Great Song Pirate

Chapter 629 Night Battle

Chapter 629 Night Battle

When it was dark, the battle outside the city had come to an end. Both sides fought a little depressed. Originally, the Fubo army built so many fortifications outside the city to consume a lot of gold troops outside the city. They, but they didn't expect to be played by the golden men. They were caught off guard and had to give up the defense outside the city and retreated to the city. Moreover, the third division suffered a lot of casualties because of the fierce attack of the golden soldiers. , making Li Bo jump his feet in distress, but fortunately he withdrew quickly, otherwise the third division would be disabled!

And Wanyan Zongqian was also depressed to death. According to the plan for today's battle, once the soldiers and horses sent by that branch start to attack the rear of the Fubo army, he will lead the army to take over Gaizhou City in one fell swoop. After a day, all the soldiers and horses in the south of the city were wiped out, and he himself could not touch the edge of Gaizhou City, but he only took the position outside the city. Moreover, his army suffered heavy casualties in one day, and several soldiers and horses were completely wiped out in one day. The Centurion and Thousand Commander lost dozens of people, and he was unable to launch an attack until dark, so he had to withdraw his troops and surrounded Gaizhou City from north to south, but Gaizhou On the west side of the city, because the Fubo army still built fortifications, they were unable to take them down, so they left one side for the Fubo army.

After nightfall, the city of Gaizhou gradually quieted down. Most of the soldiers who had worked hard during the day began to rest. After the third division entered the city, they quickly set up defenses on the two southeast walls, perfecting the defense of the four walls, and the situation was stable. After they got down, from the mouth of the golden soldiers who had been captured by Gao Jun, they knew the origin of the golden soldiers who raided the south gate, and secretly lamented how dangerous it was.

There are many examples on the battlefield where all games were lost due to small omissions. Today they were thrown into a panic by this surprise attacking golden soldier, and all games were lost at a single risk. Fortunately, the guard guarding the south gate was vigilant. The heart is still relatively strong, facing the sudden appearance of the Jin army, he did not panic, and immediately commanded a small number of new troops under his command to carry out a resolute resistance, which lasted until Gao Jun led his troops to come to support, otherwise, it would be hard to say who will win the battle today !Everyone secretly rejoiced, but they were still very dissatisfied with the results of the battle. After all, the original plan was disrupted, and the time they had finally bought was lost just like this. unhappy.

"Everyone don't need to be so depressed. Although the defense line outside the city was lost today, after all, Gaizhou City is still as solid as a rock and has not been shaken by the Jin army. Moreover, the Jin army lost several times more than us. I am afraid that Wanyan Zonggan is worse than us. Frustrated, his wishful thinking did not come true, and it was worth it to exchange the corpses of so many generals for the outside position!" Xu Yi looked at the expressions of the generals in the hall, smiled slightly, and relieved they arrive.

Li Bo stood up and pleaded guilty: "What happened today is the fault of my lowly position! If I hadn't let my guard down, I wouldn't have lost the position outside the city today. Please punish me, my lord!"

Yang Zaixing immediately stopped Li Bo, stood up and said, "It's no fault of Li Bo's fault. It's because the humble official ignored the cunning of the Jin people, and didn't consider the defense in the south of the city. I!"

Gao Jun immediately jumped out and shouted: "This matter can only be blamed on me. My teacher is responsible for the four walls of the city. It is the fault of my humble job to be attacked by the Jin people..."

"Okay! Okay! Why are one or two talking about this now? I don't blame anyone! Besides, for us, today is not a big defeat. In Song Dynasty, today's battle is enough to call it It’s a great victory, and you made it like this, but it seems that we have suffered a big loss. Besides, how can there be so many battles with the wind! Golden people are also human, and they will gain wisdom if they suffer. Don't allow others to play dirty, how can there be such a reason? Wanyan Zongqian's performance is quite good, after all, he is the eldest prince of the Dajin Kingdom, so he is not so easy to deal with, we just need to be careful in the future! Now we have to face how to fight Retirement gold army, instead of trying to figure out who is going to be punished here, let's all sit down and talk!" Xu Yi drove them all back to their seats, dumbfounded.

In fact, things are not as bad as they thought. Although the third division suffered a lot in the daytime battle, it has not reached the level of losing combat power. The first division can be said to be unscathed and the main force is still there. There is nothing terrible. They all understand, and for them, the city has sufficient supplies, even if they fight the Jin army here for three to five months, they may not be afraid of them, so the morale of the defenders in the city is not low, and everything is under control. What's more, Xu Yi still has a surprise soldier that he hasn't used yet, because he is afraid that they will be a bird!
After what Xu Yi said, everyone was relieved, and started talking and laughing again. Yang Zaixing made some adjustments according to the situation in the city, strengthened the defensive strength of the four walls, and ordered all the troops to take turns to defend the city. Accept the lesson, you can't let the Jin people use today's round of battle against you again, everyone who beat them is exhausted, and use this move to fight back, and replenish most of the [-] new troops in the city. The third division, allowing the third division to recover its strength, ensured that the combat power of the original cause would not be reduced by the first officer, and the generals did not go down to rest until they got the order.

