Chapter 634

The news that Liaoyang Mansion was taken lightly was quickly delivered to Xu Yi in Gaizhou. He couldn't help standing in the mansion looking up to the sky and laughing for a long time.

Winning the Liaoyang Mansion was a staged victory for their Fubo Army, and the Battle of Fuzhou and Gaizhou dealt a heavy blow to the strength of the Kingdom of Jin and allowed them to gain a firm foothold in the Liaodong area. , the next thing is to consolidate the results of the battle in the Liaodong area, stabilize the situation in this area as soon as possible, and prepare for the next confrontation with the Kingdom of Jin.

Xu Yi immediately ordered the craftsmen from Dulong Island and Liuqiu Island to rush to Liaoyang Mansion to take over the various ironworks and workshops there. At the same time, he continued to transfer new troops from Dalian Port to Gaizhou to take over the defense. Diao Bin, who had just recovered, was the city guard of Gaizhou, and he was in charge of the defense of Gaizhou from then on. Wang Feng was also recovering from his injuries. Xu Yi placed him in Fuzhou City as the guard of Fuzhou City, and the commander-in-chief of Fuzhou City. The defense of the three elite divisions, the first division and the third division, consumed a lot, so they stayed in Liaoyang Mansion temporarily for rest. Xiao Jianfeng's second division suffered relatively little loss, and was sent by Xu Yi to Liaoyang Mansion, with Liaoyang Mansion as the center, to attack Liaoyang Mansion Thoroughly clean up all places in the jurisdiction, control the surrounding iron mines, coal mines and other important places, wipe out the forces of Jurchens and Bohai people in Liaoyang Mansion, and consolidate the situation in Liaoyang Mansion.

After the Fubo army took control of Liaoyang Mansion, they also temporarily stopped continuing to attack Dajin. It wasn't that Xu Yi didn't want to continue fighting, but that his two elite divisions suffered a lot during the Gaizhou battle. After continuous battles, they are already exhausted, and they must be given a sufficient rest time to replenish and restore their combat power!
Furthermore, because of the Battle of Gaizhou, their ammunition reserves were consumed so much that they no longer have enough reserves to launch a bigger offensive. If these ammunition supplies are not replenished in the short term, they will His combat effectiveness will also be greatly reduced, and his attack power will be greatly affected.

In addition to these two reasons, the weather is also a reason. Now that it has entered October, the weather has begun to turn cold rapidly, and most of his elite troops are soldiers from the south. The pressure on them was also great. The annihilation of Yan Zongqian's army allowed them to obtain a large amount of military resources, and the removal of Liaoyang Mansion also allowed them to obtain a batch of quilts and other items, which temporarily solved the army's requirements for quilts, but if they want to survive the winter, They also need more quilts, otherwise some of the new troops may be exposed to the cold.

The elephant army that made Zhipeng showed terrible combat effectiveness in the first battle of Gaizhou, and became the trump card that finally defeated the Jin army. This made Xu Yi very pleased. In front of the detailed Jin Jun, there was a super terrifying weapon, which probably scared the Jin Bing quite a bit. Unfortunately, now he has to immediately withdraw these ferocious war elephants, send them to the ship, and transfer them back to Liuqiu Island. Go, because these war elephants were born in the south and are not cold-resistant at all. If they continue to stay here for the winter, it is estimated that all the war elephants will freeze to death in the spring of next year. It can no longer be used, so Xu Yi had to withdraw his most lethal elephant army back from Liaoyang Mansion as soon as possible, and transport them back to Liuqiu Island first, and then transport them over to join the war when the weather is warmer next year. It consumes a lot of power, but he has no better way!
In this way, the strength of the Fubo army will be in a weak state during this period of time, and if it continues to attack the Kingdom of Jin, it will definitely suffer heavy losses. Now he still does not have the ability to fight against the Kingdom of Jin, so After looking at the weather, it was decided that the Fubo army began to turn on the defensive!
Although the Fubo Army has temporarily switched to the defensive position, it does not mean that they have completely rested. Xu Yi ordered the soldiers and horses everywhere to use this time to conduct military training activities wantonly. A large number of middle and low-level officers were promoted, and a large number of low-level officers were promoted from ordinary soldiers to allow them to be promoted. Most of these people were veterans or orphans, and they had already grown into a group of qualified soldiers. However, due to the limited positions in the three divisions, these veterans who were promoted were transferred back by Xu Yi and arranged to serve as officers in various new armies. The chief officer has improved the combat effectiveness of the new army. The vacancies in the original three divisions have been filled with new recruits, and the Fubo Army will continue to carry out the glorious tradition of bringing the old to the new, ensuring that more soldiers and horses will soon form effective combat effectiveness. .

