Chapter 642
It's no wonder Xu Yi thinks so. In his opinion, it's winter now. After the Kingdom of Jin suffered two major defeats in a row, the losses are very heavy. Even if Jin Taizong Wanyan and Wu Qimai want to mobilize the army again to counterattack Liaodong in a short time, I'm afraid they have more than enough heart and not enough energy, unless they immediately withdraw the army of Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zongwang and Jin Wushu from the Song Dynasty, and return to Liaodong together, otherwise, even if the troops organized in a hurry, even if they counterattack, they will only be able to fight back. Delivering food to his own army, the strength of Liaoyang Mansion is not comparable to that of Fuzhou and Gaizhou. He has so many siege weapons, and he was stunned at the beginning. The Jin army wanted to take it back. Under guard, and under the advantage of artillery fire, I am afraid it is an impossible task.

And Xu Yi is not too worried that the Jin people will withdraw the troops of the Song Dynasty soon. They took so much territory with great difficulty. Song took it back, in Xu Yi's view, it is impossible for Zhao Xu not to seize this opportunity to recover the lost ground, unless Song and Jin negotiate a peace and truce now, otherwise, the Jin army wants to break away from Song, unless they immediately fight with Song Negotiate a peace truce, otherwise, it would be a very dangerous thing for them to withdraw their troops now.

Therefore, analyzing from these aspects, Jin Guo is now unable to draw more soldiers and horses to attack Liaodong. As long as the Song Dynasty cooperates with the Fubo Army to hold the Jin people firmly, as long as there is a winter, Jin Guo will definitely not be able to bear it. The consumption of such a two-front battle will definitely have to withdraw from the Song Dynasty by then!
At that time, as long as Zhao Xu sends his troops to the north and pursues the Jin army, he will be able to recover the lost ground. If he fights well, he might be able to recover the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun and rebuild the Song Dynasty. Northern Xinjiang.

Although the current combat strength of the Song army is worrying, after more than a year of confrontation with the Jin people, a group of famous generals like Yue Fei will emerge from the Song army, and a group of elite soldiers will be tempered. If you win, you can't take back the lost ground, and then the Kingdom of Jin will really look good!
After Xu Yi thought about it, he felt that there was really nothing to worry about, so he calmed down and planned to take a good rest before planning his next move. Now that the north is starting to get cold, many of their Fubo soldiers are from the south. It is suitable to launch a bigger offensive at this time, and it is rare for him to take a break.

But things often backfired, Xu Yi hadn't fully recovered from his exhaustion, and when he was enjoying the warmth of home, this morning, Yingchun hurriedly found Xu Yi who was playing with Rulong with a gloomy face.

"Xu Lang! Something has happened!" Yingchun's face was very bad, and he said as soon as he saw Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked the maid to take Xiao Rulong away. When he and Yingchun were left in the room, he hurriedly asked: "What makes you so nervous? What can happen now?"

Yingchun handed a small note to Xu Yi with an angry face, and said, "You should see for yourself!"

Xu Yi took the note anxiously, opened it and looked at it, and immediately stood there as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. There were not many words on the note, but every word hit Xu Yi's heart like a heavy hammer .

I only saw a few small characters in the letter: "Song Jin negotiated peace and ceased war, and the second wife was trapped in Tokyo!"

"It's impossible! Zhao Xu won't negotiate peace with Jinren at this time! It's impossible!" Xu Yi murmured, then took the note and sat down on the chair.

After seeing Xu Yi's expression, Yingchun quickly walked to his side, gently pressed his shoulder, and said to him in a calm tone as much as possible: "This matter can't be faked. I also received a letter from Hangzhou and Yangzhou. The pigeons who came also confirmed the news that the Song and Jin Dynasties have indeed negotiated a peace and truce, and all the local governments have also received imperial decrees, ordering them to no longer provide material assistance to the Fubo Army!"

After listening to Yingchun's words, Xu Yi forced himself to calm down. After taking a deep breath, anger appeared on his face, and he stretched out his hand to hold Yingchun's hand and asked, "When did you receive these news? Is this carrier pigeon Where did you bring it back?"

Yingchun sighed and said: "I also just received this news from the pigeon house. Several pigeons have flown back from the morning to now, saying that Song and Jin have negotiated a peace and armistice, and this note is from Gray in Yangzhou. According to the news sent back, he is in charge of taking Qian'er back to Beijing to visit relatives this time, so there should be no problem with the news! Qian'er must have been left behind by the current emperor!"

Xu Yi felt his temples throbbing, he clenched his fists tightly, squeezed the note in his hands, and said angrily, "This Zhao Xu, damn it! By doing this, he has completely betrayed our Fubo Army! I'm going to meet him and see what he has to say to me! How dare he keep Qian'er, does he want to turn against me?"

