Chapter 691
As soon as he saw the Fubo army firing, Zongfu knew that something was wrong, and immediately ordered the army to stop to prepare for the Fubo army's assault. He was also a smart man, and this decision was very wise. The Chinese army immediately obeyed the order to stop and gather again At this time, the cavalry on the two wings were rushed to pieces by the cavalry of the Fubo Army. Although they had bows and arrows, and their range was longer than that of the Fubo Army's javelins, they were so chaotic. In the scene, it's good that they can stabilize their mounts, so how can they have the time to shoot a volley!

As a result, as soon as the cavalry of the Fubo Army approached them, they immediately threw out their javelins. These javelins were very heavy, and combined with the strength of the user's arm and the speed of the horse, they were extremely lethal. After being hit by the javelin, he passed through his body like a piece of paper. The golden soldiers who won the javelin can be said to be the ones who won the javelin. There is no reason for them to be spared. A large number of them were killed and injured immediately. The remaining golden soldiers looked like a torrent. The cavalry of the Fubo army who came rushing in generally lost their fighting spirit immediately, and they all pulled their horses and retreated towards the main formation. Li Bin led the cavalry to follow.

But Li Bo immediately ordered the Chinese army to press forward, and the two sides started a fight outside the city.

Fortunately, Zongfu reacted quickly and stopped the central army without causing more losses. After the Fubo army's central army overwhelmed them, the formation of their central army was finally in order. They broke up, and the loss was not small, but they failed to defeat his large formation of the Chinese army in one fell swoop. The two sides fought like this until noon. Couldn't hold back, one after another started calling for money to withdraw their troops, and this ended the first fierce battle.

After returning to the camp, Zongfu secretly called out luck, scolded the Fubo army for being treacherous and cunning, and then ordered someone to count the losses. When the battle report was presented to him, Zongsuke felt a little dizzy. After half a day of fierce fighting, he lost Nearly a thousand elite cavalry, plus more than 1000 infantry, lost nearly 2% of his troops. If he continued to fight like this, his more than [-] soldiers and horses would be finished in less than ten days. Zongsuke was so angry that he almost lost his mind up.

The Fubo army also lost nearly 1000 people. After all, the number of artillery they carried with them this time was not large. There were more than 2 soldiers and horses, and there were only about [-] artillery pieces of various types. They wanted to take advantage of it. It's not easy. It's impossible to fight with cold weapons. After a day's battle, they also tested the combat power of their recruits. When these recruits were about to fight, they didn't shrink back. It was already very good. This loss was also within their expectations, so Xu Yi was satisfied on the whole. With the support of a small amount of artillery in the field, he was satisfied with getting Zongfu such a big deal.

This battle also allowed people like Li Bo to test their abilities. They were a little worried about the disadvantages of field battles, but now they are no longer worried about field battles, and their morale has been improved again. In their opinion, the Jin army is now in the field. On the other hand, it's just mediocre, I'm afraid they are a bird!

In the next two days, Zongfu no longer took the initiative to send troops to fight, and began to take a defensive position. Fubo Army sent people to the Golden Camp every day to fight, but Zongfu always stayed behind closed doors, and refused to confront Fubo directly. The army was at war, and after the first battle, Zongfu lost confidence in the fight. He wanted to take a chance and give the Fubo army a hard time, and he also sent cavalry at night to try to attack Fubo at night. The camp of the army, but in the end he failed, and was beaten back by the Fubo army who was waiting in full battle, so two days were delayed, and he had no chance again.

Because at this time, the elephant soldiers of the Fubo Army escorted more than 30 artillery pieces of various types and a large amount of ammunition to the outside of Xingzhongfu City, where they joined Xu Yi's army.

"The last general sees the lord!" A general in heavy armor entered the commander's tent, and when he saw Xu Yi sitting behind the commander's desk, he immediately turned his head and bowed.

"Zhipeng, get up and talk! Now your Chinese is getting more and more standard!" Xu Yi nodded and smiled to get him up, and smiled at him.

"The general is in Liuqiu Island every day. It's not easy to say that it's not good! During this period of time, the general is thinking every day that he can come back as soon as possible to serve the lord. Today, he finally arrived here. He came a little late. I hope the lord will forgive me. !" Zhi Zhipeng spoke fluent Chinese and said to Xu Yi.

"Forget it! You didn't come too late, not to mention that it is not easy for you to go back and forth to Liuqiu Island. The transportation of hundreds of war elephants is not something that can be transported by ten or eight boats. I am very happy to be able to come here at this time! I don’t know what’s the current situation on Liuqiu Island?” Xu Yi remembered that he hadn’t been back to Liuqiu Island for a long time, so he asked him.

