Chapter 656
The Fubo army came at a very fast speed, and without giving him time to retreat and deploy defenses, he established his position, and then a round of bombardment hit his flanks, and the main attacking troops in the east of the city immediately There was a big mess.

Immediately afterwards, with [-] cavalry as the forerunner, a large number of infantry behind the rear, all of them rushed towards the Koryo Army like a rainbow, but at this time, Kaizhou City unexpectedly killed a new force. The inside should cooperate with the outside, and together they killed the Goryeo army.

After An Youjin saw this situation, he could no longer act calmly, so he hurriedly ordered the personal guard battalion to intercept the reinforcements of the Fubo army, and ordered the supervising team to intercept the retreating soldiers and horses, and asked them to turn around and annihilate the soldiers killed from the city. It's a pity that everything is a bit late for the fighters of the Fubo army.

As soon as his order was conveyed, the personal guard battalion had just set off, An Youjin's position had not yet stabilized, and before the spear formation resisting the cavalry had time to move forward, the opposing cavalry had already arrived in front of him, and there was a head-on attack. Throwing javelins from the black mass towards the Koryo army, a large number of Koryo soldiers watched these javelins fly to their eyes, and then penetrated their bodies and nailed them directly to the ground.

The cavalry of the Fubo Army are not very good at riding and shooting, so as a compensation, each of them carries three javelins. Compared with bows and arrows, although the javelins have a shorter range, when throwing, under the joint action of horsepower and manpower, The power is much stronger than that of bows and arrows. Even ordinary shields can hardly stop the javelin piercing. Moreover, as long as the riders go through a short period of training, they can quickly master it, and the accuracy is not bad. And this time The leader of the army is a general Xu Yi took over from Xie Bin. This man is named Li Mingbin, a native of Hebei, who is good at cavalry and masters cavalry tactics, so he was immediately appointed as the cavalry battalion of the new army after arriving here. battalion commander.

This is the first time he has participated in such a large-scale war. Li Bin also sincerely wants to show his ability in front of Xu Yi, so after starting it, he rushed to the front and took the newly formed cavalry behind him to kill him. Towards the large formation of the Koryo Army.

After throwing the first round of javelins, Li Bin immediately swung his spears, and the cavalry drew out their sharp sabers one after another, and slammed into the Korean army. The spears stabbed out and the sabers swung, immediately setting off a bloody storm. Relying on their huge impact, the cavalry immediately tore a huge gap in the chaotic front of the Koryo army, leaving a piece of scattered corpses behind them, and unexpectedly, this newly built cavalry penetrated The enemy's large formation tore their front lines to pieces, and then Li Bin immediately gathered cavalry to bypass the side of the Koryo army, and immediately charged towards the high hill where the commander-in-chief flag was erected.

The infantry that followed them was led by Yu Wei. He led the new army formed by Feng Fei, and some soldiers from the Ryukyu Islands. As the forerunner of the infantry, they slammed into The front of the Koryo Army.

Under the multiple blows, the Koryo army immediately collapsed, turned around and started to flee one after another, and handed over their defenseless backs to the enemy. This was enough for the new soldiers of the Fubo army to train their hands. They excitedly caught up The Koreans greeted the backs of the Koreans heartily with the knives and guns in their hands, and brought out clusters of blood flowers, harvesting one life after another.

If the contest is fair, the Fubo army led by Xu Yi will never be the opponent of these Koryo troops in terms of combat power, but today is really unlucky for An Youjin, and he is determined to win within a day. Going down to Kaizhou City, they fought for a long time regardless of the ability of the soldiers and generals. At this time, the Koryo army was already out of men and horses. In addition, the siege was not going well, and the morale was extremely low due to heavy casualties.

When Xu Yi's soldiers and horses rushed over, although they were very tired, their morale was far higher than that of the Goryeo Army. After the sound of artillery fire, they knew that Kaizhou City hadn't been lost, so starting from Xu Yi, all the people in the upper and lower ranks became excited. After leaving the mountain road, they immediately turned into an offensive formation and fought out maintaining a strong fighting spirit. That's why he made great achievements in the first battle and killed the Koryo army by surprise.

The unlucky An Youjin, who was busy attacking the city, didn't expect someone to attack him from behind, and he was thrown into chaos. When he saw the cavalry of the Fubo Army rushing towards him, An Youjin was also frightened When they arrived, they immediately retreated towards the high post under the cover of their own soldiers. The flag-bearer who was carrying the big flag was pulled behind in a panic, and Li Bin, who was on the verge of killing, caught up with him and shot him off the horse. As soon as the army banner fell, the Koryo army completely lost their fighting spirit, the whole army began to flee, and the entire Fubo army also began to wave their troops to hide and kill.

