Chapter 73
Xu Yi was lying on the bed, enjoying the treatment of Yingchun changing the dressing for him personally, thinking that this is life, and finally he can relax for a few days and rest, but the rest he won this time seems to be a bit expensive, because he has an injury on his back, Most of the time, he can only lie on his stomach and cannot move to prevent the wound from cracking again. If he wants to go to bed and have sex with Yingchun again, it will not work, even if he wants to Yingchun, he will never do it.

Yingchun blamed her father for Xu Yi's injury this time, which made Tiger Jin dare not come to visit Xu Yi for the past two days. Li Bo was also very guilty, and pleaded guilty in front of Xu Yi and Yingchun many times, blaming himself Without safeguarding Xu Yi's safety, Yingchun couldn't say anything to Li Bo. After all, Li Bo saved Xu Yi at a critical moment. A guilty feeling.

It's a rest, but Xu Yi didn't have a good rest. His bedroom has become a temporary meeting room on the island these days. Jin Huo is not proficient in organizing various affairs, so he has to ask Xu Yi for his opinion on everything. But he was frightened by Yingchun's white eyes, so he simply asked these people to find Xu Yi by themselves. He had a free time, and he was only responsible for wandering around the island's various construction sites with his airs every day. In fact, Xu Yi was still responsible for the specific work. single-handed arrangement.

In fact, when Xu Yi went to Huangyu Island, the work on Dulong Island did not stop. This time, Dulong Island only used five ships to defeat the Huangyu Island fleet with more than 20 ships, and sent them the remaining ships. All the dozen or so ships were captured and returned, and the craftsmen on the island were in an uproar, thinking that it would be a good thing to stay in this pirate den, at least they would not have to worry about being bullied here, so they all made up their minds to stay. Come down, anyway, Xu Yi promised them that after this matter is over, they will send a boat to notify their family members, or take their family members to live together, and simply stay and do it well. They craftsmen are not everywhere. It's working for others!These craftsmen did not need people from Dulong Island to urge them, but they started to repair the captured ships by themselves. After all, each ship was more or less damaged in the naval battle, especially the one under the seat of Pu Yinjian. The giant ship was the most damaged, and many places had to be rebuilt. The project was not small. These days, they brought those carpenters from Dulong Island to work on the boat day and night. Rest, work hard!

Also, the boat where the white mouse died sank just at the mouth of the channel, which seriously hindered the boat's entry and exit. They simply brought tools, and they dismantled the boat like ants gnawed on the bones while living under the water, thus clearing the waterway.

After Xu Yi's persuasion and warning from Huangyu Island, those descendants of Huangyu Island also started to do it with all their hearts. Anyway, they just changed to another leader, and now this leader Jin is more powerful than the previous leader Pu, so follow him. It's definitely better than being on Huangyu Island, and they don't have to be called a traitor anymore. Xu Yi's swearing at the time made them all fresh in their memories, and they all felt that their conscience was eaten by dogs before, and they were blind and helped outsiders beat their own people. , Now the opportunity to make meritorious deeds and redemption has come, everyone is scrambling to do the work first, and there is no need for people to supervise. In order to save manpower, Xu Yi asked Xue Tu to come forward and find out what strengths these people have. The blacksmiths were sent to help Qin Huzi, those with strong strength went to cut wood for transportation, and those who couldn't do anything went to dig freshwater docks, so that all tasks could be carried out simultaneously.

In addition, Xu Yi also sent Wang Feng and Qian Laoben to take the boat out to transport the family members of those people from Huangyu Island back to Dulong Island for resettlement. It can also speed up the integration of these people into the small society of Dulong Island.

After gaining the experience of the first merger, the merger of the old part of Huangyu Island went very smoothly this time. The former people on the island knew the pros and cons, so they rarely discriminated against newcomers. They supervised the work of these people. In fact, they also took turns to work together with the old department of Huangyu Island. The relationship between the two parties was quite harmonious, so there was no trouble on the island. This made Xu Yi Rather satisfied.

Under the careful care of Yingchun, the wound recovered quite well. After a few days, the wound began to grow new granulation and healed. As long as you don't exercise vigorously, you don't have to worry about it breaking open again, although you are busy. He wanted to rest every day, but after lying on the bed for a few days, Xu Yi started to get bored. He pestered Yingchun every day and wanted to go out for a stroll, but Yingchun was annoyed that he didn't know how to be careful. Meng had already been chopped up and fed to the dogs, but she still couldn't dispel the anger in her heart, so she always used the excuse that his wound had not healed and strictly prohibited him from moving around, which almost drove Xu Yi crazy.

This day, Fat Guang rushed in excitedly and reported to Xu Yi: "Army! Adviser! Good news! The pigeons you brought back from our island last time have all laid eggs and hatched little pigeons! Haha, This thing is so fun! I’m used to living here, and now I let them go, and they don’t fly away. They hover around the island all day, and they all fly back as soon as you blow the whistle. The method you taught really works Ah! Hehe! What's the matter? Isn't my sister-in-law here?"

Yingchun happened to have some business to go out, and at the moment Xu Yi was laying down on the bed and counting his fingers, bored and playing. This island has everything, but there are no books. He is really going to suffocate him to death!Who made these pirates uneducated?When going out to rob, you need everything, but you don’t need books, so that when Master Xu is free, he can only stare with big eyes. Hearing what Fat Guang said, he immediately became happy: "I said pork belly, come quickly and show me Look at the wound on my back, I can’t see it myself, Yingchun always said it hasn’t healed, show me!” Because Fat Guang got to know him well, the time passed comfortably and he gained a lot of weight, so Xu Yi said casually So I gave him a new nickname, called him Pork Belly, and said that if he didn't lose weight, he should really be killed by the New Year. Fat Light didn't think so, anyway, Xu Yi told him not to be angry at anything.

Fat Guang excitedly came over to remove the gauze from Xu Yi's wound: "Well! New flesh has grown, and the healing is pretty good! I think in two days, the military master will be able to go out to practice boxing again!"

(End of this chapter)

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