Chapter 664
At this time, Shanxi Zhongshidao also sent people to send news, saying that in their Shanxi area, people under the banner of the Black Tiger Army also began to appear, and they continued to move around Taiyuan, attacking the Jinren, provoking troubles, and making troubles. The Dejin people continued to send troops across the border to chase and kill the black tiger army that attacked them. It was obvious that they were chasing the black tiger army, but secretly they went deep into the Song Dynasty to burn, kill and loot, causing complaints among the people, accusing the officers and soldiers of not Resisting the Jin people, but his subordinate officers and soldiers felt that their faces were shameless. Some generals continued to resist and lead troops to fight with the Jin soldiers who crossed the border. Many conflicts occurred. The relationship between the two armies in Shanxi is now very tense. There could be a major war at any time.

Zhao Xu hadn't pressed the matter yet, another incident happened in Shandong, this time it happened in his most trusted Zhang Qing army. The soldiers in Zhang Qing army were originally local people, and the folk customs were relatively tough. I watched most of Shandong fall, and my hometown was taken by the Jin people, but I still listened to the order of the imperial court to stop the war with the Jin people, so the army was unstable, and it might also be bewitched by someone. A lieutenant named Lu Cheng in Zhang Qing’s army, Unexpectedly, taking advantage of the night, they suddenly attacked Zhang Qing, put Zhang Qing under house arrest, played the banner of the Northern Expedition, and got the support of most soldiers in the army, broke away from Zhang Shuye's control, brazenly launched an attack all the way, and killed them back to their hometown In the Jiaodong area, they fought with the Jin army there, and won several small victories in a row. The soldiers pointed to the Laizhou and Qingzhou areas.

When these news were sent to Bianliang one after another, Zhao Xu really fainted!Could it be that the things I did for Da Song were so unpopular?Doesn't this world belong to his Zhao family?

Isn't that just falling out with a warlord?As for going on like this?Originally, in his opinion, it was not a big deal, but in just two months, the situation that had just stabilized became a bit out of hand again!And the cause of everything is because of this damn Xu Yi.

What surprised Zhao Xu even more was that he originally thought that after the Jin army returned to the north, it would definitely launch a fierce offensive against the Fubo army in Liaodong in winter. The army was wiped out in the Liaodong area. In this way, with the combat power of the Fubo army, even if the Jin people wiped out the Fubo army, they would suffer heavy losses, and they would be unable to invade the south in a short time. With a complete respite, it may not be impossible for the Northern Expedition to regain their homeland by then!

But after such a long time, the news from Liaodong made him so depressed that he wanted to hit the dragon with his head. The marshals of the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin didn't know if they had taken the wrong medicine or what, and they just dragged their feet. When he raised his troops, he was hit head-on by the Fubo army. Unexpectedly, several armies stopped at the same time, no longer contacting the Fubo army, but formed a defensive posture against the Fubo army. It is considered to be vacant.

The Fubo Army not only survived the winter in Liaodong, but also got a rare chance to breathe. It also made the original agreement between Xu Yi and him a reality. He promised that if the Fubo Army was still in Liaodong without defeat, He was about to raise troops to launch the Northern Expedition against the Kingdom of Jin from the south, and he didn't know what to do now.

Zhao Xu had no choice but to call in a few confidant ministers to discuss how to deal with the current situation, and soon Li Gang, Wu Min and others arrived in the palace.

"My dear friends, rumors are spreading all over the country, accusing me of treachery, how do you deal with this matter?" Zhao Xu asked several ministers rubbing his temples.

"My lord! I think this matter must be a rumor spread by someone with ulterior motives. At this time, my lord should use thunderous means to severely punish those who make trouble. If my minister is not stupid, then this matter must be caused by the Fubo army." Why! And this Xu Yi, from my humble opinion, must also have a heart of disobedience. Since he is going to fight for the country, he should have the consciousness of being loyal to the country. Otherwise, why would he refuse the imperial court's reward?

