Chapter 68

Chu Feng looked at the phone in his hand and remained silent. He didn't expect that Zhan No. [-] and Yan No. [-] would dare to be so bold as to directly arrest Fried Rouqiang in front of other students, especially in Beishi who is the most sensitive person. gaze from above.

Perhaps the eyes of the whole country are already staring at Zhan No. [-] and others. As long as they come out, the next moment will be a group of armed soldiers with rifles, so Chu Feng can only keep a low profile and call on Chu Xiong and the Bull Demon King.

Stay in the wooden house until Chu Xiong and Bull Demon King arrive.

Chu Feng didn't talk nonsense, let them follow him back to the villa, and then summoned the traversing hole worm. The current traversing hole worm has not yet been upgraded, and the maximum distance traveled at a time is only 200 kilometers, and the distance from Shenzhen City to Beishi City reaches [-] kilometers More than [-] kilometers, that is, to cross twelve times.

So in the long process of crossing, he crossed twelve times and finally came to the side of a remote road at the front gate of Beishi.

It's dark now, and there are no people on the road.

Standing on the side of the Qianmen road, the bull demon king's burning hair had already been extinguished, and his whole body turned into a dark human being. Before coming, Chu Feng asked the bull demon king to store his hair and horns, because the bull demon king's hair would burn, illuminating the surrounding night.

Later, Chu Feng used his mobile phone to check where Qionghua Island was, and found that Qionghua Island was on a small island behind the Forbidden City. Chu Feng frowned, because this place was too dangerous.

Usually there are many tourists during the day, but at night, there are more locals.

Unfortunately, Chu Feng didn't know which entrance Zhan No. [-] and Yan No. [-] were in, but he only knew that they had already hid in an ancient tomb.

He could only use a stupid method. First, he found a remote alley, summoned a wormhole, and came to Qionghua Island. A small wormhole appeared in a corner called the White Pagoda. Chu Feng first stretched out half of his body and looked around. , found no one.

So they all jumped out quickly, followed by Chu Xiong and Bull Demon King.

Only then did they discover that they were standing inside the White Tower, in an empty room. Through the window, they could see the side street lights outside, and all kinds of people walking under the side street lights.

These are ordinary tourists. Many places in Qionghua Island are free places, and some buildings require tickets to enter.

For example, this White Tower.

Chu Feng walked out of the White Tower first, and Chu Xiong behind him was invisible. The Bull Demon King was [-] meters tall. The surrounding crowd immediately noticed the Bull Demon King and Chu Feng coming out of the White Tower, especially the Bull Demon King.

There were many eyes staring at the Bull Demon King, both men and women, and then more eyes were placed on Chu Feng, because the Bull Demon King followed Chu Feng faintly like a bodyguard, staring darkly at the surroundings.

Chu Feng walked forward, and the crowd in front dispersed to make a way for Chu Feng and the Bull Demon King.

As for Chu Xiong, the crowd didn't see it, so naturally they wouldn't notice it.

Chu Feng left here quickly, then took out his mobile phone, called Zhan No. [-], and asked him which specific entrance he was at.

"We are under the Shunzhi Tower. There is an underground tunnel inside that allows you to go directly to the tomb. No one is allowed to come in here, so we are safe for the time being."

"OK, wait for me."

After receiving the specific location of Zhan No. [-], he took Chu Xiong and Niu Mowang directly to the Shunzhi Tower, and finally came inside. Passengers were indeed not allowed to enter the underground passage, and even the gate was locked.

So at the place that the passengers didn't notice, Chu Feng turned over directly, Chu Xiong and the Bull Demon King followed suit, and walked down the underground passage one after another, and soon came to an open space in the middle of the coffin.

There was a green light shining on the ground, Chu Feng didn't notice Zhan No. [-] and others, he muttered softly, and soon Zhan No. [-] stretched out his head, and saw that it was Chu Feng who came out directly, with Yan No. [-] behind him.

Chu Feng looked around and found no fried meat, so he asked, "Where is fried meat strong?"


"lead the way."

Zhan No. [-] responded and led the crowd to continue walking inside. There was a thin middle-aged man lying on the ground, wearing a suit and messy hair. Chu Feng squatted down and looked at Zharouqiang. He couldn't recognize him. He was unfamiliar. impression.

"How long has he been out?"

"He was unconscious for three hours. When he woke up just now, I knocked him out again."

"Well, you did a great job."

Chu Feng summoned the memory worm, held the female worm, let it decompose into larvae, squeezed the separated memory larva, squatted down next to Zharouqiang, and then Chu Feng put the memory larva on Zharouqiang's ear.

The next moment, the memory larva seemed to smell delicious food, squirmed its body to Fried Rouqiang's ear, continued to crawl towards the forehead, and then penetrated into the forehead like a blood-sucking worm, and slowly penetrated the entire brain.

Soon, but for a while.

The memory larva also crawled out. Chu Feng did not continue to stretch out his hand to pinch it, but stood up and winked at Yan No. [-]. Yan No. [-] understood that anyway, he had eaten the memory larva once, and it would not be difficult to eat it again. matter.

So he squatted down, pinched the memory larva, raised his head, put the memory larva in his mouth, and started to eat it.

It was like eating fried chicken, and then Yan No. [-] squinted his eyes and seemed to be recalling. The memory of fried meat is very complicated. For a while, Yan No. [-] could not digest the memory of fried meat in a short time.


Yan No. [-] opened his eyes and nodded in response.

"I'll talk about it when I go back. I'll put you in the warehouse first."

Chu Feng could see that Yan No. [-] had been integrated with Zharouqiang's memory, but for a while, this place was a bit scary, and Chu Feng couldn't stay any longer.

Chu Feng looked at the transparent light curtain in his eyes, clicked on the warehouse with his mind, and then waved his hand, Zhan No. [-] and Yan No. [-] disappeared instantly, and then Chu Feng asked the Bull Demon King to carry the body of Fried Rouqiang.

Summon the Worm Through the Cave, leave here, come to the side road of Qianmen Hutong that appeared before, find an unmonitored road side, throw fried meat on the side of the road, and then directly leave Beishi and return to Shenzhen City.

In the villa, Chu Feng summoned Zhan No. [-] and Yan No. [-].

"Zhan No. [-], why did you make such a big commotion in Beishi?"

"We don't know either. According to the original plan, we pulled the fried meat out of the car on the way home. After we knocked out the fried meat, we found that there was a car in the car. A female student, probably a student of Zharouqiang, she kept yelling to let go of Teacher Li."

"That is to say, you spent several days planning, but when it came time to implement the plan, there was an accident, and this female student was an accident?"

Chu Feng frowned and said slowly, Zhan No. [-] nodded in response, and Chu Feng looked at Yan No. [-] again.

"This female student was stared at by Zharouqiang for a long time before finding an opportunity. Originally, they planned to go to a hotel to communicate with each other. Because they were studying graduation matters, Zharouqiang originally planned to threaten her with graduation matters..."

(End of this chapter)

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