The Fubo army dared to sleep swaggeringly, but the Jin soldiers had no time to rest. The firepower of the Fubo army was too powerful. In order to reduce losses, they could only fill the trenches outside the city at night and level the land for heavy siege equipment. Moved to the city, and a large number of golden soldiers who died in battle needed to be collected by them. Few of the golden men blinked their eyes overnight. Moved within a few hundred steps outside the city, before they launched an attack on the Fubo army, just after dawn, the Fubo army's city head fired gunfire, and the thunder guns and blast cannons on the city head fired together, pulling them away. Many of the equipment outside the city were broken up, and it seemed that they could not be used anymore.

After a meal of artillery fire, the Jin army had no choice but to retreat obediently, watching Gaizhou City helplessly, but did not dare to approach, Zong Gan took a look at the situation of his own army, so he stopped attacking the city altogether, but besieged the city to rest , Clean up his remnants and defeated generals, disband some of the disabled soldiers and horses, and reorganize them into other armies. At this time, the battle is already in a stalemate, and the Jin army also needs a rest urgently. It will be defeated again like Wanyan Zongqiang did when he was in Fuzhou City.

The two sides stopped for a while, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and neither of them was willing to send troops first, forming a weird situation. It was a very tense battlefield, but it suddenly calmed down like this, but the atmosphere was tense At the extreme, just waiting for either side to start a war again, I am afraid that we will see the outcome.

The weather gradually cooled down, Xu Yi laughed in the mansion, his face was full of joy, because he received the news that the two wives of Liuqiu Island had given birth safely, and Yingchun gave him a baby this time. The precious daughter, and Cuiyu gave birth to him a fat boy, and Xu Yi has two more offspring, how can he not be happy?There is no such thing as family planning in this era, and every household can have as many children as they can. Xu Yi doesn't care about having more children!

After hearing the news, the whole Fubo army was also rejoicing. This is also a rare good news in wartime. Yang Zaixing even made an exception and rewarded the soldiers with a meal of wine and meat, so that the soldiers who were resting could also taste the wine that they hadn't smelled for a long time. , There was laughter everywhere in the city, which relieved everyone's tense nerves. The generals came to congratulate Xu Yi one after another. Xu Yi also accepted it happily, and had a drink with the generals. He was not so confused as to let everyone come to drink together, but only those who were resting were allowed to come to him to drink. The guards on the four walls of the city did not dare to relax.

After being so happy for two days, the Jin army began to make new movements. After Yan Zongqian reorganized his troops and horses, he launched an offensive against Gaizhou City again. This time he ordered three soldiers and horses to face off against three sides The city gate launched a fierce attack, trying to confuse the Fubo army, so that the Fubo army in the city could not see their main attack direction. After fighting on three sides at the same time, the Gaizhou city was immediately fired into the sky, and the stumps of the Jin army attacking outside the city were scattered. , appalling.

After observing with binoculars and hidden whistle, the Fubo army still discovered the small movements of the Jin army. Zongqian's army quietly assembled in the east of the city. At this point, the Fubo army confirmed the main attack direction of the Jin army. There are crossbows to strengthen the defensive force in the east of the city, just waiting for the Jin army to slam into it and give them a good look.

Sure enough, shortly after launching the offensive, the Jin army began to concentrate its strength and launched the first onslaught in the east of the city. A large number of Jin soldiers marched to the city, carrying ladders and rushing towards Gaizhou City like ants , Now they don't count on those heavy equipment anymore. Anyway, if they can't push the city down, they will be bombarded by the artillery fire of the Fubo army. They can only use this kind of crowd tactics to attack the city. For this kind of play, Fubo Naturally, the army was not afraid, and the artillery on the city bombarded the incoming golden soldiers non-stop. After the shotguns fell, a dozen of them covered a large area. A smoldering thunderbolt was thrown out and hit the Golden Soldier formation. It also exploded a large area, causing heavy casualties to the attacking Golden Soldier, and the only thing that the Golden Soldier could fight back against the city was their bows and arrows. Compared with the firepower of the Fubo army, their attack is a bit too weak, and even makes people feel a little pitiful.

