Great Song Pirate

Chapter 598 Unexpectedly

Chapter 598 Unexpectedly
After Xu Yi led the army back to Salmon Island, Shui Sheng had already returned to Tuoji Island. Xu Yi ordered Yang Zaixing and others to immediately step up and reorganize the newly recruited soldiers on the islands. With a hundred people as a capital, each of them was assigned five veterans. Their training is to use the shortest possible time to enable them to have a certain combat effectiveness and break away from the category of mob.

Yang Zaixing, Gao Jun and others took orders to go, while Shuisheng told Xu Yi the information he had collected. When Xu Yi heard about Shuisheng's information, he was deeply moved. Sliding along the original historical track with great inertia, the Jin people attacked the Song Dynasty in advance, and did not seriously deviate from the historical situation of later generations, and the Song Dynasty did not stop the iron hooves of the Jin soldiers.

Wanyan Zongwang's Eastern Route Army went all the way like a broken bamboo, and only killed the Bianliang city. This is similar to the previous history. The difference is that Xu Yi did not expect that the two roads he originally designed for Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu finally chose Staying in Bianliang, Tokyo, what didn't make him think was that Huizong and Zhao Huan escaped from Bianliang, Tokyo together, and left Bianliang City to Zhao Xu, hoping that he would take the blame. Everything is compared with history It seems that there is some paradoxical feeling.

At the same time, Shui Sheng also told Xu Yi that Zhang Suo, the appeasement envoy of the West Hebei Road, had begun to recruit troops in the Hebei area, intending to block the connection between the Jin soldiers and the Jin country, which cut off the lone army, and Zong Ze, the new prefect of Xingzhou, also began to recruit manpower. , in the area of ​​Xingzhou to prepare troops and horses, and will send troops to Bianliang King Qin today.

After hearing the news about these two people, Xu Yi was somewhat excited. Anyway, Zong Ze appeared in the Hebei area in time. If Zong Ze, Li Gang and others can be reused by the court, there may be a glimmer of life for the Great Song Dynasty , although they are not military generals, but as civil servants, they are all quite capable people, and they are absolutely trustworthy tough main fighters. What the Song Dynasty lacks is such a hardliner. Song people are not born cowardly. It's just that the system of the Song Dynasty has caused their current situation for a long time, coupled with the joint efforts of Huizong, a prodigal master, and his gang of treacherous villains, the great Song Dynasty has been weakened to this point. If Zhao Xu can now take power , Against all expectations, the Great Song Dynasty is not hopeless, or the damn Zhao Gou in the later generations would not be so partial to the south of the Yangtze River and linger on the Southern Song Dynasty for a hundred years, which shows that the Great Song Dynasty is not so weak that it is completely hopeless.

Now he is far away from Bianliang, Tokyo. He is determined but powerless. He can only wait and see the development of the situation. What he can do now is to mobilize manpower and material resources as soon as possible, harass the Kingdom of Jin, and drag the Kingdom of Jin back, so that they cannot attack the Song Dynasty with all their strength. , leaving Da Song a chance to breathe and adjust, but whether Da Song can survive the current disaster, it can only depend on the luck of the Zhao family!
So after returning to Salmonella Island from Jizhou City, he sent out another message to send troops from all walks of life to Bohai Bay for reinforcements. He didn't plan to lead troops to Bianliang City to play Qinwang's game. Now it is probably because of them Well, Da Song didn't have a good impression of many of them. Not only would his Fubo army not be recognized, he might be besieged by the Song army after he got there. If that happened, he would fight It's not true, it's not true if you don't fight, you can only fall into a dilemma, so he can only be active in the Bohai Bay area at present, let's see the progress of the current situation!
For several consecutive days, Xu Yi kept walking between the islands occupied by the Fubo Army to check the training of the recruits on each island. Most of these recruits were Liao people. If they were officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty, they would not be allowed to Liao people will not buy their account at all. The main reason why they work with them is because the identity of the Fubo army is a rebel army, and there is a layer of pirate packaging. They don't like Jin people, and they don't like Song Dynasty. I can only choose to follow pirates like Fubo Jun.

