super biofactory

Chapter 118 Su Jie

Chapter 118 Su Jie
The two biopharmaceutical engineers who received the call said that they had time now and could arrive at Leshan Intermediary Company in about half an hour.

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Feng obtained the information and specific situation of these two biological engineers from Lin Feng. One of them was named Wu Shi and the other was named Li Yi. After graduating from Tsinghua University, he has been working in Gene Life Technology Company;

As for this Li Yi, his work resume is more exciting. He has worked in Beike Biology, Hengtai Biology, Huiduan Biology, and Gene Life.

The reason why he was laid off this time was because he had just worked in the mainland branch of Gene Life Technology for less than two years, and the Roche Group wanted to digest the resources of Gene Life Technology, so he hired him.

This is not the most exciting thing, the most exciting thing is that every time he changes jobs, he is laid off. This is the fourth time he has been laid off, and the reasons for being laid off are very vague...

When he saw this, Chu Feng couldn't help but frowned. He felt that this biological researcher named Li Yi should be capable, but he might not be able to guarantee his character, because this person changed jobs four times. , but was planted every time.

The file was quickly read, but before the person arrived, Chu Feng greeted Lin Feng, and planned to go out to get some air, because he didn't like smoking, but this agency company was too lively, and there were two men beside him who had just lit a fire I took two sips.

Just as Chu Feng was sitting in his own car, a man walked out of the agency company quickly. It was obviously aimed at him, but he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions. Judging by his attire, it seemed a bit like he had just died because of his family bankruptcy. The unemployed who have entered the army of the unemployed.

Why do you say that he is an unemployed person? He looks to be in his 40s. Just look at his attire. He is wearing a faded old suit and leather shoes on his upper body, a pair of cheap black pants on his lower body, and a pair of old leather shoes on his feet.

And his disheveled hair, haggard face, and thin figure made Chu Feng remember the sloppy impression of the man in front of him. It seemed that this guy was sitting on a bench in an agency company before—he just wanted a job. , Chu Feng had already started to get in the car, closed the door, and lowered the window to look at him.

"Boss, I have no ill intentions." Seeing Chu Feng staring at him, the unemployed middle-aged uncle hurriedly waved his hand, and asked in a nervous and uneasy voice: "Boss, I just heard You are asking about information on biopharmaceuticals, are you looking to recruit talents in biopharmaceuticals?"

Seeing that Chu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, he seemed a little puzzled, and quickly pointed to the intermediary company behind him and said, "I came to Leshan Intermediary Company to look for a job. It is immediately clear that you are recruiting for biopharmaceuticals."

There are generally two types of people who come to a job placement company, either they are looking for a job, or if they are not looking for a job, but they still drive a luxury car, then there is only one possibility, he is here to recruit people.

Chu Feng was a little surprised by the logic and judgment of this slovenly middle-aged man. It is impossible for ordinary people to see so many things through these details.

He didn't answer, but looked him up and down seriously again, and seeing that he was still holding a resume in his hand, he asked a little suspiciously: "Are you..."

"If you plan to recruit personnel in biopharmaceuticals, can you give me a job?" The slovenly man licked his dry and cracked lips, with eagerness and tension in his eyes: "I am familiar with biopharmaceuticals, separation , refining, synthesizing... even pharmaceuticals, I can do all biopharmaceutical work, I don't need much money, as long as I am paid 1 yuan a month, just food but not housing..."

Obviously, this man must have been in extreme difficulty. Looking at the pleading on his expression, one knew that his life must be difficult now - maybe he was in urgent need of a job. Chu Feng really didn't expect that the employment problem in biopharmaceuticals would be like this. difficulty.

But he is not a bad person after all, this kind of liar who just jumped out on the road to talk about his difficulties, he has seen a lot, and his heart has been tempered like a stone, but the special temperament of this man in front of him made Chu Feng frowned , did not answer his question.

Instead, he asked, "Have you done scientific research?"

"Uh... yes." Although he didn't understand why Chu Feng would ask this question, but facing the possibility of giving him a boss who would allow him to take on the job, this man resolutely gave up.

"Show me your information?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, took a look at his personal resume, and raised his head to look at it: "Seeing that you are not old, but your information is too exaggerated. You also participated in the first head transplant surgery two years ago..."

The man's expression suddenly collapsed, and he said with a wry smile: "Yes, but a series of reactions were triggered later, that person has also begun to be rejected by the body, and we have ignored the law of energy conservation."

"No wonder no one dared to recruit you," Chu Feng nodded. "The information about you is also complete, and you have not concealed anything. You have done a good job on this point. If you conceal this record, you will regret it."

The current development of biotechnology is permeated with a strong sense of tragedy and employment difficulties. The conditions are also beginning to recruit the best graduate students. It can be said that undergraduates have been abandoned by biotechnology companies, and junior college students are not even interested in watching.

However, Su Jie, who graduated as a doctoral student, fell into such a footsteps because he participated in the world's first head replacement operation two years ago, and he was erratic and incurable four months ago. Disliked by the company.

The light in Su Jie's eyes dimmed. From his point of view, his job hunting would end in failure again, but since Chu Feng didn't directly refuse, he still looked at Chu Feng with the last sliver of hope: "Then... ...The boss, what do you mean..."

Chu Feng waved his hand to stop him, and continued: "I can give you a chance."

"..." The sloppy man didn't speak, but his eyes widened suddenly, and his lips smacked twice, as if he wanted to speak.

Chu Feng waved his hand again, motioning him to stop talking: "Don't get too excited, the information says that you used to be the person in charge of biological research of Hengtai Group. I can give you a chance on this, but I need more details. understand your situation, such as your basic situation..."

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and continued: "Oh, by the way, let me explain first, my company is called Baju Biology, and it is a biotechnology company engaged in the production of biological medicines. Now you can introduce your situation to me."

"I..." Su Jie opened his eyes wide, sniffed his nose vigorously, took a deep breath, his whole body was no longer exhausted, as if reporting his work to the officer, he stretched out his hand to hold Chu Feng, and said loudly : "Hello boss, my name is Su Jie, from Heyu Province, 48 years old this year, with 20 years of experience in biological scientific research, divorced, with two daughters, and the custody of the daughters belongs to my ex-wife. The house I gave to my ex-wife, now I live in a rented house nearby, and I will study biological cell structures."

(End of this chapter)

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