Great Song Pirate

Chapter 719 Chapter 7 Chapter 42

Chapter 719 Chapter Seventh White Chapter 42 The Kingdom of Jin Begs for Surrender
After Xu Yi arrived at Linhuang Mansion, the Jinghai army made some adjustments to their offensive methods, concentrated a large number of firepower, and launched a fierce attack in the direction of Nancheng.

Moreover, the artisans accompanying the army rushed to build various catapults on the spot, and joined the ranks of the siege, making full use of the auxiliary soldiers recruited temporarily to provide fire support for the main force.

Sure enough, as Xu Yi said, after several large-scale upward attacks, the Leigong Cannons captured by the Jin Army in the city became dumb. Not familiar with the operation of artillery, not only the accuracy is poor, but also because of the poor grasp of the loading weight, several Leigong cannons were blasted in succession, killing and wounding many golden soldiers who were learning how to operate, but they did not get up. to its proper effect.

Sometimes it may not be possible to play a role by mastering advanced weapons, and the quality of operators is also an important factor for the combat effectiveness to be exerted.

And Jin Jun once tried to get some gunpowder by himself after finishing shooting the gunpowder, but because of the inappropriate proportion, it could not be used at all, and several accidents were caused, and their imitation work was also very difficult. They didn't master the craftsmanship, and there was no large-scale furnace in Linhuang Mansion, so it was impossible to imitate it. After several craftsmen were killed, they pieced together something that looked a bit like a cannon. But he used the remaining gunpowder to release it, and the chamber exploded on the spot, and even the craftsman who was experimenting was killed on the spot, so Xie Ye had no choice but to stop this unnecessary consumption.

After the soldiers of Jinghai Kingdom couldn't hear the sound of the artillery in the city, their morale was boosted again. In addition, Xu Yi came to the battlefield to supervise the battle, so their fighting spirit was aroused. Under the leadership of the military officers, they repeatedly attacked the Jin army's defense line without fear of death.

Finally, three days later, the line of defense outside the city of Linhuang Mansion was completely torn apart, and the army approached the city of Linhuang Mansion.

After clearing out the golden army outside the city, Xie Ye gathered all the soldiers and generals back into the Linhuang Mansion to fight the final battle of trapped beasts. Immediately, the Jinghai Army gathered more than a hundred artillery pieces and Hundreds of artillery vehicles launched the most violent attack on Nancheng.

Even though the city of Linhuang Mansion was strong, it could not withstand the bombardment of such dense heavy firepower. The golden soldiers on the top of the city suffered heavy casualties under the fierce impact of artillery fire and boulders. To reduce casualties, there will be no organized soldiers to charge at all, and only use these long-range firepower to bombard, so that the Jin army has no power to fight back.

Just this kind of bombardment alone, the Jinghai army bombarded for four full days, and finally at noon on the fourth day, the smashed southern city wall, which was riddled with holes, declared that it could no longer hold on, and collapsed rumblingly After falling down, a gap of tens of meters was collapsed.

A large number of Jin soldiers swarmed towards the gap in the city, trying to block the huge gap, but then they were hit by the Jinghai State's blast guns, and blood and flesh flew across the gap. There was no time to block the gap, and then Yang Zaixing dispatched [-] commandos to attack the gap, and the two sides launched an extremely tragic hand-to-hand combat at the gap.

After Xie Ye heard that the city wall had collapsed, he immediately dispatched his most elite men to stop it, and fought repeatedly with the army of Jinghai Kingdom. Can fight in the way of fighting.

Such a fierce battle lasted for a whole day, and Yang Zaixing even replaced four waves of commandos in a row, finally controlled the gap, and attacked the city wall, and started another fight with the Jin army on the city wall After they took control of the gap, a large number of Jinghai troops began to pour into the south city through the gap, gradually pushing the Jin army out of the south city and retreating to the north city. In the middle of the night, Linhuang was completely controlled. Funan City, and wiped out nearly half of the Jin army, and captured nearly [-] prisoners alone.

And after this day, the generals of Jinghai Kingdom also suffered a lot of losses, as many as 4000 people were killed or injured. The whole Nancheng could almost be said to be piled up like a mountain of corpses.

"It's really a success! I hope that after this battle is over, the common people in the north can settle down and never suffer from such a war again! It's time for this area to recuperate!" Xu Yi looked at On the battlefield where blood and flesh were flying everywhere, he couldn't help sighing, now he can be said to be a murderous demon without exaggeration, since the war in Liaodong, the Jin Kingdom and the Fubo Army have sacrificed at least 10 lives!This is war, Xu Yi finally experienced the cruelty again.

After the fall of Nancheng, Xie Ye could only retreat to defend Beicheng, but his troops were only less than 2 people left, and Beicheng was full of rich people, with few people, and they couldn't even recruit helpers by force. If he couldn't find it, he could only rely on his own strength to make the last stubborn resistance.