Moreover, in the past few days, a large number of refugees from the Song Dynasty have been recruited by the dark lines of land and water, and they have joined the Fubo army, intending to follow the Fubo army to fight against the gold. Now his number of recruits has increased sharply again in a few days There are many, reaching nearly 5 people, and these islands are overcrowded. If they continue to grow, they may not be able to accommodate them here.

Fortunately, Qian Laoben from Dulong Island received the carrier pigeon released by Xu Yi in time. When he learned that Xu Yi had returned to Bohai Bay from the country of Wa, he immediately summoned the people on the island, mobilized a large number of ships, and loaded them with the pigeons they had stored for a long time. All kinds of materials, set sail with the fastest speed, and transported them to Bohai Bay.

When the fleet arrived, Xu Yi was overjoyed when he heard that, and immediately rushed to the pier to meet the fleet in person. Xu Yi, who led the crowd, knew that it was Xu Dong whom he single-handedly picked up on Yellow Fish Island.

As soon as Xu Dong saw Xu Yi, he immediately knelt down and paid homage: "Master Xu Dong sees the lord! The general was ordered by Qian to lead the fleet to escort a large amount of supplies. Please forgive the crime of the late future!"

Xu Yi still has a good memory, so he stepped forward and pulled Xu Dong affectionately and said with a smile: "Xu Dong, don't be polite, why are you guilty? You have come faster than I expected. I thought it would take at least a few days for you to arrive here, but I didn't expect your speed to be so fast, not bad! I deserve credit for you!"

Looking at all kinds of supplies that were continuously unloaded, Xu Yi felt his back was stiff again. With these gunpowder, rockets, and swarms, his combat effectiveness was restored again. This is what he relied on the most. When he had to, he would not easily take the lives of his brothers to fill holes in the battlefield.

In addition to these arms, Xu Dong also brought a large amount of food stored in Dulong Island with the ship, as well as whale oil used as kerosene, and a batch of whale leather armor and shark skin armor made on the island, which greatly enriched the the supplies here.

The Fubo army dare not say that their troops are strong and strong now, at least in terms of equipment, they have already broken away from the category of ordinary mobs. When they captured Pingzhou City, they obtained a large number of gold soldiers' equipment, plus the armor sent by Dulong Island this time. It is not yet possible for everyone to wear armor, but most of the young and strong personnel still get armor, which increases their protection, and makes the recruits wearing armor feel at ease and feel like a soldier.

Xu Yi immediately asked Sun Hai, Wang Zhi and others to distribute the supplies, which greatly enriched the supplies on the infantry and the ships, and gave them a strong long-range attack capability again.

With these things, Xu Yi gained confidence, and at the same time sent Xu Dong to lead an empty boat to immediately transfer a large number of refugees collected here to Dulong Island and Liuqiu Island for resettlement. If they are not full, they will be attracted by food along the coast. Refugees who fled to Jingdong East Road settled in Liuqiu Island. Now there are refugees everywhere in Song Dynasty, which is a huge pressure on the governments of all places. Presumably they will not cause any trouble to accommodate refugees, but will cause great trouble. To reduce the pressure on the coastal states and counties, this is the best time for them to increase their strength in large numbers. Xu Yi has not forgotten this matter at all. Liuqiu Island is so big, even if it pulls millions of people there, it will not worry about no place to settle. They, people are what their Fubo Army lacks the most. Without people, don't even think about developing the entire Liuqiu Island. In this way, not only will it help the Song Dynasty, but the Fubo Army can also take the opportunity to recruit more troops and expand the population under its jurisdiction. Quantity can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Xu Yi is not worried about the shortage of food at all, because he began to consciously store a large amount of food a few years ago. Every year, he purchases a large amount of food from land and stores it on Dulong Island and Liuqiu Island. Thanks to the development of Jilongzhai and Danshuizhai, both Jilongzhai and Danshuizhai have fully realized their food self-sufficiency, and in the past two years, they have begun to produce a lot of food from the rich. The Fubo Army also bought and stored all the extra food produced by the islanders at a low price. Come on, so food is not a problem at all. If no one eats it, I'm afraid it can only be put in the warehouse to mold or raise rats!
After sending Xu Dong away, Xu Yi immediately recruited the generals and began to discuss the next move.