"Officials, don't be in a hurry. This matter needs a long-term plan. Now we have just received news, and many things have not been clarified. If you are so impulsive, you may miss things! Besides, Qian'er is the current sister of the Holy Majesty. Although she stays in Tokyo , there will be no danger, the officials should calm down first, and then find a countermeasure!" Yingchun quickly persuaded Xu Yi.

Xu Yi's mind turned sharply. After so many years of experience, he was no longer the Xiaobai who just came here. He calmed down quickly, nodded, patted Yingchun's hand and said: " If you have nothing to do with yourself, it will cause chaos! You are right, this matter really needs to be discussed in the long run! If Song and Jin really cease the war and negotiate a peace, then our Liaodong may be in danger! You quickly send Ma Zhe to see me, I I have something important to discuss with him!"

After Yingchun saw that Xu Yi had calmed down, she was relieved a lot, so she turned around and went out, and arranged for Ma Zhe to see Xu Yi.

Xu Yi also got up and left the back house, and went to the front hall, pacing back and forth in the hall, his mind was in chaos, the thing that he shouldn't be worried about happened, just happened, judging from his interaction with Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu shouldn't be a timid person, why would he suddenly choose to negotiate a peace truce with the Jin people now?

During this period of time, Xu Yi's main focus was on the war in Liaodong, and he knew much less about the situation in the Song Dynasty. He was a little confused about the sudden situation.

Just as Xu Yi was trying to adjust his mentality and try to figure out the reason, Ma Zhe quickly rushed to Xu Yi's mansion. After hearing Hou Cheng's report, Xu Yi immediately invited Ma Zhe to come in to discuss the matter.

This is also the first time for Ma Zhe to visit Liuqiu Island. He has only been to Dulong Island before, and from Dulong Island to work under Fang Shu. When he returned to Liuqiu Island with Xu Yi this time, he finally figured it out. Knowing the strength of the Fubo army, I can't help admiring Xu Yi even more, and I am even more determined to follow Xu Yi to do a big business. He is now one of Xu Yi's most trusted staff. After Xu Yi traveled all over the island, he began to feel at ease, and took over the intelligence matters in Jia Qian's hands. Today, Xu Yi sent someone to look for him, and he had a little mental preparation. He also wanted to see Xu Yi, so he quickly Quickly rushed over.

"See my lord for humble duty!" Ma Zhe bowed and saluted Xu Yi who was wandering in the hall.

"You came just in time, I have something I want to discuss with you! Sit down and talk!" Xu Yi immediately asked him to sit down, and told Ma Zhe about Song Jin's negotiation.

After pondering for a while, Ma Zhe said to Xu Yi: "This matter is actually what I have been worrying about for the past two days. I have taken over the matter of land intelligence from Mr. Jia in the past few days, and I have already seen it. Some eyebrows, the Lord said today that Song and Jin negotiated a peace truce, I am not very surprised!"

Xu Yi frowned and asked, "Oh? Then tell me why the court wants to negotiate peace with the Jin people now?" He didn't tell Ma Zhe about Yiqing.

After sorting out his thoughts, Ma Zhe said to Xu Yi: "I have checked all kinds of news about land feedback these days, and the current Song Dynasty can be said to be in danger. The situation was a little better at the time, but on the whole, in the confrontation between the various armies and the Jin people, there were still more defeats and fewer victories. Except for a few generals who dared to fight the Jin people, most of the soldiers of the Song army were defeated by the Jin soldiers. I'm afraid of fighting, the battle situation in Hebei and other places is not optimistic.

In addition, there are now many places in the Song Dynasty where wars are raging, and many defeated troops or local rioters took the opportunity to make chaos. Fighting against the Jinren, while at the same time suppressing these rebellious troops, I am afraid that the current emperor is at a loss due to such a situation, so he made such a bad plan!
Furthermore, the current emperor's ascension to the throne did not receive the support of some local officials in the Song Dynasty. Some local officials even stood on the sidelines and stopped paying taxes to the court and supplying grain and fodder. This situation is probably what the current emperor does not want to see. So I'm afraid the most urgent thing for him now is to solve these things first!
In addition, judging from the news fed back from Bianliang, there are still some people in the DPRK and China who advocate peace talks with the Jin people, and these people are headed by Wu Min, and now they have the momentum to overwhelm Li Xiang. First settle down inside, so the current sage obviously adopted their opinion, taking advantage of the opportunity when the Jin people wanted to withdraw their troops, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to calm down the inside first, in this way, we will be pushed into danger! "

After listening to Ma Zhe's analysis, Xu Yi finally understood why Zhao Xu chose this time to negotiate a peace and truce with the Jinren, but he still couldn't forgive Zhao Xu for acting like this. Zhao Xu was helping, so he negotiated a truce with the Jin people, which was like pushing him to the front, and went to watch the fun by himself!No matter how difficult it is for him now, it would be a treacherous practice to do so.