All of a sudden, there were shouts of killing everywhere. Under the chaos of the Koryo Army, they didn't even dare to return to the camp, so they withdrew towards the northeast. Only then did the Koryo Army who were still attacking the city on the other two sides know that the commander had already retreated. They ran away, so they immediately called for money to withdraw their troops, followed closely behind, and fled together in defeat.

Xu Yi ordered Yu Wei and Li Bin to lead the army to cover up the killing, and they chased them out for nearly [-] miles. The corpses of the killed Koryo soldiers lay all over the field. On the way, An Youjin was injured by an arrow flying out of the woods. Back, if some personal guards hadn't rescued him desperately, even he would have died in this Kaizhou city!

Just like this until it was dark, the Koryo army escaped from the pursuit of the Fubo army under the cover of night. With infinite fear, they gathered the remnant soldiers and defeated generals in a panic, and fled in one breath. The poor time when they sent troops Among the 1 elite soldiers, there are not even [-] of them who can really escape back to the Yalu River.

With an arrow wound, An Youjin had to lead the group of defeated soldiers across the Yalu River and retreat towards Korea.

The two Koryo armies fell into the hands of the Fubo army in such an unexplained manner, and they were even worse than the other, and it was in vain that they fulfilled the undefeated reputation of the Fubo army.

Xu Yi ordered Yu Wei to lead the army to clean up the battlefield outside the city and took over the Koryo barracks. He led Hou Cheng and others back to Kaizhou City immediately. After entering the city, he found out that Kong Qingxi was seriously injured and unconscious.

The city of Kaizhou was not lost, and the great victory outside the city did not bring joy to the city at all. There were soldiers and civilians parked everywhere who died in battle at the top of the city. This is war, even if it is a great victory, self-injury is also unbearable.

Looking at Kong Qingxi, whose face was like gold paper, Xu Yi was very grateful. If it wasn't for him, then for the Fubo army, the battle in Liaodong might have been completely corrupted, and the Fubo army might have fallen into a situation of eternal doom. Said that it was people like Kong Qingxi who saved the Fubo Army in Liaodong, Xu Yi was deeply grateful, and immediately ordered the army doctor to be recruited here, making him do everything possible to save Kong Qingxi's life.

At this time, Li Qingyuan also brought his men into Kaizhou City. At this time, he also knew that Xu Yi had arrived here in person, so he hurried to see him.

And Xu Yi is worried about the war on the western front, and he doesn't know much about the situation there. As soon as he heard that Li Qingyuan was also in Kaizhou, he knew that he was sent by Li Bo. Suffering, so quickly summoned.

After hearing what Li Qingyuan said about the situation in Gaizhou, Xu Yi was at least a little relieved about Li Bo in Gaizhou. Although Zong Wang was a famous general of the Jin Kingdom, he had been fighting the Song army in the Great Song Dynasty. The army's tactics are not understood at all, and it is the middle of winter, and it will be the New Year's time in a few days, and it has begun to snow here. Combining various factors, the Jinren chose this time to attack Liaodong. It's all an unwise move.

And Yang Zaixing's preparations here in advance were much better than he expected, and it can even be said that he was beyond his expectations. Even in Kaizhou, an inconspicuous small city, Kong Qingxi insisted on carrying 3000 people to carry the tenth goal of the Koryo Army. After many days, it can be seen that Liaodong's preparations for the war are still quite good.

Although I don't know the situation of Liaoyang Mansion yet, but considering that the city of Liaoyang Mansion is strong and has enough troops, Yang Zaixing will not let Liaoyang Mansion be easily lost even if the Jin army besieges with several troops. Xu Yi is the number one Feeling a little relieved for the first time.

Seeing that Kong Qingxi can't wake up for a while, and the war on the Western Front may have broken out, and the Koreans want to counterattack again this season after suffering two consecutive big losses. It is estimated that they will also weigh themselves. What's more, they are not fighting for themselves, but for the Jin people. It is expected that they will not die, and the chances of sending heavy troops to attack Kaizhou in a short time are not high.

As long as Sun Hai can gather the navy as soon as possible to attack Kaijing of the Goryeo people, and Ma Zhe's poisonous plan to allow the Japanese to attack Goryeo from the east will be implemented, even if the Goryeo people want to be the lackeys of the Jin people, they will be too busy to take care of themselves. I don't have this heart anymore.