What's more, this person can now say that he is self-respecting, he doesn't care about His Majesty at all, he doesn't care about His Majesty's embarrassment, and uses such despicable means to try to force His Majesty to turn against the Kingdom of Jin again. At this time, the Holy One must not change his mind because of these trivial matters. Our soldiers and horses in the Song Dynasty are far less powerful than the Jin people. He fell into the villain Xu Yi's tricks, and instead allowed him to become a big man in Liaodong, which made his career a success!

I would like to ask the Holy Master to issue an order quickly, and strictly order the governments everywhere to immediately suppress those rioters who are trying to cause chaos because of this matter!And take away the official positions of those generals who don't obey orders, and transfer them to the inland for another use! "Wu Min immediately stood up and replied, this guy has now become a staunch advocate and faction, and he is afraid of incurring revenge from the Jinren, but in his words, he accidentally revealed his views on this matter, believing that the rumors are true , Xu Yi should have indeed been to Bianliang, otherwise, the five hundred elite soldiers who disappeared from the forbidden army and the matter of Ningling Stone Bridge would not make sense, and after Princess Yiqing returned to Beijing, there is no news for no reason. All kinds of clues showed that the matter that the Holy Majesty ambushed and killed Xu Yi should not be fake.

After Zhao Xu heard Wu Min's words, his complexion became even worse. Now that even Wu Min said these words without any concealment, it can be seen that the matter of his ambush and murder of Xu Yi was already clearly revealed. He was really ashamed to speak out about the matter, but now it is known all over the world, so where can he put his face!

Zhao Xu didn't make a statement, but Li Gang couldn't help standing up and confronting Wu Min. He was the first person to guess what Zhao Xu did, and he was already dissatisfied with what Zhao Xu did. He is a good soldier , was pushed outside by Zhao Xu like this, and now it makes people complain, who can blame it!But at this moment, he also knew that if this matter was not handled properly, it would cause even greater troubles, but he sneered at Wu Min's method, so he spoke out.

"Your Majesty must not listen to Mr. Wu's words. Although this matter has reached such a level, it is not necessarily a good thing! At least it shows that the people's will is useful! Not only can this matter not be suppressed, but the Holy Majesty must follow the public's will. The flood is like a flood, it can be avoided but not blocked, and the current plan, if the Holy Majesty wants to clarify this matter, he can't use the method of suppression!"

"Oh? Then tell me how I should deal with it!" Although Zhao Xu didn't like what Li Gang said, he also knew that among his ministers, Li Gang was the real good minister and a man with skills, so he suppressed his anger and confronted him. Li Gang asked.

"The thing that the soldiers and people in the country complain about the most is the attitude of the Holy Majesty towards the Fubo Army and the Kingdom of Jin. Although the Jin Army is fierce, after the preparation of our army during this period, the strength and combat power of the northern armies have greatly increased. As time goes by, the Jin army has already returned to the north. It has reached the Liaodong area and confronted the Fubo army. The northern areas are now very empty. It can be seen from the things that have happened in the north during this period that the Jin people are now in a very weak state, and even some soldiers and horses composed of the people cannot resist. If we start the Northern Expedition now, we will be able to drive the Jin people away Go back to their north!
Although it is difficult for us in the Song Dynasty now, the Jin people should be much more difficult than us. If we start the Northern Expedition now, the Jin people will be unable to take care of both the head and the tail. Go on, sooner or later only the golden man will be defeated!
Moreover, the Holy Majesty has to make a gesture to open up the supply to the Fubo Army, so as to appease the people's grievances. If this is the case, the rumors will naturally be self-defeating, and the domestic situation will be more stable!If not, the country that has just stabilized will now lead to a new round of chaos!