"Please rest assured, my lord. Thanks to the efforts of all the adults in the cities, various things in Liuqiu Island are progressing well, and the island has two more harvests. The people's hearts are stable, and there is nothing to worry about! And the mistress is here before the end of the future. , When we arrived in Danshui City, let the general tell the lord that they are all well, don't worry about them, but the mistress is not worried about the lord's health, so General Tuo Mo will greet the lord instead, please take care of your body and don't overwork yourself !” Zhi Zhipeng quickly replied.

After listening to his words, Xu Yi finally felt relieved. Liuqiu Island is his foundation. As long as there is no chaos there, no matter where the Fubo army is, there will be a way out in the end. If it's troublesome, then he has no way out!
Fortunately, Gao Xu, Jia Qian and others over there still did their best to take care of the affairs there well, and provided him with various material guarantees in the north continuously, which made him play such a big game in Liaodong. After a while, these people also contributed a lot!

After letting go of this matter, Xu Yi summoned Li Bo and others to discuss how to take down the Xingzhong Mansion as soon as possible. As long as the Xingzhong Mansion is taken down, it will basically cut off the north-south connection of the Kingdom of Jin. Those who worry about gold don't panic!
After some discussion, everyone immediately started to go down to work according to the established plan. Needless to say, in the early morning of the next day, the whole army of the Fubo Army came out of the camp, lined up outside the Jin Army camp and began to fight.

Zongfu also heard that the reinforcements of the Fubo Army had arrived, and from the frightened expression of the scouts, he felt the terrifying power of the Fubo Army's elephant army. Give the Fubo army a chance, and order the defenders in Xingzhong Prefecture to prepare for defense. This time, he no longer wants to eat Xu Yi's army in Xingzhong Prefecture. Now he is worried about whether he will The problem of being eaten by Xu Yi.

As soon as Xu Yi saw that Zongfu was behind closed doors, he didn't delay any longer, so he immediately ordered the army to attack, and a cannon cart was pulled out from the formation, and placed on crossbows outside the main gate of the Golden Camp Where it was out of reach, teams of sword and shield hands stepped forward slowly, moving the square shield towards the Jin army camp step by step, forming a shield wall.

It's ridiculous that Zongfu only wanted to go head-to-head with Xu Yi and kill Xu Yi here, so most of the army was stationed in the camp outside the city, and the defense facilities were not complete. The government is based on the city and the defense facilities set up by the guard are complete.

When Zongfu found that he could not take advantage of the frontal confrontation with the Fubo army, it was too late to build fortifications outside the camp, so he only relied on a wooden wall to block the attack of the Fubo army. , Basically, it is like a fake, such a wall can at best prevent the impact of the Fubo Army cavalry, but it is simply vulnerable to the artillery brought by the Fubo Army.

After learning about the power of the Fubo army's artillery, Zongfu also knew that he couldn't defend such a camp, so he immediately ordered the army to slowly retreat into the city, and was ready to defend the city. Under the bombardment of the many artillery pieces of the Fubo Army, it was impossible to hold on.

However, he did not give up completely. He still set up a lot of soldiers and horses in the camp in order to delay the attack speed of the Fubo army. At least he had to cause considerable casualties to the Fubo army before withdrawing from the camp. It would be embarrassing to abandon the camp without fighting.

Amidst the roar of artillery fire, pieces of the wall in front of the Jin Army camp immediately flew into pieces, and the logs of the wall broke and collapsed one after another. Teams of war elephants wearing heavy armor came out from the Fubo army formation. Under the control of the driver who was also wearing heavy armor, they carried the heavy armored elephant soldiers on the elephants, at a speed that was not too high. , rushed towards these gaps.

In the golden camp, the group of golden soldiers who were ready to attack the Fubo army head-on, stared dumbfounded at the group of gaudy monsters that appeared in front of them, and were immediately scared to death. They had never seen such a thing before. Now they believed in the rumor that Xu Yi of the Fubo Army could control the monsters, so the morale of the remaining Golden Army immediately dropped, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

The war elephants and the elephant soldiers on them are like moving living tanks, ignoring the arrows shot by the Jin army. Their thick skin can guarantee that they will not be seriously injured, not to mention adding a layer of The heavy armor is simply an indestructible weapon, and after half a year of rest, these war elephants are fat and strong, and most of the war elephants are equipped with a small ballista on their backs. The defense against the Jin Army can be said to be as powerful as a broken bamboo, making it impossible for the Jin Army to resist.

