super biofactory

Chapter 126 Corporate Crisis

Chapter 126 Corporate Crisis
However, the thoughts in Chu Feng's mind at this time were completely contrary to the thoughts of everyone. He was too clear about the gold content in Yang Zhiyuan's three suggestions and the meaning behind them.

As the boss of a start-up biotechnology company, he naturally understands the importance of a complete scientific research patent and biopharmaceutical production line, as well as the formulation of various drugs, for a new biotechnology company.

He also considered setting up his own biotechnology company for independent development, but this process requires a relatively high technical reserve and takes a long time to accumulate.

Although he once had this idea, he never implemented it, because even the drug production line may not be available. This is because Chu Feng accidentally cooperated with Jiangnan Biology to obtain only three production lines, and Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company must have Complete pharmaceutical production plant.

Moreover, the sales cost handed over to Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company is also within the acceptable range, and the level of biotechnology obtained through these years of development is not ready enough.

Besides, except for the bugs summoned by the system, their tyrannical creatures no longer have any medicines that can be handed out, so his idea has never been implemented.

However, at this moment, the three proposals put forward by Yang Zhiyuan made him see an opportunity, an opportunity that could replace the production capacity factory of a biopharmaceutical company at any time, and obtain more common drug formulas. Giant creatures will not be missed by the above or other peer biological companies.

After some weighing in his heart, Chu Feng immediately had a decision and determination in his heart.

He smiled and looked at the three judges and experts, and said, "Experts, which of the twelve companies has the best business bidding documents? I personally think Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company's documents are quite good. You say yes."

While speaking, his gaze was on Qin Shanhai. Except for Wu Shi and Li Yi, although the three judges and experts were all hired by Qin Shanhai, it doesn't mean that they were looking for Qin Shanhai, because the money was paid by Chu Feng of.

And they naturally understood this point, and at the same time saw Chu Feng's thoughts, so when scoring, they all gave the highest score to Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company without hesitation, directly giving 8 points, and among the other dozen or so companies who scored The highest mountain and sea biological company only got 6 points!
In this way, after Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company's technical bidding and the comprehensive score of business bidding, plus Chu Feng's subjective consciousness, Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company's total score is No.1.

So Chu Feng announced on the spot: "Next, I announce that the company that won the bid is Zhoutai Pharmaceutical. Congratulations to Mr. Yang. Congratulations to Zhoutai Pharmaceutical!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Feng personally walked to Yang Zhiyuan's side, shook hands with Yang Zhiyuan with a smile, and then shook hands with Huang Yuhui and others one by one. Finally, with a smile on his face, Chu Feng led Gaofeng Langshan, Wu Shi, Li Yi and others away the venue.

Yang Zhiyuan was the last one to come out. As soon as he walked out of the notary office, Qin Shanhai and Yao Mingtang blocked Yang Zhiyuan and Huang Yuhui's way.

Qin Shanhai said coldly: "Mr. Yang, your behavior is completely disrupting the rules of this industry. What you are doing is completely burning pianos and cooking cranes, digging your own grave. I believe that your company's board meeting is Absolutely will not agree to your bidding plan?"

Yao Mingtang also sneered and said: "Mr. Yang, if I guessed correctly, I'm afraid your bidding plan has not been reported to your board members, right? Hmph, just wait, when you go back, if you can still get To the funds of those directors of that company, I, Yao Mingtang, have your surname!"

Yang Zhiyuan looked at the two of them with a smile on his face and said, "You two, thank you for your reminders. You are really right. My bidding plan has indeed been kept secret."

"Otherwise, the secret was leaked by insiders last night, but don't worry, I will report this matter to our board members immediately after I go back, so I won't worry about your concerns."

After finishing speaking, Yang Zhiyuan took Huang Yuhui and walked out in a personable manner.

After Yang Zhiyuan and Huang Yuhui left, Qin Shanhai took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Jianren, vice president of Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company, and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, congratulations!"

When Xiao Jianren heard Qin Shanhai's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then walked to an office, closed the door, and said inexplicably, "Mr. Qin, did your Shanhai Biological Company win the bid? Congratulations! One billion orders, this matter has a great impact on that guy Yang Zhiyuan, I can finally rely on this matter to convene a board of directors to drive that guy away."

Qin Shanhai was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry and said, "I congratulate you Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company for winning the bid!"

Xiao Jianren's eyes widened immediately, shock was written in his eyes, and he asked incredulously, "No way, how is this possible?"

Qin Shanhai then told Xiao Jianren about Yang Zhiyuan's bidding process. After Xiao Jianren heard it, his face was livid with anger and he trembled all over.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Audacity, this Yang Zhiyuan is simply audacity, he is selling the interests of the company, such a person, what interests do we shareholders have, absolutely unacceptable, I will go find other directors Report this matter, this time I must fire Yang Zhiyuan, even though he is one of the founders of the company, and he is not one of the founders of Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company!"

After Xiao Jianren communicated with Qin Shanhai again, he went to the other directors angrily, and recounted Qin Shanhai's remarks with embellishment.

After hearing this, Li Guoxuan was also very angry. As one of the founders of Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company and the executive director of Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company, the so-called CEO, he naturally hopes that the company can win some important projects.

Even on some projects, he will personally assist his subordinates to complete certain projects in order to ensure that the entire company can complete the revenue task.

However, Li Guoxuan's desire to control is also very strong, he must ensure that everything is under his control.

But now, although Yang Zhiyuan allowed the company to win the bid, the entire bidding process was completely out of his control. Even for such an important matter, Yang Zhiyuan didn't even ask the board of directors for instructions.

This is provoking the authority of one of their company founders and the board of directors, which is not giving them face.

Coupled with Xiao Jianren sowing discord, Li Guoxuan directly slapped the table and said: "Nonsense, this is simply nonsense, this is not a cooperative business, this is signing an unequal treaty, this is the express order of our Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company Prohibited things."

"After he comes back, you bring him over to me immediately and hold a board meeting. I will have an interview with him in person in front of the board meeting. He is not suitable to be the chairman of Zhoutai Pharmaceutical Company."

(End of this chapter)

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