Besides, if the Fubo army is really defeated and withdraws from Liaodong, it may not be of any benefit to our Song Dynasty. They are all pirates who gather on the sea. I can only go back to the south. Once the time comes, if they vent their anger on the Holy One, they will definitely provoke troubles along the southern coast and send troops to plunder the coast. On the contrary, it will become a confidant of my Song Dynasty. Once the Jin people solve the problem of the Fubo army , will definitely free up his hands to deal with us again, so that we can't look at each other from head to tail. In that case, our Da Song will not be worth the loss!This is equivalent to lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot!

This is not the scariest thing yet. The scariest thing is that once Xu Yi and his men are forced into a hurry, in case of anger, they choose to surrender to the Jinren, and with the strength of his troops, join the Jin Kingdom , Turn around and attack us Da Song, I'm afraid Da Song will be completely in danger!

Please think twice, Your Majesty!Don't do such a thing at this time, that the relatives hurt the enemies! "

Li Gang said almost in tears, he thought about the whole thing, and tried to explain all the disadvantages of Da Song and Fu Bo's rebellion.

After listening to Li Gang's words, although Zhao Xu was very shameless, he shivered as if he had been splashed with cold water, and then he felt cold from under his buttocks, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out all over his body!
Because he, Zhao Xu, is not a fool, what Li Gang said is indeed very reasonable. At first, he only thought of using the golden man to solve the downfall of the Fubo army. Think so far ahead!What Li Gang said is indeed good. No matter how he treats Xu Yi, Xu Yi has not led the Fubo army to completely break with the Song Dynasty at this time. He still insists on confronting the Jin people in Liaodong and has not turned to the Jin people. If you force him, once Xu Yi is in a hurry and he leads his army to fall to the Kingdom of Jin, then with their sea power and their terrible fighting power, they will join forces with the Kingdom of Jin to attack their own Great Song, then the Great Song will be really dangerous up!
At that time, the Fubo army will storm the coast of Da Song from the sea, insert knives behind Da Song's buttocks, and the Jin people will launch a fierce attack from the north. The last emperor of the Song Dynasty has become the eternal sinner of the Zhao family!
After all, Zhao Xu is not Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, and his vision on some matters is still much clearer than that of his father and elder brother. After listening to Li Gang's analysis, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, today Li Gang persuaded him bluntly. Otherwise, Da Song will be in trouble if he continues to make stupid moves!

Halo!Zhao Xu has been completely awakened by Li Gang at this moment, and he can't help but regret what he did at the beginning. After reviewing the matter from the beginning to the end, Zhao Xu knows that he is a small belly and a villain. The heart of a gentleman is the heart of a gentleman. If Xu Yi has a little bit of dissent, just the fact that he ambushed and killed him at the beginning is enough to force him back. He surrendered to Jin Guo and turned around to settle accounts with himself, but Xu Yi didn't do that, he just spread the matter, the purpose was to ring the alarm for himself!The purpose of using public opinion to put pressure on him is still for the sake of Song Dynasty. Thinking of this, Zhao Xu really felt ashamed.

After Xu Yi withdrew from the land, not only did he not repent, but he went back on his word and seized all the prepared materials again, intending to continue to blockade the Fubo army and let the Fubo army fend for itself in Liaodong. Fainted to the point where I can no longer faint!

Zhao Xu really regretted it at this moment. He always thought that after he became the master of the family, he would definitely become a generation of Mingjun, revive the Great Song Dynasty, and establish a great career, but he only did one thing in a few days Thinking of such a stupid thing, Zhao Xu wished he could run to the back right now and relieve his hatred with his big mouth!
Zhao Xu was full of embarrassment and sat silent behind the dragon case. Now Wu Min quit and stood up and quarreled with Li Gang. Qin Hui on the side was also supporting Wu Min, saying that Li Gang was wronging the country. Misleading the people, wanting to push the Great Song Dynasty into a fiery war, and insisting that the current national power of the Great Song Dynasty is not good enough, and it can no longer start a big war. This battle can no longer be fought.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Zhao Xu suddenly slapped the dragon table fiercely, and shouted a little angrily.