After thinking about this, Xu Yi immediately handed over the defense of Kaizhou to Zheng Guang, let him be in charge of the affairs here, and ordered him to caress those civilians or auxiliary troops who died or were injured in this battle, and make this time The [-] new troops brought along with them stayed in Kaizhou to prevent the Koreans from jumping over the wall, and left behind a large number of firearms and supplies to strengthen the defense here. Kaiju will not be lost.

After Xu Yi arranged these things, he let the soldiers and horses rest in Kaizhou for a while, and then ordered the rest of the soldiers and horses, and took Yu Wei, Hou Cheng, Li Qingyuan and others along the mountain road, toward the Go in the direction of Fuzhou.

After the winter, the snow is getting bigger and bigger. The snow on the road is very thick, which makes it very difficult for soldiers and horses to march. Whether it is a man or a mule, every time you step down, you have to use a lot of strength to pull out your feet. It was a real pain to walk on.

Fortunately, the people here know how to use flexible branches to make snowshoes and tie them to their feet. Yi's soldiers and horses moved very slowly.

Although he was anxious to rush to Gaizhou City to meet Wanyan Zongwang, the famous general of Jin Kingdom in history, but he could only sigh at Xue Xue and smile wryly for a few times.

"My lord, don't worry too much. I heard from the local subordinates that this winter seems to be colder than before. The snow is really heavy. I think that since it is so difficult for us to walk, then Jinren probably won't be much better." What's more, Liaoyang Mansion, Gaizhou City, and Fuzhou City were fully prepared before the snow fell. We are still waiting for work this time. Even if the Jin people really hit the city, it is estimated that they will not be able to get a little bit of money. Hehe! Korean people Isn't it just that you suffered a lot in Kaizhou City?" Li Qingyuan said to Xu Yi panting heavily with his nose flushed from the cold.

"Yes! When we first saw snow, those of us who have never seen this thing in our life were really fresh for a long time, but it was a bit too cold here! Fortunately, we came here with sufficient preparations, otherwise we would really have to Frozen all the birds!" Yu Wei, who was dressed like a bear, also came over and said to Xu Yi, he is also from Fujian, and he felt very fresh when he came to the north for the first time, but he couldn't stand the cold. My son's ears are cracked from the cold, and his nose is runny. It looks a little funny.

"You are all right! The Jin people chose this time to attack us. I think their emperor must have been fooled by us. Otherwise, why would they concentrate their troops to counterattack at this time! Such weather , Freezing can freeze these grandchildren to death!" Hou Cheng also made up his mind and said, marching under such circumstances, everyone has nothing to talk about, so at least they won't feel too boring.

Xu Yi himself was too cold, so he decided to dismount and walk, at least his body would be warmer, and the horse could have a rest. The army stepped on the snow, making a creaking sound. Stepping on the ice, although it will not sink again, but it is slippery. From time to time, someone will accidentally fall a big somersault and slide far away, causing a lot of laughter, which is considered a joy in bitterness.

Xu Yi looked at these generals who participated in the battle for the first time, their morale was not greatly affected, and their mood improved. Although most of these soldiers were fighting for the first time, but this time during the Kaizhou battle, they They have also gained experience. Soldiers are most afraid of losing the first battle. In that case, it will leave an indelible psychological impact on them, and they will easily collapse. Staring at the attack on Kaizhou City, they unexpectedly fought a beautiful surprise battle, and also gave these recruits a good experience, which greatly boosted their morale. Now they can no longer be regarded as a group of completely I'm a rookie, I'm really nostalgic!Xu Yi secretly felt grateful for his good life.

Although the native soldiers in the team are not used to the climate of Liaodong, they are very capable of enduring hardships. Although they have stumbled all the way, they have never heard a single person complaining about suffering and tiredness along the way, and they are very tired. Obedient, this is thanks to the group of instructors Xu Yi stayed at the Naha Commander in the Ryukyu Islands. It is estimated that when the instructors trained these soldiers, they suffered a lot, and the restraint was very strict. That's why they have the ability to endure hardships and stand hard work.

In this battle, Xu Yi considered that among the soldiers and horses, they were the only soldiers who had seen blood and killed people, so they were used by Xu Yi as sharp knives. Not bad, the cavalry following Li Bin rushed into the Koryo army like mad wolves, killing people like beasts, set an example for the new troops behind, and improved the morale of the army a lot Therefore, Xu Yi took good care of these local soldiers and let them walk among the Chinese army and use them as his own guards.

From Kaizhou to Fuzhou, it was a two-day journey, but because of the snow on the road, they took four days to get to Fuzhou, which took half the time. During these four days, Xu Yi was a stranger I didn't see it. I asked Li Qingyuan to find out that it was because of him. After receiving his order, the Liaodong Army immediately moved all the people in the north to the south and resettled them. , before the snow fell, all the people who could be found in this area were moved to the southeast area of ​​Liaodong, but a small number of people refused to move away after being beaten to death. Later... Li Qingyuan waved his hand and made a beheading motion.