After listening to the reports of Yang Zaixing and others, Xu Yi learned that after a few days of training, although these recruits could not be said to be ready for use, at least they all understood military discipline, learned to line up, and when to advance. It is time to retreat, what to do on the battlefield, and what not to do. I just know the general idea. Sending them into battle now can only scare people at best, and it is far from being of great use.

However, through screening, they still selected a group of experienced recruits from among these recruits. These people used to be soldiers from the Liao Kingdom, and after some training, they were selected and formed an army alone. In other words, it is much stronger, and many of the Khitans can ride horses and draw bows, so they used the horses obtained in the two wars to form a group of cavalry, and handed them over to Xiao Jianfeng. As a Khitan, Xiao Jianfeng The identity of these people can be recognized by these people, and it is also convenient for command. After this rectification, the number of soldiers and horses that can be used by the Fubo Army in Bohai Bay has reached about 5000, which is already an army that cannot be ignored. the strength.

But if they still stay here, it is obviously too cramped if they want to continue to develop their strength. After all, the islands of Salmonella Island are not large and cannot accommodate many soldiers and horses. They have to open a new place as their After Xu Yi expressed his idea of ​​attacking Jin Guo's advance base in the future, everyone turned their attention to the chart.

"I don't know where the lord wants to attack the Kingdom of Jin?" After watching for a while, everyone couldn't figure out where in the Kingdom of Jin Xu Yi wanted to attack, so Yang Zaixing asked on behalf of everyone.

After examining the map for a while, Xu Yi finally fixed his eyes on a point on the map, pointed the wooden stick in his hand to this point and said, "Here! We are going to raise troops today, take this place in one fell swoop, and use this place In order to attack the base of Jin Kingdom in the future, as long as we take this place, we can advance, attack, retreat or defend!"

Everyone looked intently, and unconsciously said: "Suzhou Pass?" (Don't get me wrong! This Suzhou is not the Suzhou in southern China, but the current Lianyungang! In the Song Dynasty, it was an important port of the Liao Kingdom. But not yet a city!)

"Yes! That's right here. This is the most important port in the Liao Kingdom. The port is wide and the water is deep. It doesn't freeze in winter! It's an excellent harbor. As long as we capture this place, we can quickly control the southern area and make it our garrison. As long as we guard this place, we can conveniently handle supplies and attack northward from here without worrying about the future. Moreover, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the Jin people do not know sea warfare. For us, it is a It is a great opportunity to take down here, and after cleaning up here, we can aggressively attack the Kingdom of Jin, and I am afraid that if the Kingdom of Jin wants to go to sea again in the future, we will have the final say!" Xu Yi pointed to the Suzhou Port in Liaodong to everyone Said.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, everyone felt that it was indeed reasonable. It wasn't that Xu Yi was interested in Suzhou Port, it was indeed a good choice, so they all nodded to express their agreement with Xu Yi's opinion.

"Miao Fang, you and Cai Xing spend the most time here in Bohai Bay. I think you probably know something about this place. Please tell me about the situation here! The strength of the Jin people in the Liaodong area and various local conditions Please tell me so that everyone can understand!" Xu Yi clicked on Miao Fang.