When Zhao Xu lost his temper, he really felt a bit inviolable. He immediately exuded a kind of bastard air, which stifled the atmosphere in the hall. He closed his mouth, not daring to speak any more.

Zhao Xu stood up behind the dragon case, walked down, came to Li Gang, and suddenly gave a deep salute to Li Gang, saying: "Li Xiang's words really woke me up! It's true that the Song Dynasty can have a humerus minister like Li Xiang." I'm so lucky!"

When Zhao Xu did such a thing, even Li Gang was frightened. He quickly pounced and knelt down to Zhao Xu. He didn't even dare to do it. As a minister, how could he dare to be such a courtesy to Zhao Xu?No matter how strong he is, he can't stand Zhao Xu's bow!

Wu Min and the others were also a little dumbfounded when they saw it. They didn't know why Zhao Xu was going crazy again, so they quickly followed Li Gang and fell to the ground, not daring to vent their anger.

Zhao Xu stepped forward, helped Li Gang up from the ground, and said, "Li Xiangcai is the one who can see the farthest! It is not too much to receive a gift from me!" Seeing Zhao Xu's expression, Li Gang's heart skipped a beat. Now, after such a long time, he finally saw Ming Jun's shadow in Zhao Xu again, so he couldn't help but feel like crying.

Zhao Xu turned around and glared at Wu Min, Qin Hui and other ministers who were in charge of peace, and said angrily: "I almost listened to your slander today and caused a catastrophe! You are also important court officials who eat the emperor's salary, but they only think about Pian'an, I don't want to revive our Great Song Guowei, what you said seems to be reasonable, but have you ever thought that our Great Song's life is not fake, but the life of the Jinren is not sad?
Although our Great Song Dynasty has suffered huge losses since the start of the war, after all, we still have tens of millions of people in the Great Song Dynasty, and how many Jin talents are there?We have lost a lot, and the Jin people have also lost a lot. They have been fighting for years, and they have just wiped out the Daliao, and they came to attack us in the Song Dynasty when the rear was not stable. Isn't it difficult for them?
As long as we in the Great Song Dynasty are of one mind, how can we be bullied by the barbarians?Are Song people really as timid and afraid of death as you say?Is it true that there are no brave men who can fight well?Why was Xu Yi able to lead a small number of Song people all the way to Liaodong with his own strength?Are they not Han Chinese?
You say that the treasury is in short supply every day, but you haven’t seen any signs of improvement since this period of time. Money and food from all over the country are now being transported into Beijing in a steady stream, and the Bian River has resumed navigation. Tank ships arrive in Bianliang every day. Don’t think that I can be deceived like my father, I know all these things!

My decision has now been decided, and all of you have listened to me. Either you will assist me with all your strength, and start to step up preparations for the war. After the beginning of spring, the Northern Expedition will immediately recover the lost land of our Great Song Dynasty and drive the Jin people out of our Great Song Dynasty. Immediately hang up the crown and leave. I will invite Gao Ming to replace you. There are many capable ministers in the Great Song Dynasty. Without a few of you, it may not be impossible to do these things! "

The more Zhao Xu spoke, the more angry he was, and he pointed at Wu Min and others and started cursing. Wu Min, Qin Hui and others couldn't help but tremble. Now they can be sure that Zhao Xu really took the wrong medicine today!Or just get up in the morning and hit your head!In short, today is very abnormal. They really couldn't accept such a big change in their attitude. They even admitted that they are sorry for Xu Yi and Fu Bojun. Who in the past did this thing!Even if he did something wrong, no emperor would admit that he did something wrong!Strange!What the hell?

But Zhao Xu is now the emperor, he said that charcoal is white, so it is white, no matter how high the officials are, they are still the officials of the Song Dynasty, they only have the role of being obedient, not against the emperor, Whatever he says is what he says!Anyway, you don't need people like yourself to fight in battle.

