super biofactory

Chapter 90 Chilling Crystal Nuclei

Chapter 90 Chilling Crystal Nuclei

In the following time, he asked the Bull Demon King and Chu Xiong to drag all the corpses in the city lord's mansion out of the yard.

In front of the ordinary residents of the entire town, all the corpses were burned. Strangely, no one objected or was sad, and some were just afraid.

This made Chu Feng curious.Speaking of it, there is a strange thing that he can't figure out. This world actually speaks Chinese, not English, or other languages.

When he heard them speaking Chinese in the tavern, he always felt a little surprised, even unbelievable.

Standing on the roof of the city lord's mansion, Chu Feng glanced across the entire small town, and found that there were many hawkers walking around in the small street, selling some familiar rock candy sticks, donkey rolled rice cakes, steamed cakes, and other snacks from the former Beishi. These seem to have disappeared. The snacks, but here appeared.

When Chu Feng went downstairs, Chu Xiong and the Bull Demon King began to explore the entire city lord's mansion. He first came to a large room, and in the middle was a long white table with a lot of soft bread and fruit, and a plate of fried eggs. There was also an empty plate, a fork, and a knife.

Standing next to him was an old man with an old look, a hunchback, about 70 years old. He was wearing a shabby gray robe with small patches of patches. He had a respectful look on his face, folded his hands and placed them on his belly, bending down to face him. Looking at Chu Feng's direction, he nodded slightly.

A gleam of light flashed across Chu Feng's eyes.

Sitting on top of the main table, stretched out his right hand, gently rubbing the uneven cloth surface, guessing that it is made of face cloth connected one by one by hand, picked up a fork and a small knife, and rubbed it with the palm and thumb Feel it, the quality is very heavy, and it is also very delicate and clean, but why are there Western tableware in this world?

Then he clenched his hands tightly and applied a little force. The handle of the fork and knife broke off, causing Chu Feng's tiger's mouth to split open, and a trace of blood flowed out.

Although this Western tableware is exquisite, it is flashy.It seems that the craftsmen in this world are not very capable, or the city lord's mansion does not value the craftsmen's abilities.

Picking up a piece of soft bread, he took a small piece and put it into his mouth, nibbling it gently while keeping his eyes on the hunchbacked old man standing next to him. Seeing that he was trying hard to straighten his hunchback, he could not straighten his hunchback, so he just kept his hunchback like this. On the back.

Seeing Chu Feng staring at him, the hunchbacked old man hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at Chu Feng, and asked in a trembling voice, "May I have any questions, Master?"

"Who are you and why are you standing here?"

"I am the chef here. I have worked here for more than 200 years. I have experienced six successions of city lords, and you are the seventh."

Chu Feng showed no expression and took another bite of bread. The bread tasted good, with the taste of sweet butter, but he was thinking in his heart: Damn, this is an old turtle. He has been working for more than 200 years. Isn’t he alive? More than 200 years?
"Well, the bread is good."

"Thank you for your compliment, master."

The hunchbacked old man bowed again, but when Chu Feng looked at him, he always felt as if he was looking at an old tortoise in human form.

"Are you a turtle orc?"

The hunchbacked old man bowed lower and said nothing. It seemed to be rude, but in fact it was an answer. Seeing that he didn't respond, Chu Feng didn't ask any more questions. As long as the old man did his job as a chef honestly, he would be fine. enough.

Speaking of which, he still lacks a chef in this city lord's mansion. It is obvious that this old man has been a chef in this city lord's mansion for more than 200 years, so he is a ready-made chef.

"You can stay here from now on and prepare food for us every day."

"The old slave is willing to accept."

Suddenly at this moment, Chu Xiong and the Bull Demon King pushed open the door and walked in violently. As soon as they saw Chu Feng here, they greeted him and asked, "Boss, we found a girl locked up in the dungeon without any animal characteristics on her body." , I think it should be a human like you, the boss."

"you sure?"

It's not that Chu Feng doesn't believe Chu Xiong's words, but that he has been here for almost four days, and what he saw was either a lower body with dinosaur legs, or a half-orc with an extra tail on his buttocks.

Seeing Chu Xiong nodding in response, Chu Feng was silent for a while, then waved the hunchbacked old man to retreat, and continued to ask Chu Xiong about the specific situation.

"I am sure that this girl is really of the same race as the boss, but she is a Caucasian from the boss's world. I heard the slave guarding the dungeon said that this girl fell from the sky a few days ago and landed in the city, and she has no animal characteristics on her body. She was captured by the city lord and planned to study her origins, but for four days in a row, no problem was found, so she was thrown into the dungeon."

"How about that girl?"

"I've already killed him, and that girl has been crying for a long time." Chu Xiong questioned, and then said one thing.

"What do you mean?"

"The girl has been locked in the dungeon for four days. The slave who guarded the girl was fine a few days ago, but yesterday she was given to that..."

"The girl who fell from the sky is suspected to be a Western girl. She has no animal characteristics on her body. She was given to her by a slave yesterday. Why does she look a bit miserable?" Chu Feng continued to ask: "Are you sure that girl does not have any animal characteristics on her body?"

"Yes, I'm sure, because that girl didn't wear anything, and she has various scars on her body." Chu Xiong nodded and said.

Chu Feng was silent for a moment, as if he was wondering whether the girl Chu Xiong was talking about came from the earth, and then he said: "Sit down and eat first. You haven't eaten yet, so let's talk while eating."

