Chapter 681
After watching the drills of the recruits and Minzhuang, Xu Yi strolled to the area of ​​the workshop again to check the preparations. As soon as he stepped into the workshop area, he heard noisy voices.

The sound of big saws, knocking, hammering, and bellows became one. Hundreds of craftsmen of various kinds performed their duties, and were assigned to different places by the craftsmen of the Fubo Army to do various jobs according to their different skills.

A large amount of wood was placed on the open space, which were transported away by these carpenters in a steady stream, and after rough processing, they were made into various stone catapults, and then transported to the city wall for backup. This kind of work is the roughest in the Fubo army. What’s more, for carpenters, as long as they know a little bit, basically people can do it, so only some people with poor craftsmanship are needed to do it. Anyway, there are a lot of wood, and it can be rebuilt at any time if it falls apart.

Originally, the ballista commonly used by the Fubo Army was much more advanced than the catapult, but the production of the ballista had much higher requirements on materials and craftsmanship than the catapult. Because time did not allow it, there was no To make ballistas, all of them will be replaced by trebuchets. In this way, the accuracy cannot reach the level of ballistas. However, if it is a large-scale siege, to deal with dense enemy groups, such things , it still works, and its power is not necessarily less than that of the ballista.

The more detailed work is the production of bed crossbows, which requires the craftsmen of the Fubo Army to make key parts by themselves, and other craftsmen do some rough work of making shelves and bows, so the output cannot keep up with the trebuchet. , but it is more powerful than the trebuchet in terms of power.

In addition to making these, in the workshop here, the military craftsmen used the parts they carried with them to process and assemble two log machines, which are specially used to make arrow shafts. The parts of these log machines have become the carry-on parts of the military craftsmen. The stuff, you can use the tools at hand to make a log machine at any time, and make arrows for the Fubo army. The arrow shafts are turned by these two machines, and they are spit out continuously and sent to Arrowheads and arrow feathers were installed in the other shed, and they were quickly formed. They were bundled with 24 pieces and stored in the warehouse. They could be transported to the city at any time for use by archers.

The blacksmith shop is also a bustling scene. Because there are plenty of armor in the warehouse in the city, their main job is to make arrows. In order to speed up, all arrows have simplified procedures, and the three-edged opening that Fubo Army used to use in Liuqiu Island has been cancelled. Slotted arrows are only made of two wings, round rods, triangular edges, and flat leaves that are easy to produce. They are directly molded and cast, mass-produced, reducing the process, increasing the production quantity, and ensuring the consumption of the Fubo army in the future.

In addition to the thumping crossbow arrows, blacksmiths also have to manufacture special large arrows for bed crossbows. The crescent-shaped flat shovel arrows and flat chisel-like chisel arrows are the main products. These things are the most powerful products of the cold weapon era. One, the lethality is so great that Xu Yi, who has seen them before, shudders. He only prays that he will not get hurt by these things in his life.

Of course, in addition to the arrowheads, the blacksmiths also had to make some key accessories for the bed crossbows for the carpenters to use to assemble the bed crossbows.

On the outskirts of the shed area, a lot of big pots were set up to boil all kinds of messy grease. When defending, these things will be used to make fire bombs or simply boiled and poured down to scald the enemy, so it is also necessary An indispensable guardian object.

Even some half-grown teenagers ran outside the shed area, looking for things to do, one for fun, and two, they also hated the Jinren and wanted to help the Fubo Army and contribute, so in line with The principle that the people's hearts cannot be violated, the person in charge of the military craftsmen brought a lot of iron nails and iron pieces, let these teenagers nail them directly on the logs, and made a batch of giant mace-like rolling logs, then tied them with ropes, Put it on the top of the city, as long as the golden army ascends the city, just push it down and go down the ladder, hehe!Jin Bing is happy!

There are also some shoddy wooden frames nailed with dense nails to make mace rackets, ready to be used at the top of the city at any time. Anyway, as long as they can think of a way, the craftsmen here can think of enough. They fiddled with all kinds of strange things, although they looked really ugly, but once they were used to kill people, they were not ambiguous at all.

After Xu Yi looked at the simple catapults made by the craftsmen, he had an idea, and his hands began to itch again. Although the catapults in the Song Dynasty were powerful, they had the problem of occupying a large area and employing a large number of people. The source of all these depends on manpower, it won’t work if there are fewer people, and it won’t work if there is no strength. The ability to sustain combat is relatively poor, and it is not very convenient to use.