"My lord, do you want to break through the North City as soon as possible?" Li Bo suddenly asked Xu Yi.

"Nonsense! Gu is so anxious now! You still ask Gu like this!" Xu Yi gave Li Bo a white look.

"Hey! The last general has a way, but I don't know if the lord agrees. If the lord agrees, then this battle will be over soon!" Li Bo said to Xu Yi with a hippie smile.

"Is there any way to tell me quickly, don't play tricks on me here, I think your virtue must have suffered some damage! Tell me!" Xu Yi scolded Li Bo with a smile.

"Now we have captured more than 1 Jin soldiers, but most of these people are from the old Liao Dynasty, and most of them are poor people. They can't be regarded as one with the Jin army. Let them be the soldiers! And tell the soldiers, As long as the North City is captured, they are allowed to slaughter the city for a day and let them do what they want, presumably in this way, there should be no problem in taking the North City!" Only then did Li Bo say his bad move.

Xu Yi frowned after hearing this. What he hates the most is that in a war, the victor will massacre the city to vent his anger. It is really unnatural to do that. No matter what, civilians should not pay for the loser and bear the massacre of the victor, and he is Modern people simply don't want this kind of thing to happen in his army.

"No! Although there are rich people in Beicheng, they can't be allowed to be slaughtered wantonly. This is not the style of our Jinghai army. Stop talking!
I have my own way to attack the North City. I will pass on the order, prepare a large number of persuading letters, shoot them into the city, and send more soldiers with loud voices to shout to the inside of the North City. Attacking the heart is the first thing. It is estimated that the soldiers of the Xieye Army are now desperate. Now, order Xiao Jianfeng to block the direction of Xie Ye's escape on the outside, not to let them break through and escape, and let the army rest for a while, I don't think Xie Ye can last long! "Xu Yi rejected Li Bo's suggestion on the spot. He knew what Li Bo's plan was. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill all the rich people in the city, so that after the Fubo Army took over the Linhuang Mansion, they could start anew. Disrupt the original pattern, but although it is a way to do so, it is too bloody.

As long as they take Beicheng, don't they have the final say on the life and death of these people?As long as the rich people in the city are demoted to ordinary people on the spot, their properties will be confiscated, and then all of them will be moved to other places to resettle them, that's enough, there is no need to kill them all!
After listening to the instructions, Li Bo shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and muttered, "My lord is really kind-hearted!"

"What did you say?" Xu Yi glared at Li Bo, and Li Bo ran out quickly, then turned around and replied, "The last general already understands, so I'll go and inform Marshal Yang to make arrangements!"

So soon, many arrows tied with letters of persuasion were shot into Beicheng, and a group of loud guys shouted at Beicheng;

"Everyone in Beicheng has heard that now that the Kingdom of Jin is exhausted, you don't have to accompany the Jurchens to die. As long as you sacrifice Wanyan Xieye and surrender in Kaesong, our King Jinghai promises to guarantee your safety, and We will give you a lot of rewards. We will give you one day to think about it. Anyone who surrenders with a persuasion letter can get a reward. If you don’t know the current affairs, then we will start attacking the city in a day. The repair blames us for being ruthless, and the North City who will be killed will not be left behind..."

These guys with loud voices held trumpets made of makeshift mats or paper rolls, and they worked in shifts, yelling non-stop into the North City.

This kind of persuasion propaganda has greatly shaken the determination of the Jin army in the city to fight. Although Xie has repeatedly stated that they will fight to the end and will give them a lot of rewards, but what is the use of asking for money at this moment?If you have money, you have to spend your life!Now that they can't stop the Jinghai army, they have nowhere to go, how can they have the confidence to continue fighting!

What's more, what Fu Bojun said is right, they are targeting the Jurchens, not Han Chinese, Bohai people, and Khitan people... Why do I have to die with the Jurchens!

Xie also felt the change in the army's morale. Sitting in the old Liao's palace hall, he sighed. Now that he knew that the situation was over, he wanted to continue to resist. The body also bent down.

After a long time, when he heard a sudden commotion in the North City, a guard rushed in and told him that a large number of traitors had appeared in the army, and they had fought with the guards who controlled the gate from the North City to the South City. Oblique also decided.

Wanyan Xie also raised his head and looked at the guard with cloudy eyes, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It seems that it's time, you all run for your lives! If you can escape, then run away! I'm old Now, it's time to see Father!"

The guard was stunned for a moment, but didn't immediately understand what he said. Wanyan Xie also turned around and walked into the back of the hall, laughing wildly, and then heard the sound of smashing things, the guard rushed over and saw By the time Wanyan Xie was madly throwing the kerosene he had prepared on the altar, he threw the kerosene on the ground, the wall, and the window sills, then poured the kerosene all over himself, laughing maniacally and grabbed a cow on the table. Oil and wax, and then leaned in front of him.

