super biofactory

Chapter 52 Cooperation

Chapter 52 Cooperation
By the afternoon.

Chu Feng lay on the wooden chair and waited for the fruit truck to arrive at the villa. The truck still came from the road behind the villa, which belonged to the road.

Chu Feng watched Chu Xiong instruct the truck to slowly drive into the courtyard of the villa. Soon, the driver and the passenger seat got out of two middle-aged men. The middle-aged man in the passenger seat was carrying a satchel. Chu Feng knew him. He was a fruit wholesaler. Boss Shang is from Mangbu County in southern Yunnan Province.

His belly is protruding, but his limbs are a little thinner, he has a cropped hair, and his skin is a standard bronze color.The owner of the fruit wholesaler is surnamed Wang, but he doesn't know his full name Chu Feng, but he doesn't care, as long as he is called Boss Wang is enough.

"Boss Chu, excuse me, we have brought you goods again."

As soon as Boss Wang got out of the car, he saw Chu Feng lying on the wooden chair and shouted carelessly. Chu Feng quickly stood up and nodded in response to Boss Wang.

"The goods will be the same this time, right?"

"Well, all of them are the low-priced fruits you need. Don't worry, they are all fresh. They were shipped from the southern Yunnan Province yesterday. The quantity is more than last time. There are 12 tons. I don't know if Boss Chu will accept it or not. ?”

"It's okay, I just ate it all, you can unload it all in the open space over there."

Chu Feng pointed to the open space in the yard, which was very close to the underground floor and on the upper left side of the swimming pool. When Boss Wang saw that the open space could be filled with fruits, he called the driver and gave a few instructions to arrange for him to pour all the fruits. In the open space designated by Chu Feng.

After receiving the instruction, the driver got into the car and started it. He stretched out his upper body to look behind and slowly reversed the car. Chu Xiong stood at the edge of the swimming pool. Chu Mei and the research team on the underground floor also came out to help.

Boss Wang knows that the basement is for work and office, and he also knows the existence of Chu Mei and others, but he doesn't know what the work content of the basement is, nor does he know the names of Chu Mei and others. Of course, he will not inquire maliciously. , let alone talking too much, he only knew that Chu Feng was a customer he could guarantee a long-term cooperation with, or that it was enough for him to belong to the rare and just-needed customers.

He is a businessman himself, so he doesn't know other people's secrets. As long as others don't tell him, he won't inquire maliciously. Boss Wang took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, intending to take out a cigarette and hand it to Chu Feng, but Chu Feng And did not accept.

Boss Wang had no choice but to put this cigarette into his mouth. He had long known that Boss Chu didn't smoke, so he didn't intend to smoke in front of Chu Feng. He just put the pack of cigarettes in his pocket for fun. , put the cigarette in his mouth to his ear, and then took out the account book from the satchel.

"Boss Chu, this week is the day to pay the bills again. The account book records all the current accounts for this week, plus this time 12 tons of fruit, 8 tons of apples, 2 tons of bananas, and half a ton of pineapples. It's 21."

"Let me see, give it to me."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Boss Wang hurriedly handed all the accounting books in his hand to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng himself took out another accounting book and compared the data one by one. There was indeed no wrong data, but Chu Feng's account book was more Be specific, concise and easy to understand.

Boss Wang was not surprised. He was used to Chu Feng's caution and generosity. As long as there were no errors in the account books, he would quickly give the money in person and then take the account books back. This was their daily practice.

Sure enough, after Chu Feng confirmed the account book, he used the Alipay enterprise version to transfer a total of 21 to Boss Wang, which was not bad at all, and he didn't bother to give a penny less. This is also the reason why Boss Wang likes to do business with Chu Feng. In order to show respect, I always come to check out in person.

Boss Wang’s mobile phone received a text message notification, reminding Alipay to arrive at 21 yuan. Boss Wang laughed and said goodbye to Chu Feng, and went there to help, but Chu Feng didn’t ask Boss Wang to help this time, so he called stopped him.

Because Chu Feng has a big business plan to introduce to him, and because Chu Feng is not familiar with other fruit wholesalers, but he heard that Boss Wang has established several fruit purchasing centers in his Mangbu County, and he has a lot of fruit resources in his hands. In addition, Boss Wang delivered fresh fruits every time, so Chu Feng decided to cooperate with him.

"What's the matter, Boss Chu? Just say it."

Boss Wang saw that Chu Feng was hesitant to talk, so he vaguely guessed that Chu Feng might have something to say to him. Apart from business, there was almost nothing else that could make the two of them talk. This guess made Boss Wang a little Excited.

"Oh, that's right. I have a big business plan to cooperate with you. I heard that you have several fruit purchasing centers in your hometown, and you have a lot of fruit resources?"

"Yes, there are, but how much do you want?"

Boss Wang suppressed his excitement. With the fixed market in Shenzhen these years, it is too difficult to enter the market of local shopping malls and supermarkets. It is not easy to find new partners. Fruit wholesalers are a phenomenon that there are fewer meat and more wolves. It is neither a supermarket nor a shopping mall, let alone a fruit shop like Chu Feng, but there are too few customers who just need it with a large purchase volume.

"What I want is so big that you can't eat it all by yourself."

"Boss Chu, are you kidding me? As long as you can eat it all, I'll be your own market, no problem."

"I want you to provide me with 100 million tons of fruit every year. Can you do it?"

"100 million tons soon? 200 million tons will give you... How much? How many tons did you just say?" Boss Wang almost didn't realize it when he heard it, and said directly. When he realized that something was wrong, he seemed to feel that he was hallucinating .

"One million tons, at least provide me with one million tons of fruit every year."

"Boss Chu, are you kidding, I can't eat such a large quantity, unless you give me the right to order, and I will get you a few fruit batches like mine..." Boss Wang paused while talking, watching Seeing Chu Feng couldn't believe it, he asked, "Boss Chu, you are planning to ask me to find some wholesalers to work for you, right?"

"How about it? The business I introduced to you is huge. You can't eat it alone, so I can also give you the power. As long as you provide me with enough goods, the money is absolutely fine."

Chu Feng smiled and said nothing, and continued to lie on the wooden chair.Boss Wang bit his lip and made a decision in his heart, but he still had a family to support, so he had to go back and discuss with his family before he decided to cooperate with Chu Feng. After all, he also had several children.

For such a big business, in the early stage, he must first pay for the goods and then transport them to the Shenzhen market. Only when all the goods are handed over to Chu Feng and Chu Feng pays, can he be regarded as earning the first sum of money.

Among them, there is no delay in the transportation process of fruit wholesale. After all, fast delivery is required. The larger the transportation, the lower the cost. If one accidentally makes a wrong step, it will really mean the whole thing is over, and he will immediately put the family in trouble.

"Boss Chu, can I go back and discuss with my family before I give you the news?" Boss Wang looked serious and stared at Chu Feng with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Chu Feng squinted his eyes and lay on the wooden chair, but opened his mouth and said, "It's okay, I'll give you a month, and you'll give me a message after you've thought it over, and I'll go find someone else when it's over."

"Thank you Boss Chu for your support."

"Wait for you to give me an answer before saying thank you. You can go back after unloading the goods. By the way, the goods for next week will continue to be delivered to me. Don't forget."

"It's okay, it's a trivial matter."

After finishing speaking, he checked that the goods had been unloaded. Boss Wang called the driver, got on the truck and went back. When he got back, he kept looking at Chu Feng and Chu Mei and the others who were moving the goods, and made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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