After a day of fierce fighting, Jin Bing did not make any achievements, but he paid a heavy price and retreated. Such a loss made Zong Gan almost collapse. Now he has no ambitions anymore and feels that he is invincible in the world. Gaizhou Even though the city is a small city, it has become a rock in front of him. He has no choice but to stand in the camp and look at Gaizhou City and sigh repeatedly.

Seeing Wanyan Zongqian being so depressed, the generals under his command were also very frustrated. The Fubo army here showed them what it means to be fierce. They beat them to such an embarrassment. People dare to say it.

If there are so many of them and they can't even take down a small city of Gaizhou, what face do they have to go back?So the generals could only use their brains and think of new tactics. After a day of onslaught, the Jin army stopped again.

Although they stopped, the Fubo army in the city was unwilling to stop like this again. Xu Yi saw that the weather was getting colder, and the trump card in his hand would lose its effect if he didn't use it anymore, so he summoned the generals to discuss After a while, the generals had no objections when they were about to go out of the city to fight a decisive battle with the Jin army. Even though they did not have as many soldiers as the Jin army, their morale was much higher than that of the Jin army. showdown.

After some discussions, Xu Yi and Yang Zaixing made a plan, and the soldiers and horses in the city began to prepare, and several pigeons were released.

In the next few days, Wanyan Zonggan launched another large-scale attack. This time they adopted the method of night attack and chose a day covered with dark clouds. Wanyan Zonggan ordered the army to sleep during the day and have a full rest, and after dark at night, After they all got up and had a full meal, they started to act, and drove out of the camp in batches, rushing towards Gaizhou City under the cover of night.

Suddenly there was a sound of bamboo whistles outside the city, and the Fubo army on the top of the city immediately moved into action. A large number of soldiers guarding the city rushed to the top of the city, ready to deal with such a night attack. The best way is to observe the distance of the Jin army first. After the secret whistle outside the city has withdrawn one after another, the soldiers on the top of the city immediately fired a batch of fireballs with ballistas, and piles of flames immediately ignited outside the city. A large area outside the city was illuminated, and as soon as Jin Jun entered the place where the fire was shining, his figure was immediately exposed, and he became the target of the Fubo Army!
The Fubo army on the city immediately opened fire to bombard them, and the crossbowmen shot a large number of arrows to suppress these golden soldiers, and the two sides launched a fierce battle in the night.

The night battle was indeed affected by the Fubo army. Their long-range firepower was greatly restricted, and they could not see too far away. This created an opportunity for the Jin soldiers to use the throwing carts. They used the soldiers and horses in front to attract them. The attention of the Fubo Army in the city, and then a large number of golden soldiers pushed the carts that had been prepared to the outside of Gaizhou City. Since then, they have truly threatened the Fubo Army. The Polish army discovered the throwing carts of the golden soldiers, so they immediately turned to these throwing carts close to the city wall, and threw more fireballs out of the city. The cannons were completely exposed. After a blast, these sneak attack vehicles were smashed to pieces. But at this time, a large number of Jin soldiers took advantage of this opportunity and rushed to the city of Gaizhou, setting up the ladder on the ground. above the city wall.

At this time, the battle had reached a fever pitch. After seeing the golden man put the ladder on the city wall, the Fubo army began to smash down the rolling logs and stones that had been prepared, and the golden soldiers were killed under the city. Batch after batch of people were crushed to death, and then batch after batch came, and it was very brave to continue forward. A large number of golden soldiers covered their bodies with shields and climbed up the ladder. Finally, someone climbed to the top of the city and fought with Fubo's army. The hand-to-hand combat began.

The Fubo army guarding the city wall became ruthless when they saw that the golden soldiers had risen. They picked up the swords and guns in their hands and went up to meet them. They killed the golden soldiers who had just climbed the city. The boiling oil was brought to the edge of the city wall, and it was poured down along the ladder. It immediately scalded the skin of a golden soldier who was clinging to the ladder, and fell down the ladder screaming, and then someone dropped it. The torch ignited the ladder, and it was crackling. The two sides fought fiercely at the city wall. This kind of battle was the real climax.

When more and more golden soldiers broke through the interception of artillery fire and crossbows, more and more ladders were built on the city wall. The entire northeastern side of Gaizhou City was ablaze, and half of the sky lit up, shouting to kill The sound of screams, screams, and gunfire resounded through the sky, startling all the birds and beasts in the mountains and forests outside Gaizhou City.

Wanyan Zongqian also became cruel, seeing that the ladder was finally put on the city wall of Gaizhou City, his heart burst into ecstasy, looking at the direction of the city wall full of killing sounds, he threw batches of elite soldiers into the battlefield, Tie Xin It is necessary to compete with the Fubo Army on this night.

