Chapter 618
When the Fubo Army started to attack again, Ahuli had no better way. For the defender, he didn't know where the Fubo Army would launch the offensive this time, so he could only disperse his forces in On the defensive line, waiting for the attack of the Fubo army, in this way, the initiative of the war is in the hands of the Fubo army.

In order to delay the Fubo army's time, Ahuli once again conscripted a group of civilians from the city. Even the children of rich families were asked to take up weapons and go to the city for defense, and some troops were drawn out to strengthen the second line of defense.

As for Xu Yi and the others, they also felt distressed. Originally, they could completely rely on artillery to disperse the golden soldiers in a large area, but they didn't have too much ammunition after all, and he had to save the ammunition they brought this time. use it, but cannot give full play to their firepower advantage, because as the main generals, they are very clear that even after they storm Liaoyang Mansion, they will probably face the crazy counterattack of a large number of Jin troops. How can we just sit back and watch such an important town in Liaoyang Mansion fall into the hands of Fubo Army? They will definitely mobilize elite soldiers from all over the country to take revenge. At that time, I am afraid that Fubo Army will be in a very difficult situation. Although their ammunition is still sufficient now, they have to save ammunition , and the use of manpower storm, supplemented by artillery support.

After another day of fighting, the casualties of the Fubo army increased significantly compared with the previous day, and the Jin army also adapted to their style of play to some extent. When the Fubo army first adopted breakthrough tactics , he hurriedly ordered the nearby soldiers to support the breakthrough point of the Fubo Army to strengthen the defensive force there. The way of attack is to prevent the offensive of Fubo army.

As soon as the Jin soldiers saw the Fubo army erecting the trench bridge on the trench, they immediately sent their soldiers to jump out of the ground, throw the jars full of kerosene on the trench bridge, ignite a raging fire, burn down the trench bridge, and block the breakthrough of the Fubo army. The Fubo army lost several trench bridges for this reason, and finally had to fill in the passage with a trench filling truck to break through the second trench. However, the Jin soldiers also fought hard and defeated the Fubo army several times. After repulsing back, with the support of the artillery of the Fubo Army, after killing and injuring a large number of blocking golden troops, the commando of the Fubo Army finally completed the breakthrough, but the price paid was not small.

And Ahuli also accepted the lesson of the first day. After seeing that the Fubo army had broken through the line of defense and started to gain a firm foothold, he immediately shrank his troops, abandoned the second line of defense, reduced casualties, preserved strength, and defeated the city. All the troops outside are concentrated on the last line of defense.

After laying down the second line of defense, although the cost of casualties was not small, it was also a good thing for the Fubo army, because they had already rushed within two miles outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture, and now there are golden soldiers from Liaoyang Prefecture. up.

Because after arriving here, Liaoyang Mansion was already within the attack range of their artillery and rockets. That night, Yang Zaixing ordered Fubo soldiers to build a new camp between the second line of defense and the first line of defense. This time, the construction of the Fubo Army began to get the support of some local Han people and some Khitan people. After getting the news, some people decided to rebel against the Kingdom of Jin and followed the Fubo Army to attack the Jin soldiers in Liaoyang Prefecture. After talking about the Fubo Army breaking through the two lines of defense of the Jin Army in two days, it has increased a lot of confidence in the Fubo Army, and spontaneously carried the guys to help the Fubo Army build a camp, reducing the number of soldiers in the Fubo Army. Physical exertion, with the support of these ordinary people, the new battalion was quickly established. Yang Zaixing's idea was to fight steadily, adopting a strategy of approaching step by step, until he reached the bottom of the city.

After seeing these ordinary people spontaneously coming to help, Ma Zhe, Xu Yi's councilor, had another idea, because he learned that many of the Jin army were Khitan and Han, and some of them were their Jurchens. The An Mokes recruited them by force, and they did not volunteer to fight against the Fubo Army with the Jurchens. Some of them even had relatives outside the city, so he made a bad move for Xu Yi, Please Xu Yi gather some local people who are willing to fight with the Fubo Army to gather outside the Golden Army's line of defense, crying and shouting to the opposite Jin Army, so that those Khitan soldiers and Han soldiers in the Jin Army should stop fighting with the Jurchens Well, let them publicize the policy of the Fubo Army, saying that as long as the Jurchens are expelled, they, the poor, can get the land, and they don’t have to be oppressed by the Jurchens. They also cried and mentioned that the Jin soldiers captured Liaoyang ten years ago The past events in the area include the evil deeds of the Khitans and Han Chinese who were massacred by the Jurchens.

