Great Song Pirate

Chapter 695 The Great Reorganization

Chapter 695 The Great Reorganization

The days were approaching the founding ceremony of the Jinghai Kingdom, but Xu Yi was busy commanding soldiers to calm down the forces of the Jin people in the Zhongjing Road area. There are still many old minions of the Jin people in these places, making chaos everywhere.

In addition to these things, many soldiers will be sent to recruit the rebels in those places. This is something that must be done before the founding of the country. The Zhongjing Road will become the battlefield that determines the outcome of both sides. Xu Yi It is very clear that Jin Wushu really has no time to spare to deal with him now, and the Jin people in the north are restrained by Yang Zaixing and others, and they have no time to clone themselves to sabotage their national plans.

However, this does not mean that the Jinren will give up Zhongjing Road so easily. Xu Yi knows that the Kingdom of Jin is re-gathering strength in an attempt to fight him in a decisive battle, and the battlefield of the decisive battle will be in the area of ​​Zhongjing Road. Whether Jinghai Kingdom can stand In this world, this battle is crucial.

So while he was doing these things, he ordered Li Bo to command the Xiang Army of Zhipeng, and another 3000 elite troops to leave Jinzhou and go north to attack Guangning Mansion, which was Xianzhou during the Liao Dynasty. , Diao Bin led his troops out of Gaizhou, marched all the way west, and walked opposite Li Bo's army, and attacked Guangning Mansion from the other side. The Jin army stationed here was only less than [-] people, and it was when Zongwang's army went south. , Some of the old and weak soldiers who were eliminated had no combat effectiveness at all.

The reason why Guangning Mansion was attacked is because it is located between Zhongjing Road and Liaodong. If it is captured here, the land connection between Zhongjing Road and Liaodong can be opened up, and the two enclaves can be connected as a whole. It can prevent the Jin army from driving straight in from the north and attack Liaozhong. It can also form a corner with Liaoyang Mansion, threaten the Zonghan Army in Tangzhou (Liaozhong County), and form a semi-encirclement situation against Zonghan Army. It is Zonghan Army Don't dare to act rashly.

That's why Xu Yi still sent troops to go to Guangning Mansion at this time. After Li Bo's army arrived at Guangning Mansion, they didn't attack the city at all. Without any effort, he captured Guangning Mansion, and soon joined forces with Diao Bin's army who came over. In this way, the connection between Liaodong and Zhongjing Road was completely opened up, forming the depth of Jinghai Kingdom's defense against the north.

After the reconciliation of the two armies, Li Bo handed Guangning Mansion over to Diao Bin to defend, and he led his army out of Guangning Mansion immediately, from south to north, and attacked Tangzhou. Yang Zaixing, who was going north, suddenly led The army turned around, returned to Liaoyang Mansion, and sent troops non-stop, went straight to Tangzhou, and attacked Zong Han's army.

Zong Han was a little caught off guard by this action of the Fubo Army. His army was almost beaten into a frightened bird by the Fubo Army now. He planned to retreat, rested in Tangzhou for a period of time, and then planned a decisive battle with the Fubo army, but the situation took a turn for the worse, and the surrounding sites were conquered by the Fubo army. In just over a month, Tangzhou, where he was located, was formed. semi-encircled situation.

When he learned that the two Fubo armies in the southeast were attacking Tangzhou, Zong Han didn't even think about it. He directly ordered the army to pull out the camp from Tangzhou. Many Toxia military prefectures built during the period (now Fuxin area has always been under the jurisdiction of Liao State. Liao moved a large number of Han and Bohai people captured in the war to the local area, distributed them as slaves to Khitan nobles, and asked them to build cities. This noble territory The city is called "Touxia Junzhou", which is the private state city of the Khitan nobles. In the Liao Dynasty, such Toxia Junzhou was placed in today's Fuxin area, including Huizhou, Chengzhou, Yizhou, Huanzhou, Haozhou, Weizhou, Shunzhou, etc.) Only when they regained their footing can they be regarded as stable.

But at this point, the Fubo Army has also temporarily stopped continuing its military operations against the Kingdom of Jin. After all, since the beginning of spring, the soldiers of the Fubo Army have been fighting for several months. Only after a rest can they return to the state of being strong and strong at the beginning of spring. In addition, Xu Yi's ascension to the throne is imminent, and they have already presented Xu Yi with a lot of military exploits. It's time to take a break.

At this time, the war in the whole north finally came to an end. It calmed down for a while, and Jin Guo finally got a chance to breathe. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Qimai did not force Zong Han to send troops anymore. Instead of fighting the Fubo Army, they accelerated the mobilization of troops and horses, trying to fight the Fubo Army again after the autumn harvest.

