Great Song Pirate

Chapter 609 Test

Chapter 609 Test
This time, Wanyan Zong spent a lot of money and transferred all the Thunderbolt cars that accompanied him out of the camp. At the same time, he also ordered people to rush to build a lot of throwing cars on the spot. There were hundreds of Thunderbolt cars and throwing cars. A large number of golden soldiers pushed them like ants, and slowly approached Fuzhou City. Wanyan Zongqiang, who was familiar with siege tactics, had a very clear purpose, which was to rely on these thunderbolt chariots and throwing chariots to smash down the walls of Fuzhou City. Shengsheng opened a passage to the city for his army. In his impression, there is no city that can withstand such a blow. As long as the city wall is broken, no matter how powerful the Fubo army is, it will not be able to stop him. The army has entered the city.

So Wanyan Zong rode his horse and stood in the middle of the Chinese army formation, watching his army slowly approaching the city wall of Fuzhou City from a high ground on top of a mound, his chest full of arrogance. Now is the time to let the Fubo army in the city see how powerful they are in the Kingdom of Jin!Also let the Fubo army see how powerful the Jinbing artillery chariot is, and see if it is their thunder cannon that is powerful, or their own thunderbolt chariots!

Seeing that the Thunderbolt chariot pushed by Jin Bing had already approached about a mile and a half outside Fuzhou City, Yang Zaixing only showed a slightly ferocious smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed his hands on the battlements, and shouted sharply: "Let the Thunder Cannon go! "

This distance is the most reliable distance for the Leigong Cannon. It can basically ensure that the target is not lost. It is also the time when the Leigong Cannon is loaded with live ammunition. With Yang Zaixing's order, the gunners of the Leigong Cannons near the city tower were the first to get the order, and immediately ignited the gunpowder in the Huomen, and then the cannons on the top of the city became one piece, all the way Stretching towards the two wings, the entire city wall was immediately covered in flames and smoke. This was the first time that more than a hundred Leigong cannons of the Fubo Army fired at the same time in the city. It is also the first time, looking from a distance, it is very spectacular.

Hundreds of stone and iron bullets roared through the air, and slammed into the golden soldiers formation with a strange whistling sound. Such a loud sound made all the golden soldiers tremble, and they couldn't help thinking He leaned over and lowered his head, but these shells did not fall into the front trench bridge vehicles and bucket trucks, but hit heavily into the Thunderbolt formation.

As a result, a cloud of smoke and dust immediately rose up in the Thunderbolt car formation, and dozens of Thunderbolt cars were broken up on the spot, turned into pieces and flew up, and the golden soldiers who were pushing the carts were in bad luck. The severed arm also flew out immediately, and the entire formation of thunderbolt chariots was immediately shrouded in smoke and dust. The dying screams of the golden soldiers who were shot were extremely shrill, and the tight formation immediately became chaotic.

Wanyan Zongqiang was triumphantly watching his army approaching the city wall of Fuzhou City, imagining the majestic scene of a large-scale attack on the city. At this moment, he only felt his blood boil, as if he hadn't been so excited for a long time, following his father Aguda The pleasure of fighting in the South and North seems to have returned to his body again, but the Fubo Army did not let him maintain this state, and a roaring sound from the sky reached his ears. Flames spewed out from the city wall of Zhou City, followed by gunpowder smoke, and finally saw the tragic scene of his former army's thunderbolt artillery formation, and his jaw fell on the horse's back on the spot.

Because this kind of scene was so shocking, even his war horse was a little startled again, and the camp of the Golden Army cavalry immediately began to stir up, so the formation of the Golden Army seemed to be a little chaotic immediately, although they had already learned It has surpassed the power of the mysterious weapons of the Fubo Army, but these days the Fubo Army has used them sporadically, and has not really caused any major damage to them. None of them thought that the Fubo Army would have so many weapons. Things, this is what made them see how powerful the concentrated bombardment of this thunderbolt cannon is. After a volley, the front army of the Jin Army was in chaos. There was a piece of rubbish everywhere.

Zong Qiang finally understood what Fu Bojun meant, and shouted loudly: "Steady! Hold on! Don't care about them, keep pushing me! Hurry up!"

Following Wanyan Zongqiang's order, Jin Bing finally stabilized the formation again, not only did not retreat, but accelerated the speed of advancement. The artillery of the Fubo Army has a longer range than their thunderbolt vehicles. They stopped here , As long as they are beaten, it is better to get close to Fuzhou City and pay back. This Lijin soldier general also understood, so they risked their lives to speed up their advance.