Xu Yi was overjoyed when he heard that this idea was so brilliant, so he immediately called Yang Zaixing and other generals, and told them about Ma Zhe's idea. There is a lot of bad water in his stomach, and Ma Zhe couldn't laugh or cry when he was praised by the generals, he laughed and scolded: "Are you praising me or scolding me!..."

Xu Yi adopted Ma Zhe's method, and immediately sent people to gather a group of local people. He first gave them a big reward, and after giving them a full meal, he told them that in fact, the Fubo army mainly dealt with the Jurchens, not the Jin Those Khitans and Hans in the army are unwilling to watch these Hans and Khitans in the Jin army die for the Jurchens. I hope they can persuade the same race or relatives in the Jin army not to be with the Jurchens Fight to the end, otherwise, swords and guns will have no eyes. When the Fubo army enters Liaoyang Mansion, it is impossible not to kill them. It is best for them not to desperately resist the Fubo army. When you surrender, you can guarantee not to kill them.

These ordinary people felt reasonable when they heard it, so after receiving the benefits, they agreed, and the Fubo Army sent troops to escort them to the war to promote the offensive. A large group of ordinary people ran to the front of the Jin Army's defense line and shouted for a long time. Having said that, Fubo Army even found someone to write a lot of leaflets, tied them to the arrows, and shot them to the Jin Army. In short, it was to make the Jin Army feel mutual distrust.

This is a poisonous plan. Ahuli never thought that the Fubo army would even come up with such a method. If there is a war, let's fight!Why are you still playing this game!He almost fainted on the top of the city tower on the spot. As a commander of the army, he knew very well the composition of his Dajin army. The more you fight, the more you rely on the surrender of the Liao people. Although the Jin Kingdom claims to have millions of soldiers, the main composition of the Jin army is still Han and Khitan people. The Dajin people are divided into four classes. Real people, followed by Bohai people, followed by Khitan people, and Han people have the lowest status in Jin Kingdom, and all the poor are Khitan people and Han people. With such a dirty trick, isn't this sincerely trying to tear down their Jin Jun's platform?

Ahuli immediately sent people down to appease the Han and Khitan people in the army, and told them that as long as they defeated the Fubo army, they would be rewarded heavily, but doing so could only make up for it, because Some soldiers in the army under the city, after hearing the propaganda of the Fubo Army, had already started to look a little unkind. As a result, Ahuli was really scared. If the Fubo Army's move worked If so, then the Liaoyang Mansion is really in danger, so they sent people down again to tell the generals that the Fubo Army is just a trick, so they must never believe it. trust them.

After seeing these ordinary people shouting for a long time, Yang Zaixing ordered them to withdraw and gave them some rewards before dismissing them. As for whether it had any effect, everyone was not sure. They could only see the effect after fighting, so The army began to move again. Amidst the rumbling of the war drums, the black muzzles of the thunder cannons were lifted up. The golden soldiers on the other side of the trench could only watch from a distance in despair, but they had no power to fight back. Because they are separated by trenches, there is nothing that can get the Fubo army.

With the roar of artillery, the shells fell into the artillery vehicles that Jin Bing had built with great difficulty, disintegrating their most powerful long-range attack weapon again, and then the old method, let the observers observe Jin Bing The most concentrated place was bombarded with cannons, making the Jin soldiers cry for their fathers and mothers, in a panic. According to the habit of the past two days, the Fubo Army will soon start pushing trench filling vehicles and trench bridge vehicles to attack , Under the command of the general, the Jin soldiers rushed to the back of the earth barrier one after another. As a result, the Fubo army stopped doing this today, and another artillery attack smashed a section of the earth barrier behind the Jin army trench, and killed them. Some golden soldiers were captured, and then the army turned around and returned to the camp, but did not attack.

The golden soldiers were finally organized to defend, and they tried their best to knock the Fubo army back. As a result, after they paid a considerable price, they were ready, but the Fubo army did not do anything, so that these golden generals , as if hitting the empty space with a punch, it was as uncomfortable as it could be. After watching the Fubo army return to the camp, they could only greet their subordinates and collect the bodies of those robes who had been blasted to death just now. Treating the wounded made me feel a lot more relaxed.

Who knew that as soon as they relaxed, a Fubo army rushed out of the camp again, and then the artillery fired at the Jin army again, making the Jin soldiers nervous, and immediately prepared to fight back , the result is that the Fubo army feigned another shot this time. After firing the cannon, a group of people turned back to the camp.