This battle will be related to the rise and fall of the Kingdom of Jin. Wu Qi bought a death order, expanded his army to the north of Huining Mansion, and began to train and prepare for war. At the same time, he sent an order to Jin Wushu in the south to immediately end the war against Song Dynasty. Shrink the front line, even if you give up some territory, you must return to Yanshan Mansion as soon as possible, and then cooperate with the northern soldiers and horses to attack the Fubo Army on Zhongjing Road from both sides.

At this time, Jin Wushu has no interest in continuing to entangle with Song Jun. The situation has made him have to take care of his own ass. The distance between Yanshan Mansion and Dading Mansion is only more than 400 miles away. During the period when he was still entangled with the Song Army, a large area north of Yanshan Mansion fell into the hands of the Fubo Army, and now he was sandwiched between the Fubo Army and the Song Army, and the area where he moved and moved became narrower and narrower. If this continues, when the Fubo army is free, they will definitely attack Yanshan Mansion. By then, it will be too late for him to get out of Song Dynasty.

What's more, his original idea of ​​letting Zhao Ji or Zhao Huan ascend the throne in Zhending, and setting up a small court of the Song Dynasty to contain the Song Dynasty's plan fell through because of the disappearance of Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, so he could only choose another Find a way to get out of the quagmire of war in Hebei.

He had to reluctantly give up many prefectures and counties in Hebei, gradually shrinking his troops, and moved the army to Yanshan Prefecture for stationing, and shrinking the battle line from east to west to Dezhou, Hejian Prefecture, Zhending Prefecture, On the front line of Daizhou, they gave up a large amount of land south of this line, and gradually clenched their fists.

Although Jin Wushu began to gradually shrink his troops and give up large tracts of land, every time he gave up a city, he would let the Jin army plunder for two days, and then leave an empty city for the Song army. The town was simply burned down, and a large number of people were forcibly relocated to the north for resettlement, resulting in a large area of ​​bare land, and the roads were full of the bodies of ordinary people who were killed or fell to death.

His approach also played a role in containing the Song Army. Even if the Song Army regained these lands, they only obtained some white land, which caused a lot of trouble to the Song Army and had to divide their troops. , even because there was no food available, they could only send a few hundred people to garrison, which caused countless troubles for Song Dynasty. Therefore, even though they knew that the Jin army was shrinking the front, they still did not dare to rush in easily, in case the Jin army concentrated their forces and then Killing the carbine and eating their soldiers one by one, the Song and Jin battlefields on the southern front gradually began to cool down.

All kinds of news flooded into Dading Mansion and piled up on Xu Yi's desk. Now there are not many reliable staff members around him, and Ma Zhe, the most trustworthy, is busy vomiting blood and is preparing to establish a country and become the throne. Xu Yi had no choice but to bury himself in the news and sort it out. At this time, he didn't dare to be a little careless. Don't build a country here, and be kicked out of Zhongjing Road by Jin Guo on the other side, that would be shameful Big hair.

Judging from various news, Xu Yi can be sure that there will be a period of peace for the time being, but this peace will last until the autumn harvest at most, and then there will be another big showdown between him and Jin Guo. This time, he will face The current situation will be very severe, and his Jinghai Kingdom will be attacked by the Jin Army from both sides. This time, the Jin Kingdom will fight him at any cost.

After reaching this conclusion, Xu Yi still took Ma Zhe, who was in a hurry, to discuss countermeasures, and began to mobilize troops from Liaodong, and gradually increase troops to Zhongjing Road. The key to this battle is no longer in Liaodong. , but will be concentrated in the area of ​​Zhongjing Road. The Luanhe River in the south will usher in the onslaught of the Wushu army, while the north will be attacked by the Jin army from the direction of Linhuang Mansion and Yizhou. After being attacked by the army led by Wanyan Zongjun from Datong Mansion, the three sides will fight at the same time. Compared with the battle of Liaoyang Mansion, this battle will be more tragic. The winner will become the master of this land, and the loser will probably Withdraw from the stage of history!
Now that Xu Yi has come to this point, he will naturally not give up his vested interests, not for anything else, even if it is just for the Han people to no longer be invaded by the northern nomads, he will not choose to withdraw from this competition, so Xu Yi is enthroned Before the grand ceremony, he began to reorganize and change the defense of his army in a drastic way.

So a group of soldiers and horses began to march from Liaodong to Zhongjing Road by water and land, and the Fubo Army's offensive in Liaodong also turned into a defensive posture centered on Liaoyang Mansion again. He and Gaizhou formed a strong support around Liaoyang Mansion, and stationed troops and horses separately. If any place was attacked by the Jin army, it could immediately receive support from other cities, forming a fortress network.

As Xu Yi's number one general, Yang Zaixing will of course not be left on the battlefield in Liaodong. country decisive battle.