After Zhao Xu made a fuss, Li Gang was already in tears. If Da Song continues like this, if Zhao Xu can stick to this principle, why not ZTE?

But after Zhao Xu finished speaking, he regretted it a little. After all, as the emperor now, how could he admit that he went to ambush Xu Yi earlier?So he hurriedly added embarrassingly: "Although I did some things a little wrongly, I was thinking about my Da Song at the beginning. Rumors are rumors after all, so you can't believe it. How could I kill someone who treats me Da Song?" What about the meritorious officials? As for the imperial sister who lived among the people in the early years, she was indeed rescued by Xu Yi. Speaking of which, Xu Yi is still my brother-in-law, so how can I treat him badly? You go down, and you must strictly investigate who is separating In my relationship with Xu Yi, such a villain must be severely punished!"

Isn't this 300 taels of silver here?A group of important ministers secretly slandered in their hearts, but they didn't dare to speak out, so they quickly knelt down to accept the order and promised to go down to quell the rumors.

But after talking and doing, Zhao Xu was a little uncomfortable when he turned around immediately. He knew what he was doing, and although he had understood it now, after all, it had already happened. Even if Xu Yi didn't Rebelling against the enemy, I'm afraid it's impossible for him to bridge the rift caused by this matter. What's more, the last time he was cruel, even Yiqing was almost killed. Now Yiqing is probably going to be cruel to the extreme !

How to do it?Zhao Xu was really embarrassed to death, Zhang Hu was standing in His Highness, feeling helpless, if he had known this before, why did he do it in the first place?It's really not easy to solve this matter!

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Xu still had to discuss this matter with Li Gang, so he dismissed Wu Min and others, leaving Li Gang alone to discuss this matter. After all, the last time Xu Yi came to Bianliang, the only minister he saw was Li Gang A person, others don't know, Li Gang will never know!

"Li Xiang doesn't know what to do about how to repair the relationship between me, Da Song, and Fu Bojun?" When he really came to his senses, Zhao Xu really couldn't find a few people to discuss with, and felt that the most important thing was only Li Gang is a loyal veteran!
Li Gang also thought a lot at the moment, so he said: "The officials don't have to worry about this. That Xu Yi Weichen has seen him before. When he was in the army, he could lead the army to rebel, whether it was retreating or surrendering to the enemy, it would have unavoidable and serious consequences for Da Song, but Xu Yi obviously did not do so, so it can be seen that this person has nothing against him!
However, it was a little strange that this person refused the imperial court's offer of an official. I thought that although this person had a heart of innocence, I was afraid that he was unwilling to be restrained by the imperial court. Moreover, during this period of time, I had collected a lot of information about the Fubo Army. Things, I found that this person acted quite strangely, and his ambition did not seem to be on Da Song, but instead sent troops to the far sea many times to attack the surrounding countries, which meant to cross the sea!
What exactly he wants, I can't say clearly, but what is certain is that this person should not be disadvantageous to Da Song. Based on this alone, His Majesty does not need to worry too much, even if the relationship between the officials and him cannot be completely restored , he will not easily create opposition to Song's use of troops!
As far as I can see, the top priority now is to first lift the ban on the Fubo army at the coastal ports, so that their ships can dock at will to replenish, and don't restrict their passage at sea!

The second is to publicly organize materials and other things with great fanfare, and quickly send ships to Liaodong to supplement the Fubo Army, so that Xu Yi and Fubo Army can feel the sincerity of the Holy One, and at the same time calm the anger of the people, so that the Holy One and The rumors of Xu Yi's discord are self-defeating, and it can also calm the anger of the soldiers of the Fubo Army, lest Xu Yi be bewitched by them and eventually go against the Song Dynasty.

The third is... Weichen is a little afraid to say it! When Li Gang said this, he stopped suddenly and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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