"Yes! My lord!" Miao Fang stood up immediately, and this time triggered the Jin soldiers to attack Song. Although Xu Yi did not reprimand him, Miao Fang always felt that he had made a big mistake. Since Xu Yi arrived here, he has been acting He was very cautious and rarely spoke. This time Xu Yi called his name, so he had no choice but to come out!
"This Suzhou Pass can be said to be the only port where the Liao Kingdom used to conduct water trade with the Song Dynasty. It has been many years since the Jin soldiers captured this place. At the beginning, the people here refused to accept the Liao Kingdom's governance and rebelled. As a result, the Liao Kingdom did not suppress them, but It was suppressed by the Jin people. The Jin people and the Song people signed the sea alliance from here. There are not many Jin people here, most of them are Bohai people, Khitan people from the Liao Kingdom, and some Han people from the Liao Kingdom. They are Fuzhou, Chenzhou and Kaizhou, but Chenzhou has now been renamed Gaizhou by the Jin people. These cities are not big, and there are few Jin people stationed there. You can have no worries, and you can go straight to the Liaoyang Mansion in Tokyo in the Kingdom of Jin. Once we succeed, we will definitely force the Jin soldiers to dispatch troops to suppress them. We can say that we can advance, attack, retreat and defend here! In addition to the many islands that have already occupied there, even if we really can't beat the Jinren, we can immediately retreat to these islands, and let the Jinren stare blankly, then we have nothing to do!" Miao Fang said.

Hearing what Miao Fang said, the generals immediately began to gear up. Xu Yi saw the expressions of everyone, so he smiled and said: "It seems that everyone has no objections, so let's start tomorrow, everyone, go down and prepare! It is not difficult to attack Suzhou Pass for the first time, let the new recruits practice their skills as much as possible, and the soldiers they fight are elite soldiers!"

The generals immediately got the order to go down to mobilize soldiers and horses to prepare supplies, and Xu Yi also went to the pier to inspect the preparations of the warships. To the Jinren, his fleet was a bit like killing chickens Crazy knife, I really don't have the strength to use it. The Kingdom of Jin seems to be very powerful, but it doesn't even have a few decent ships. It is not easy to find an opponent to practice. It is a warship to put it mildly. Everything is going to be a transport ship!

Just before preparing to dispatch troops, a guard hurried over and handed Xu Yi a small note. Xu Yi opened it, and the expression on his face became quite strange. The note was written in small characters: To: "Huizong and the new emperor were captured, King Ji stood firm and survived! King Qin's army has arrived, and the Jin soldiers have retreated north!"

After seeing the news, Xu Yi couldn't help being stunned. Could this be the fate of Huizong Zhao Ji and Qinzong Zhao Huan?History has changed, but it still hasn't changed their fate, and even brought forward the time when they were captured by the Jin people. At any rate, Qinzong also served as emperor for more than half a year in history. This time, he was captured by the golden man without even warming the throne.

Xu Yi stood on the pier and hesitated for a moment. Huizong and Qinzong were captured. Doesn't that mean that the Northern Song Dynasty has been destroyed?So where is Zhao Gou now?Where will history go at this moment?However, the number of words in this note was limited, and what he said was not very clear, so he recruited Shuisheng and told him: "Quickly find out the situation of the Jin soldiers' retreat to the north, and find out for me how many royal families have been captured by the Jin soldiers' return to the north this time." member!"

Shui Sheng immediately took the order to go, Xu Yi crumpled the note into a ball, threw it into the sea, and then strode aboard the Crossbar, the cannon rang, and a large number of ships sailed out of the Salmonella Islands and sailed away Well, for incompetent people like Huizong and Zhao Huan, Xu Yi is too lazy to rescue them!The reason why they are today can only be said that they have brought the blame on themselves and cannot blame others!
There are a large number of ships gathered on the wharf of Suzhou Pass, most of which are ships from Korea, there are also ships from the Song Dynasty stranded here, and some are merchant ships of the nobles of the Jin Kingdom, but none of the ships have any plans to sail. Since the Kingdom of Jin launched an attack on the Song Dynasty, the port of Suzhou Pass was completely blocked by a fleet of Song people.

