super biofactory

Chapter 101 Jiangnan Biology

Chapter 101 Jiangnan Biology
However, there are technical problems with the anti-infective alienation drug worth 5 million yuan. Who can solve the fundamental problem for him?

There are very few domestic biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies that can produce the same level, Zhifei Bio, Hualan Bio, Chengda Bio, Tiantan Bio?
Li Wujiang was satisfied if he asked these colleagues for help. They didn't laugh their teeth out and didn't start a crazy price war to seize the market in the first place.

Li Wujiang could definitely imagine that his company, as one of the largest biopharmaceutical companies in the country, would seek help from them. Li Wujiang had never thought about it, nor did he think about it this way. It was purely because it was a contract with a confidentiality clause.

Looking to foreign counterparts for help, those established foreign biopharmaceutical companies almost wish that all domestic biopharmaceutical manufacturing industries would die out, especially Amgen Group, one of the world's largest biopharmaceutical companies with a strong pharmaceutical reputation.

It turns out that before the domestic biopharmaceutical industry took off, Amgen Group, together with Celgene and Gilead Group, became very popular in China. The price of each drug was increased several times.

I am not the prototype of a company where a bottle of medicine in Yaoshen costs more than 5 yuan. In fact, it is the Gilead Group.

Then the country also began to establish its own biopharmaceutical companies. Every time a drug of the same type is produced, the total sales of Amgen Group's jointly created benefit chain partners will drop by a full third.

Every time domestic biopharmaceuticals make a domestic drug, it will reduce the global sales of a certain drug by one-third, especially those underdeveloped countries with poor purchasing power, who are almost squeezed by these domestic biopharmaceutical companies. The final result is Celgene was annexed by a German biopharmaceutical group, and its so-called interest chain partners collapsed.

It was impossible to find them, so Li Wujiang was so anxious that he held several technical public relations conferences, but this group of veteran biopharmaceutical technicians had studied for a long time without any results. So.

As for seeking help from Luo's Group, Li Wujiang couldn't even imagine it, and he didn't even dare to say a word. After all, their advertisements were too beautiful, and it was hard to get a big order of 5 million.

How is it possible to discuss with them, even if it is a one-sentence matter, as long as there is a problem with their Jiangnan Biological medicine leaked out, Jiangnan Biological will have to face liquidated damages several times the compensation the next day.

In desperation, Li Wujiang suddenly thought of the Baju Glass Factory, that small biotechnology factory. He thought of the small biotechnology factory in Hongling Industrial Zone. It was all because Baju Biotech had produced a drug that would make money for copper virus patients. A report of a complete cure.

Roche Group purchased 5 million yuan of anti-infective and exotic drugs at one time, as well as other large-scale drug production. Li Wujiang was certainly happy.

Later, I heard that a certain shareholder of the Roche Group was in need. His beloved daughter was infected with the Copper Virus. Li Wujiang was very happy to use his personal relationship to obtain a bottle of Copper Antibody Solution from the government from Baju Biotech. He passed it to a private machine overnight. Send them together to East Asian island countries.

The departure of the private plane was not very smooth. The pilot of the private plane had just taken a circle around the coastline of the island country with the antibody solution. When he landed near the Dongdu Airport of the island country, he accidentally put two tires on the back of the two private planes. If the speed is too fast, both will be scrapped.

When Li Wujiang heard the news, he didn't feel any pain in his heart. It was just two plane tires, but the matter of several million dollars was made by the pilot of his own private jet, so how could Li Wujiang feel heartache?

But Li Wujiang was later aroused by a trivial matter. The person in charge of the antibody solution said that after the money copper antibody solution was delivered to the shareholder according to the destination, the daughter of the shareholder who holds a part of the Roche Group's right to speak took the money. After copper antibody solution, healed completely.

When it comes to biopharmaceuticals, in the entire Shenzhen market, who dares to compare technology and scale with Li Wujiang?

But this newly established biotechnology company, a small company with only one glass factory, taught Li Wujiang a lesson with practical actions.

The person in charge said that the effect of the money copper antibody solution is very good. Originally, the shareholder of the Roche Group did not have the first choice, and did not believe in the effect of the money copper antibody solution. He used the energy of the Roche Group overnight to develop a drug that can suppress money copper. Drugs for the virus, no news on results.

Later, I heard that the money-copper antibody solution he sent over was completely cured within a few hours after being taken by his daughter. If a drug that can completely cure the money-copper virus is developed and manufactured in a short time, not even Jiangnan Biotech can do so. ability.

Of course, if the Roche Group wants to produce this virus-suppressing drug, it is also a matter of using its special equipment and top experts, but it will take more than half a year.

When Li Wujiang heard the news, apart from admiration and curiosity, he didn't have too many thoughts. Maybe there are some special secret recipes and skills in the small factory, or there are masters with superb skills sitting in the town?
As for those laymen who study biology, they talked about the Center for Virus Strain Splitting Theory, and about the ratio of quotas, Li Wujiang almost didn't laugh.