The gunners in the city were also very busy. Yang Zaixing strictly ordered them to completely eliminate the long-range weapons of the Jin Bing before the Jin Bing got off the Thunderbolt Chariot. The retreating Leigong cannon was reloaded, and then the Leigong cannons were pushed back to the crenel one by one. After aiming for a while, they fired again.

The whole city of Fuzhou became lively, the rumbling noises became one piece, flames sprayed out from the walls of the city of Fuzhou, and the shells fell on the golden soldiers array non-stop, killing vehicles one after another. The thunderbolt car was smashed into pieces, and this fierce beating hit the golden soldiers in mourning. Seeing that if they didn't retreat, the thunderbolt car and the thrown car would all be finished. Wan Yan Zongqiang also realized that such an attack might cause the thunderbolt car to be completely lost. , So after thinking about it for a while, he immediately ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops and withdraw to the front of the chariot formation.

So the Jin soldiers immediately dropped the damaged Thunderbolt chariots, dragged the remaining Thunderbolt chariots and immediately retreated towards the rear, leaving behind fragments all over the place. Before the first attack began, they were defeated by Fubo Army One shot, and hit back.

Seeing that this is not the way to go, once the thunderbolt chariot and the throwing chariot are completely destroyed, it will not be easy to attack the city. Wanyan Zongqiang had to temporarily withdraw his troops and find another way.

Repelling the Jin soldiers' first attack on the city is undoubtedly an encouragement to the Fubo army. The whole army is full of joy and encouragement, but the Jin camp is full of misery. Today, the concentrated fire attack of the Fubo army shocked them a lot. They have never seen such a sharp weapon, and they have never even heard of it. If Da Song is equipped with a large number of such things After that, the Kingdom of Jin doesn't have to covet the Great Song any more, and it's useless to go there. It's just looking for death, but at present, it seems that the Great Song does not have such a weapon, and only the Fubo army in front of him is using this for the first time Things, it seems that this thing should be the unique weapon of the Fubo Army.

But how to deal with these terrible things, they have no way at all. Wanyan Zongqiang walked back and forth in the big tent like a mad dog in a cage, and kept pointing to some generals from the Liao Kingdom, asking them what kind of What exactly was it, but these generals from the Liao Kingdom shook their heads one after another, and he asked how to deal with it, but still no one answered his words. In the end, it was his aide, a Bohai native, who gave him an idea, Wanyan Zongqiang Immediately nodded in agreement.

On the top of the city wall of Fuzhou, the officers and soldiers patrolling the city at night are full of vigor to prevent the golden soldiers from attacking the city at night. On the top of the city wall, there is a piece of light balls and torches that illuminate the bottom of the city wall, but after all, it is The light of the torch light ball cannot reach far, at most it can only shine about an arrow below the city, and it cannot be illuminated any further.

And although there was no rain in the past two days, the clouds in the sky were very thick, and there was no moonlight at night. The whole earth seemed to be trapped in a pot. It was dark, and only two places, Fuzhou City and Jinbing Daying, were lit. It is bright, but the Fubo army has taken advantage of it. As long as there are lights in the golden camp, they can use crystal telescopes to observe the movement of the golden camp. As long as there is any movement in Jinying, they will be able to find out in time.

After nightfall, the soldiers in the city started their battle meal early, and Yang Zaixing sent an order to replace the guards at the top of the city. The rest of the soldiers who had been busy all day went down to the city to rest. The sound of footsteps falling on the ground made a neat sound; in terms of rest alone, Fubo Army was much more comfortable than Jin Bing. Jin Bing was made like a rabbit by them, but they could sit back and relax every day, It's a world of difference, no wonder the morale of the Fubo army is so much higher than that of the Jin soldiers!

Yang Zaixing led his troops to garrison Fuzhou City, and he did not dare to slack off in the slightest. He would go around the city every night to check the discipline of the soldiers in the battalion and the guards at the top of the city. Seeing a little spark, otherwise it will lead to catastrophe. Fire prevention is also very important to them, and this night was no exception. He had just patrolled the city wall, and his subordinates came to him.

"Report to the general! There seems to be unusual movements in the Jinying camp tonight. The officer on duty found that the Jinying camp has been moving continuously. A large number of people have left the camp. Please make a decision, the general!" The messenger immediately reported to Yang Zaixing.

Yang Zaixing was slightly startled, so he immediately went up to the tower, and picked up his binoculars condescendingly to look towards the Golden Camp. Although there were lights in the Golden Camp in the night, he couldn't see it very clearly. He could only roughly see some golden soldiers coming from Yang Zaixing immediately became nervous. Such a situation was indeed unusual. Could it be that the Jin soldiers would attack the city at night?Thinking of this, he immediately ordered the officers and soldiers on duty on the city wall to guard against death, listen carefully to the voices outside the city to ensure that they would not be attacked by the golden soldiers, and at the same time immediately sent people out of the city to Gao Jun and Xiao Jianfeng camps on the east and west sides, ordering them to also strengthen their defenses. After all, my opponent is a golden man who has become an old fritter in the war, so I can't leave them a little loophole, otherwise, they may fall short!

