Chapter 658

Zhou Junyu and the others waited in the shack for a while, and saw the glint of a mirror on the high slope in the distance, so they immediately became excited, and they all lay down on the lookout opening, looking outside.

From Zhou Junyu, you can clearly see the mountain pass in the distance, and after a while, a group of golden soldiers appeared and entered the mountain pass: "Get ready to light the fire!"

Zhou Junyu raised his hand slightly, and gave instructions to the people below. The brothers under his command shook and lit the special fire folders one after another. Zhou Junyu stared at the Jin Army at the mountain pass, seeing them getting closer, his heartbeat also felt a lot faster.

But then the mirror on the hillside in the distance flickered a few more times, and Zhou Junyu immediately said: "Put out the fire! Let these golden men pass!"

"Why? We waited for a few days, didn't we just want to kill these golden soldiers? Why did you let them go?" one of the subordinates hurriedly asked.

"Let you destroy you! This group of golden soldiers is to explore the way! There are not many people, and killing them will alarm the golden soldiers behind. We have come here for nothing, and we have to suffer for so many days! Hurry up and pass on the order!" Zhou Junyu has become somewhat angry these two days.

The subordinates immediately put away the Huozhangzi and lurked again.

Ubuta held the reins and led five hundred elite soldiers forward for several miles, clearing the way in front of the army, his eyes kept looking around, but everything he saw was black and white, and he couldn't see a single figure at all. After coming out so far, only a group of scouts sent earlier were found on the road, but now they have become extremely stiff. After checking their bodies, Ubuda was sure that they were all shot. The Fubo army used shooters to ambush their scouts, so they were a little more careful.

But no matter how he searched, he couldn't find the enemy soldiers who hunted and killed their scouts, which made him feel very depressed. In his opinion, only their Jurchen warriors are the masters of this land. Who can survive in such a world of ice and snow? How about hunting them Jurchen warriors like hunting rabbits?
Unknowingly, they walked into this valley of Taiping Mountain. He was not unfamiliar with this place. He had walked through it twice before. When he entered the valley, he became alert. The terrain here It is very conducive to ambushes. Once the opponent sets up ambushes on both sides here, only 2000 people are enough to cause huge losses to their army.

So he immediately ordered these elite soldiers under his command to brighten up their tricks and carefully observe the surroundings for anything wrong.

The five hundred golden soldiers immediately slowed down and began to look around, trying to find some clues of the enemy's existence in the vicinity.

However, after searching for a while, they found nothing. Someone approached Ubuda and laughed, "It's so cold that even us can't stand it, let alone those Song people? Even if they Send out some scouts to hunt and kill our scouts. It is estimated that the number will not be too many. If you want to ambush a large number of soldiers, you may freeze them to death! These Song people are all shrinking turtles, why are they afraid of them? Here The wind in the valley is really strong! Let's go there quickly!"

Ubuta took a look at the valley for so long, and found no movement, and no human footprints on the snow. If a large number of enemy troops want to ambush here, it is estimated that there will be no traces left, so they also Relieved, he ordered the people behind: "Go back and report to the commander, saying that this place is safe and you can pass!"

So several fast horses immediately came out and galloped in the opposite direction, with a snowflake rising behind them, while Wubuda took the remaining soldiers and continued to search out of the valley.

After hearing the news from Ubudda, Zong Wang was somewhat relieved. The Taiping Mountain is very convenient for the enemy to lay an ambush. He also fought a battle with the Liao army here before. The Liao army was defeated and fled, so he was very careful when he got here, but after exploring the way in Ubuda, he was relieved, so he was a little amused by his nervousness, and felt that he was a little too careful After a while, no matter how powerful the Fubo army is, they have no ability to ambush a large number of people in this place. It is estimated that they are determined to occupy the city and defend it.

"Order the army to speed up and set up camp to rest after passing Taiping Mountain. Tomorrow we will camp outside Gaizhou City!" Zong Wang raised his horsewhip and ordered to the soldiers around him.

There was a sound of horns in the army, and after hearing the sound of the horns, all the soldiers quickened their pace and walked towards Taiping Mountain step by step.
At this time, a fierce battle was taking place in a place thirty miles west of Liaoyang Prefecture. Zong Han's vanguard ran into a Fubo army cavalry who was attacking them.

Since Zong Han parted ways with Zong Wang, he led the soldiers of the West Route Army and rushed all the way to Liaoyang Mansion. Although the road was difficult due to the snow, he did not let his men rest for a moment. In his opinion, They have been delaying for too long. This time, no matter what, he wants to get ahead of Zongwang and take down the Liaoyang Mansion. In his opinion, although the Fubo army is indeed different from the Song army, but they Song people are no different. Where can it be so great?At most, he was defending according to the city. He wanted to rush to Liaoyang Mansion before Zongpan, and besieged Liaoyang Mansion first, but he hadn't thought about how to capture Liaoyang Mansion.