As more and more golden soldiers flocked to the city, the pressure on the city was also increasing, so Yang Zaixing also greeted all the soldiers in the city, canceled their rotation, and put most of them on the city wall. Fighting fiercely with the golden soldiers, swords and guns were raised on the city wall, and slashing was going on everywhere. The golden soldiers fell towards the city like dumplings, but more golden soldiers began to climb the city wall.

Of course, Xu Yi would not stand idly by in such a fierce battle. He left the commander's mansion and took his personal guards to the north wall where the battle was fiercest. At this moment, I am guarding here personally, constantly dispatching my soldiers to resist the attack of the golden soldiers, and some places began to fall, but they were quickly taken back by the fearless Fubo army. , there is no trickery on either side, the fight is the will and fighting power, if either side can't bear it, it will cause serious consequences. After cutting the blade, he threw down the big knife and jumped up to wrestle with the golden soldiers who climbed up. Some soldiers still fought fiercely after being injured, and even rushed forward to catch the golden soldiers and rolled down together, falling to death under the city wall. .

Under such circumstances, the archers voluntarily gave up launching on the bottom of the city, and drew out their waist knives to protect the gunners of the artillery and ballista, defending them against the golden soldiers, so that they could bombard and kill more enemy troops. Staged one scene after another of epic and tragic scenes.

As soon as Xu Yi boarded the city wall, he immediately saw a burly figure running back and forth on the city wall like a murderous god, waving a mace full of meat strips like a blowing wind in his hand. One man guarded a large battlement, and as long as there were golden soldiers showing their heads, they would be severely attacked by him. The golden soldiers were beaten to bloody flesh by his mace, screaming and falling down the city wall from the battlements. But more golden soldiers began to surge up again. After Xu Yi ascended the city, he happened to see a golden soldier jumping over the city wall, jumping off the battlements, waving a scimitar and going straight to the back of the fierce general, trying to sneak attack him, so he said nothing , pulled out his wolf-breaking sword from his waist, and cut the golden soldier into two pieces with one stroke, and his intestines flowed all over the ground. It can be seen that his kung fu has not fallen in the slightest. What is the power of this knife? violent.

Hou Cheng beside him also moved his hands at this time, and kicked a golden soldier who had just climbed up the top of the city, and flew away, and fell into the night with screams from a distance. There was a muffled sound of human flesh hitting the ground, and the screams stopped abruptly. Hou Cheng and Xu Yi's soldiers were not vegetarians. They had just entered the city, and with a slash, they immediately controlled the situation on this section of the city wall. , Hou Cheng showed his might even more, one foot at a time, he just kicked the several-foot-high ladder away from the city wall, and buckled it upside down outside the city together with the golden soldiers on it. This way, the problem was solved The crisis of the walls.

The strong man with the mace turned his head and saw Xu Yi, quickly wiped the blood on his face with his battle robe, grinned at Xu Yi, and said quickly, "Why is the lord coming up here too? It's really dangerous here , and invite the lord to go down to the city to watch the battle, with Daniel here, nothing will happen here!"

Xu Yi looked at Daniu's face, he might as well not wipe it this time, because his shirt was also covered with blood, and it took a lot more to wipe a big face, grinning and looking like a ghost Usually, it’s as scary as it is scary, so he waved his hands and said, "You guys can work hard here, can't I even come up and take a look? Do you think I'm a guy who earns the power to bind chickens?" The hand blocked an arrow shot up from the city, which can be regarded as a sharp eye and a quick hand!

Da Niu didn't bother to tell Xu Yi more, and saw a ladder on the top of the city again, so he swung his big stick, first smashed the hook on the head of the ladder, and then kicked the ladder over He went out, but a cold arrow shot suddenly and nailed the big cow on the shoulder.

Xu Yi was taken aback, and quickly thought of going over to take a look at Daniu's injuries. Who knew that this guy pulled out the arrow and smashed the head of a golden soldier who had climbed up the city wall as if nothing had happened, before turning his head to look at it. Seeing the concern on Xu Yi's face, he hurriedly said to Xu Yi: "It's okay! I'm wearing thick clothes! It won't hurt me!"

Only then did Xu Yi see that Daniel was wearing two layers of thick armor, and he felt relieved. This guy is getting stronger and stronger now. After wearing two layers of thick armor, he looks like a living tank , so he said with a smile: "Be careful yourself! I'll go to other places to see, the defense here is a bit thinner, once you are too busy, there will be mistakes here! Don't be too big!"

Daniu hurriedly nodded in agreement, and beckoned some of his men to come over and defend this section of the city wall with him.

(Depressed! Two days have passed, and there are only eight monthly tickets, and there was none yesterday! No rewards, no monthly tickets, no reminders, sad!)
(End of this chapter)

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