Great Song Pirate

564 Chapter 1

564 Chapter 1
Sun Hai nodded immediately, and then ordered Xu Yi, who belonged to Liuqiu Island, to follow the fleet to approach, let go of the opponent they were chasing, and hand it over to other people to deal with it, and then immediately turned north with the twenty or so ships. He sailed towards the Jiangbei ship with the Muto family emblem hanging high, which was forming a group and trying to continue to gather the scattered ships.

Muto has been watching the battle situation, trying to gather some scattered ships nearby, intending to reorganize and fight against the skeleton army's fleet, but soon he discovered that a skeleton army has more than [-] battleships. Under the leadership of a huge ship, the squadron formed by the ship began to turn in his direction, and rushed towards him. He was frightened to death immediately. This warship of the Skeleton Army was the first time he had seen such a huge ship. In terms of shape, the warship was similar to the Song Dynasty warship he was sitting on, but it was much larger in size. The mast, the sail hanging on it seems to be comparable to the dark clouds in the sky, he has seen its existence a long time ago, and he is absolutely sure that this ship is the handsome ship that the most important leader of the skeleton pirates rides, but until now He didn't even figure out who the other party was, so he deserved the defeat in this battle!

"We can't fight like this anymore! We are not their opponents. We beat the drums to order all the ships to start retreating northward. We retreat towards the direction of Osumi country. We can't go back to Satsuma country! Hurry up!" Looking at the distance, he began to rush towards himself With this team of ships, Muto finally made his final decision, fame?This thing is very important, but compared with my own life, it is not so important. As long as I can save my life, as for the family's reputation, it is bullshit!If he died here, few people would cry for him!Let reputation eat shit!Muto no longer wants to stay here and wait to die.

Immediately, a drum sounded on his ship. This drum rhythm was a signal to notify other ships to retreat. When the drum sounded for the retreat order, Muto had already led his fleet to complete the turn and fled towards the north. .

After hearing the drumbeat, the private soldiers from other countries who were still resisting on the other Japanese ships turned their heads to look, only to see that Muto was leading his ships from the Chikuzen Kingdom to complete the turn and had begun to leave this place. The little morale that was mobilized in a hurry suddenly crashed into the trench, so there were no more Japanese ships besieging the nearby Skeleton Army ships without fear of death, and all the Japanese ships began to turn around desperately, scattered in all directions After escaping, the trip to sea really became Maria's turkey hunting performance.

After the belated fleet of Wang Feng and Shuimao joined the ships of the Fubo army, they also dispersed one after another, and began to stage a wonderful chase on the sea like chasing ducks. The damaged ships were ordered to stop, and everyone on board began to devote themselves to the work of repairing the warships. At this point in the battle, they are no longer needed to take risks to participate in the war!
Xu Yi didn't look at the other sporadic fleeing Japanese ships at all, and led his personal fleet to stare at the fleeing Muto fleet in front. Now he has only one goal left, which is to solve it with his own hands. This guy, let today's sea battle draw a perfect end.

Muto was lying on the stern of his own ship, observing the coming fleet all the time. At this time, he was afraid besides being afraid. Speaking of which, he had gathered thirty or forty boats just now, but Compared with these boats behind, he is still a beggar leader, and it is obvious that these boats are not only smaller than others' boats, but what worries him most is that the boats gathered around him simply cannot outrun other people's boats. The boat, and because he had to cooperate with his own fleet, the Song boat he was on could not be fully sailed, so he escaped at the maximum speed.

Looking at the ships in the back, they were getting closer and closer to his own fleet. Seeing this situation, Muto gritted his teeth again and thought to himself, running like this is not the way to go, being dragged by these subordinate ships, With their current speed, they would never be able to escape the pursuit of the skeleton pirates, so they wiped their faces, what a shit reputation!Anyway, when he made the decision to escape just now, he already had them all gone, so let's be ashamed to the end!
"Let Furui Marasaku's boat come closer!" Muto ordered to his retainers.

So the retainer immediately squatted on the side of the ship and yelled for a while, and called a boat next to Muto's ship to come closer. A thin guy wearing a suit of armor came to the side of the ship and yelled at Muto : "What are your orders, General?"