This method was supported by Yang Zaixing and other generals, so it went very smoothly, and various affairs were implemented quickly under Xu Yi's deployment.

In addition to these, there is also good news. According to Zhao Xu's edict, the Fubo Army ushered in the first batch of supplies from the imperial court from Jingdong East Road, Huainan East Road and Liangzhe Road. The exploits of the Fubo Army are here. After the news spread, everyone in the Song Dynasty was very excited and admired the Fubo Army. When the government in the coastal area received Zhao Xu's imperial edict, they also thought of some ways , They organized a batch of grain, fodder, armor and other items to be shipped by sea, and they were transported to Dalian Port by sea, and handed over to Xue Tu in Dalian Port. In terms of food and grass, the Fubo Army saved a large amount of food, and it did not need the Fubo Army to use boats to travel back and forth from Dulong Island and Liuqiu Island every day, which greatly enhanced the Fubo Army's long-term combat strength in Liaodong.

For this reason, Xu Yi had to edit a book and sent someone to Bianliang, Tokyo to express his gratitude to the sage Zhao Xu. In the book, he repeatedly thanked Zhao Xu for his support, expressing that he would definitely live up to Zhao Xu’s high expectations and stick to Liaodong region, dealt with the Kingdom of Jin to the end, and took this opportunity to inform Zhao Xu of the great victory in Gaizhou. In the book, Zhao Xu was asked to cooperate with their actions as soon as possible to counterattack the Jin Army and recover the lost ground in the north as soon as possible. , Jin Guo will definitely be troubled from the beginning to the end or lose sight of the other. By then, the revival of the Song Dynasty will not be impossible. As for the matter of welcoming the second emperor back, Xu Yi didn't mention it. These two people are not the objects of his concern. It doesn't matter.

Xu Yi also asked the soldiers and horses in Liaodong to follow the example of the establishment of the three elite divisions and reorganize them. All of them were reorganized according to the establishment of the new army, which would also facilitate future management and deployment. This is what Xu Yi wanted to implement as soon as possible. , he handed over the overall operation to Cai Xing of the teaching camp to be responsible for it, and Cai Xing also faithfully proceeded to make arrangements.

On the other hand, Yu Fuhai ran around, arranging manpower to resettle the local people, and according to the promise made by the Fubo Army to them, re-measured a large piece of unclaimed land, and distributed the pieces to these local people in Liaodong. Let them have a place where they can settle down and farm. Such measures have been carried out throughout Liaodong, and they have won the hearts of the local people. Therefore, it is no problem for the Fubo army to gain a firm foothold here. Even so, there are still some The large piece of unclaimed land has not been allocated, which shows how much land the Jurchens here used to occupy. Otherwise, they would not be hated by so many Liaodong people!So far, the entire Liaodong has been temporarily adjusted and consolidated.

In addition, the activities of the Fubo Army on Jingdong East Road have also become public behaviors, so there is no need to worry about being hostile or arrested by the local government. Conscription was carried out openly, and some local state capitals even obtained the cooperation to maintain order for them. In this way, the Fubo Army could openly obtain new sources of soldiers, instead of recruiting young and strong from the islanders of Liuqiu Island, it could also serve The Fubo army saved a lot of things. After the Battle of Fuzhou, that is, within a month, Shuisheng recruited more than ten thousand new recruits on Jingdong East Road, and transferred them to Dalian Port by ships on Jingdong East Road!

It is said that as soon as the people in Shuisheng played the signboard of the Fubo Army's conscription, they immediately caused a sensation among the refugees. These refugees all heard about the achievements of the Fubo Army, compared them with the Song Army, and joined the Fubo Army as soldiers. , On the contrary, it is more sought after than the conscription of local state capitals, and it has become a favorite. Everyone rushes to sign up to join the Fubo Army, which makes Shuisheng a little bit overwhelmed, so in the end Shuisheng simply got some soldiers. None of them will be admitted. Unless you have real skills, you will follow the requirements of the soldiers. The quality of the recruits recruited this time is very good. This is something that Shuisheng didn't even think of when he was recruited. The basic quality of a soldier general.

In fact, it is no wonder that such a situation occurs. People have upward thinking. The Song Army and the Jin Army have lost consecutive battles. The target, life is really not guaranteed, the Fubo army is amazing!It was actually able to beat the Jin army to pieces, and it was relatively safer to follow them. Even if it was to eat soldiers, you should find a safe place to eat soldiers!That's why the Fubo Army was so sought after when they were enlisted. The key is that they fought beautifully in the previous battles!

