Great Song Pirate

Chapter 607 Rogue Play

Chapter 607 Rogue Play
Wanyan Zongqiang was also a guy who grew up on horseback. He fought with his father Wanyan Agu in the Southern and Northern Wars since he was a child, and he has practiced a tyrannical kung fu. Then he threw off the other stirrup and fell to the ground. A donkey came and rolled sideways, and he didn't care about being embarrassed. At this time, the fallen horse just hit him, scaring him again. I was sweating all over Lushan Waterfall, and secretly called out for the danger!

At this time, there was a sound of shouting and killing from the woods, and a group of tiger and wolf troops swarmed out from the forest, and slashed fiercely at Wanyan Zongqiang and his guards with all their knives and guns.

As soon as these guards of Alu saw the ambush coming out, they immediately greeted them bravely. They were all dead soldiers around Alu, and the Jurchens had their rules. If the main general was killed, they Even if the guards survived, they would have no way out. They could only be killed and buried with their master, and their family members would also become slaves. Their sons can all get official positions, so they are absolutely not allowed to abandon their master and escape, so these guards have no choice but to resist desperately and protect their master Alu.

Both sides were elite soldiers, and after they collided heavily, they were killed immediately. Although Wanyan Zongqiang's manpower was not as large as that of the Fubo Army, their combat power was not inferior to that of the Fubo Army, and The mountainous terrain here is not easy to expand. Although the Fubo Army has an advantage in strength, they failed to break through the interception of these Alu's guards, which gave Alu a rare opportunity.

Wanyan Zongqiang took the opportunity to take over one of his men's war horses, and immediately flew onto the horse, and then rushed down the mountain without caring about the life and death of his men. It's not because he is unfeeling. Under such circumstances, as the general of the Jin army, He must not die here, he made the right choice, he can only escape back to the camp under the cover of the guards as soon as possible.

After some fighting, the ambush soldiers of the Fubo Army beheaded all of Alu's guards, but when they wanted to chase Alu again, Alu had already run down the mountain, and was about to meet up with the Jin army at the bottom of the mountain. Huang Tao, the leader of the team, was so angry that he threw the knife that was still bleeding in his hand to the ground, and cursed: "Damn it! Let this guy run away! It's his fate to let us climb up for a long time in vain. , withdraw!"

Alu returned to the Jin Army Camp with infinite fear, and was really going to be blown up by the Fubo Army. He cursed and vowed to enter Fuzhou City and kill everyone in Fuzhou City. Without saying a word, he summoned the generals who accompanied the army to fight this time, ordered the army to leave the camp immediately, and began to storm Fuzhou City.

Under the leadership of Wanyan Zongqiang, the Jin soldiers swarmed out of the camp, and rushed towards Fuzhou City where the Fubo Army was stationed, with their swords and guns raised and horns raised.

The Battle of Fuzhou, which the two sides had prepared for a long time, finally kicked off. Tens of thousands of golden soldiers rushed to the first line of defense set up by the Fubo Army outside the city like a tide.The first line of defense of the Fubo Army was composed of a wide trench and horses in front of the trench, and on the other side of the trench was a barrier made of excavated soil.

When Jin Bing had just rushed to the front of Juma, he only heard the sound of clappers, and at the same time, a row of archers from the Fubo Army stood up behind the earth wall, and then they shot fiercely at the oncoming Jin Bing. A large number of golden soldiers were shot and killed in front of the trench on the spot. Although many golden soldiers rushed forward raised their shields, they still failed to stop all the arrows and fell down in front of the trench screaming. The slightly open area on the east side roundabout attacked the flank of the Fubo army's defense line, but when they rushed into the open area, they found that this open area was a group of traps, and the ground was full of small traps, which could just fall into With a horseshoe, the golden cavalry who was rushing in front immediately fell and turned on their backs, and then they were trampled under their feet by their own people who rushed up from behind, becoming a group of innocent souls who died in vain.

Zong Qiang almost vomited blood and fell off right away, this Fubo army is really too shameful, he can come up with such a wicked idea!So as a last resort, the cavalry had to be withdrawn, and the infantry was sent to push over again, braved the arrow rain of the Fubo Army, and filled these small traps one by one. At the same time, after paying a considerable price, the troops who attacked the trenches finally When they reached the side of the ditch, they began to erect planks to fill the ditch and open a passage for the throwing cars behind. Otherwise, their Perak cars would not be able to reach the city wall of Fuzhou City at all.