What's more, based on Xu Yi's understanding of history, although the Kingdom of Jin is strong and the Kingdom of Song is full of hidden illnesses, it is still an impossible task for the Kingdom of Jin to eat the Kingdom of Song. Zhao Xu may not have to mobilize an army To counterattack the Jin army, he only needs to hold the Jin army so that the Jin people can't get away. As for the riots in the rear, with Song's current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to put them down. If the people of the Song Dynasty had a clear sky, these riots would naturally lose their market. Why did they have to stop the war and take their hands off to do these things?
"Excessive! It's really excessive! The imperial court negotiated peace with the Kingdom of Jin, and it's fine to stand aside and watch, but he ordered the government, military and civilians from all over the country not to provide us with material support. Isn't this drawing salary from the bottom of the pot? You know we are now If we rely on our own strength to support the war in Liaodong, it will bring us a great burden, and we also need to recruit troops from land to strengthen Liaodong's team. It is really unfair for him to do so!" Xu Yi Said angrily.

After Ma Zhe smiled wryly, he shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this matter has something to do with the Jin people! If I were a Jin person, I have the advantage now. When negotiating a peace, I will naturally make demands on Da Song and force them not to agree. To provide assistance to us, the imperial court was probably forced to agree to this request of the Jinren!
On this point, the imperial court is really a bit too much. They should be able to think that the purpose of the Jinren now agreeing to negotiate a peace or making a request for a peace is to free up their hands to solve our problems. Even the current emperor wants to free up his hands to rectify the country , but at least you can perfunctory the golden man, come to someone who is obedient and obedient, and continues to support us secretly. If I don't expect it, this matter may have something to do with the lord's refusal of the imperial court to grant an official. For this reason, come to take revenge on the lord! "

"Assholes! These people who are greedy for life and afraid of death are really assholes to the extreme!" After hearing Ma Zhe's words, Xu Yi became furious, slapped the table fiercely, and stood up long.

"It's normal for my lord to be angry, but now is not the time to be angry. I am afraid that when we receive the news, the Jin army has already begun to withdraw. This winter, I am afraid that our soldiers in Liaodong will have a hard time! The lord should leave early. Decide whether to abandon or defend Liaodong, you must make up your mind as soon as possible!" Ma Zhe also stood up beside him, reminding Xu Yi.

"Abandon Liaodong?" Xu Yi suddenly turned his head and stared at Ma Zhe.

Ma Zhe was taken aback by the anger in Xu Yi's eyes. Xu Yi, who is furious now, is completely different from the easy-going days in the past. Ma Zhe shuddered a little at the cold light that seemed to choose someone to love. Xu Yi's demeanor seemed to be more in line with his current identity, giving people a sense of coercion.

Ma Zhe quickly bowed his head and said in a low voice: "The humble job is not to persuade the lord to abandon Liaodong, but to remind the lord that the battle in Liaodong may be quite tense this winter. I just analyze the matter to the lord. It is up to you to make a specific decision. !"

Xu Yi shook his head and said: "Liaodong cannot be abandoned. I understand what you mean. The current situation is indeed very unfavorable to us, but if we abandon Liaodong now, it will be tantamount to wasting all previous efforts. You must know how much we paid to defeat Liaodong. No matter what the court does, I will never give up on Liaodong!"

Ma Zhe nodded, and said: "The lowly officials know all these things. In order to take down Liaodong, even Commander Miao died in Fuzhou City. We probably lost 2 soldiers! Money is even more immeasurable, and as the lord's counselor, this humble position is naturally clearer than anyone else!

Although the lord doesn't like to listen, I still have to remind the lord, but if we want to stick to Liaodong, I am afraid that we will have to face all the elite soldiers of the Jin Kingdom. You must know that the three-way army that attacked the Song Dynasty alone was nearly 20 People, including the most elite army of the Jin people, and there are fierce generals like Zong Han and Zong Wang, and we are full of fights, and the number of soldiers in Liaodong is only 4 to [-], and most of them are newcomers. The trouble is that our supply line is too long, and most of the veterans in the army are from the south. I am afraid this battle will not be easy to fight! "

