super biofactory

Chapter 75 The Poisonous Meteorite

Chapter 75 The Poisonous Meteorite

Fortunately, Chu Feng remembered it in time, and hastily let go of his fist a little bit, letting the virus separator breathe a sigh of relief, and made a shrug, pull, and limp into Chu Feng's palm. Chu Feng didn't notice this, he stepped forward and followed Zhang Gaudi came to the tea table in the living room.

Zhang Gaodi carefully placed the meteorite in his arms on the tea table, with an expression on his face as if he was carefully caring for the baby, which made Chu Feng laugh and admire, this kind of boss who worked hard for money really worked hard.

As Zhang Gaodi opened the black cloth covering the meteorite, Chu Feng saw various strange-looking stones.

Some of these meteorites looked like marble cracks, some were like ordinary blue bricks, and some were smooth enough to reflect light. These were all meteorites, and two of them caught Chu Feng's eyes the most.

Obviously these two meteorites are the Jibing meteorite and the Martian achondrite, two meteorites that are among the top ten rarest meteorites in the world. Looking at these two meteorites, Chu Feng let the virus separator go without Zhang Gaodi's attention. Let it go viral in this luxury penthouse.

Then I took out my mobile phone and searched the Internet about the rarest and most expensive meteorite in the world.

One of the Jibing meteorites is exactly the same as the Jibing meteorite in Zhang Gaodi's hands. It is exactly the same meteorite. Logically speaking, this Jibing meteorite should be in the hands of a certain consortium in Europe, but I didn't expect that it is now in the hands of Zhang Gaodi. The first hand.

Chu Feng picked up the Jibing meteorite and compared it with the actual picture on the Internet. Except for the missing corner in the upper left corner, it was almost the same meteorite.

It is rumored that this Jibing meteorite is a meteorite that fell in prehistoric times. The reason why it is called Jibing meteorite is because it fell on the edge of the Sahara Desert in southern Namibia, Africa, in a place called Jibing city. The most famous meteorite is called the Gibing meteorite, which is the only unique Gibing meteorite in the world.

In fact, there are many meteorites of the same material.

Chu Feng was most concerned about whether there was another black gem green meteorite, but none of the 12 yuan meteorites belonged to the black gem green meteorite, and they were all extremely ordinary meteorites.

Except for Huibo achondrite and Jibing meteorite, which have special significance and are of slightly higher value, a stony-iron meteorite and a Fukang meteorite, the others are ordinary lunar meteorites.

"Tell me, how much are these meteorites?"

"Cough cough, I may have caught a cold today, I keep coughing, but don't worry, I haven't eaten in that restaurant, nor have I had close contact with those infected people." Seeing Chu Feng frowning, Zhang Gaodi looked at him. , he quickly explained.

"Sigh, you are actually infected." Chu Feng sighed, and had to tell the truth.

How could Zhang Gaodi believe it? He thought it was Chu Feng's joke. However, before he could speak, he saw Chu Feng's very serious face. Zhang Gaodi coughed again, and then asked in a trembling voice: "Really?"

Chu Feng nodded lightly, but Zhang Gaodi still looked unconvinced. He just thought that Chu Feng wanted to frame his meteorite, so he did not intend to discuss this matter. He continued: "We won't discuss this in advance. Let's talk about these meteorites." How much do you pay?"

"That stone-iron meteorite is the most valuable. Last year, an auction in New York sold a meteorite of the same material, but only 15 kilograms, and sold for 200 million US dollars. Your piece is a little smaller than that one. I will give you 1500 million. This Fukang meteorite has a mass of 50 kilograms. In 08, there was also a Fukang meteorite of 420 kilograms in the United States. Its starting price was 200 million. According to the current market price, I will give it to you at 4000 million..."

Zhang Gaodi's eyes glowed. He didn't expect that the two most inconspicuous meteorites were the most valuable, while the Jibing meteorite and Huibo meteorite, which were the most valuable in his eyes, were not worth much. In the end, he got an offer of 8000 million yuan. Zhang Gaodi's expected price, but also enough.

