Great Song Pirate

Chapter 566 No way to escape

Chapter 566 No way to escape

When Muto and his family soldiers saw the same ship with the skull flag that appeared in front, everyone's hearts sank into the sea, and the warships of the skeleton army behind them also began to change. Quickly approached.

On an open land at the northern end of Tanegashima, the air was also filled with the smell of blood at this time. Japanese soldiers piled up the mutilated corpses everywhere. You don’t need to think about it. There has just been a big battle here. The Fubo army was also cleaning up the battlefield, using the knives and guns in their hands to send those Japanese who were seriously injured and not dead one by one on the road to hell.

Yang Zaixing and other generals were patrolling the battlefield, but dozens of Japanese ships were docked on the distant coast, and they were also burning. There are more than a dozen warships of the Fubo Army cruising.

Groups of captives were sent in strings to the direction of Akaoki Port. In this battle, Yang Zaixing wiped out more than 3000 Japanese soldiers brought by Urao Shimohiro. It took them little effort to clean up these Japanese soldiers. When Hong's fleet appeared in the north of the island, Diao Bin, who was in charge of patrolling this area, discovered it early and notified Yang Zaixing in advance.

So Yang Zaixing arranged a good show for this Pusheng Xiahong. He asked Diao Bin's fleet to ambush in a small bay in advance, and took sufficient concealment measures so that Pusheng's fleet could not be discovered in advance, and Pusheng's fleet could not be detected in advance. Xia Hong led the fleet swaggeringly ashore in the north of the island, while Yang Zaixing led the infantry and set up an ambush on the only way they had to go to Chiweimu Port. When they thought everything was safe, they suddenly attacked them. Coupled with the coverage of arrows and crossbows, Xiao Jianfeng's cavalry assault followed. From the beginning of the battle to the end, it took only a little more than a stick of incense to wipe out the more than 3000 Japanese troops led by Pu Sheng Xiahong in one fell swoop. It was so easy and unusual, there was no danger at all.

And when Yang Zaixing's infantry started on the island, Diao Bin rushed out with his fleet from the hidden anchorage, blocked Pusheng's fleet that was about to flee, and did not wait for them to raise anchor and sail. It was a kerosene bomb that hit the head and face, but these Japanese boats docked on the shore were helpless. In addition, there were not many people left on the boat, and they were too late to put out the fire, and the boat was a ship. One after another docked at the shore, and soon under Diao Bin's fierce attack, the fire broke out, and the entire fleet did not escape, and they all turned into fly ash on the shore.

In this battle, Diao Bin and Yang Zaixing cooperated so tacitly that Pu Sheng Xiahong had no room to fight back, so he was wiped out by the entire army, and Pu Sheng Xiahong himself died thoroughly in this battle, on the spot. Being pierced by a crossbow arrow, he became another ray of dead souls on Tanegashima.

After more than 3000 Japanese soldiers were attacked so violently, most of them were killed, and the rest saw their master died in battle, so they chose to drop their bamboo spears and bamboo bows, knelt down and surrendered obediently, and gave back to the Fubo army. The prisoner-of-war camp has increased some manpower.

And the boat that appeared in front of Muto was a watch boat sent by Diao Bin to the sea, and he spotted Muto's boat fleeing at sea from a distance, so the captain of the boat had no time to inform Diao Bin, so he brought his own The boat blocked Muto's way head-on.

Now Muto was completely in despair. Now he was blocked by wolves and chased by tigers, but he had nowhere to go. By this time, Muto had no choice.

With red eyes, he stared at the warship of the Fubo Army that was approaching him like a mad dog, and suddenly pulled out the fine steel waist knife from his waist, pointing at the fubo army that blocked their way ahead. The warship of the Polish army roared: "Fight! Either he dies or we die today! Warriors of the Chikuzen Kingdom, show your courage! Go for me!"

Following Muto's roar, the more than 100 soldiers and sailors on his ship also knew what time it was, so like a group of trapped beasts, they shouted after Muto, picked up all the weapons they could use, After adjusting the sails, he rushed towards the Fubo Army warship blocking the way like a mad dog in a hurry.

The captain of the boat under Diao Bin's name is Zhou Xin, a very clever and courageous veteran. When he saw the Japanese boat rushing towards him viciously, he knew that they were about to fight a trapped beast. After thinking about it for a while, and then looking at the Zombie chasing after him, he knew that the identity of the Japanese general on this ship was definitely not ordinary, and this ship was the Jiangbei sea ship unique to their Fubo Army, even more so than The sea falcon warship he was sitting on was much more powerful. At this moment, he would not be able to stop this guy, or he might lose both sides. the point.

Zhou Xin immediately ordered to the brothers on the boat: "Give this Japanese boat a pass, and everyone will concentrate their rockets on their sails, so that they can't move, even if we keep him!"