"Don't want it, Marshal...!" The guard uttered an exclamation, trying to stop Xie Ye from setting himself on fire.

With the sound of "Boom...", Xie Ye immediately burst into a ball of flames, and then he let out a scream, and smashed around in the apse with flames all over his body, and the result was very fast. Then the whole hall was ignited, and the whole hall was burned.

The fierce fire couldn't be extinguished at all, and the beards and hair of the guards who were scorched by the scorching flames curled up. They had to leave the hall, cried and knelt outside the hall, knocked their heads heavily, and then the guards shed tears He drew the knife and wiped it heavily on his neck, blood sprayed out immediately, and the bodies of the guards who chose to be buried were thrown down in front of the hall.

But not every guard chose to commit suicide in the end, and some of them silently looked at the robes that committed suicide and the burning hall, and heard Wanyan Xie's screams gradually sinking in the hall, and then turned around. Walked out of the old Liao palace.

Soon the chaos in the city reached its peak. After hearing that Yan Xie also set himself on fire in the palace, most of the Jin army chose to lay down their weapons and were ready to surrender. Only a few chose to break out. After they opened the north gate, Immediately rushed out, but bumped into Xiao Jianfeng's cavalry who had been guarding here.

Xiao Jianfeng raised his big lance with a grim face, and roared: "Brothers, kill them all, and don't allow any of them to escape!" In the past, there was a shout of killing and the roar of horseshoes hitting the ground behind him...

The battle of Linhuang Mansion, which lasted for more than a month, also came to an end. In this battle, the Jin army also lost 3 troops, of which at least [-] people died in the battle, and nearly [-] soldiers chose to fight. Surrendered, Xu Yi also spared their lives as promised. These people are all young and strong in the north, and he is reluctant to let him kill him now!

It's just that when he stood in front of the ruins of the old Liao imperial city that had been extinguished, he couldn't help but yelled loudly: "This Xie really deserves to die. Before he died, he burned a huge palace into ruins! Damn it!" , What a bastard!"

Next, after the Jinghai army took control of the entire city of Linhuang Mansion, according to Xu Yi's instructions, the army arrested all the rich people in the North City, confiscated all their property, and filled the Jinghai Kingdom The state treasury, these people did not kill them, but immediately escorted them to Liaoyang Mansion, and ordered them to work as coolies in the local craftsmen's workshops. They should have enjoyed enough, and they should do some work!
Since then, among the three armies of the Kingdom of Jin, only Zongying's troops have fled to Huanglong Mansion. After the violent levies of various ethnic groups, the people from all over the country saw that the situation of the Jin Kingdom was gone, they rose up one after another, no longer obeyed the orders of the Jin Kingdom, and seemed to be self-proclaimed kings.

Naturally, Xu Yi did not allow them to do so. Even though he issued an edict, he ordered the rebels in all parts of the Dajin Kingdom to station on the spot immediately, resist the Jin Kingdom's conscripts, and wait for the arrival of the Jinghai Kingdom's army at any time to surrender to the Jinghai Kingdom and accept Under the jurisdiction and reorganization of the Jinghai Kingdom, it is forbidden to loot everywhere and cause disasters. Otherwise, they will be regarded as enemies and sent troops to destroy them. From now on, these places will be the territory of the Jinghai Kingdom. These places are not of much benefit, so after Xu Yi heard the news, he immediately issued an edict.

As soon as the edict was issued, those rebels calmed down. No one was arrogant enough to think that they could be the opponent of the Jinghai army, so they stationed in various places, waiting for the arrival of the Jinghai army obediently, so as not to annoy King Jinghai was killed, which eventually led to the disaster of their genocide!
After the end of the battle at Linhuang Mansion, Xu Yi could see that the Kingdom of Jin was completely finished. According to the news received, the only thing they could control in such a huge Jin State at this time was only a few people in Huining Mansion. The rest of the city no longer listened to their orders, and the time for the Jin Kingdom's destruction was numbered.

So he issued another order, ordering Xiao Jianfeng's second corps to raise troops immediately and rush to Xijing Dao, and appointed him as the deputy envoy of Xijing Dao Zhao, under Yue Fei's restraint, to jointly deal with the invasion of Xixia army.

Although Xiao Jianfeng is not familiar with this Yue Fei, Yang Zaixing knows Yue Fei's origin very well. He thinks that when he was accepted by Xu Yi, he accompanied Xu Yi to Yue Fei's house. , and in the past two years, Yue Fei fought against the gold in the Hebei area of ​​the Great Song Dynasty, and made great military exploits. His military talent is by no means inferior to Yang Zaixing.