It is unreasonable to use troops in winter, but the Holy Majesty wants them to send troops to attack Liaodong at this time. Naturally, he has his own ideas. Since the Kingdom of Jin started its army, when has it suffered such a big loss? They have worked so hard to defeat the Liao Kingdom A large area of ​​land was wiped out and Daliao was wiped out, but his old nest was copied. This anger is probably not to mention that Wu Qi bought it, as long as the Jurchens can't swallow it.

Zong Han held back his stomach full of suffocation, and led the army to rush all the way. He was exhausted and refused to rest on the spot. It was not that he was reckless, but that he, including his generals, had the same idea. , the Fubo army will never go out of the city to fight against them. Instead of being frozen on the road, it is better to feel outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture first. , and then started to attack Liaoyang Mansion, at least when they got there, they felt more at ease.

The vanguard who cleared the way was Wanyan Loushi. This guy is nearly fifty years old, but he is still in good health. He is one of Zong Han's powerful generals. After accepting Zong Han's order, he immediately led five soldiers. Qian Qingqi cleared the way ahead, traveling much faster than Zong Han's team.

After Wanyan Loushi entered the territory of Liaoyang Mansion, he quickly realized that something was wrong. Many villages here had been completely emptied, so they had to speed up and continue to move forward. When they set off, they were already They didn't bring much food and fodder, and after entering Liaoyang Prefecture, the supplies had already started to run short. Originally, they planned to replenish them on the way, but after arriving here, they found that there was nowhere to find food.

His son, Wanyan Huonu, felt that things were a little strange. After finally arresting a person who had not been evacuated and questioning him, he found out that the Fubo Army of Liaoyang Mansion had cleared all the people in this area, and as early as half a month This area has been scoured before, and there is nothing left for them at all. If they want to replenish supplies, they can only wait for Zong Han's army to come over.

So they had to stay where they were, and wait for Zong Han's army to come over. Who knew that just after they set up camp, a cavalry force with the same number as them appeared around them, so Wanyan Loushi immediately became excited, secretly said What a godsend!

In his opinion, there are no cavalry in the world that can fight against their Golden Army cavalry. It is estimated that the Fubo Army fought against Alu and Wuben too smoothly a while ago, so they are so arrogant that they actually went out of the city To face his vanguard army, isn't that the same as giving him military exploits for nothing?
So he immediately ordered the living girl to lead the army to fight together, and the two sides launched a battle west of Liaoyang Mansion, starting the first battle since the beginning of winter.

Xiao Jianfeng looked at Wanyan Loushi's vanguard with a sneer and nodded his head slightly. The old and new hatred rose together in his heart. When the Liao Kingdom was not destroyed, he and this Loushi I have been in contact with it, but at that time the Liao army had already been corrupted. Under the impact of the soldiers and horses led by Wanyan Loushi, the Liao army collapsed quickly like a red-hot iron rod piercing butter, which caused a lot of trouble. At that time, he also had to run away desperately, and seeing this guy again today, it was finally time for him to avenge his shame.

Two days earlier, he, Yang Zaixing, Gao Jun and the others received reports from the scouts that Yan Loushi's vanguard army had approached Liaoyang Mansion. After discussing with them, Yang Zaixing made a decisive decision and decided to finish Yan Loushi first and deal with it. After finishing Yan Loushi's vanguard, let's hit Zong Han's arrogance.

So Xiao Jianfeng was sent to take all the cavalry from the Liaoyang Mansion, and went out of the city to face Wanyan Loushi. This was not because of Yang Zaixing's arrogance, but because they had already detected Wanyanloushi's vanguard army going deep alone and left Zonghan's army There is a considerable distance, and they also detected that Wanyan Loushi's army was too aggressive and had already shown serious fatigue, so after analyzing it, they finally made up their mind to go out of the city to fight.

This matter can only fall on Xiao Jianfeng, who is good at using cavalry, so one day in advance, they wait here for Wanyan Loushi's army.

After seeing Wanyan Loushi's soldiers and horses starting to set up camp, he led his army to emerge from his hiding place, posing as if he was about to confront Wanyan Loushi.

"Father, it seems a little unreasonable for the Fubo army to go out of the city to fight today! We have been traveling for almost a day now, and it is the time when we are exhausted. They come to fight us at this time, which is very unfavorable to us! Besides, our generals are already very hungry right now, so we may not be able to predict the outcome of the battle at this time! How about we take a rest first and face them tomorrow morning?" Wanyan Huonu held up the reins and came Wanyan, beside Lou Shi, whispered to him.