After hearing this, everyone picked up the guy and got ready. Everyone loaded the rocket and ignited it, and their ship turned a little bit, and passed the starboard side of Muto's ship.

Muto was also extremely nervous at this time. Although he was desperate, he still had some expectations in his heart. He hoped to break through the interception of this skeleton army warship and continue to flee to Osumi country. He had a little time, he felt that there was still some hope of escape.

After the two ships approached, both sides made preparations, and just when they were about to pass each other, both sides began to attack at the same time.

This attack was basically a fair duel for both sides. They both had several ballistas on board, and they all used the bows and crossbows of the Fubo Army, but Zhou Xin's ship had some new crossbows. , Basically, the firepower of the two sides is not much different. For a while, several kerosene bombs, bows and arrows were dropped on the ships of both sides, and at the same time, they both caused some losses to the opponent.

After the two ships attacked each other for a round, they left very quickly, leaving each other behind, and began to busily extinguish the fire on their own ship.

It seems that Zhou Xin's ship was damaged a little bit more in this attack, and more people on board were ignited, causing some casualties, but with the hard work of everyone, the fire was quickly brought under control, and Muto's ship Relatively, the loss of personnel was relatively small, but when the two ships passed by each other, Muto found that the opponent actually focused all his attention on his own sails.

The sail of his ship was covered with holes of various sizes, and there were still some flames burning with the help of the wind. Only now did Muto understand the other party's intentions, and his heart was completely cooled.

With the repeated damage to the sails, his ship's speed could no longer maintain the highest speed, so it began to slow down slowly. Muto fully understood that today he would not be able to escape no matter what.

The Crossbar did not continue to fire at Muto's ship, but quickly caught up with Muto's ship with the other three ships, sandwiching it in the middle. Before Muto's ship attacked them, several artillery pieces fired at the same time. The iron sand shotguns immediately swept across the deck of Muto's boat like a torrential rain, sweeping up the Japanese who were preparing to fight back. After a few shots, there were not many generals on Muto's boat who could continue to stand.

Muto was also lucky. He was trapped by two loyal generals and slipped into the cabin in advance, so he escaped the catastrophe. He was not smashed into a sieve by iron sand. Muto's ship, a large number of jumping helpers who had already been on the alert jumped onto Muto's ship, and none of Muto's men were cowards. Ten Japanese soldiers, holding their Japanese swords fiercely, rushed towards these Fubo soldiers who had jumped to help.

The two sides immediately started a fight on the boat. Muto's personal soldiers were all elites selected from his personal soldiers, so why not the jumping assistants on Xu Yi's boat were selected elites?As soon as the two sides came into contact, they killed an inextricable one, and the sound of swords colliding became one, and people kept getting hit by knives and fell on the boat.

Immediately, more jumping helpers also jumped onto Muto's boat from the boat on the other side. The huge advantage in numbers immediately completely suppressed Muto's personal soldiers, forming a situation where several people repaired one. In this way, These Japanese soldiers couldn't stand it at all, they were chopped down one after another, and then they were sent to the underworld by the Fubo army immediately. The corpses of the Japanese soldiers who were killed were everywhere on the boat, and blood was flowing everywhere. There was even a feeling of being slippery. After everyone solved the resistance on the boat, they rushed to the hatch. Several Muto's families blocked the hatch fiercely and stopped them again. The general is Muto's closest bodyguard, and his sword skills are very fierce. For a while, these Fubo soldiers who were crowded in front of the door could not move forward, so someone immediately brought a bow and crossbow, according to the door, there was a fierce Shooting, these Muto's personal guards could no longer cope with it. After desperately parrying for a while, they fell to the ground after being hit by arrows, and the hatch was completely opened, and the Fubo army rushed in immediately.

Not long after, a pale-faced Japanese general was escorted out from the inside, and someone on board tied him up firmly, tied him up and carried him back to the Crossbar, and the ship was completely controlled by the Fubo army. Returned to the hands of the Fubo Army.

The Japanese general was tied up and pushed into the cabin of the Crossbar, and a personal guard went up and kicked him on the crook of the leg, causing him to kneel down in front of Xu Yi who was sitting in the center with a plop. .

The Japanese general's eyes were full of resentment, and he looked up at Xu Yi, wishing he could swallow Xu Yi in one gulp, but when he saw Xu Yi's face clearly through the bright light in the cabin, he was a little surprised , because he thought that the leader of the Skeleton Pirates was at least a ferocious old guy, but he didn't expect Xu Yi to look so young, with a heroic look on his face.

Xu Yi smiled at him, and said nonchalantly: "It seems that Kamikaze didn't help you Wa Kingdom this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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