The defense of Liaodong was handed over to Gao Jun to take full responsibility. Due to the rapid expansion of the Fubo Army, the original three divisions had already been overnumbered by an unknown number of times, so Xu Yi simply upgraded all the three main divisions. Gao Jun, Xiao Jianfeng, and Li Bo were the leaders of the three legions. Gao Jun's first army was named the Shengjie Army, Xiao Jianfeng's second army was named the Enemy Capture Army, and Li Bo's third army was named the Suppressing Army. military,

The officers under it are promoted according to their combat achievements. Each legion is divided into one Youyi Army, mainly cavalry, and four infantry troops, named after the four great beasts of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. The left guard army, right guard army, and rear army have different numbers according to their responsibilities. Each army is equipped with a directly subordinate artillery army named Lieyang, equipped with about a hundred artillery pieces of various types, and an additional artillery army of various types. Waiting for Viper Squad.

These three legions support the backbone of the army of the Jinghai Kingdom, and each legion is also equipped with an auxiliary army of thousands of people, equipped with a large number of mules and horses, responsible for assisting the main force in material transfer and assisting in combat operations. Adapted from Zhuang, basically the strength of each legion has reached about 3, and the main middle and low-level officers are basically those who came out of the former juvenile military academy or those veterans who have been following Xu Yi to fight the world. After such an adaptation, the combat effectiveness is very strong, and there will be no problem with loyalty.

In addition to these three corps, each city also set up a corresponding garrison army, which is dedicated to defending the city. It can be regarded as the local army of the Jinghai Kingdom. The number varies according to the size of the city being guarded. , These people can be added to the main force at any time.

On the basis of the original guards of Dading Mansion, Xu Yi expanded a 3000-strong Longwei Army to act as his guards. Yi's personal bodyguards, the bodyguards used are all veterans selected from various armies with high loyalty and considerable kung fu foundation, a total of 200 people, as Xu Yi's inner guards.

After such a major adjustment, basically the army of the Jinghai Kingdom has formally formed, and it is more suitable for the needs of the war of this era than before. The original division-level organization has been cancelled. The pronunciation is close, and it can also inspire the morale of soldiers.

Because of time constraints, although this adaptation is very big, but fortunately, it is built on the original basis, and the real changes are not very big, so after Xu Yi made such a decision, the armies completed it very quickly. After receiving Xu Yi's order, Xiao Jianfeng's Second Army immediately handed over the defense to Gao Jun's First Army, and then quickly set off from Tangzhou to Guangning Mansion, entered Zhongjing Road, and traveled all the way. Rush to Dadingfu.

The entire area controlled by the Fubo Army is full of busy scenes, and all kinds of preparations are being made for the next more intense battle.

For this upcoming battle, active preparations are being made everywhere. The ships of the Fubo Army are shuttled across the sea almost non-stop, and continue to supply various supplies. The shipment arrived in Jinzhou, and the news of the establishment of the Jinghai State had already arrived in various parts of Liuqiu Island and Dulong Island. People from all over the place were rejoicing, and they all started to work hard for the establishment of the Jinghai State. A tribute to the founding of the Jinghai Kingdom.

Including the merchants who had a lot of contacts with the Fubo Army, they also prepared generous gifts, and transferred them to Liuqiu Island or the Liaodong area nearby, and handed them over to the Fubo Army, hoping to establish an alliance with the Jinghai Kingdom after the establishment of the Jinghai Kingdom. These people are not stupid when they have long-term business contacts. They know that as long as the Jinghai Kingdom is established and has a foothold in the north, there will be another big development in the north. Now they can establish a good relationship with the Jinghai Kingdom. It will be very important to seize the market in the north, so these merchants are not moved by the Song Dynasty's ban at all, they have prepared a large amount of supplies openly and secretly, and transferred them to the Fubo Army, so their actions relatively offset Zhao Xu's efforts. The ban on the cessation of support to the Fubo Army also ensures the material needs of the Fubo Army for a period of time in the future.

As the concubines, Yingchun, Yiqing, Cuiyu, Yuehong and Xu Yi's sons and daughters naturally couldn't miss this enthronement ceremony, so after hearing the news, Yingchun immediately arranged the affairs of Liuqiu Island. Fan, took a large ship specially arranged for them, and under the escort of a large fleet, rushed to the north, and finally landed in Jinzhou on the eve of the ceremony, and did not miss this most solemn celebration for them.

This time they came and brought many officials from Liuqiu Island with them to participate in the Jinghai National Founding Ceremony. Otherwise, Xu Yi ascended the throne and proclaimed himself king, and there were not many officials who worshiped him, so it would be a bit of a loss. Some, therefore, their arrival greatly decorated the facade of this grand ceremony.