Yang Zaixing looked at the battle situation outside the city, and kept giving orders one by one. The flag bearers around him waved the flags to convey his orders. The golden man had already reached the trench, and after another shot, he voluntarily abandoned this line of defense, and immediately withdrew from the traffic trench to the second line of defense. The corpses of the golden soldiers almost filled the front of the first trench, and then Even if this trench was captured, the casualties almost caused the Jin general who was responsible for the first wave of shock to collapse, but it did not cause much damage to the Fubo army.

When they finally crossed the trench and climbed up the earth wall, an abnormal situation happened immediately. There were roaring sounds from many places on the earth wall, and the sound of explosions became one piece. This was the first gift Yang Zaixing gave Wan Yan Zongqiang. A big meal, when the Fubo army withdrew from the earth wall, a batch of gunpowder had already been buried here, and when the golden soldiers occupied the earth wall, the soldiers ambushing nearby immediately lit the fuse, and then quickly retreated .

Before a large number of golden soldiers had time to celebrate their capture of the first line of defense, they were blasted into the air by the gunpowder on the spot, and their limbs and arms fell back to the ground like rain. The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder smoke. , The sky was covered by the dust raised by the gunpowder, and the smoke mixed with the gunpowder seemed to burn the sky into yellow and black. The golden soldiers who had just crossed the trench were ambushed before they could get a foothold, and they retreated in horror, but the trench was still there. Their retreat was blocked, and the panicked golden soldiers were crowded and pushed, trying to cross the ditch through the limited passages first, but a large number of golden soldiers were squeezed out of the ditch by their own people. He was pierced by the upside-down spikes at the bottom of the ditch, and died tragically at the bottom of the ditch.

Wanyan Zongqiang tried his best to appease the frightened war horse under his crotch, and he managed to stabilize the horse after tossing for a while, but when he looked at the array around him, it was already in a mess. He had never heard such a roaring war horse before. After the shock of the roar of the explosion, many war horses were frightened. They didn't listen to the riding of the knights above. They jumped like crazy and fled in all directions.

The room was leaking and it was raining continuously. Before the Jin army gathered up the frightened horses, a group of about 2000 Fubo army cavalry rushed out from the right wing amidst the sound of war drums, and slammed into Luan Zuo under the leadership of Xiao Jianfeng. In the formation of the golden soldiers of the regiment, while the golden soldiers were still in shock, they hacked and killed wantonly.

The cavalrymen of this Fubo Army were all wearing heavy armor, and they were all composed of Khitans who were good at riding. They all rushed into the enemy army like fierce tigers. Unforgiving, the sharp sword in his hand waved like a moving meat grinder, and he just killed a back and forth in the golden army formation. After beheading an unknown number of golden soldiers, they did not stop again Roaring away, with blood all over his body, he passed through the lines of defense of the Fubo army, and returned to the base camp. When the man with gold realized that he wanted to pursue him, he was shot in the head by a rain of arrows. When they came back, the group of golden soldiers who pursued the most closely didn't know the route, so they were immediately trapped in the Fubo army formation, and they were killed in a blink of an eye.

Under the sudden blow, the Jin army's formation was extremely chaotic. Some of the old Liao troops accompanying the army were far less powerful than the Jurchen soldiers, so they began to collapse. Wanyan Zongqiang saw that the situation was not good. Then it's over, if the Fubo army takes the opportunity to hide and kill again, I'm afraid his expedition will be over, so he issued a death order, ordered his own army to suppress the army that was about to be defeated, and killed several people who tried Passed over his fleeing scattered soldiers, and at the same time ordered the Jurchens of each army to suppress their soldiers and horses, and slammed the drums to order the commanders of each army to gather their soldiers and horses. It took a lot of effort to stabilize the army again Come down, look at the battlefield just now, the corpses of the golden soldiers are all over the ground, and they ended up in a disastrous defeat in the first battle.

After looking at the sky, Wanyan Zongqiang knew that today's attack had no chance of winning, so he had no choice but to withdraw his troops and ordered the troops to count the losses.

As a result, after the loss was reported, Wan Yan Zongqiang was a little dumbfounded. In less than a day, his army lost nearly 4000 people, and dozens of officers below the commander-in-chief lost as many as [-] Jurchens. The rest of them were mostly Khitan generals and Han generals from the old Liao Dynasty. This battle started with his father, and he had never been hit like this before, which made him feel almost unacceptable. He surpassed the opponent by a lot, but at the end of the day, he lost his troops and failed to take down the outermost defense line of Fuzhou City. Isn't this a big joke?
After Wan Yan Zongqiang went through this day's tentative attack, he finally understood the strength of his opponent again. He knew that the enemy he faced this time was very different from the previous ones. The opponent was cunning and fierce, exactly as he had imagined. The Song Army was different, and what was even more frightening was that the opponent had already turned Fuzhou City into an iron barrel, posing as if they were going to fight them in a decisive battle under the city, without showing any timidity or retreat, if they wanted to If you win this city, I'm afraid it will be impossible without paying a considerable price!