And he happened to have a way to solve this kind of problem, that is, to make a counterweight trebuchet, which is still based on the principle of leverage. One end only needs to be equipped with a stone that is heavy enough to be the power source of the trebuchet, and people only need to Pull down the other end of the trebuchet and fix it, load it with stones or other shells, and then cut off the fixed rope, leaning on the counterweight at the other end, you can easily throw the stone out, and the throwing distance will not be due to Few people or no power will affect the range and help improve accuracy.

So Xu Yi immediately summoned the craftsmen who were responsible for the manufacture of the catapult, drew them a blueprint of the counterweight catapult, and handed it to them, and asked them to manufacture the catapult according to this style, as the Fubo army. For the craftsmen accompanying the army, they are all capable people, so they understood the truth at a glance, immediately applauded, and immediately asked the carpenters who were working to stop their work and change to making this kind of counterweight riprap. In this way, a new weapon for this era was born in this way.

In short, under the mobilization of the Fubo Army, the city has turned into a wartime state in just a few days, and there are basically no idlers, just waiting for the Jin Army to come and die.

Just as busy as the Fubo Army in Dading Mansion was the Zongfu Army in Xingzhong Mansion. After Wanyan Zongfu arrived in Xingzhong Mansion, he immediately sent someone to Shangjing Huining Mansion to deliver a letter to King Wu Qimai. Report the fall of the Dading Mansion, express your attitude by the way, plead guilty, and at the same time, express that you will definitely recapture the Dading Mansion as soon as possible, and strive to take the crime and make meritorious service.

In addition, I sent a letter to Zongwang's army in Yanshan Mansion, informing them of this matter, so that they could make early preparations and get some food as soon as possible. Now I can't continue to supply them with food and grass. , as long as the Dading Mansion can't be taken back, they can only rely on them to take care of their own stomachs. Because of the fall of the Dading Mansion, he still doesn't know the news that Zong Wang has passed away.

After doing these two things, he no longer thought about how Emperor Wu Qimai would punish him, and started to mobilize troops in Xingzhong Mansion with all his strength, preparing to send troops to Dading Mansion at any time to retake Dading Mansion.

With the issuance of his summoning order, more messengers were sent out of Xingzhong Mansion, and spread to the places under the jurisdiction of the Jurchens in all directions of Zhongjing Road. Those Meng'an Moukes who received the order were shocked , They are also aware of the seriousness of the problem, and have begun to forcefully conscript the young and strong households under their jurisdiction on the territory under their jurisdiction, and ask them to prepare their own food.

The reason for doing this is because the war is tight during this period of time. Many Meng'an Mukes have already recruited the people under their jurisdiction to join the army. , and this time is also when the people are short of food, and soldiers are required to bring their own food when they are fighting, which is tantamount to making these people worse.

And on the side of Zhongjing Road, because the number of Jurchens is not too large, some local tribes in the old Liao Dynasty were also appointed as Meng'an Muke because of their meritorious service in surrendering to the Jin Kingdom, so the composition of the Meng'an Muke here Compared with the situation in Liaodong area, it is much more complicated.

And these alien Meng'an Mukes are even more hated by the common people. They were regarded as Liao traitors by many old Liao people, and they came to power by betraying Daliao. Feeling dissatisfied, and after receiving the order from Wanyan Zongfu, the Meng'an Mukes of these alien races were more active than the leaders of the Jurchen. During the war, they established some meritorious deeds in order to obtain greater benefits. As a result, they were even more mean to the people in their jurisdiction, forcing young and strong to join the army, and finally completely angered the civilians under their command.

Originally, during this period of time, many people from Dading Mansion kept lobbying the common people and persuading them to rebel, but because many people were afraid of the fierceness and strength of the Jin army, they had been hesitating, thinking that even if they lived like this, life would be difficult. It won't be much better, but at least it's better than the end of being killed by the Jinren immediately if the rebellion fails, but when their Meng'an Moukes began to forcibly recruit them to serve as soldiers in Xingzhong Mansion, these people finally endured Can't stop.

If you go to Xingzhong Mansion, you have to fight against the legendary invincible Fubo army. If you go there, you will die faster, and you have to bring your own food. Where is the food at home for them to take to the war?If you take away the last remaining food, it means that the whole family will starve to death. In this case, it is better to fight to pull it down!
So among these ordinary people, finally some bold ones began to join forces secretly, choosing the opportunity to deal cruelly to the nobles who governed them.

