super biofactory

Chapter 28 Punishment

Chapter 28 Punishment
Now, apart from Chu Feng's factory, there are nearly [-] workshops and small factories in the surrounding area. There is not a single large factory, and the huge beach is polluted by sewage.

Now that the pollution port was accidentally discovered, something must be done.

Chu Feng's first thought was to weld up the water outlet, so that factories that secretly discharged sewage would definitely be caught blind, and the sewage outlet must be re-cut to operate.

However, underwater work is always a difficult problem. Let alone other things, it is difficult to find the blocked place for the factory of the sewage outlet, not to mention that welding iron underwater is a difficult task. Operation.

The same idea, using welding to block the sewage outlet will also make the factory owners suspicious. Although Shenzhen is a large technology city, there are only a few companies that actually have the ability to underwater weld.

Of course, the surrounding factories would also be suspected, so Chu Feng didn't plan to weld the sewage outlet himself. After all, his factory didn't have underwater welding technicians, so he recalled this cockroach-headed monster.

Then he returned to the factory, called a technical cockroach-headed monster, and asked him to find a piece of broken wood from the factory warehouse and cut it into a large arrow-shaped cork.

Then, let him engrave another one on the cork, using a blue whale and a blue circle, with a circle of English letters below the logo—Sea Shepherd Association, a registered tax-free company whose full name is sea shepherd conservation society organization.

SSCS for short!

This is a group of national marine organizations with extremely powerful combat effectiveness. They often appear in the international news, with water cannons and stinky butter. They are the ones who confront the Japanese whaling ships...

Although Chu Feng does not have a good impression of these foreigners with excess energy, he does not have a bad impression, especially at this critical moment, when foreigners live permanently under the regulations, let them take the blame without any psychological pressure!

More than ten minutes later, Chu Feng took the cork and sent it to Chu Xiong through the black hole, asking him to send a cockroach-headed monster along the bottom of the sea, under the cave passage, and dive back to the sewage pipe.

The drainage speed of this sewage pipe is not fast. Chu Feng can see through the display board that the monster with the cockroach head does not need to wear a breathing mask, and directly holds the cork with one hand to dive, facing the pipe drainage groove, smashing the cork violently go in.

Because the cork is soaked in water for too long, it will ferment and become larger, so it is very suitable for sealing pipes.

At this time, it was laid straight on the seabed at the end of the pipeline, and the family was located a little far from the lake, nearly [-] li away from the lower left of Chufeng's factory, in a large-scale chemical factory specializing in the production of various chemical plastics.

A water pump system with a high degree of automation and a large booster tower is in full swing, pumping countless industrial waste water into the pipeline on the seabed.

This kind of large-scale water pump system is unobstructed and only the water plant can install this kind of equipment for long-distance pipeline transportation of water.

Now I saw in a chemical plant that the supercharging system was in progress. Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded, and the motor immediately stopped working.

A duty officer who was watching the video slowly was suddenly startled by the siren, and rushed over to check the reason.

Due to the excessive pressure, it cannot be released, causing the power to be automatically disconnected, indicating that the pipe cannot be drained.

The attendant hurriedly increased the pressure setting, hoping to use more pressure to break through the sundries that blocked the pipeline, because such problems are very common, and there are always sundries that are full, and the sundries can be washed away by increasing the pressure.

After setting up, the booster system continued to operate, but a few minutes later another alarm sounded.

The drainage cannot be discharged, and the production workshop of the chemical plant cannot operate a set of equipment. It has been continuously processed. Once the pressure is stopped, some equipment will be scrapped directly!

This kind of problem is too normal for the old equipment in most factories!
Seeing the situation, the person on duty could only call the boss and ask the boss to solve it.

More than ten minutes later, a middle-aged man with a potbelly and a Mediterranean hairstyle hurried over with a handbag in his hand.

"The water pipe...the water pipe is blocked by something, and it can't be opened with pressure." The person on duty looked at the middle-aged boss carefully and explained.

"Then hurry up and pressurize the water. Once the water pipe is blocked, the wastewater pool will be full in less than half an hour!" The boss jumped to his feet angrily and yelled, "You want me to drain the entire production line?" If you can’t stop, why would I pay you to come here?”

"It's useless, boss, I've turned the pressure to the maximum limit, and if I don't solve it, it will explode!"

"Keep it on, you can't even look at the machine." The factory owner was furious, "The pressure has been turned on to the maximum, I don't believe that I can't open the pipeline!"

The employee in charge of guarding the equipment quickly nodded in praise, and then ran to the console to adjust the parameters so that the supercharging system bypassed the automatic power-off setting and made manual adjustments.

Half a minute later, the booster system continued to operate.

Now there is no restriction, and the high-pressure air is constantly in the air. It seems that the waste water pool has not changed, and it has been leaking out.

As the needle of the pressure gauge continued to rise, the face of the factory owner became more and more livid.

Blockage of unobstructed pipes usually occurs during the period when sewage discharge is stopped. Ocean currents can easily bring up a large amount of algae and debris. It is not uncommon for pipe mouths to be blocked occasionally.

However, according to the usual operation, usually these sundries can be easily washed out by the sewage without even increasing the pressure.

Now, when the sewage is being discharged, a blockage occurs, and even pressurization has no effect.

The blockage is still very severe, and the pressure cannot be opened at all!


A loud noise broke his contemplation, and the safety valve on the pipeline was suddenly opened, and the sewage sprayed out like fire water!

The staff on duty and the factory owner screamed ghostly, and before they could run, they were washed to the ground by the flying sewage.

The sewage was dark green and had a stench to the sky. Not to mention being drenched in water, even if they took a sip, they would be disgusted. Now the two of them are directly soaked in the sewage.

"Help... help..."

Before the chemical boss could raise his voice to call for help, he was disgusted by the smell of sewage and vomited out on the spot.


At this moment, Chu Feng just asked Chu Xiong to collect the blood-sucking worms from the entire underground cave. There were also two buckets full of blood-sucking worms. Although these blood-sucking worms were a little disgusting, they were great treasures to Chu Feng.

I heard that the blood-sucking worms produced in humid areas have countless viruses and bacteria, and they just took them back to feed the virus isolates.

Unfortunately, he did not find bats in the cave.

Bats carry thousands of different and severe viruses, which are more suitable for feeding virus isolates, but it is a pity that it is almost difficult to see a large number of wild bats in Shenzhen City, only more distant ones that have not yet been developed on a large scale Can be found in mountainous areas.

(End of this chapter)

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