As long as a ship leaves the wharf of Suzhou Pass, it will be captured by the Fubo army immediately within a short distance.And after some merchants from the Great Song Dynasty got the Kingdom of Jin and began to attack the Great Song Dynasty, some of them voluntarily gave up and continued to go to the Kingdom of Jin to do business, while some were lucky and tried to continue to sail to Suzhou Pass to trade with the Jin people, but they did not wait for them to approach Suzhou. Guan was also taken by the Fubo army in the name of collaborating with the enemy, completely cutting off the trade activities between the Jin people and the Song Dynasty, and they did what should have been done by the court. Suzhou Guan has completely become a dead end. Hong Kong no longer had the bustling and bustling scenes of the past. Some sailors and businessmen were trapped in the harbor, unable to move a single step. They could only wander boredly in the streets, restaurants, and bars of the pier, each with a sad face, not knowing when they would be able to leave here.

While they were doing nothing, a group of more than [-] Jin soldiers suddenly appeared in Suzhou Port. Before the merchants and sailors could react, they were arrested by the swarming Jin soldiers. The Jin soldiers posted a notice at Suzhou Pass , announced the requisition of all ships in the port, and forced the sailors of these ships to board the ship, unloaded all the loaded goods, and then a large number of golden soldiers boarded the ship.

The sailors on the ship did not realize until they went out to sea that these golden soldiers were sent by the Liaoyang government to go out to sea to settle accounts with those Fubo troops who dared to attack Dajin Jizhou City and Pingzhou City. I am used to it and feel that I am invincible. Now I heard that a group of pirates from the Song Dynasty dared to stroke the tiger's beard of the Jin people. After Jin Taizong heard the news, Longyan was furious and ordered Liaoyang Jiedu envoy Wan Yancheng to call immediately Elite soldiers, recruit ships to go to sea, look for the Nafubo army, and destroy them at sea.

This Wanyan Cheng was really obedient, he immediately mobilized a large number of soldiers and horses from the area around Liaoyang Mansion, sent them to Suzhou Guan to confiscate all the ships here, and immediately went to sea, he thought it was a land war, the Jin people were invincible, The country is so powerful, they were all killed, and it is of course no problem to deal with a pirate from the Song Dynasty. You should ask how powerful the Fubo army is, but you are so crazy that you just send troops like this!

In fact, it’s no wonder that the Jin people’s battles over the years have indeed been too smooth. In more than ten years, they have wiped out the huge Daliao. They have hardly fought any major defeats, so they have cultivated Don't look at their supercilious habit, although they don't have many Jurchens, but after they wiped out Daliao, they recruited a large number of Liao people to join the army, and their strength has increased unprecedentedly. They feel that there is no rival in this world, otherwise they It will not destroy Daliao. After capturing Emperor Tianzuo, Lima went to war against Song Dynasty without even breathing!

But when their army boarded the ship and went to sea, the golden soldiers realized that going to sea to fight and fighting on land were completely different things. Although they were invincible on land, but once they went to sea, they all became soft-footed shrimps Now, with the waves, the group of golden soldiers began to get seasick. They were so dizzy that they couldn't find their way. They only had the strength to spit out fiercely while lying on the side of the ship. Throwing yellow water after things are over, that's miserable!I have the desire to seek death!

Even the generals in the army were the same, either lying on the side of the ship and spitting violently, or lying in the cabin with a corpse. As for who will command the fleet, they can't care about it right now!

After the Jinbing fleet left the bay of Suzhou Pass, they began to sail to the southwest of Shamen Island according to the information they received, because someone told them that the Fubo Army was mainly entrenched on the islands in this area, and they planned to go directly here , Disperse the Fubo army completely, and save them from harassing the coast of the Kingdom of Jin in the future.

Xu Yi and the others didn't expect the Jin people to make such a big move. They were so stupid that they would set up some ships to come out to trouble them. After setting up troops from Shamen Island, they sailed all the way north to Suzhou Pass. After sailing for a day, the watchmen on the sentry boat in front suddenly found a sail in front of them, so they immediately waited and watched carefully. It was really unexpected for them to encounter a large-scale fleet here!

(Reward, reward, continue to reward! Hehe!)

(End of this chapter)

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