Xu Yi didn't stare at Ma Zhe again this time, because he knew that what Ma Zhe said was true, and he also needed someone to remind himself that Ma Zhe didn't mean to persuade him to withdraw his troops when he said this, but It's all about analyzing the difficulty of the matter to him!Once the Jin soldiers start to besiege Liaodong this time, they will definitely pour out the best soldiers from all over the country. At that time, there may be more than 20 Jin troops waiting for them. It is possible to mobilize 30 soldiers and horses in such a big Jin country!This is not counting the auxiliary troops they can mobilize. The strength gap between the two sides is indeed too great!
As a result, Xu Yi also fell into a dilemma. After thinking for a long time, Xu Yi finally made up his mind and said: "Needless to say the difficulty, I know all of these, but Liaodong is rich in resources, and we paid such a high price to get them." It is really not easy to get down, and the combat effectiveness of our Fubo army is not inferior to that of the Jinren. Moreover, after several fierce battles recently, it can be seen that most of the Jinren do not understand our dispatch, and they will suffer a lot every time they fight. There are so many famous generals in the army, but if we take a defensive position, we may not be able to defend Liaodong. Although some of our soldiers are not suitable for the northern climate, as long as it snows, the Jin soldiers will not be able to move on a large scale. This winter, after the beginning of spring, we can regain the initiative, and it is not yet known who will win the battle! Don't place too much emphasis on the Jin Army!"

Seeing that Xu Yi had made up his mind, Ma Zhe didn't say anything more. The two began to discuss in detail how to survive this winter. After some discussions, they made a preliminary plan.

The matter was so important that Xu Yi didn't dare to delay, so he immediately asked Ma Zhe to draw up several urgent orders to inform the generals in Liaodong as quickly as possible.

Xu Yi ordered Xue Tu to immediately transfer all the grain and fodder materials hoarded in Dalian Port to Liaoyang Mansion, Gaizhou City, Fuzhou City and other places as quickly as possible by all means, and put them in the city to ensure that once the city defenders Besieged, there will be no shortage of food and grass.

The generals guarding Zhucheng immediately implemented the strictest military control over Liaodong. All food was brought under military control, all areas controlled by the Fubo Army outside Liaoyang Prefecture to the north of Gaizhou City were fortified and cleared, and all the old, weak, women and children inside and outside the city were moved Relocate to the south of Gaizhou City and Fuzhou City to minimize the food consumption of idlers in these important cities.Collect all the local things to keep out the cold to ensure that the soldiers will not be frozen, pay a lot of money to hire the local people to harvest grass and transport them into the city, and bring the livestock into the city to provide sufficient meat for the city to ensure that the physical strength of the soldiers will not be affected.

In order to save food and reduce consumption, the military and civilians in the city are not allowed to set up small stoves, and they must receive food in large canteens set up uniformly. According to gender and division of labor, the rations are different and distributed separately.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the city wall as much as possible and prepare defensive objects. All the trees within ten miles outside the important city are cut down, and the wood is transported into the city. In addition to being used as raw materials for various defensive equipment, these woods must also be used to resist the severe cold.

Severely crack down on those profiteers who hoard goods, no matter who dares to take the opportunity to make trouble, they will be severely punished, killed as an example, and all kinds of metals will be collected, and arrows and other things will be made on the spot to ensure that the number of arrows is sufficient.

For Xu Yi, this time is undoubtedly another big gamble in his life. If he wins, he will gain a lot. From then on, he will have a foothold on land. If he fails, needless to say, he will spend most of his financial resources for several years Material and manpower, although there is no need to start all over again like in Laohuyu Island, but if you want to have a good army again, it may be an impossible task in a short time.

In addition, Xu Yi also ordered all places to mobilize ships as much as possible to transfer the food and various materials stored in Liuqiu Island and Dulong Island to Liaodong as quickly as possible, so as to ensure that Liaodong would not cause civil uprisings due to food shortages. The workshops everywhere are fully producing and supplying the materials needed for the Liaodong winter defense war. Even if they cannot be shipped out, they must be hoarded to prepare for the counterattack after the beginning of spring.

Fighting is about money, and this important juncture is not a time to save money. Xu Yi also ordered Du Fuyuan, who is in charge of the treasury, to allocate a large amount of reserved silver from the treasury to increase the purchase of various savings on land. Zhao Xu could not support Fubo Army, but he couldn't stop those merchants from doing business with Fubo Army, unless Zhao Xu came to Forbidden Sea again, but does he have that ability now?The sea should be his Fubo army's world!

At this moment, the entire Fubo Army has become a machine that is completely operated for war. The whole Fubo Army is indignant at such a decision of the court. After hearing the news, I heard that the Fubo army started to purchase various goods in large quantities, so they went to Du Fuyuan one after another and promised that even if they didn't make money, they would get it for the Fubo army.

It can be seen that most of the Song people still support Fubo Army's behavior, and the court's behavior is quite unpopular.

(End of this chapter)

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