Muto came to the ship's side with a shy face, lowered his head and asked this ancient well on the other boat: "Gujing! How do I treat you normally?"

This Gujing's expression froze, and he quickly replied: "The general treats the villain with kindness and rebuilds! The villain swears to follow the general!"

Muto nodded and said: "Well! It's good to know, you have seen the situation today, I will return to Chikuzen as soon as possible, and report the situation of the skeleton pirates to Mr. Fujiwara, and if we retreat like this, I am afraid we will not be able to escape the sea of ​​skeletons." The thief is chasing, so I need you to lead these ships to intercept the fleet of these chasing skeleton pirates. Today is the time for you to show your loyalty. If you die in battle, I will take good care of your family , your two sons, I will hire the best teachers for them, educate them, and they will enter our family in the future, you can rest assured!"

After hearing Muto's words, Gu Jing's expression changed, and he immediately realized what Muto wanted to do. He was going to escape alone, and let him take other ships to stay behind and hold back the opponent, so as to fight for him to escape. Time!Shameless! Shameless!This master is really shameless at home!However, as someone else's family general, he can only obey Muto's orders. After all, he is dead, and there is still a family that needs to be supported by others. Tieqing bowed and replied: "Please rest assured, General, I will definitely stop these skeleton pirates so that you can escape!" After saying this, without waiting for Muto to answer, he turned around and went back to command his ship. And ordered other ships to move closer to him.

Muto opened his mouth, but didn't say anything, so he shook his head, and then told his family on the boat: "Raise the sails, let's go!"

The Muto ship with full sails soon left his last fleet and continued to sail north, while most of the remaining ships were private soldiers of the Muto family, helplessly under the command of Gujing , began to turn around and prepare to face Xu Yi's fleet that was chasing after him, but several of the ships were not private soldiers of the Muto family. Going north, they didn't pay attention to Gujing at all. The people on the ship figured it out that their generals probably couldn't escape back, so they couldn't afford to continue to work for Muto!

For those ships that refused to stay behind to stop the enemy, Gu Jing had no choice but to let them leave the fleet, and after counting again, he found that he had only collected less than twenty ships, and looked at the chasing behind. The pirate fleet that came had already surpassed them in number, and there was a look of despair in everyone's eyes.

Xu Yi looked at the group of Japanese boats in front of him in amazement. He didn't expect them to disband suddenly at this time, leaving behind a group of guys who were not afraid of death and prepared to face him, while the rest of the boats continued to run, so Pointing to them, he asked Sun Hai: "Sun Hai! What are they going to do?"

Sun Hai also stared at the front, with question marks all over his forehead, but when he saw the handsome Japanese boat running in the front, he suddenly understood the question, so he laughed loudly: " My lord! It seems that we have encountered another shameless Japanese man today! Look at the words on their sails, what is left behind should be the boat of Muto’s family generals. This guy Muto ran away by himself. The rest of the ships are not owned by Muto's family, so they continue to follow, Muto is letting his subordinates stay to die, stop us, so that he has time to escape!"

After Sun Hai said this, Xu Yi immediately understood, and scolded: "I really feel sorry for these Japanese people, why did they choose such a shameless master to serve as their allegiance? They think they can stop them with their little broken boat. Shall we? Rush over to me, kill them, and continue chasing that Muto!"

The fleet headed by the Zonghao took aim at the [-] Japanese boats and charged straight past them without any reduction in speed. Chase Muto.

But when they approached the twenty Japanese ships, someone suddenly shouted: "Be careful! They also have ballistas on board!"

After hearing this shout, Xu Yi and Sun Hai discovered that these Japanese ships had also installed one or two imitation ballistas of their own, and they were all ready to launch, and they were also sailing towards their fleet Come, seeing that he has already entered the range of the ballista, he was taken aback.

Xu Yi immediately shouted: "The fleet turns right, the artillery on the left fires quickly! Get rid of them!"

The reason why he called it that is because except for the Shenwei cannon installed on the bow of his Zongheng, the thunder cannons of the other ships were installed on both sides of the ship, aiming at the sailing position, which happened to be the dead angle of their artillery, so it was Quickly order the fleet to turn the rudder and fire at the enemy with the artillery on the left side of the ship.

(End of this chapter)

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