every month, and this income ranged from millions to hundreds of thousands.

I don't know if I don't investigate, but the principal actually has a deal with the people in the diamond mine, selling these diamonds to the parents of those students at a very low price.

Some parents bite the bullet and buy a lot even if they don't like diamonds for their children.

In addition, the diamonds here are [-]% lower than those outside. Some people who want to hoard diamonds are even more unwilling to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

This little day can be regarded as a prosperous one.

"Xiaofan, look at the exposed diamonds, is there something wrong?"

Qin Yishui held a black cloth bag, only the size of a palm.

She poured out the contents, which were crystal clear diamonds exuding coffins.

These diamonds are mined from diamond mines, but they seem a little different from the diamonds on the market.

Mo Fan picked up one, and with a little force on his fingers, the diamond turned into powder.

Qin Yishui was stunned, and she also picked up a diamond, but no matter how hard she tried, the diamond was intact.

Mo Fan couldn't help laughing when he saw her like this.

"Your strength is not enough to crush diamonds."

This is not a real diamond, but a fake thing made artificially. It is really difficult for them to spend so much thought on being able to distinguish the real one from the real one.

"Where did you get this batch of things?" Mo Fan raised his head and asked.

Qin Yishui pulled the chair next to her and sat down. She picked up the diamonds on the table and said with a dull expression: "This is the most original batch. I thought I knew a lot about jewelry, but I didn't find it. Since then , the surname Cui started to use these fake things to fool me."

When the first batch of diamonds were harvested, she even rewarded him. Not only was he promoted to the position of vice president, but he also personally handled some of the more important matters.

She thought she treated him kindly, but she never thought that the person who betrayed her would be the person she trusted the most.

"It seems that he has been prepared for a long time. He intends to embezzle this batch of diamonds and replace them with fake diamonds in an attempt to hide the truth."

Mo Fan doesn't know much about that person, it's just such a careful plan, I'm afraid it will be difficult to perfect it in a day or two.

Perhaps the other party had such a plan from the moment the diamond mine was discovered.

It was only because of their arrival that Cui Yongjun's plan changed and Yishui was tied up.

But Qin Yishui is the eldest daughter of the Qin family, and now she is the head of the Qin group. If she dies suddenly, it will definitely cause speculation and investigation by others.

So he didn't dare to touch her, so he could only tie her up in the house, restricting her personal freedom.

It may be that they intend to get rid of this batch of diamonds, and then consider releasing her.

At that time, everything will be fine, everything has been prepared, and he will take his things and fly away. The sky and the earth are big, and there is always a place for him.

The meticulousness of the mind is really frightening.

"What is Cui Yongjun's origin?"

Mo Fan asked.

"It seems that he came from Haidu. He also studied at a prestigious university at the time, but the major he studied was not popular. When he applied for jobs, he was always rejected. I saw that he had good willpower, so I hired him into the company."

Qin Yishui recalled the first meeting. At that time, she was only a student, and her father was not seriously ill like now.

The two people have known each other for a long time or a short time, and they can be regarded as old friends for many years.

Maybe it was because I had known her for a long time that I was able to grasp her temperament and used various strategies to stay in the company.

(End of this chapter)

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