It was also the first time for a large number of soldiers of the Fubo Army to see such a thing as a war elephant, and they felt very fortunate that this thing belonged to their own side, otherwise, they would be the ones to suffer. Xu Yi put a large number of infantry soldiers on the battlefield. After the elephant, he followed the elephant to attack, and it took less than a stick of incense to tear through the outer defenses of the Jin camp, and a large number of armored soldiers rushed into the Jin camp.

Immediately afterward, the cavalry rushed in, charged wantonly in the camp of the Golden Army, quickly divided and surrounded the Golden Army in the camp, and then slaughtered wantonly.

When did the Golden Army staying in the camp see such a scene? They only persisted for a while before they completely collapsed. Seeing that there was no hope of escape, a large number of Golden Army had no choice but to kneel down and surrender. Anyway, the Fubo Army killed and shouted all the way , Those who surrender are not killed, it is better to live than to die, to surrender and fall, whoever eats food is not food!

In just half a day, Zongfu's entire camp of the Golden Army announced that it had changed hands, throwing a large number of tent armor and thousands of captives to the Fubo Army, and Zongfu lost half of his soldiers and horses in just this one battle. Standing on the city wall, he bowed his head and stamped his feet, almost vomiting blood to death.

It's not that Zongsuke is an idiot, but that the tactics and weapons of the Fubo army are beyond his cognition. Under this kind of offensive, it is no longer the time for personal bravery to play a role, so Zongsuke faced the Fubo army like this. It is not surprising that there is no power to fight back under the attack. Just the loud roar of elephants under the city alone made the golden soldiers turn pale with fright, and their morale was completely devastated. Throwing it to the country of Java, it's hard not to fail.

Xu Yi looked at the entire battlefield, feeling rather proud. Such a result was within his expectations. This was all due to the things he knew in later generations, which allowed him to make sufficient preparations in advance. Now is finally the time for him to harvest a large area. up.

For the small town of Xingzhong Mansion, Xu Yi didn't take it seriously at all. After taking down the camp of the Golden Army outside the city, he immediately surrounded Xingzhong Mansion, leaving only the north of the city. A gap was opened, and Zongfu of the province fought trapped beasts in the city.

In the next two days, the Fubo army concentrated all the artillery and began to bombard the south gate non-stop. In order to block the attack of the Fubo army, Zongfu accepted the previous few times that the Jin army's city was broken. Lesson, after the army entered the city, they immediately sent people to use a large amount of masonry and soil to seal the city gate firmly, which caused a lot of trouble for the Fubo army. Open the city gate.

So Xu Yi immediately ordered the army to change the siege strategy, and did not send people to forcibly climb up the city. The battle damage would be too great. Instead, he adjusted the direction of the artillery and concentrated it on a relatively weak city wall near the south gate. The bombardment began day and night, and various stone and iron bullets rained down on a section of the city wall. Even if the city wall was made of iron, it couldn't bear it. Ten carts of ammunition are enough for Xu Yi to squander for a while.

So it only took two days. Under the sharp artillery attack of the Fubo Army, this section of the city wall was blasted into bean curds. Finally, on the afternoon of the sixth day they arrived at Xingzhong Mansion, it collapsed and a piece of land rose up. The smoke and dust soared into the sky, and a large number of Fubo troops led by Daniu, the commando captain, yelled violently, and rushed towards the gap with him brazenly.

Zongfu didn't blink for two days and two nights in the city, watching the Fubo army bombarding that section of the city wall, but he didn't have any way to deal with it. Going out of the city for a decisive battle is basically courting death, but staying in the city is clearly a crime. After waiting for death, Zongfu's hair became grayer in two days. When he heard the sound of the city wall collapsing, Zongfu slowly stood up behind the Shuai case. Xingzhong Mansion was his last escape route. Once this place is lost, he will no longer have the face to flee back to Huining Mansion to meet Wu Qi and buy it.

He glanced at the tense-looking lieutenants and personal guards in the mansion, and said in a deep voice: "Prepare my horse, today I will have a decisive battle with the Fubo army in the city! Do you dare to die with the city?"

Those personal guards were loyal people brought out by him for a long time, so they immediately shouted in unison: "I swear to the general that we will live and die together!"

Under the leadership of Zongfu, a group of Jin troops rushed back against the gap in the city wall, and started a fight with Daniel's commando at the gap.

Soldiers from both sides fought back and forth at this gap, and the mutilated corpses covered the entire gap. Soldiers from both sides filled the gap one by one, and then fell down in pieces. Then he rushed up to another team, and continued to fight endlessly here stepping on the corpses of both the enemy and our soldiers.