Besides being busy with conscription, Shui Sheng also took the opportunity to recruit many scholars among the refugees to Liuqiu Island. Xu Yi told him that Liuqiu Island has nothing to lack now, but there is too much shortage of scholars. They will need a lot of people for their development in the future. Scholars come to serve as officials, and it is too late to train them on their own in a short period of time. Therefore, if you can find more scholars, try to get as many scholars as possible to go to Liuqiu Island. The system will naturally help them in the future, so Shuisheng is very concerned about this matter!

In addition to recruiting soldiers and deceiving scholars to settle in Liuqiu Island, Shuisheng also took in a large number of women among the refugees. The fate of these women was very tragic. Women can't go to eat soldiers' rations, so when they are fleeing, no one will see them, they will treat them as burdens, so that they can only beg along the street, go south on foot to survive, and even have to sell themselves, just begging for a bowl of food, They will not be starved to death. Many little girls are even sold to brothels for a few big bucks just for a bowl of rice. It can be seen how miserable their situation is, but the Fubo Army does not dislike it. The current ratio of male to female in Liuqiu Island is out of balance. Seriously, the number of gentlemen outnumbers the number of women. If things go on like this, it is likely to cause unhealthy social problems. It just happened to be solved together this time. At the same time, a large number of young women were taken in and sent to Liuqiu Island by boat for resettlement. Anyway There are plenty of places there, and there is no need to worry about no place for them to eat and live.

These desperate women finally caught a life-saving straw. As for what will happen in the future, that is a matter for the future. Just save their lives and not be starved to death, especially those orphans and widows. After taking them in, I am really grateful to the Fubo Army. In this way, they don't have to be separated from their children, so it is very convenient for them to do this.

But in this way, some rumors were triggered. Some people made rumors that Fubo Army opened a large number of brothels in the south, so they accommodated so many women. Shuisheng and the others didn't bother to refute the rumors. At this time, there are all kinds of birds. What do you say? What to say!Although those women were a little worried, they didn't care too much, so let's take one step at a time!

However, some of the things that Shuisheng and the others did on land were a bit unreasonable. When taking in refugees, they eliminated many old, weak, sick and disabled people. Their thinking was that the Fubo Army could not take these people in, otherwise they would It will bring a lot of consumption to the Fubo army, and it is impossible to produce any benefits, so this point has been slandered by some people, but in the era of war, no one can do anything about such things, it is good to save your own life , They can't control other people!Shui Sheng's approach is a bit too utilitarian, but it can be said that there is nothing wrong with it. After all, Fubo Army is not a charity hall!

The shipping power of the entire Fubo Army has been fully mobilized, and the ships on the north-south channel are even busier than before the war. Many of the ships are Fubo Army's own ships or ships that they forcibly conscripted. When transporting materials, when going south, all the goods are filled with people and various raw materials purchased, and many coastal ports are also open to the Fubo army. After all, refugees are a kind of pressure on the state capitals. The Bo army took them in, but it could relieve the pressure on the local government. Not only did they ignore them, but they also encouraged the Fu Bo army to take away as much as possible, so that they could reduce some of the pressure in this regard. It really looks like a weird scene.

Not only Shuisheng was active on Jingdong East Road, but even Gray was also aggressively launching operations on Huainan East Road. Originally, Gray had a good relationship with the local government in Yangzhou. On the contrary, it was also supported by the local government, and even broadcast a batch of money and food to Gray to let them get rid of the refugees who fled from the north as soon as possible. As for where to go, the government didn't bother to ask. Anyway, at this time, the Fubo Army was already well-known, and the officials knew very well that fighting against the Fubo Army at this time might offend the public, so they expressed their support for Gray's activities and tried to do whatever was convenient for them. Fubo Army, Gray has almost turned the Yangzhou Wharf into a private wharf for the Fubo Army. The ships that come and go are almost all the ships conscripted by their Fubo Army, and they continue to ship a large number of goods and refugees. Busy It's a no-brainer.

But at this time, some things happened, that is, the coast originally controlled by the Fubo Army. Ships also began to be looted from time to time, and some people even used the banner of the Fubo Army to create chaos in coastal states and counties and attack coastal villages and towns, which brought a lot of negative effects to the Fubo Army. The news reached Xu Yier After being shot, Xu Yi was so angry that he wished to kill these guys. You said that it’s fine if you don’t fight against gold, or robbing, but you dare to work under the banner of the Fubo Army. Is the Polish army splashing dirty water?If they are allowed to go on like this, is that okay?

So Xu Yi immediately ordered Sun Hai to dispatch a bandit suppression fleet composed of fast boats, equipped with capable sailors and jumping helpers, and let this fleet specialize in patrolling the coastal areas. Their reputations robbed their houses and caused troubles along the coast, so they were found immediately, and these bastards were killed, as long as they were found, they would be killed, and their bodies would be handed over to the local government for public display.