In the end, Jin Bing had another false alarm. He did it five or six times in one afternoon, but Jin Bing was tossed and broken. In modern times, this heart is like riding a roller coaster. I got up, and then put it down again with a plop. After being tossed around for a bad heart, I almost didn't have a heart attack, so I got down on the spot!A golden general was so angry that he couldn't help it. He climbed up the mound and yelled at the Fubo army. It was nothing more than some kind of words, you come to fight, why are you playing with this, but he still hasn't finished cursing. Suddenly, three powerful arrows flew from nowhere at the same time. The golden general was all over his body, and looked down, only to see three arrows stuck in his chest and abdomen. Then he rolled his eyes and kicked back two times. After a few steps, he fell on his back behind the earth barrier.

From time to time, the Fubo army still sent a troop out of the camp, and then returned home after a round of shelling, which made the Jin army dumbfounded. Don't prepare, I'm afraid that the Fubo army is really playing, so prepare it. As a result, every time Not only that, but the Fubo army in the other two camps also cooperated with the main camp, doing the same action, dispatching troops and withdrawing troops, dispatching troops and withdrawing troops, so that the golden soldiers were exhausted behind the last line of defense outside the city. In the evening, these golden soldiers were tossed to the ground, and each of them was so tired from running that they sat down and didn't want to stand up.

The more this is the case, the more nervous Ahuli is. The Fubo army outside the city is simply shameless to the extreme. I have never seen such a battle in the world. The Fubo army attacked fiercely two days ago. Breaking two lines of defense in a row, but it feels better than tossing people like this. If you can't beat them, you can only blame yourself and no one is good. How can you toss people like this?The more Ahuli thought about it, the more wrong he became. He knew that the generals under the city had already been tossed down, but he still ordered them to stay vigilant at all times and never relax. The guards under the city are so miserable!After working all afternoon, he and his men's legs were about to run thin. God knows what the Fubo army is going to do and when will they launch an offensive. These golden troops are almost going crazy.

Seeing that it was getting late, the Fubo army also returned to their camps. The gold soldiers who had worked hard for a day felt that they could finally take a rest, but before their jobs were settled, the Fubo army began to move again. A large group of torches The battalion rushed out again, and it seemed that they were going to rush to the trenches. There was another roar on the artillery position of the Fubo Army, and the golden soldiers were immediately driven away by the officers and lost their jobs. The cops made preparations to resist. After waiting for a long time, the Fubo army returned to the camp with a torch. Before leaving, they laughed loudly, mocking the Jin army for their cowardice.

"There's no way to fight! Damn! I've never seen such a fight. This group of Fubo troops is really shameless! Isn't this going to torture the dead? Why don't you rush out and fight them to the death? Hiding here will almost kill you!" You're going crazy!" A golden general dropped the bow in his hand to the ground and cursed loudly.

The other Jin soldiers also cursed, but some remained silent and found a place to sit down. If the soldiers are really red-eyed, they may not be afraid of fighting, but they are afraid that they will lose their strength. The local envoys were tossed about by others, and the Fubo army's tricks were only one day old. As far as the morale of the Jin army was concerned, they fell to the bottom.

Some golden soldiers who had listened to the propaganda of the people outside the city during the day sat down and began to count secretly. Although the officials told them that this was a trick of the Fubo Army and they couldn't believe it, they didn't see that the people were coerced. If it is really what they say, then following the Fubo army is much better than following the Jurchens. The Jurchens are not human, and they kill people if they don't like it. They don't treat them as human beings at all. You can use them however you want, and now they are used to fill holes in the war, and some people's hearts start to come alive.

Just when the Jin army was panicked by the Fubo army, Xu Yi sat in the big tent with the generals, talking and laughing, nothing more than saying that today's tactics, such a damaging idea, are only Xu Yi This modern man can figure it out, and he himself plausibly said that there is a saying in the art of war, that the combination of justice and surprise wins, so those who are good at making surprises are as endless as fields, and as endless as rivers and seas!As long as you can win a war, there is nothing shameless or shameless!
All the generals sweated profusely. They all knew that Xu Yi liked to send out surprise soldiers, but according to today's method of playing, it was the first time for them to see him. Isn't this sincere tormenting people!Fortunately, it was Jin Jun who was tormented. If it were him, he would probably be driven mad!

This night, the Fubo Army didn't let the Jinmen stop for a while at all. After reaching this distance, their rockets would be useful. Xu Yi asked Yang Zaixing to send a small number of soldiers to carry the rockets around along the Jinbing line of defense. Arrangement, if you have nothing to do, just zoom in and start a fire to play, especially to fight at the brightly lit place outside the Jinbing City camp, and from time to time also give Liaoyang Mansion a few to taste, after this night, everyone inside and outside Liaoyang Mansion City He was so nervous that he couldn't stop for a moment.