After all, in 1796, the British doctor Jenner inoculated the liquid from the blisters on the skin of a girl who was suffering from cowpox to an 8-year-old healthy boy, which was the most risky experiment in the history of medicine. born.

The real effect of the vaccine or antibody solution, in his mind, the virus antibody solution produced by Baju Biology is a semi-finished product produced in a hurry, and it must not be comparable to the genuine vaccine.

Li Wujiang, who was morbidly obsessed with the pursuit of the perfect virus antibody solution or virus vaccine, immediately found someone and got another bottle of money copper antibody solution from the government.

The money copper antibody liquid arrived yesterday, and Li Wujiang took advantage of the spare time in the evening to let the research institute experiment and study the money copper antibody liquid overnight.

The above bottle of money copper antibody solution was also brought back, because Li Wujiang was very interested and wanted to see how capable this small biological company was, and could create a drug that could completely cure the disease in a short period of time. Money copper antibody solution for patients with viral infections?

As a result, a bottle of virus antibody liquid was in his mind, and the unqualified money copper antibody liquid in his precise eyes. When it was carried in front of him, Li Wujiang was so frightened that he almost threw away the red wine worth several million in his hand.

Damn it... this is not workshop-level. This is obviously the most perfect virus antibody solution in the world, okay?
Because in addition to complex separation and analysis tasks, he also used chromatographic analysis methods, including structural analysis, valence state analysis, crystal analysis and other aspects of research. Later, he also used the development of spectral analysis and all available testing and experimental tools and methods. Li Wujiang I gave them all a try.

The final conclusion reached made Li Wujiang unbelievable, so he continued to ask experts from his biological laboratory to test the bottle of money copper antibody solution again. After that, Li Wujiang suddenly stood up from his chair.


Isn't the problem that Jiangnan Biological is facing now the problem of biopharmaceutical processing?Since the other party can create the money copper antibody liquid, they must have special processing skills and sit with world-class pharmaceutical experts.

The next day, Li Wujiang made a special trip to ask the driver to drive him to the small processing factory in Hongling Industrial Zone, intending to visit the boss here, Chu Feng. Li Wujiang was very sincere.

But when they came to visit, a very funny thing happened. They were blocked by a cockroach-headed monster watching the door!
But this monster with a cockroach head was the doorman, and said in a cold tone: "The technology in our factory is all confidential. What if you go in and leak our company's secrets?"

Li Wujiang's bodyguard's nose was so angry that the cockroach-headed monster guarding the door didn't even know the boss's name. He was very arrogant and domineering and said that he was not allowed to enter the factory.

What are the secrets in your small workshop?If it weren't for the cockroach-headed monster guarding the gate, who looked so stupid and illiterate, the bodyguard must use professional knowledge to teach this illiterate what processing secrets is.

Our Jiangnan Group welcomes provincial leaders to visit us. If we can keep the high-precision manufacturing of drugs with large parts and structures private, we will definitely not make it public.

Even if they couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the leaders in charge of the company and were asked to show their skills, reporters were never allowed to take pictures.

This is called the secret of the processing industry, okay?But as for this man, if he wasn't watching the cockroach-headed monster's muscles explode, he would still be responsible for standing in the factory and watching the gate...

Forget it, the bodyguard doesn't want to fight, he is a civilized person, why do bodyguards need to fight these days, wouldn't it be good to talk about business properly?

The bodyguard was very angry, but Li Wujiang was very happy. It is normal for the strong man who guards the gate to have never heard of his name. Of course, Li Wujiang would not care about a gate guard.

But with his luxury car and the appearance of a bodyguard, the gatekeeper would not have guessed that he might have come to talk to his boss about business.


The fact that the other party refused to let him in could only mean that the factory really involved a lot of confidential technologies from the pharmaceutical industry. Li Wujiang was even happier when he saw that the place was surrounded by high walls and clearly blocked the line of sight.

The greater the secret, the happier Li Wujiang was, so when it took Chu Feng about twenty minutes to rush from the villa to the glass factory, Li Wujiang did not show any dissatisfaction on his face.

From the moment Li Wujiang got off the car, Chu Feng frowned, because he instantly recognized who he was. Li Wujiang's name, as long as he was the boss of Shenshen City, who didn't know, everyone regarded him as a target. .

This old guy has appeared on TV more times than the city's senior officials, and Jiangnan Group is the largest company in Shenzhen except China Resources Group, Xun'e Group and Ping An Group, and is even richer than Xun'e Group and Ping An Group in some respects , second only to China Resources Group.

The reason why Jiangnan Group is said to be low-key and wealthy is because Jiangnan Group is not a listed company and its finances are not disclosed to the public, but its cash flow is definitely more than that of Xun'e Group.

Jiangnan Group is an individual-shareholding company, with only China National Biotech and China Resources Group holding 20% ​​as shareholders.

China Resources invested 275 billion to only occupy 20% of Jiangnan Biotech, while China Biotech holds 20% of the shares with technical support, and he personally holds more than half of the shares, but Li Wujiang of Jiangnan Group is keeping a low profile.

(End of this chapter)

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