The more Yang Zaixing thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Although the Jin army had suffered a lot of losses at this time, it was far from being injured. The possibility of them withdrawing at night was very slim. There must be some conspiracy behind such activities at night. Immediately, a group of agile scouts were sent to slide down the city wall from the shadow of the city wall, and went out into the night to check on the movement of the Golden Camp. As a result, these scouts returned to the city soon, and were captured by the people on the city. The garrison brothers lifted up the city wall with hanging baskets, and the scouts immediately found Yang Zaixing and said anxiously: "My lord general, the golden soldiers really made a move. A large number of golden soldiers are moving thunderbolt chariots and throwing chariots at night, and they are approaching our city wall." ! General please decide!"

Only then did Yang Zaixing understand what the Jin people were busy with. It turned out that Wanyan Zongqiang was planning to deploy the thunderbolt chariot and other long-range weapons within the range of the city outside the city at night to launch a surprise attack on Fuzhou City. Such a big move, they even fired a torch He didn't dare to touch it, and he wasn't afraid of falling into the ditch and falling to his death. After staying up for several nights, he still has the strength. It can be seen that Wanyan Zongqiang is determined to take down Fuzhou City!
After thinking about it for a while, Yang Zaixing said to himself: "We must not let them succeed!" Then he immediately ordered to go to the city and call gunners to go to the city to prepare for the battle. Ordered to get busy.

Not long after, a large number of gunners ran up the city wall, uncovered the oilcloth covering the cannon body, took out the ammunition package and bullets, and made busy preparations. In order to confuse the Jin army outside the city, Yang Zaixing also sent an order Most of the lights on the wall were extinguished, so that the Jin people could not see the movements on the city wall clearly, and mistakenly thought that the Fubo army had relaxed their vigilance.

Soon several ballistas that were dismantled from the ship as a defensive backup were also transported to the top of the city by a large number of soldiers, and were quickly erected everywhere. A group of archers also prepared strong crossbows. According to Yang Zaixing's request, prepare Well the rocket covered in tarpaulins.

Yang Zaixing ordered the city to be quiet, and all the soldiers took their positions immediately. Then he listened carefully to the noises outside the city. Sure enough, there was the sound of wheels rolling in the night sky, and the panting sound of the golden soldiers. Not daring to shout chant and use force, they could only hold their breath and push the thunderbolt car hard on the potholed ground outside the dark city, and moved the heavy trebuchet slowly, with thunderbolts from time to time The wheels of the car fell into the ditch, and they could only rely on manpower to lift them out and move on with all their strength.

A guy may not be eating well. When he was struggling to push the cart, he accidentally let out a loud fart, and was immediately knocked down by an officer's big foot. He didn't even dare to groan Come out, get up and continue pushing the cart.

Wanyan Zongqiang issued a death order, no one was allowed to make a sound, and the thunderbolt car must be transported within range of the city without anyone noticing, otherwise, the soldiers responsible for transporting the thunderbolt car would not have to return to the camp alive Now, anyone who reveals their whereabouts will be killed on the spot, so these golden soldiers dare not even breathe, and they all work with their heads down like stuffy gourds, but they don't know that their actions are still discovered by the Fubo army Well, the problem did not lie with them, but rather with the brightly lit Golden Army camp.

Just when these golden soldiers were trying to transport many Thunderbolt carts and catapults to the bottom of the city with all their strength, there was a sound of clappers on the city wall. When the golden soldiers reacted, the city wall lit up, and countless small torches were ignited at the same time, and then these small torches flew into the sky and shot outside the city. These rockets that were fired suddenly decorated the night sky extremely beautifully It drew dazzling arcs and landed on the ground outside the city. After the rocket landed, most of them were inserted into the ground, and the tarpaulin soaked in kerosene immediately burned blazingly. , but it illuminated a large area outside the dark city.

Then the ballistas arranged on the city were fired at the same time, and one after another the kerosene bombs were thrown out, drawing arcs of light in the sky, and then smashed heavily into the busy golden army, The shattered kerosene bombs immediately burst into flames. This time the golden soldiers were not so lucky, because they were arranged very closely, and a few kerosene bombs fell right in the middle of them, and the two unlucky golden soldiers were smashed on the spot Not to mention, the splashing kerosene immediately turned a group of golden soldiers around into burning men, and the golden soldiers who were burned could no longer keep quiet, screaming desperately and bumping around.