According to Chu Xiong and Bull Demon King followed him from the wooden house all the way to here, it took a full four days, except that they only drank the liquid of life and the food brought by Chu Feng during the period, and the food was put in the warehouse.

However, I just finished eating the food reserve yesterday, and I haven't eaten a single food this day, so I probably haven't eaten anything.

Chu Xiong and the Bull Demon King looked at each other and had no choice but to sit on the left and right sides of Chu Feng. Chu Xiong took the cup and drank it up. Then they both grabbed the soft bread on the table with one hand, not caring about the dirty hands. , gnawed it in big mouthfuls.

The Bull Demon King took a long piece of soft bread with one hand and gnawed it, and took out a small crystal core from his pocket with the other hand. He placed it in front of Chu Feng and said vaguely: "I just found a piece of Warcraft in a warehouse. The crystal core, this crystal core may be of a very high level, and it gives me a threatening feeling."

"You mean that you found the warehouse of the City Lord's Mansion, and then found this crystal nucleus inside, but it gave you a sense of threat?"

Chu Feng looked at the crystal nucleus on the table. It was a crystal nucleus that could emit green flames.

It was an uncommon crystal nucleus. At least in Chu Feng's memory, he took the combat-type cockroach head monster team all over the forest and obtained a large number of crystal nucleus from the heads of hunting monsters, but he had never seen such a crystal nucleus. He doesn't even look like a crystal nucleus dug from the head of a monster.

Holding it in his hand, he was surprised to find that it was chilling, it was definitely not the temperature of the flame, it was as cold as freezing in the refrigerator for at least one night, the temperature was at least below zero, this moment reminded him of the refrigerator.

"what is this?"

"I thought it was just a crystal nucleus dug out by a monster, but the matter is more serious than I thought." The Bull Demon King stuffed the palm-sized soft bread into his mouth, and then continued: "The threat from above gave me a kind of Facing a strong man with a physique level above level 7, I think this is a magic beast crystal nucleus with a physique level no lower than level 7."

Chu Feng felt the crystal nucleus in his hand, and summoned the crystal nucleus of the tiger-headed monster bird. Comparing the two, it was indeed the crystal nucleus of a monster.

Judging from the appearance, both are irregular crystals, but the crystal nucleus of the tiger-headed bird will not emit flames. Anyway, the crystal nucleus of an unknown monster can emit green flame smoke, and the temperature is also very low.

The Bull Demon King did not expect Chu Feng to know. He continued: "Boss, you may not feel the threat posed by this flaming crystal core. That threat is like a power that can easily destroy an entire small town."

"Then do you think this crystal core should be one that the city lord can possess?"

Chu Feng gnawed on the bread, put the crystal core on the table with one hand, and moved his fingers that were almost frozen.

The Bull Demon King frowned, stopped the movements in his hands, and stopped eating the bread. He looked at Chu Feng with a puzzled look. He really couldn't understand what Chu Feng meant.

"That old man just now, do you know who it is?"

Chu Xiong's mouth was still stuffed with bread, and the Bull Demon King's eyes were full of curiosity. They both looked at Chu Feng, waiting for his next words.

"The old man said that he lived for more than 200 years and served six city lords in this city lord's mansion, and I am the seventh city lord. You may also be confused. In fact, I am too, but if you know that the old man's body is a Old Turtle wouldn't be so surprised."

Chu Feng swallowed the last fried egg, picked up a clean white cloth and wiped his mouth: "I have said so much, you probably don't understand what I mean, I mean this crystal nucleus may have something to do with that old man, Even this crystal nucleus is his, and the smell on it is very similar to that old man, haven't you smelled it?"

"That's true, boss." Chu Xiong swallowed all the bread in his mouth, hit his chest hard with one hand to prevent himself from being swallowed to death, and said, "However, boss, what should you do with this crystal nucleus? It is dangerous to lower this crystal nucleus, the energy on it seems to be filling up, as if it is about to explode."

Chu Feng was a little confused. He always felt that there was something wrong. Why did the Bull Demon King look like an enemy? It turned out that the crystal nuclei on it might explode. Doesn't this mean that once it explodes, will the whole small town become a frozen city?
The girl locked in the dungeon must have traveled from the earth, right?
However, logically speaking, everyone who traveled from the earth has a system or other cheats. I don't know if this girl has a system or other cheats, but Chu Feng still feels that this girl should not have a system.

If she had a terrible golden finger, why would she be sent to the dungeon by the orcs and be slaughtered?
No, she will not be caught at all. According to the normal novel routine, she came from the earth, except for the owner of the system, who can catch her, and then give her to a humble slave? That's it.

"How did that girl get caught?"

"A black hole appeared out of thin air from the sky above the City Lord's Mansion, and then the girl fell from the black hole."

Chu Feng looked at Chu Xiong in astonishment. He never expected that the time-traveling girl would be so unlucky that she fell directly above the city lord's mansion.

"No, logically speaking, she should have time to escape during the time she fell."

"This...I'm not sure," Chu Xiong shook his head and said, "From the meaning of this girl's words, I learned that she fell directly in front of the city lord, so she was caught on the spot."

Chu Feng frowned, looked at Chu Xiong and said, "You don't know about this kind of thing? Looks like it depends on the memory worm's ability."

(End of this chapter)

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