After Sun Hai got the order, he immediately started to arrange the matter, so Xu Yi could take a breather for a while, seeing that the situation in Liaodong area had basically stabilized and everything was on the right track, so he went The idea of ​​wanting to go home came up. After all, it’s been almost a year since this trip. Why should he go back and have a look as a hands-off shopkeeper, not to mention two new guys have been added to his family now. As a father, He can't just ignore it!

So after much thought, Xu Yi recruited Yang Zaixing, Xue Tu and others to Gaizhou City to explain what happened here, and then set off to return to Liuqiu Island to have a look.

Not to mention Xu Yi's matter, in this world, there are often joys and sorrows in this world. The news that the Fubo Army wiped out Wanyan Zong's [-] troops in Gaizhou and took Liaoyang Mansion lightly flew to the Shangjing Conference of the Dajin Kingdom. The Ning Mansion immediately caused a strong shock in Jin Kingdom. It can be said that the whole country was shocked. Everyone was stunned by this news.

After Jin Taizong Wanyan Sheng, that is, Comrade Wu Qimai, received the news, he fell down on the dragon chair on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning. Like a thunderbolt from the blue, his mind suddenly went blank, and he almost passed out on the spot. Fortunately, there were courtiers by his side to take care of him. Otherwise, he would hit the ground with his head, and he might have a cerebral hemorrhage and die on the spot or suffer a stroke. Paralyzed.

After being appeased by the courtiers for a while, Wu Qimai finally recovered from the shock. The news came so suddenly that he never expected it. In his opinion, how could the martial arts world of the Dajin Kingdom be so powerful? Being defeated again and again by a small Fubo army?
If Wanyan Zongqiang is defeated, it can be inferred that he was unprepared and didn't know the opponent at all, but when he sent Wanyan Zonggan to send troops, he thought that after Wanyan Zongqiang's lessons learned from the past, Zonggan would naturally be impossible to be defeated by Fubo again. The army was defeated, not to mention that this time he had all the [-] elite soldiers on Zhongjing Road. It should be easy to deal with a small Fubo army. It is only a matter of time before the Liaodong army is recovered. The small Fubo army got a bargain After that, it is absolutely impossible to defeat their army of the Kingdom of Jin again!

So since Wanyan Zongqian led the army to go out, he didn't pay much attention to this matter, but turned his attention to internal affairs and the army of the Song Dynasty. He never thought about what to do if Wanyan Zongqian was defeated, so He was so shocked when he heard the news.

It took quite a while before Wu Qimai regained his composure, so he immediately asked the messenger about the details of Zonggan's defeat in detail. The defeat is not very clear, but he knows that Zonggan has been captured by the Fubo army, and Zonggan's army has been wiped out. Dizzy, it took a while to take a deep breath before I calmed down again.

Seeing that he could not get much more detailed information from the person who reported the letter, Wu Qimai gritted his teeth and kicked him out, and then immediately sent someone to inquire about the detailed situation. After a few days, some people were ambushed. The soldiers of the Golden Army who had been dispersed by the wave army fled back to Huining mansion in Luohuang. Only then did Wu Qimai get a rough idea of ​​the details of Wanyan Zonggan's defeat.

After listening to the news collected by the ministers, Wu Qimai no longer dared to underestimate the Fubo Army, and at the same time held a very skeptical attitude towards these news. He had heard that the Fubo Army could control the sky thunder. At that time, it was just a joke, but among the people who escaped from Wanyan Zongqian's army today, he finally believed that the Fubo Army did have several weapons that could breathe fire and explode. This news should be true, but What it is and what it looks like, but he still doesn't know. What he can only be sure of is that these things are so powerful that they are hard to guard against.

What he couldn't believe was that these people who escaped this time reported that the Fubo Army had produced something new, saying that the Fubo Army defeated them this time mainly because of a group of terrifying monsters. These monsters are huge, Not to mention the bells and whistles, they also have huge fangs, and there are sharp barbed thorns on the fangs, which can kill people if they touch them. The incomparably huge whip can wrap people and horses and throw them to death. When it twitches, it can even smash people to death. The most terrifying thing is that these monsters are basically invulnerable, and nothing can deal with them!

After hearing this, Wu Qimai almost fainted. If the Fubo army had such a terrible thing, then this battle would be impossible to fight in the future, so he said angrily: "Nonsense, it is simply nonsense !..."

(I just found out today that my book has also joined the activity of soliciting sub-moderators in the book review area. Brothers, you might as well participate. Anyway, if you become a sub-moderator, you will be rewarded with [-] points. Why not do it? By the way, call With a monthly pass, it seems to be back in the top [-]! At least there is hope!)

(End of this chapter)

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