After being notified by Zongfu, a Jurchen Mouk immediately ordered each of his [-] households to send out a middle-aged man to follow him to Xingzhong Mansion to serve. To use food to offset, and limit these households to be ready within three days, follow him to Xingzhong Mansion.

As a result, the next night, after he had eaten and drank enough, he lay down not long after he heard the noisy voices of people outside his yard, so his heart tightened, and he immediately put on his clothes and got up, took a steel knife, I went out of the house and wanted to see what was going on outside.

But as soon as he stepped out of the house, the door of his own courtyard was suddenly knocked open from the outside, and dozens of crazy householders rushed in from outside the courtyard, holding knives and guns in their hands, and rushed towards him. , He was so frightened that his face immediately turned pale, and he raised the knife in his hand and shouted at them: " you want to rebel?"

A strong man in the head had a ferocious face, spit at him with a puff, and cursed loudly: "Fuck you! You bastard, you won't let us live, and I won't let you live!" Brothers, kill him! Let's go against each other!" As he spoke, he swung his knife and killed their mugger.

The rest of the people also shouted, and rushed forward together with him. Mouk quickly raised his sword to resist in horror, but his fists were really hard to beat, and he was submerged in the angry crowd in an instant He was chopped into pieces under the chaos of knives. Not long after, his home was set on fire, and a group of people rushed out of his home with blood donations and carrying bags of things, and surrounded the leader. side of the person.

"Brother Zhang, now that we have killed this whole family, what should we do next?" Some people asked this strong man surnamed Zhang.

"What should we do? What else can we do? Things have been done to such an extent that we have no turning back. This is the closest place to Jinzhou. Let's just go to Jinzhou to join the Fubo army. There are Fubo troops everywhere. Follow the Fubo army and pull them down ! Otherwise, when the golden man slows down, we will all die without a place to die!" The man surnamed Zhang said through gritted teeth.

Everyone nodded in agreement, so they went back to clean up, took their families with them, drove the looted mule cart or carried the only few belongings, and got together again and walked towards Jinzhou.

This kind of situation, in a few days, was staged almost every day in various parts of Zhongjing Road. A large number of people finally chose to rise up. People planned to bring more credit, and then went to the Fubo army to join them, so they got entangled with some people and started working with local gold people in various places.

These people gathered into various groups, and under the banner of the Fubo Army, they attacked the Jurchens or the homes and territories of local nobles everywhere, killed those nobles who oppressed them, robbed them of their property, and coerced more people to join them , grew rapidly like a snowball...

Wanyan Zongfu, who stayed behind in Zhongjing Road, soon received a flood of urgent reports about such things, and suddenly his head grew bigger three times. He knew that this kind of thing might happen, but he was powerless to prevent it from happening. On the one hand, he had to prepare Soldiers and horses went to attack Dading Mansion, while wanting the flames of civil unrest that were burning everywhere, which made him at a loss for what to do.

The originally planned troop deployment was forced to be delayed due to the raging wars in the local area. The nobles in many places, after hearing about the banditry in so many places, immediately stopped the forced conscription of the people for self-protection. The central government joined the army, and even began to gather some people to protect their own safety.

In order to protect themselves, the rich people in some towns had to call up manpower to guard the towns and villages. How could they have time to go to Xingzhong Mansion to fight with the army!

This made Zongfu feel completely desperate. Originally, he planned to gather tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and send troops to attack Dading Mansion, but after a few days, only a few thousand people came, which was less than the original plan. So many, he had to continue to delay for a few more days in order to collect more soldiers and horses.

Different from Zongfu's predicament, Jinzhou City and Dading Mansion both saw a wave of upsurges in joining the army.

After Fang Youren of Jinzhou City went through the siege of Zongfu, only half of the more than 2000 people were left, and he couldn’t take care of the stationed in Jinzhou City. When he was worried, someone came to report that there were many people outside the city. The mob with knives, guns, bows and arrows, disorderly clothes, please Fang Youren to go and have a look.

Fang Youren was startled at first, then hurriedly climbed up to the top of the city, looked down, and was also startled, there really were a lot of rioters gathered outside the city, shouting and screaming.

"What are they going to do?" Fang Youren couldn't hear the shouts of these people clearly, so he asked the soldiers who were on duty here.

The soldier immediately stood at attention and replied: "Sir, I heard them yelling that they want to defect to us and join the army!"

Fang Youren was overjoyed, and became a little worried. Now that he is weak in Jinzhou City, if he can recruit a group of soldiers, it will be of great help to the defense, but if these people pretend to surrender, with his own strength, Once they enter the city, I'm afraid I can't deal with so many of them!