And the blazing kerosene immediately illuminated a large area outside the city, and a large number of golden soldiers immediately had nowhere to hide in the firelight, and were exposed to the sight of the Fubo Army. They were almost pushed out of the city and within range, these golden people are really cunning, they actually made such a small move, they really deserve to be damned.

After the golden soldiers outside the city were exposed, they suddenly became a little confused. The original plan was completely exposed, and now they don't know whether to continue advancing or withdraw.

Wanyan Zongqiang, who was supervising the battle far behind, also panicked about the sudden change. It is a pity to withdraw now, but it seems that the danger of continuing to move forward is also great. When he was still hesitating, the Fubo army had already started. Let's start, the gunners who had already prepared for the battle on the top of the city waited for the fire to come together, and immediately selected their targets. Without Yang Zaixing ordering them, each gunner gave the command to fire the guns, and more than 100 guns of various types were fired. The cannons rang one after another, and the shells whizzed and fell into the panic-stricken Jin army below the city, beating the Jin soldiers to the point of jumping up, while the crossbows on the city became the target indicators, and they kept throwing fire. The oil came out of the city, landed in some places that were still shrouded in darkness, and ignited piles of raging fires, followed by the fierce bombardment of the Fubo Army!
Yang Zaixing looked at the chaotic golden soldiers under the city, and sighed: "It's a pity that I don't have any bombs on hand this time, otherwise it would be enough for these golden men to drink a pot! It's a pity, a pity!"

But even so, after a violent bombardment, the golden soldiers outside the city were still beaten up. After leaving a pile of tatters, they retreated hastily and fled to a place where the fire could not illuminate. Finally, they escaped the bombardment. And a group of golden soldiers became victims of this battle, and could never return to the golden camp.

Looking at the messy battlefield, Wanyan Zongqiang sighed, pulled his horse and took the remnant soldiers and the defeated generals helplessly turned back to the golden camp, and then one after another rocket bombs began to fall into the golden camp again, wanting to sleep anyway , that is no way!
After staying up all night again, the golden soldiers climbed out of the camp, congratulating each other for being alive and not being killed by the bombing. Now they are getting used to such blows. Anyway, there are still a few unlucky ones, let's live every day!

When the night attack failed, Wanyan Zongqiang made another plan and decided to repeat the old trick. He brought a large amount of wet firewood and the like, and after gaining the upper hand, he ignited it. Billowing thick smoke covered the sky and covered the sun and poured into the city of Fuzhou. The head of the city blocked the sight of the Fubo Army, and then Jin Bing himself also smoked, pushing the few remaining Thunderbolt cars and catapults and continued to approach Fuzhou City. The thick smoke made it hard to open your eyes, and you coughed again and again from the choking.

Yang Zaixing was also choked enough, coughing uncontrollably and directing the Fubo army to defend the city wall, as long as the smoke was a little weaker, and in a split second, when he saw the golden soldiers, he would immediately give them a fierce bombardment, but even so, there were still some thunderbolts. Was pushed not far below the city.

Someone came up with an idea. Every soldier of the Fubo Army covered his mouth and nose with a wet cloth. The choking feeling finally got better, but his vision was still bad. Most of the time he could only shoot blindly to block the golden soldiers. Near the city wall, they covered them with wet cloths, but Jin Bing didn't have this. They were so choked that they wanted to cough up their livers. Although they got to the bottom of the city, they couldn't see the top of the city. , Wanyan Zongqiang had no choice but to extinguish the fireworks, and the two sides finally could see each other, so a confrontation immediately started.

The Jin soldiers operated the erected thunderbolt guns, loaded stones or fireballs, and began to fire towards Fuzhou City. The huge stones fell on the city wall, and the city wall immediately vibrated, and the stone chips flew up. , and the fireball made by the tree vines dipped in kerosene fell on the city wall, and the flames immediately scattered. However, in terms of shooting accuracy, Jin Bing was completely at a disadvantage.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the two armies were attacking from a distance, Wanyan Zongqiang immediately ordered a strong attack. A large number of golden soldiers held their shields and carried ladders to flock to Fuzhou City, and began to push the trench bridge and the head car to rush the car and other equipment, and started A massive siege was launched.

Looking at the Jin army swarming like ants below the city, Yang Zaixing commanded the soldiers of the Fubo Army to start a fierce counterattack on the top of the city. The gunners were asked to get rid of the damned thunderbolt cars and throwing cars of the Jin army as soon as possible. Immediately released arrows to prevent the Jin army from approaching the city wall. The two sides launched an extremely tragic offensive and defensive battle in Fuzhou City. A test of life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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