"Woman, when did you become a coward? We are all Jurchen warriors, when have we ever been afraid of our opponents? Don't say we traveled for a long time, even if we walked for three days and three nights, these Han people can take What about us? If they are in the city at the moment, I dare not say what can be done to them, but in this plain, no one is a match for our Jurchen warriors! Send me an order to line up the whole army and prepare to charge !" Wanyan Loushi immediately dismissed Wanyan Huonu's suggestion.

After Wanyan Huonu heard Yan Loushi's words, her face immediately turned red. Among the Jurchens, she was most afraid of being called a coward, but today's father said this to him, which made him a little unacceptable, so he immediately Said: "I'm not a coward, since the father said so, please let the child be the first to cut off the head of the enemy general!"

Wanyan Loushi nodded in satisfaction: "This is like my son! Well, since you want to be the first to make a contribution, then I will give you this chance too! You bring a thousand elite soldiers and fight against him immediately. Their right wing began to attack, and then disrupted them, let them run, I led the army to attack them from the middle, and killed this gang of fubo soldiers in one fell swoop! Let them see, what is cavalry!"

Wanyan Huonu also showed pride at this time. Although she was a bit adventurous today, he knew the power of the Jurchen cavalry, five thousand against five thousand, even if his side was short of horses and men, he might not be a match for the opponent.

"Woo..." There was a muffled sound of horns in the golden army. Teams of Jurchen cavalry mounted their horses and began to take off their riding bows from their horses. Tima came to the front, pulled out a sharp long knife from his waist, and pointed the tip of the knife at the opponent's formation.

"Jurchen warriors! Today, these damn bandits rushed out of the city to fight us! Do you think it's ridiculous?" Wanyan Huonu called out to these soldiers in a contemptuous tone.

These soldiers and generals immediately let out a burst of laughter in a very cooperative manner, with expressions of contempt on each face, as if the opponent was not a cavalry like them at all, but a bunch of lambs waiting for them to be slaughtered!
Wanyan Huonu shouted again: "In that case, let them see how powerful our Jurchen cavalry are! Warriors, come with me to chop off their heads!"

Immediately, the One Thousand Gold Army roared in unison. At this moment, they were more like a group of ferocious beasts, emitting a fishy smell, as if they wanted to choose people and indulge them.

Under the leadership of the living girl, the thousand cavalrymen began to march out slowly, slowly speeding up towards the confrontation of the Fubo army, and started jogging. Most of the Jin army began to draw arrows from the quiver and put them on the bowstring above.

Xiao Jianfeng looked at the golden army marching out, with a disdainful smile on his lips, and a general next to him also sneered: "It's such a cold day, they don't even check to see if their bows can't be drawn anymore! You still use the old method to deal with us! Don't even think about who we are now!"

Xiao Jianfeng also smiled and said: "Yes! The bow has been frozen hard in this weather, and the bow string has almost lost its elasticity. It is estimated that it is not half of the original range now! Are our crossbows ready?"

A voice of agreement sounded from behind: "Ready!"

"Okay! A swarm of bees can be put out!" Xiao Jianfeng smiled, and soon following his order, a group of soldiers with wooden boxes on their backs rushed out during the confrontation, placed the wooden boxes one by one in front of the queue, and continued The young cavalrymen got off their horses, came to the back of these wooden boxes, stood in a row, stepped on the ankle rings in front of the crossbow, and stretched the strings of the crossbow with all their might.

When thousands of war horses start galloping at the same time, this kind of scene can only be described as shocking to anyone, and behind them, there are more Jurchen cavalry who are eager to try. It can be said that they are extremely excited. For many days, plus during their time in the Song Dynasty, they encountered either the useless Song army, or the Song army who hid in the city and could not come out after being beaten to death. They could fight like today They have almost never encountered one, so these golden soldiers can even be said to be looking forward to the next charge. The war horses seemed to sense the mood of their masters, and they cheered up.

Wanyan Huonu's body undulated rhythmically with the horse, her legs stepped on the stirrups, controlled the horse's running speed, and continued to accelerate, gradually forming a state of unity between man and horse, reducing the consumption of horsepower as much as possible. Such riding skills are by no means rare among the Golden Army. Most of the Jurchen soldiers, like him, have lived on horseback since childhood. Naturally, there is nothing to say about riding skills. Under the control of Huo Nu, this thousand-man team gradually In this way, when they rushed into the Fubo army formation, they could increase their speed to the highest.