Wanyan Zongqiang's competitive spirit was also completely aroused, and he said in front of his subordinates: "Since they want to fight us to the death here, then we will fight them to the death, put away your contempt, our opponents will definitely It's not easy to deal with, pass on my general, tomorrow's battle, no matter what the situation is, anyone who dares to take a step back without authorization will be killed on the spot! My team will supervise the battle behind, and anyone who doesn't respect orders to retreat will be killed immediately. Will be shot to death! The leader of the army will be executed immediately!"

All the generals in the tent were silent and did not dare to speak out. Most of them knew Wanyan Zongqiang's temper. In today's battle, we all know that the opponent is a difficult opponent, but compared with Wanyan Zongqiang, they would rather die in front of the battle than be dealt with by Wanyan Zongqiang!So they all bowed down to accept the order.

In order to prepare for tomorrow's battle, Wanyan Zong ordered his army to have dinner immediately, and arranged patrolling soldiers to prevent the Fubo army from stealing the camp. Just after the Jinbing Camp became quiet, a strange whistling sound was heard, falling from the sky, and then a series of explosions roared in the Jinbing Camp, and some unknown things dragged the flames and smashed heavily on After entering their big camp, the golden soldiers who had just lay down got up one after another in shock, and rushed out of the tent to wait and see, only to see a cloud of smoke and dust rising from more places in the camp, which was mixed with the wailing of the wounded. The sound of explosions and wailing completely tore apart the silent night sky, and the originally quiet Golden Camp immediately became chaotic.

The terrified Jin Bing didn't even notice the flames flashing on a high ground two miles away. A team of Fubo troops gathered on this high ground, erected shelves one by one, and placed rockets on the shelves one by one. Ignite, the rocket spewed out flames immediately after it ignited, flew into the air, and then plunged headlong into the Jinbing camp with the lingering flames.

This is a night meal that Yang Zaixing and the others brought to Jin Bing. They wanted to rest enough to attack the city, but there were no doors. They took a batch of rockets brought with the ship to the high ground that they had already hoped for, and set them up. Let Jin Bing also experience this kind of novelty, it is best to get the big account of Jin Bing's coach, and it would be best to blow up Jin Bing's coach on the spot!Even if they can't kill their chief general, they can't let them sleep well. They have tried this tactic of boiling the eagle in Dazaifu, and it can be said that the effect is amazing. If you don't believe it, you can't kill the golden soldiers. Look at the golden soldiers who haven't slept. There is no strength to attack the city.

Wanyan Zongqiang just took off his battle armor and only wore a pair of wide trousers. He rushed out of the big tent shirtless, looking at the chaotic barracks and the strange explosive things that kept falling down. His veins were throbbing with anger, the opponent he met this time was really abominable, the damage was done one after another, he just wanted to keep them from breathing!And for him, he has never seen such a powerful thing, and he doesn't know how to deal with it for a while!
To be honest, the power of the rockets made by Xu Yi is really limited. The psychological shock far exceeded their own lethality. After the golden soldiers who had never seen such a thing were bombed, the fear in their hearts need not be described. The entire golden camp was filled with an atmosphere of panic, especially With these things, you don’t even know where they will fall, who they will hit, and you don’t even know where to hide. You can only watch these things fall into their camp one after another, but you don’t fight back at all. There was no other way, and everyone was so scared that the golden soldiers were in danger, for fear that they would be the next one to be bombed into the sky. If they were not suppressed by their own generals, these golden soldiers would have rushed out of the camp and fled back. Liaoyang Mansion!

After being bombed for a long time, Jin Bing began to wonder where these things came from. Following the flashes of light, he finally found the high ground that attacked them. The furious Wanyan Zongqiang immediately sent a troop towards that place. Launch rockets to attack their high ground and rush forward, vowing to crush the enemy troops who attacked them.

A soldier flew up to the high ground and reported to the general who led the attack on the Jin camp: "Report to you! The Jin soldiers have spotted us, and a group of Jin soldiers is coming out of the camp to rush towards us. Please head up!" Decide!"

After hearing this, Dutou didn't mess up at all, and said with a smile: "What a bunch of idiots, they didn't find us until now, okay! Pack up the guys and return to the city, let them rush to nothing, and piss these idiots to death! Trap Are you ready?"