It was a bit unexpected for Xu Yi to encounter such a tough resistance. He had already left a gap for Zongfu in the north of the city, hoping that Zongfu would lead his army out of Xingzhong Mansion and flee back to the north, but Zongfu did not expect that Fu did not choose to break through, but chose to fight with himself here, and caused so many casualties to himself in this gap, even a fierce general like Daniel was seriously injured in the gap and was snatched away , and almost died, but Xu Yi was so distressed.

So he angrily ordered to stop the attack, and Ming Jin withdrew his troops, so a large number of soldiers who were attacking the city withdrew after hearing the sound.

"My lord! Why did you call for gold to withdraw your troops? Give the last general another time to burn incense. If the last general still can't break into the city, he will raise his head to see the lord!" A general who replaced Daniu threw himself in front of Xu Yi covered in blood, He knelt down and begged loudly.

"Shut up! How can the lives of our soldiers be filled in like this? Wait a minute, you will fight the battle! Go down to rest and bandage the wound, and you will lead the team to fight in later! Artillery is ready! Get close and use shotguns and Boom with explosive bombs until no one in the Jin army can stand in the gap! If it doesn’t work, let me have the unconscionable cannon, and you can finish Zongsuke with a few hits!” Xu Yi also became ruthless, and his opponents He shouted loudly, since he started the war with the Jin army, he has never been so depressed!
The unconscionable cannon is actually a kind of soil cannon invented by the People's Liberation Army in the Huaihai Battle in the later Liberation War. The other name is Feilei. It is specially used for attacking fortifications. A big tube with a powder bag on the bottom is used as a driving force, and a big explosive bag is placed on the top, which explodes after flying out and landing. gun.

Xu Yi didn't bring much artillery with him in Dading Mansion this time, so he asked someone to make some of them for use. This time, he also brought a few with the army. He thought they would not be needed, but he didn't expect After collapsing the city wall, Zongfu encountered such a fierce resistance, so he ordered people to carry it out and deal another heavy blow to Zongfu.

So a series of artillery was pushed to the front of the gap, and began to bombard the Jin army in the gap again, and Zongfu also became ruthless, and the soldiers would lie in ambush in a house near the gap or in a hidden place, firmly The gap was controlled, so after some bombardment, although many buildings in the gap were collapsed, the damage to the Jin army was not very large. These Jin troops gradually adapted to the roar of the artillery and held on Determined to fight to the death, continue to hide near the gap and plan to fight the Fubo army to the end.

At this time, several small groups of soldiers quickly approached the gap under the cover of the shield hand. Each group of them carried a huge iron pipe and quickly buried it outside the gap. The black iron pipe Facing the gap, he filled the medicine pack into the iron pipe.

After hearing a few rumbling bangs, several huge black spots flew into the gap. Although they were not very accurate, they all fell into the gap anyway, spreading widely.

Immediately afterwards, several loud bangs were heard, and thick smoke rose from the gap. Suddenly, bricks, tiles and broken corpses rose into the air, and there was a miserable howl in the city.

After the loud bangs, the team leader who replaced Daniel immediately drew his sword and yelled at the men who had already prepared: "Brothers, follow me and kill all the damned golden men! Kill!" Falling, he pulled his feet and rushed towards the gap.

The gang of Fubo soldiers who had already gone mad also let out a roar at the same time, rushing towards the gap in the city wall that was still filled with thick smoke like a torrent of steel.

Zongfu stood on a roof not far from the gap, commanding his subordinates to stand by and prepare to knock the Fubo army back again, when suddenly he heard a few muffled noises, and then saw several huge black guys falling Entering the gap, he didn't pay too much attention to these things, and was still sending orders frantically, ordering the soldiers in the city to concentrate here, to fight to the end with the Fubo Army, Xu Yi had already forced him to have no way out, since If you want to die, just die in this Xingzhong Mansion.

When a violent explosion sounded, a wave of sound reached his ears first, making him dizzy for a while, with a feeling of wanting to vomit, and then a huge wave of air rushed towards his face, he and Some of the guards and lieutenants around him were immediately rolled away by the air waves like leaves, and fell heavily under the house, and the house also creaked amidst such roaring noises. In the end, it couldn't bear its own weight, and it collapsed immediately, just burying Zongfu and others under the ruins.

When the Fubo army rushed into the gap, this time there was no resistance at all. We only saw golden soldiers lying behind the walls or on the streets in many places, bleeding from seven orifices, and there were no obvious wounds on these golden soldiers. , and each of them died in a terrible state, each of them was shattered by the violent explosion, and died on the spot!
Some people were a little farther away from the bombing point. Although they survived and did not die on the spot, they were completely stunned and lay on the ground crying in pain. With bleeding ears, they swayed in place. They had been deafened by the explosion, and they had completely lost their combat effectiveness at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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