Ahuli felt bitterness in his mouth, he was unlucky, how could he meet such a group of shameless opponents, the eagle-boiling tactic played by the Fubo army outside Fuzhou City, to this day, He was forced out by them again, and it seemed that Liaoyang Mansion was really going to lose its hold if the fight continued, so he prepared his car overnight and dispatched elite soldiers to send the sickly Wanyan Zongqiang out of the north gate of Liaoyang Mansion. The mansion was not guaranteed, and then the prince fell into the hands of the Fubo army, and after returning to the mansion, he summoned his generals to discuss...

As soon as the sky was bright, the Fubo army was leisurely eating breakfast, and all the generals had just arrived in the big tent to gather together, when they heard the sound of drums rumbling from the Liaoyang Mansion, and the Yuanmen officials flew into the big tent In the middle, report to Xu Yi and Yang Zaixing: "My lord, there has been movement in the Jin army in Liaoyang Mansion. A Jin army is gathering, and a group of soldiers and horses have been dispatched from the city. It seems that they are going to come out to fight us! "

Xu Yi laughed loudly when he heard this, and said: "Liaoyang Mansion is desirable! It seems that we have finally cornered the Jin army, pass the order, the army will leave the camp, kill them, and start attacking the city!"

After the Jin army started to move, the sound of war drums sounded in the camp of the Fubo Army. The soldiers of the Fubo Army, who had eaten their fill of battle meals, all dressed neatly and lined up out of the camp. After getting out of the formation, I saw the banners fluttering in the formation of the Fubo Army. The army looked murderous from top to bottom, bows and knives unsheathed, and men in armor lined up neatly. The formation was as neat as a knife, reflecting the morning sun. The sun, the sharp swords and guns are like forests and mountains, and the whole army is solemn.

The Jin army also set up trench bridges on the trenches, and a large number of Jin soldiers rushed out and charged towards the Fubo army. The reason why Ahuli did this was a last resort, because he knew very well that the people under him The morale of the army is already unstable. Once Fubo's army is tossed like this for another two days, I'm afraid his army will collapse without a fight. While they still have fighting power, he urgently needs a victory to boost morale , So I selected five thousand elite soldiers overnight, and at dawn, I rushed out of Liaoyang Mansion, and wanted to meet the real chapter with the Fubo army to see whether the Fubo army was the best or his golden soldiers were the best!
When the golden soldiers had just rushed halfway through the ditch, the Fubo army once unruly came and acted first, and the artillery that had been prepared immediately began to bombard the gushing golden soldiers. Such a dense crowd The formation is the best time for them to attack. It is ridiculous that Jinbing has been beaten for so many days, but he still doesn't accept a lesson. It is clear that this is to be filled by people, so wouldn't it be a fool not to take advantage of this opportunity?

The Jin army had just rushed halfway, and was beaten up by the Fubo army, and the golden soldiers who had already killed were also beaten anxiously. They didn't wait for the rear army to catch up. Seeing that such a beating was not an option, so they went The offensive was launched immediately, and as a result, a group of swarms of bees placed in front of the Fubo army were immediately hit hard. Not only the artillery of the Fubo army is powerful, but also their bows and crossbows should not be underestimated. The golden soldiers who rushed out did not wait to approach The camp of the Fubo army was blown away by more than half of the arrows on the spot like a shower of arrows. The poor golden soldiers sent by Ahuli didn't even touch the side of the Fubo army's formation, so they were overwhelmed by this sudden attack. The blow like the torrential rain was completely disintegrated!
This kind of battle does not need to be elaborated at all. Ahuli sent troops to fight this time, which was exactly what Xu Yi and Yang Zaixing wanted. It only took a short time to completely defeat the golden army who had left the city to fight. The birds and beasts dispersed, and then the Fubo army immediately launched various vehicles that had been prepared, and rushed towards the last line of defense under the city of Liaoyang Prefecture like a tide.

After a day of fierce fighting, the Fubo Army finally took down the last line of defense outside the city of Liaoyang Mansion, annihilating most of the golden soldiers here, and only a small number of golden soldiers withdrew back to Liaoyang Mansion. It also exposed the results of their propaganda. Some Han Chinese and Khitans in the Jin army, after seeing the Fubo army killing the trenches, did not wait for the Fubo army to raise their butcher knives at them. surrendered to the Fubo army, and there were even very few cases where a few soldiers turned against each other and killed their own Jurchen leader. Although such incidents were rare, they dealt a great blow to the Jin army and completely shook the Jin army. The unity in the army made many Jurchen generals dare not trust their Han subordinates. This was undoubtedly another heavy blow to the morale of the Jin army.

Seeing that the last line of defense was breached, Ahuli had no choice but to gather all the soldiers into the Liaoyang Mansion, and began to prepare for the final battle to defend the city.

(End of this chapter)

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