For their arrival, Xu Yi's heart almost exploded with joy, and he didn't care about shocking the world. As soon as he heard the news that they were coming to Dading Mansion, he immediately rushed out of the palace, almost with his boots on. They all ran away, followed by Hou Cheng and a group of palace guards, yelling and chasing after him in fright.

If it weren't for Hou Cheng's outstanding lightness skills, he might not be able to catch up with Xu Yi!After finally stopping Xu Yi, he hurriedly brought him a war horse. After helping him on the horse, Xu Yi finally regained his composure. He almost forgot that he could ride out of the city on horseback. Under the escort of a group of guards, they rushed out of Dading Mansion.

After catching Yingchun's group outside the city, Xu Yi stepped forward and hugged Yingchun and the others. He gave a kiss to one of them regardless, causing the accompanying people to turn their heads immediately, pretending that they hadn't seen it, and Yingchun was confused. They were both happy and a little shy, and the resentment in their hearts suddenly turned into flying ash and disappeared without a trace.

If the happiest people were Xu Yi and his closest friends, then the second happiest group would probably be the northern scholars.

This time, as soon as the news of the establishment of the Fubo army spread, it was also publicized along with the opening of the examinations to obtain scholars immediately after the grand ceremony. If it was the matter of the establishment of the Jinghai State, it would not have much impact on these scholars , then the news of opening a course to obtain a doctor is really important to them.

Many of these scholars have studied hard for at least a dozen years, isn't it just to get a fame and become an official one day to honor their ancestors?It's a pity that with the demise of the Liao Kingdom, their dream was completely shattered. After the Jin Kingdom destroyed the Liao Dynasty, it immediately launched a non-stop attack on the Song Dynasty. What's more, the Jurchens are basically semi-barbaric nomads in this era, and they don't pay much attention to this kind of thing, so they don't care about the thoughts of these scholars at all. As a result, these scholars were wiped out in the Liao Kingdom Afterwards, I suddenly realized that the books I had read for so many years were in vain.

Many people beat their chests and stomped their feet, almost going crazy with depression, and even drowned their sorrows with alcohol, and died after eating together. Scholars, these scholars were almost going crazy with joy, some even burst into tears on the spot after hearing the news, this time they have hope again, the books they have read all these years are finally not in vain, These scholars finally had a place to use their skills again, so the group of scholars immediately started to pack their things and rushed towards Dading Mansion. Suddenly, the inn in Dading Mansion was overcrowded, basically filled with such scholars .

After hearing the news, some scholars in the territory occupied by the Jin Kingdom even risked their lives to cross the Jin Army's defense line and ran to the territory actually controlled by the Fubo Army, but they were often captured immediately by the local Fubo Army defenders , and almost cut them down as the secret agents of the Kingdom of Jin. After asking them clearly about their purpose, they were released to Dading Mansion to participate in the grand ceremony and the imperial examination. Such a thing can be said to be at the junction of the Fubo Army and the Kingdom of Jin It was performed every day, causing both parties to be very troubled. From another aspect, it also showed how attractive Xu Yi's move was to the northern literati.

Although these literati read the so-called sage books on weekdays, they are probably not as good as ordinary people in terms of loyalty. Once the emperor and the courtiers, they don't care who is the master of the house, as long as they can give them officials Doing is the object of their allegiance. What's more, these northern scholars originally loyal to the Daliao Kingdom, but now that the Daliao Kingdom no longer exists, they have lost their allegiance object. To the Jurchens, they There is a natural feeling of resistance, thinking that the Jurchens are not a civilized nation at all, and only rely on the butcher knife in their hands to conquer the world, let alone have no way to serve the Jurchens, even if it is the Kingdom of Jin who opens a course to obtain scholars, they really look down on them Not on the Jurchens.

But for the Jinghai Kingdom established by Xu Yi, they have a natural sense of closeness. After all, Xu Yi is also a Han Chinese. In their eyes, this is a symbol of civilization, and since the Fubo Army invaded Liaodong, During the battle with the Kingdom of Jin, they won consecutive battles and defeated the Kingdom of Jin. This group of scholars are discerning, and they believe that the Fubo Army is likely to replace the newly established Kingdom of Jin. Not considered a founding hero, at least grab a front seat, which will be of immeasurable help to his future career.

So there was a spectacular scene of a large number of scholars scrambling to pour into Dading Mansion. In order to receive these scholars, Ma Zhe had to order a group of confiscated homes of the nobles of the Jin Kingdom to be set aside in the city. My sons, I still need to send people to greet them and serve them. The purpose is to quickly recruit a group of scholars to work for Xu Yi for the Jinghai Kingdom. Otherwise, so many places can only be managed by a group of soldiers. That was not something that a former scholar like to see.

(End of this chapter)

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