Therefore, Yang Zaixing found Xiao Jianfeng in private, and told him not to underestimate Yue Fei, and he must not disobey his orders just because Yue Fei newly joined the Jinghai National Army. You must know that Yue Fei is actually an old friend of the lord Xu Yi for a long time. , and Xiao Jianfeng has a relatively arrogant personality, what he is most afraid of is that he will not obey Yue Fei's restraint and cause trouble.

Xiao Jianfeng was a little upset about this matter at first, but after listening to Yang Zaixing's words, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he quickly thanked Yang Zaixing again and again. Maybe it will really annoy Xu Yi in time!This time he was a little more careful, and then he raised his troops and headed towards Xijing Road. He also knew that what Xu Yi disliked seeing the most was internal fighting, and it was allowed to compete with each other, but if someone wanted to win because of fighting for power, If you miss the opportunity to fight, then the punishment will not be light!It is easy to kick out of the army, and it is possible to lose your head!So when Xiao Jianfeng went there this time, he made up his mind that he couldn't have any trouble with that Yue Fei!After all, a Song general who Xu Yi valued so much is definitely not far behind in his abilities!

Ever since the news of Zong Han's army's demise spread to Huining Mansion, the whole Kingdom of Jin immediately mourned, and many of the relatives or sons of the powerful were serving under Zong Han's command. It was also finished together, so they clamored for Wu Qi to buy the imperial driver to avenge their relatives!

Wu Qimai was annoyed by these dignitaries, he would like to come to conscript himself, but at least he must have soldiers on hand to conscript!Would it be impossible for him, a poor commander, to go to Jinghai State to challenge him one-on-one?It seems that he hasn't cultivated to the point of being invulnerable!
The matter hadn't subsided yet, and then I heard the news that Zongying led the army to be defeated. That guy was worse than Zongpan. Scolding Zong Ying for being incompetent, Zong Han fought hard to the death, but he became a rabbit, and almost ran to Huanglong Mansion with a knife in his hand to settle accounts with this guy.

Then came the news of the fall of the Linhuang Mansion. Now no one clamored for Wu Qi to buy the imperial driver to conscript himself, because everyone knew that the Kingdom of Jin was completely over, and the next thing was to wait for the army of the Jinghai Kingdom Go to Huining Mansion and take them all together!
"Otherwise, the Holy Majesty should seek peace from the Jinghai Kingdom! Let's see what conditions they can stop the conquest of the Dajin Kingdom. It is best to agree to their conditions and keep a little fire for our Jurchens! Otherwise, , our Jurchen clan will perish if we make a fuss!" A minister finally figured it out, if things go on like this, their Jurchen clan might be completely doomed!So he found Wu begging to buy and made suggestions to him.

"That's the only plan for now! Then who do you think is better to go to Jinghai Kingdom to seek peace?" Wu Qimai sighed and agreed to their suggestion. At this time, if he doesn't bow his head, what can he do? ?

"It would be better for me to recommend Gu Shen to seek peace!" Someone suggested.

Gu Shen is Wanyan Xiyin's Jurchen name, the son of the aristocrat Huandu, who followed Jin Taizu Wanyan Min to raise troops and participated in major events such as the attack on Liao and the founding of the country.Jurchen had no written language, so he was ordered to create Jurchen characters, making new characters based on Khitan characters and Chinese characters to spell the Jurchen language.It was made in the third year of Tianfu (1119), and it was designated as the official and common text of the Kingdom of Jin.It was later called "Jurchen Big Characters".In the fifth year of Tianfu, he followed the Jin army to destroy Liao on a large scale.In the following year, Yan Zonghan, the deputy governor, defeated Liao Xi Wang Xiamo in Bei'an Prefecture.Afterwards, he defeated the Liao army at Gubeikou, pursued Emperor Tianzuo of Liao Dynasty Yelu Yanxi in Yuanyangluo, Baishuiluo and other places, and captured Liaoxijing.Ren Quan's southwest and northwest roads are both unified.In October of the third year of Tianhui, Emperor Taizong of Jin Dynasty, he served as Marshal Right Supervisor of the Army and led the army with Zong Han to attack Song Dynasty. Later, because he was injured in the battle with the army in Liaoyang Mansion, he returned to Huining Mansion to heal his injuries. Now he stays in Huining Mansion. middle.

After Wu Qimai heard this, he nodded. There are not many Chinese people in the Kingdom of Jin, and most of them are reckless. Only this Wanyan Xiyin is considered a great talent. He is proficient in Han culture, eloquent and resourceful. Therefore, he was the only one who was more suitable, so he sent an order to ask Wanyan Xiyin to represent the Kingdom of Jin and go to Linhuang Mansion to seek peace from the Kingdom of Jinghai!
After receiving the order, Wanyan Xiyin let out a long sigh, packed up his luggage, took some attendants with him, and left Huining Mansion towards Linhuang Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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