The same way can also put tremendous pressure on the enemy army. Under their impact, many Song armies collapsed in an instant and were defeated in the end. Therefore, today Wanyan Huonu feels that even if the opponent is replaced by the Fubo army, the result will be the same. It could only be the same, the unease that still existed to some extent at the beginning disappeared without a trace under the acceleration of the horse.

What makes him a little strange is that today's Fubo Army seems a bit weird. Even pigs know that in such a cavalry-to-cavalry battle, they should send a cavalry that is almost the same as him to fight at this time to prevent them from attacking the formation. In order to prevent the formation from being overwhelmed by the enemy, but until they ran halfway, the Fubo army line still did not move at all. Instead, they moved out some wooden boxes and placed them in front of the formation. The cavalry on both wings dismounted their horses, as if to Change to foot combat.

Is their chief general really a pig?Wanyan Huonu began to belittle her opponent, and she felt more relieved. It seemed that it was finally time for their father and son to make meritorious deeds!
Looking at the Golden Army cavalry who had already charged half the distance, some newcomers in the Fubo Army began to get a little nervous, their hands began to tremble, and the hands holding the sword and gun were full of sweat: "Hold on! Don't be afraid! They are bluffing!" The veterans and some officers shouted to appease the recruits who had never seen such a scene.

"It's time for us to play!" A knight in iron armor gently patted his mount, which was also in heavy armor, and whispered.

The banner of the Fubo Army's central army suddenly swayed, and then a burst of horns was blown. In front of this group of cavalry armed to the teeth, those light cavalry suddenly raised their horses to make way for a passage, and their eyes suddenly opened up. stand up.

"Rush!" The leading knight suddenly raised his big iron gun and roared loudly, then slammed his legs against the horse's belly. After receiving his command, the horse immediately moved forward with all four hooves. Go, the cavalry behind him, who were also wearing heavy armor like him, roared and rushed forward with him.

Wanyan Huonu saw that the enemy army was in front of him, and victory seemed to be beckoning to him. His eyes even began to show the illusion that pieces of enemy army were beheaded by them before his eyes. The completely excited Jin army speeded up At the top, ready to shoot the bow and arrow.

Today's bow is really uncomfortable to use. Not only is the bow body hard, but even the bow string has lost its elasticity. It seems that I have to shoot closer!Many golden soldiers were secretly thinking, their task is very clear, that is to approach the opponent's central army first, disrupt their formation with arrows, and then ride their horses to the enemy's right flank to disperse their formation, and the next thing is to It can be handed over to Wanyan Loushi to solve it.

But at this moment, the eyes of the Wanyan Huo Nu and some Jin Jun who were running at the front suddenly widened, because the formation of the enemy army in front of them suddenly changed, and the originally dense formation split apart. , a group of strangely dressed cavalry appeared in the middle, accelerating out of the formation, and coming towards him.

"Fire the arrow!" Xiao Jianfeng suddenly raised the spear in his hand and shouted sharply.

The cavalry on the two wings held up the crossbows that had been prepared in their hands one after another, and pulled down the crossbows together. A cloud of arrows rose from the Fubo army, and quickly covered the cavalry team of Wanyan Huonu.

"Machine crossbow! Damn it! How can there be any reason for cavalry to use crossbows?" Someone immediately exclaimed. Compared with the bows in their hands, crossbows have a much longer range than the bows in their hands. , they have to face the blow of crossbow arrows first.

"My God! It's the Iron Buddha! They actually have the Iron Buddha!" ​​Someone suddenly exclaimed, and everyone in front of them could clearly see the cavalry rushing out from the opponent's formation, and finally recognized this one. The identity of the cavalry.

Wanyan Huonu also saw clearly the opponent's cavalry, a chill suddenly rose from the tailbone, and secretly screamed "Oops!"be cheated!How could the opponent also have this kind of arms?

Xiao Jianfeng looked at the torrent of steel rushing out of the formation, and his heart was full of pride. This is the feast he has been preparing for the Jinren for a long time!It's finally time to bring it out for the Jinren to taste!

To talk about the origin of this heavy cavalry, we have to start from the end of the Gaizhou Battle. After the Gaizhou Battle, the Fubo Army obtained a large number of supplies from the Jin Army, among which horse armor and heavy armor alone were enough. There were no less than thousands of sets, and a large number of golden horses were captured, so Yang Zaixing, under the instigation of Xiao Jianfeng, set aside a batch of such armor, and specially asked him to form a thousand-man heavy cavalry regiment. The purpose was to surprise the Jinren, and Xiao Jianfeng finally waited for this moment today.

(End of this chapter)

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