Great Song Pirate

Chapter 63 The Battle of Huangyu Island

Chapter 63 The Battle of Huangyu Island

Pu Yinjian pointed to the island in front of him and said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, come and see, Huangyu Island is in front of you!"

Xu Yi set up a pergola with his hands, and looked into the distance. Huangyu Island is really not small. There are several hills on the island, and the island is full of lush greenery. If it is placed in the modern times hundreds of years later, it can definitely be called a tourist attraction. No wonder Pu Yinjian chose his old lair here. In terms of scenery alone, it is a blessed place!However, compared with Dulong Island, the terrain of Huangyu Island has no advantages. The beach here is flat and the bay is dotted with stars. Although the scenery is good, it is very difficult to defend. As a base for pirates, once it is surrounded by naval forces , Such a terrain is extremely difficult to defend without a large number of people. No wonder Park Yinjian recruited so many men. This is also an important reason why Park Yinjian wanted to occupy Dulong Island in the first place. There is really no danger to defend here.

Under the guidance of the fast boat given to the Koreans in front, the ship quickly sailed towards Huangyu Island, and drew an arc far westward on the sea, and then headed towards Huangyu Island, because their The pier is located in the leeward direction and faces the Song Dynasty, so that it can not only shelter from the wind but also facilitate sailing, and it is more convenient for the island to monitor ships coming from the land direction.

After seeing Huangyu Island, Pu Yinjian looked a little sad. After all, this is the place he has worked hard for many years. After today, it will no longer belong to his surname Park. Xu Yi understood his psychology, so he stretched out his hand and patted it. He put his shoulders on his shoulders to show comfort, and he didn't have much to say. After all, he, Xu Yi, represented the winning side to receive the spoils!It was rather embarrassing to speak at this time.

When the boat gradually approached Huangyu Island, the people on board seemed to feel that something was wrong, because they saw bursts of thick smoke suddenly rising from the island from a distance, it was definitely not cooking smoke, Pu Yinjian suddenly became a little nervous , and set up a pergola to look around the island vigorously, wanting to see clearly what happened on the island, Xu Yi didn't care about hiding his secrets, so he beckoned Li Bo to bring the binoculars in his cabin to his eyes Looking towards the island.

There are some cargo ships with lower sails parked in the harbor. These ships must be Pu Yinjian's cargo ships. There are many more ships than those on Dulong Island. There are no people on board now, so he looked towards the island again, and suddenly Seeing that some houses on the island were on fire, and some shadowy people were running around in a panic on the island, he quickly adjusted the magnification of the binoculars, and after zooming in, he saw many people on the island. It was only because the distance was too far that he couldn't hear the shouts from the island. Xu Yi felt a little bit in his heart, wondering if it was Huangyu Island that attracted the attention of the Song Ting navy and attracted What about the navy's encirclement and suppression?But then he immediately rejected this idea, because he didn't see any navy warships nearby. If it was the Song Ting navy, it would definitely dispatch a large number of warships, and there is no shadow of a warship here. .

Xu Yi put down the binoculars in his hand, and told the general situation he saw to Pu Yinjian beside him. Pu Yinjian's expression changed drastically, and he said angrily, "If I guessed right, it must be those damned Fusang people who came here while I was going out to sea. This opportunity from Dulong Island came to attack my water village! Commander Xu, please speed up, our island can be said to have come out in full force this time, basically all those who can fight have gone to Dulong Island, and the rest here There are only a few dozen people guarding the hometown, and the rest are the wives and children of the brothers on the island. If there are too many people in Fusang, they will be absolutely irresistible. I hope Master Xu can help! "

Hearing this, Xu Yi immediately called out to Li Bo: "Brother Li! Something happened on the island, and the Yangwei was ordered to speed up with full sails, so hurry up and get on the island to rescue!"

The water cat immediately ordered the full sail, and asked the flag bearer to notify the Yangwei, and the clipper loaded with Koreans did not need to be ordered. The three ships raised their full sails at the same time, and the bow plowed three white waves in the sea. After leaving the trail, head towards Huangyu Island Wharf at full speed.

This time Xu Yi brought two boats out, splitting half of Dulong Island's manpower. After all, he was here to take over the enemy's island, and there was no guarantee that there would be no accidents. Therefore, the boats should be equipped with good fighters who can jump to fight. After everyone received the order, Although they didn't know what happened to Huangyu Island, they all picked up the guys one after another and made preparations.

After sailing into the harbor, the situation in front of me became clear. There was indeed a war on the island. A large group of guys wearing clogs with bare feet, braids on their heads, and wielding long narrow-bladed long knives and short spears were besieging the stockade on the island. , these people can tell at a glance that they are not Song natives, yelling in some unintelligible language, and fiercely pounced on the resisting personnel on the island. It can be said that it is completely one-sided. Most of the resisters on the island have fallen to the ground and died. The corpses are lying everywhere, and some women and children are running around in panic. But they could escape, and many people were knocked to the ground by these Fusang people with a knife, blood was splashed everywhere, and there were many people with decapitated bodies.

The appearance of their three boats immediately attracted the attention of the Japanese who were attacking the stockade, so many of these Japanese immediately surrounded the pier in a disorderly manner. As soon as the Koreans on the fast boat approached the pier, many people copied Picking up weapons such as wooden sticks, he jumped onto the pier and fought with these Japanese. Only then did Xu Yi remember that when the Koreans were recruited, all their weapons had been confiscated. After buying some wooden sticks and planks, they started to fight with these Japanese people. How could they be the opponents of Japanese people with sharp knives!Pu Yinjian was about to go crazy, and he didn't say much. He snatched a sharp knife from a person beside him when he offended, jumped onto the pier, and killed those Japanese people very neatly.

Xu Yi hurriedly ordered the jumping helpers on the Zhenyuan and Yangwei to disembark immediately to support the Koreans. After listening to the order, the jumping helpers on the two ships jumped off the side of the ship without waiting for the ships to land, and attacked the shore. The archers on the ship started to shoot arrows at the Japanese on the shore. Due to the short distance and small targets, the ballistas on the ship were useless.

After seeing these Japanese people, Xu Yi couldn't help being a little angry, his blood boiled, and when the ship had just docked, he also took the lead in pulling out the treasured sword that Pu Yinjian gave him, jumped onto the pier, and rushed towards the Japanese people in front of him On the contrary, Li Bo, who had been following him, was taken aback. He didn't understand why Xu Yi, who had always been calm, was so impulsive today. One ran after Xu Yi. His responsibility was very clear, which was to maintain Xu Yi's safety. Wherever Xu Yi went, he would go there.

Because they didn't have suitable weapons in their hands, the Koreans who had just landed suffered a lot. Many people were knocked to the ground by those Japanese people immediately. The situation was chaotic, but the chaos didn't last long. Zhenyuan and Yangwei After the jumping helpers from the two boats landed, some people conveniently threw the extra weapons to the Koreans, and took over the fierce attack of the Japanese for them, thus stabilizing the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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