Xu Yi immediately understood what he meant, and knew that these people must have been cleared out by the Fubo Army after the migration was over. He was so soft-hearted before, for the sake of future victories, these people who don't know what to do can only pay the price. There is no way to do this, so he will not blame these people for their cruel methods at all!After arriving in Fuzhou, Wang Feng, who was far away, got the news and went out of the city to meet him.

When he saw Wang Feng again, Xu Yi saw that he had lost a lot of weight. He knew that he was seriously injured in the battle in Gaizhou City some time ago, and he only recovered for a short time, and then he was busy preparing for the battle with his injuries. , So Yuan dismounted and greeted the past.

"See my lord for a humble job! My lord has been tired all the way, and I can't meet him far away. I still hope that my lord will make amends!" When Wang Feng saw Xu Yi, he knelt down on one knee and saluted him, with a joyful look on his face.

Xu Yi took two quick steps, pulled Wang Feng up from the snow, looked him up and down, and saw that although he was very thin, he was still in good spirits, so he immediately asked, "How is the injury on Brother Wang now? But has it healed?"

"Thank you, my lord, for your concern. My old king is a strong man now, so I'm fine! Originally, I wanted to send troops to open the state, but the manpower here is limited, so I dare not send troops to break the siege of the state without authorization. Please forgive me, my lord." !” Wang Feng said somewhat guiltyly.

"You are right. Although Fuzhou is not as dangerous as Liaoyang Mansion and Gaizhou, it is related to the logistics transfer of those two cities, and it is guarding the gate of Liaodong. You can't be careless, and I know the strength of your troops here. Limited, once troops are dispatched, the Jinren may take advantage of them! I don’t know what’s going on here now? Let’s talk about it as we walk!” Xu Yi took Wang Feng’s arm and walked towards the city with these thousands of soldiers and horses , Looking from a distance, the surrounding area of ​​Fuzhou City has already been cut bare, and there are half-human high horses planted everywhere. In addition to the many fortifications left over from the previous Fuzhou War, the outside of the city is basically It also formed a criss-cross barrier, and the defense is very tight. If it is not led by the people in the city, if it is wandering here, let alone enter the city, it may fall into a trap.

"Please rest assured, my lord. Before receiving the order from my lord, General Yang ordered us to start making preparations in advance. Originally, there were quite a few trenches outside the city, but I ordered people to repair them again. After losing the redundant trees outside the city, I dare not say that Fuzhou is solid now, but at least if the Jin people come here, they will not be able to get any cheaper!" Wang Feng pointed out the surrounding situation to Xu Yi as he walked.

According to the situation he said, Xu Yi looked around, and there was still a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere in front of him, covered with snow everywhere, and he could hardly see anything except some exposed wooden stakes. The fortifications were hidden by the snow, and he really didn't know how many lives would be spent to fill the passage if he wanted to rush to the city of Fuzhou, so he was relieved about the defense of Fuzhou.

After entering the city, Xu Yi let the soldiers and horses rest, and did not let Wang Feng and other generals hold a banquet. Instead, after a simple meal, he asked Wang Feng to accompany him and toured the city.

In just a few months, Fuzhou City has undergone great changes. There used to be only 5 to [-] residents here. Now, after the fortification and clearing of the wilderness, a large number of people have poured into the city, making the city's residents reach more than [-]. The city seemed a bit crowded, but luckily when they captured Fuzhou City, they cleared out most of the Jurchen nobles here, cleaned up the Bohai people here again, and confiscated their courtyards. After the military control, These courtyards were used to accommodate the influx of residents from outside the city, but it did not cause too much chaos. The streets in the city remained unobstructed, and barricades were even set up to check all kinds of pedestrians, strictly preventing Jin Kingdom spies from mixing in the city and waiting for opportunities to cause chaos.

The barracks are all set up near the city gates, all built with logs, and there are charcoal fires inside. In such a climate, there are too many frostbite attrition.

Moreover, a unified rationing system has also been implemented here, and everyone is provided with food according to a ration, ensuring that there will be no hungry people among the soldiers and civilians in the city, so that the relationship between the military and the people is better. Originally, there are many poor people in the city. They had food and drink, and they were already very satisfied. Compared with previous winters, their lives were much more nourishing. Therefore, the mood of the people in the city was relatively stable, and there was no great resistance. After the conscription order, some local young and strong joined the army spontaneously to assist the Fubo army in defense.

After seeing these situations, Xu Yi was even more relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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