Chapter 7
Jin Huo heard about what happened that night afterwards, and Xu Yi didn't know what he did. Anyway, Jiao Meng hadn't appeared on the island for a long time, so he wouldn't have another conflict when he saw him, but under Yingchun's earnest teaching, Xu Yi Yi finally laid a foundation, and he no longer had to hit a big tree like a fool.

During this period, Jin Huo took the boat out a few times, and there was basically no harvest, but the previous harvest on the island was gone. Xu Yi knew that he must have gone to sell the stolen goods. Jin Huo didn't say what channel he used to sell the stolen goods, and he didn't want to inquire about it. He would naturally know a lot of things when he needed to know them.

Xu Yi still got up early every day, came to the back mountain alone, and practiced martial arts under the guidance of Yingchun. He started too late, and at the beginning he practiced more basic skills, nothing more than opening his legs and stabbing horses. This kind of training made him miserable, but Xu Yi has never been lazy, his character is like this, he will never hold back when he can be lazy, but he will never be lazy when he can't. After Yu, although the kung fu did not make much progress, the flexibility and strength of the body have been greatly improved. Some movements that were impossible to do before can now be completed, and the physical strength is much better. For a long time, he mostly made ballistas in his workshop, and he had to make some key components by himself. Once he was learned, his value would not be reflected. He still knew this. .

After frequent contact during this period, Yingchun's feelings for him have also developed by leaps and bounds. In her spare time, Yingchun likes to sit next to him and listen to him tell various new stories. In her heart, there is almost nothing that Xu Yi is not right. I know, but the feelings for Xu Yi are slowly mixed with a lot of admiration. When the two of them are alone, she always looks like a little bird, and she doesn't show any savage feeling at all. It's no wonder that , although Yingchun has practiced martial arts since childhood, he has received traditional education in his bones. The male is the largest in the family. With this understanding, Xu Yi absolutely does not want Yingchun to change. It is unhealthy for people to have no selfishness, ha ha!
One day Xu Yi was busy working in the shed, and Fat Guang came in from the outside cursing. It was funny to talk about this Fat Guang Xu Yi. Fat Guang's original surname was Pang, and his initial name was Guang. Because he was fat, he liked to always be naked. Gradually, people began to call him Fat Light. When Xu Yi heard his name for the first time, Xu Yi almost turned over laughing. His father is so talented that he could name his son such a loud name. Name, Pang Guang, Bladder!It is estimated that the Song Dynasty has not named this organ yet, or it would be really laughable, but this fat and light man is still quite good, not to mention his strength, and he can also do some carpentry. He was sent by Jin Huo to help Xu Yi. People are also diligent, and their personality is straightforward. Ever since Xu Yi made the ballista, Fat Guang has almost regarded Xu Yi as a reincarnation of Luban. Not going west, Xu Yi also regards him as his friend.

"Damn it! What, Li Tong wants to marry our eldest lady as a concubine, I don't think he is worthy of carrying our eldest lady's shoes!" Fat Guang cursed as soon as he came in.

Xu Yi's heart skipped a beat. Li Tong was the pirate leader named Li mentioned by Jin Huo some time ago. Both of them are large ships, controlling a large area of ​​sea in the south, and they can be regarded as prominent figures among their pirates, but why did he think of marrying Yingchun as a concubine?Now Xu Yi has regarded Yingchun as his wife for a long time. Now when he heard that others wanted his wife, he became very angry, so he hurriedly asked: "Fat Guang, please be clear, is it Li?" Did Tong come to our island in person? What do you mean Li Tong wants to marry the eldest lady?"

Being fat and light does not mean that he is stupid. I have seen Missy and Xu Yi flirt a lot in private, and I already knew that Xu Yi and Missy hooked up. You should marry a capable person like Xu Yi. Marrying someone else is a waste, so when you heard the news that Li Tong wanted to marry the eldest lady, you immediately ran to report to Xu Yi: "Li Tong didn't come, He sent his white mouse over here, and he is currently in the head of the Juyi Hall, and he brought a betrothal gift, why don't you go and have a look?"

As soon as Xu Yi heard this, he immediately dropped the thing in his hand and followed Fat Guang to the Juyi Hall.

Sure enough, there is a fast boat parked at the pier, people are more angry than people, the fast boat brought by this surname Bai is much better than the broken boat on Laohuyu Island, although it is also a fast boat, but the one owned by Bai Mouse is The three-masted fast boat has one more mast than theirs, and is obviously faster than theirs, and it is also much stronger. The V-shaped hull can be seen here, and this kind of hull is far better than that of their Tiger Island. A flat-bottomed boat is more suitable for sailing in the sea. It can be seen that the shipbuilding technology of the Song Dynasty is already quite developed. Xu Yi stopped and looked at it for a few more times before walking towards the Juyi Hall.

Before I got to the Juyi Hall, I saw a dozen tough men standing outside, with swords pinned to their waists. They looked arrogant and arrogant. Many were there, and all of them looked frosty. Obviously, like Xu Yi, they were dissatisfied with Li Tong's bullying too much, but the boss did not speak, and they suppressed it for the time being.

Because Xu Yi's current status is quite special, Fat Guang stayed outside the Juyi hall, Xu Yi entered the hall alone, Jin Huo and Qian Laoben were there, and Jiao Meng, who hadn't seen him for a long time, also appeared in the Juyi hall. In the yi hall, he was standing aside, staring angrily at a shriveled monkey-like middle-aged man sitting opposite him. The veins on his forehead popped up and his big fists were clenched loudly. The shriveled monkey was probably Xu Yi has heard of the white mouse under Li Tong. It is said that this guy named Bai used to be a guy who likes to steal chickens and dogs. He knows kung fu and likes to make trouble. Later, he offended a nobleman and was hunted down, so he defected to Li Tong, who became a pirate. It was his striker. Xu Yi didn't speak, but stood aside and listened first. Seeing Xu Yi coming, Jin Huo nodded slightly to him, while Jiao Meng gave him a hard look when he saw Xu Yi .

(End of this chapter)

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