Immediately Zhang Gaodi agreed to the transaction, so Chu Feng called Gao Feng and asked him to transfer money to this account.

Not long after, Zhang Gaodi's mobile phone received a transfer text message, Chu Xiong and Niu Mowang picked up all these 200 kilograms of meteorites, and then Chu Feng took the virus separator back without Zhang Gaodi's attention, and left here directly.

Walking into the elevator, he first pressed the button on the first floor. When he was falling slowly, Chu Feng suddenly pressed the button on the 15th floor and stopped. He went out and went to the stairs to put all the meteorites into the space. Go to the top floor and come to Zhang Gaodi's home.

Seeing that the door of Zhang Gaodi's room was closed tightly, he had no choice but to climb over the outer wall and jump to the balcony in a bedroom, but there was no one in the bedroom inside.

Then gently opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the three of them stepped on the wooden boards in the bedroom. This was a pink room, and there was a framed photo on the table beside the bed. There was a beautiful girl in the picture. Chu Feng thought this might be Zhang Gaodi's daughter.

Open the door, push it gently, and saw Zhang Gaodi standing in the living room on the phone at a glance. No wonder Zhang Gaodi didn't hear the sound of the wooden board in the bedroom, so he was on the phone.

Chu Feng and the others walked out of the bedroom one after another and stood beside Zhang Gaodi.

Because there were no outsiders, Zhang Gaodi coughed continuously. He cursed the person on the phone, but Chu Feng couldn't hear it clearly, because it was not Chinese, nor a dialect, but it was like English. Chu Feng himself was a scumbag. understand english.

So the whole city is confused.

After Zhang Gaodi finished the last sentence, he hung up the phone, and heard Zhang Gaodi muttering to himself: "Is it possible that I am really infected? Those two white pigs infected me, cough cough... ..."

Cough cough In the end, Zhang Gaodi's face became more and more ugly, the coughing sound couldn't be suppressed, and suddenly he seemed to be punched hard, Zhang Gaodi bent down and lay on the sofa, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and finally couldn't help vomiting A mouthful of blood came out, and he passed out immediately due to excessive blood loss.

Chu Feng on the side didn't show up, but still looked at Zhang Gaodi indifferently, making sure that he really passed out before showing up.

Next, first summon the memory worm, order it to split into memory larvae, penetrate into Zhang Gaodi's brain, and obtain a memory.

Let the Bull Demon King devour the memory larvae, and then summon the virus segregation larvae. It is the same operation to separate the virus isolation larvae, cut a cross-shaped wound in Zhang Gaodi's hand, and put the virus larvae into it.

Seeing that Zhang Gaodi's face was getting better and better, Chu Feng called on Chu Xiong and Niu Mowang to leave here first, and the three of them still remained invisible and walked down the stairs until they reached the 15th floor before they appeared and took the meteorites that had been taken in. They were all summoned, let Chu Xiong and Bull Demon King carry it first, then took the elevator to leave here and find a remote place.

After returning to the villa through the worms, Chu Feng didn't allow the worms to devour and upgrade them immediately after looking at these meteorites. Instead, he came to the world of giant worms and asked Chu Mei to see if these meteorites contained foreign virus substances.

As a result, Chu Mei discovered through a certain detection method that a stone-iron meteorite really contained a violent and deadly unknown substance that could cause any living beings to be infected with a new type of virus, but it itself was not a virus. Even if Chu Feng summoned the virus isolate, it could not Devour it.

It can be seen that this unknown substance that can infect living creatures with viruses is so terrifying!
To Chu Feng, this unknown substance that is not a virus but can infect living beings with viruses is a perfect biochemical weapon!

The surface of this stony-iron meteorite is covered with a layer of oxide, which is called a fusion crust. There are many large and small round pits distributed on the surface, which are called gas imprints. The melt flow line, this is the stony iron meteorite!
(End of this chapter)

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