Just when he was still hesitating whether to accept these people, the mob below suddenly became quiet, a strong man walked out from the mob, went all the way to the city gate, and clasped his hands to Fang Youren on the top of the city He shouted: "The general of the Fubo army on the city is invited! My next Zhang Youde is a member of Dading Prefecture. He was ordered by King Jinghai to bring these people from central Liao to join the general. I also hope that the general will open the city and let me wait." Enter the city and wait for the general to dispatch."

Fang Youren's heart moved, this person said that he brought people to vote under the order of the lord, so there must be a reason, so he also clasped his fists and replied to this Zhang Youde: "Brother Zhang invited me. I came to defect to my lord's order, so do you have any evidence?"

"Yes! General, I have a complaint from King Jinghai here. If you are not at ease, general, please drop the hanging basket and hand the complaint to the general for inspection to know if it is true or not!" He took out a notice and waved it at Fang Youren who was on the wall in his hand.

Not long after, someone collected Zhang Youde's confession in a hanging basket and handed it to Fang Youren. After Fang Youren inspected it, he saw that it was indeed the military seal of the Fubo Army, so he felt relieved and ordered: "Open the door. Welcome these strong men into the city!"

After the people like Zhang Youde entered the city, the situation in Jinzhou City immediately improved greatly. Zhang Youde used to be a low-level officer in the Liao army. The ordinary people are fooling around. In fact, they have already had an antipathy towards the Kingdom of Jin. It is just that they have not found a good opportunity. After Xu Yi led his troops to capture the Dading Mansion this time, he finally made up his mind to follow the Fubo Army in the future. He came out and asked for a report from the Fubo Army's search envoy, and went out of the city to return to his hometown where he hadn't dared to go back for a long time, where he gathered a group of neighbors, killed the local Mouk, and came to Jinzhou City.

Their arrival immediately increased the strength of Jinzhou City's troops, and Zhang Youde was also quite capable and experienced in controlling troops. Coupled with his status, he was quickly appointed by Fang Youren as his deputy to assist He reorganized these Liao people who defected to them, and temporarily incorporated these people into his own army, using the old to bring in the new, and asked the veterans to step up training for these people, ready to deal with new battles at any time.

What happened immediately surprised him even more. In the few days after Zhang Youde arrived in Jinzhou, a large number of Liao people who joined the army began to arrive in Jinzhou. After the sky came down, the number quickly swelled to more than 1000 people like blowing up a balloon, and not counting the relatives brought by these people, the city of Jinzhou became lively all at once.

This time, Fang Youren was very busy. He was a warrior and didn't have much experience in resettling these common people, so he had to ask for help from Sun Hai at sea. The navy dispatched some experienced civilian officials to Jinzhou to assist him in dealing with these matters. In order to ensure the food for these people, a batch of food and armor were brought to Jinzhou from Juhua Island to meet Fang Youren's needs.

Here, Youren became more courageous. As the commander of the Fubo Army, he suddenly possessed 6000 to [-] generals. After having so many soldiers, it turned out that the remaining soldiers under him all disappeared overnight. They have all become minor officials, and the lowest one is a flag official, and the whole army has devoted themselves to training.

The situation in Dading Mansion is far more than that in Jinzhou City. In a few days, after getting the news, a large number of people began to rise up and flock to Dading Mansion, making Xu Yi, Li Bo and the others were a little surprised. Although they also knew that there would be people who would join the army, they did not expect so many people to join the army. After a few days, just taking in these people who joined the army made them all very busy. All fours.

Worry when no one comes, one counts as one, and accepts when they come, but when there are too many people, I also worry, and when it comes to accepting recruits, there is room for picking and choosing!
After getting enough guarantees of soldiers, Li Bo discussed with Xu Yi and decided that the quality of the soldiers in the army must be ensured, so they began to select those with strong physique from these newcomers to be recruited. If there is a way, they will temporarily enter the city and be incorporated into the auxiliary soldiers to keep them. Now that they have recruited people, they can't be pushed out again, so Dading Mansion has become a bit overcrowded.

With the recruitment of a large number of recruits, the number of soldiers and horses has greatly expanded, and Xu Yi's confidence has become more and more sufficient. This time it is not a question of whether he can block the attack of the golden soldiers, but began to wonder whether he should take the initiative to attack , Go and engage in Wanyan Zongfu's Golden Army, which has been coming for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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