super biofactory

Chapter 5 Hospital

Chapter 5 Hospital
The next morning, the sun rose, and a few rays of light came in from the window.Chu Feng also woke up naturally. The first thing he did when he woke up was to observe his body. However, he only felt that his body was full of strength, as if one punch could kill a cow.

On the skin all over the body, there is also a tender red skin color, which is smooth and fair to the touch, but there is a lot of sweat and mud, which is uncomfortable to stick to, and I can't wait to scratch it off with my nails.

"Boss, you are awake."

Chu Xiong removed the camouflage system, showed his body, and greeted Chu Feng.

"Just in time, did you discover anything last night?"


After pondering for a while, Chu Xiong continued, "The only thing is that, boss, your body excretes a lot of impurities. This sweat is waste from your body."

"Well, I see, I'll give you 100 yuan, and you go out and buy some food and come back."

While speaking, Chu Feng took out a hundred-yuan gauze from his wallet, and after Chu Xiong took the money, he left the rented room directly.

Chu Feng also had to take a shower first, his body was covered in sweat which made him very uncomfortable. It took Chu Feng nearly half an hour to wash off.Normally, he only needs to wash for a few minutes before finishing the work. His body is too dirty. After spraying the scented one-time dew bath water, he puts on new clothes.

After walking out, he found that Chu Xiong was already sitting by the bed, and the table next to him was filled with meat buns, soy milk, and even several bags of buns. Seeing this, Chu Feng was speechless.

Seeing Chu Feng coming out, Chu Xiong quickly stood up and said hello. Chu Feng waved his hand to stop Chu Xiong's movements and told him not to behave like this in the future. Without saying much, he quickly summoned Chu Mei from the warehouse. Chu Feng also said hello as soon as Chu Feng came out. .

Immediately afterwards, the three of them didn't talk nonsense, and ate around breakfast.

After eating a big meal, Chu Xiong and the two waited for the master Chu Feng to speak. Chu Feng naturally knew that it was time to get down to business, so he ordered Chu Mei to study the liquid of life in the rented room.

On the other hand, Chu Feng planned to fill up the liquid of life with an empty bottle. After filling two bottles, he did not continue to fill them. He put them in his backpack and called Chu Xiong to join him. Treat it like a bodyguard.

After all, it would be a waste of talent for such a cheap and loyal bodyguard not to call out to death.

Chu Xiong said, "Boss, where are we going?"

"Go to the hospital."

That's right, it is the hospital. Although Chu Feng has the liquid of life in his hands, it can be exchanged for a fortune.But for now, firstly, he has nothing to do with him, secondly, he doesn't know where to find local rich men, and thirdly, he doesn't know who has an elderly person who is about to die.

So he focused on the largest people's hospital in the city. If he had to say that the person he was most likely to meet would be the largest people's hospital in the local area. how.

Not to mention that the average cup of boiled water costs 30 yuan, which is not affordable. Just the fact that he needs to tip 1000 yuan to the students to get the tickets is enough to make Chu Feng feel distressed.

After all, he is a poor ghost after all, and the only prerequisite for having a biological processing plant is that it can be exchanged for wealth.

Therefore, this is why Chu Feng set his sights on the hospital. After all, the hospital is a place where you can be treated if you are sick and have money.

People who have no money dare not even go to a large people's hospital to see a doctor. They just want to spend a few hundred yuan on Chinese medicine at home, which is unacceptable compared to the 10,000+ medical and hospital expenses.

High medical expenses are also one of the most important reasons for countless low-income families to suffer tragedies. To put it bluntly, the hospital charges are too high, and the income of ordinary people is too low.

Chu Feng and Chu Xiong got into a local taxi and said to the driver, "Driver, go to the Municipal People's Hospital."

"Okay, take a seat." The driver received the address and steered the steering wheel to get on the road.

After the operation of the driver Sao, the originally only 15-minute journey was dragged to more than 10 minutes before arriving, and the local traffic was not very good, saying that there were frequent traffic jams in many places.

Chu Feng was convinced and had no choice but to give him the money. After paying in cash, he got out of the car and waited until the taxi drove away. Chu Feng took a sip of water at the exhaust fume of the taxi and cursed: "Bah, you stupid black taxi." The car deserved to be hit."

Standing next to Chu Feng, Chu Xiong couldn't help his forehead turning black when he saw his boss's childish behavior. He didn't expect his master to have a childish side.

"Let's go, find someone in the advanced hospital and ask where the intensive care unit is." Chu Feng tidied up his image, took his backpack away, and then stepped onto the gate of the People's Hospital. Behind him, Chu Xiong closely followed Chu Feng, staring at him again. nearby people.

Patients and their families were coming and going, and various bridges and trains were moving at a slow speed. There was a parking lot in the middle, surrounded by high-rise inpatient buildings, outpatient buildings and emergency buildings. In the middle was the word "Outpatient Building".

When I came to the artificial service front desk, I asked the female nurse with a red stripe on her waist, and got the news that the intensive care unit was on the eleventh floor of the inpatient building.

However, when they took the elevator up to the No.11 floor, before Chu Feng and Chu Xiong got out of the elevator, they heard a burst of loud shouts and exclamations.

Quicken your pace and walk out of the corridor to see what's going on.

At the moment, on the No.11th floor, there are two doctors and a few nervous female nurses standing at the nurse's workbench in the middle of the hall. There are two armed police officers at the entrance of an intensive care unit more than ten meters away, all pointing their guns at the ward. Inside, shouting.

"Chen Shanshan, originally your crime was not serious, and you would be released after a few years of sentence. Now you take hostages, the crime will be increased, and you will be sentenced to at least ten years. I advise you to calm down, let go of the hostages, and strive for leniency." Policemen with guns yelled.

"Stop talking nonsense and do as I say. Prepare 10 yuan and a car for me within half an hour, otherwise I will kill her."

The gangster named Chen Shanshan shouted emotionally.

"Ah, don't kill me." Immediately afterwards, there was a scream from the female nurse, and it was obvious from the sound that she was quite frightened.

"Don't move around, or I will kill you immediately, but as long as you obediently cooperate with me to escape, I will naturally let you go." The gangster said again.

"Boss, it seems that a hijacking case has occurred." Chu Xiong whispered.

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Yes, I saw it too."

"Does the boss need my help?"

"Wait a minute, the person in charge should be here by now."


"Hurry up, I don't have much patience, you only have half an hour to prepare." The gangster shouted arrogantly.

"It's not a problem to transfer a car in half an hour, but 10 yuan is a little troublesome, you have to give us a little more time." The policeman angrily said.

"There is no room for bargaining. You only have half an hour. If you wait a second longer, I will kill the nurse." The gangster said without negotiating.

"President, why are you here?"

"Dean, the ward is too dangerous, you can't go there."

At this time, an old man with gray hair hurried to the eleventh floor, surrounded by several doctors and nurses. This old man was the director of the Municipal People's Hospital.

He said: "How can I not come after such a big incident? Don't let anyone stop me. I want to say a few words to the gangster."

The dean insisted on going there, but the doctors and nurses did not dare to stop them, so they followed suit.

"It's too dangerous here, you'd better stay behind." The policeman discouraged.

"I only spoke a few words to the gangster."

The dean stood at the door of the hospital. The look in his eyes when he saw the kidnapped nurse was full of anxiety, love and distress. That kind of emotion completely surpassed a dean's concern for ordinary nurses. Seeing the dean, the little nurse couldn't stop crying. flowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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