The deputy head immediately nodded and replied: "It's been prepared a long time ago! These goods will definitely suffer a lot!" All the soldiers laughed and bent down to pack up the shelves and the remaining dozen rockets , carried it on his shoulders, and then disappeared into the night.

A golden commander didn't even ride a horse, didn't even light a torch, braved the night in a black light, carried a mace on foot and took his subordinates with him, rushed to the high ground in anger, and made a ruthless demand Killed this group of enemy soldiers who attacked them, but before they reached the bottom of the mountain, the golden general suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and before he had time to react, he fell down, and the ground around him collapsed. He only had time to cry out in surprise, and plunged headfirst into a trap, and several of his subordinates fell in together. As a result, he was pierced by a wooden thorn at the bottom of the trap on the spot, and he couldn't die. Die again.

The golden soldiers who were rushing could not see the road ahead in the night, and the people behind them didn't know what was going on ahead. As a result, the soldiers in front realized that something was wrong, and when they wanted to stop their steps, they were rushed from behind. The accomplices who came up continued to push forward, but it was only strange that they fell into the trap helplessly, and were either stabbed to death on the spot, or they were also stabbed, but even so, some people were pushed down, crushing them Down below, the golden soldiers in front immediately fell into chaos. There was not just one trap, but a series of traps. In such a crowded and pushing situation, a large group of golden soldiers were trapped. The gold soldiers in front suffered heavy losses.

When the golden soldiers at the back realized that something was wrong and stopped, the soldiers in front had already suffered heavy losses. They lost the main general without even seeing a single hair of the enemy. This battle was considered useless Absolutely.

After they pulled out all the people in the trap, they realized that even their centurion was finished. In a panic, they had to light a torch, and cautiously continued to touch the high ground under the leadership of the remaining centurions. However, the result is that the house has long been empty by thieves, and there is no one to be found.

So the group of golden soldiers had no choice but to carry the corpses of their commander, a group of brothers and the wounded back to the camp in dejection, and reported the results to Wanyan Zongqiang. Almost got angry on the spot, useless!It's really useless!

At this time, there were no rockets falling on the Jinbing camp. After a long time of calming down, the Jinbing camp finally calmed down, but looking at the sky, the eastern sky had already turned pale, and the night had passed like this Oh, poor Jin Bing didn't even blink a single glance, each of them was like a rabbit, their eyes were red, and one and two were yawning again and again.

Originally planned to storm Fuzhou City, but seeing the virtues of his subordinates, even Wanyan Zongqiang was discouraged!

"It is ordered to cease fighting for one day today, and we will fight again tomorrow!" Wan Yan Zongqiang ordered with a tired face.

So a group of Jin soldiers went back to take a nap and make up for their sleepiness, but the Fubo army refused to let them do so, and immediately sent a group of loud voices to the side of the ditch with a loudspeaker to yell at Jin Ying. The Jin people were treacherous and greedy, and then scolded the old Liao people in the Jin camp for having no backbone, and finally scolded the eight generations of Yan Zongqiang's ancestors. After Yan Zongqiang yelled loudly, he sent troops to shoot arrows to suppress these noisy guys.

As a result, as soon as they released their arrows, the loud voices of these Fubo soldiers immediately hid behind the earth barrier and continued to beat gongs and drums, which did not hurt them at all. The soldiers were very annoying, especially those soldiers from the Liao Kingdom who were scolded with shame and didn't know how to retaliate.

Wanyan Zongqiang finally couldn't take it anymore if he kept scolding like this until noon, if he let them continue to scold, I'm afraid that all his ancestors would be greeted by them, and they couldn't sleep anyway, so let's continue beating!

After a large number of golden soldiers poured out of the camp and formed a battle formation, the front soldiers raised their shields and pushed forward, and the golden soldiers behind carried sandbags to follow. The gully was filled in, and a flat river was filled out, so that the siege equipment could be close to the city wall.

As a result, the two sides fought fiercely on both sides of the trench for a whole afternoon. After paying a considerable price, the Jinbing finally won the outermost trench, but the price paid was very heavy. It was full of corpses of Jin Bing, and after the remaining Jin Bing took down the trench, they all sat down on the ground exhausted. Everyone felt their eyelids fighting. This Fubo army is too shameless!Still let people live?It's just a bunch of hooligans!

(At this time, a pimple-headed guy jumped out and shouted: "Everyone, if you enjoy watching it, you can give me a reward!" Wahahahaha!)
(End of this chapter)

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