Great Song Pirate

Chapter 562 Lore 1

Chapter 562 Lore 1
Since the Japanese ship was discovered today, Xu Yi has been calculating how to exchange the least loss for the greatest victory, but in this way, he ignored the issue of time. Sun Hai is right, if it continues, I am afraid It is really dark and the battle cannot be completely resolved. If that is the case, even if the Japanese suffered a heavy blow, as long as they dragged until dark and fled in all directions, their current means of chasing these fleeing Japanese ships at night is really useless. If it becomes a big problem, it will inevitably cause many Japanese to take the opportunity to escape. In that case, his plan of total annihilation will fall into empty space.

Another sentence Sun Hai said is quite correct. Since it is a war, one cannot patronize self-protection. Necessary losses must be accepted. Thinking of this, Xu Yi no longer hesitated, nodded and said: "You are right Sun Hai , I was overly careful! We really can’t drag on like this any longer! According to your opinion, let’s attack the whole army! Although they still have a lot more ships than us, we still have no problem killing them. Pass on the order, don't save ammunition, use thunder cannons to bombard them from a long distance, and fight with them!"

Sun Hai nodded immediately, and passed on his order on Xu Yi's behalf. When all the ships saw the semaphore on the Zongheng, the Fubo Army fleet boiled. It was the first to take the lead, but Wang Zhi was replaced by the Pioneer temporarily commanded by Wang Zhi and rushed to the front. The fleet used the Pioneer as an arrow to form a sharp sagittal shape, raised all the sails and sailed down the wind, heading straight for Muto The Japanese fleet killed the general.

At this time, the sun didn't seem to want to watch this scene anymore. A layer of dark clouds floated up, blocking the sun, and the sea breeze suddenly strengthened. Under its urging, more than 70 Fubo army battle The boat headed directly towards the Japanese fleet like a tiger.

Looking at these skeleton army warships, which are huge compared to their ships, the sails that have eaten enough wind drove them straight to kill their own fleet, the Japanese on the ships in front of the Japanese ship formation The faces of the soldiers immediately paled a lot. They knew that this would be the last time they saw the sun, and they would be the first victims of this battle. Many Japanese stood on the boat and began to shiver in the sea wind. For them It's unfair to say that this war is unfair. The opponent's ship is too big, and there are so many sharp weapons on it, so they can't fight back. They can only hold the bamboo bows in their hands, but they don't know how to fight head-on. This group of fierce and evil skeleton army came against each other.

With a tragic face, a Japanese general pulled out the waist knife that symbolized his honor from his waist, and shouted at the skeleton army ships that were coming towards them: "It's time to serve the general, use your bows and arrows Come answer them!"

At this time, Sun Hai replaced Xu Yi and took over the command of the fleet. Under his command, the fleet of the Fubo Army inserted obliquely in front of the Japanese fleet, and first used the thunder guns on their ships to attack the Japanese fleet. The ships ahead make the first round of strikes.

Moreover, his order was faithfully carried out by all the ships in the fleet. The fleet first sailed for a while, and when it entered a distance of about one mile from the Japanese fleet, it suddenly turned to the southwest direction collectively, cutting diagonally into the Japanese fleet. In front of the fleet, as long as all the ships were equipped with cannons, they all started to fire at the same time.

The sound of the guns roared again like rolling thunder on the sea, and hundreds of flames spewed out from dozens of ships one after another. This is the first time that even Xu Yi and the soldiers of the Fubo Army have seen such a large-scale shelling. Seeing that solid iron bullets and chain bullets rained down on the Japanese fleet like a torrential rain, pieces of debris were thrown up on the Japanese ships in the front row. When these Japanese ships suffered this round of blows, they immediately began to overturn their masts. , almost no shells fell into the empty space, and most of them hit the Japanese boat firmly.

The reason why the bombardment at such a distance can achieve such a high hit rate is thanks to the Japanese. They have not learned the lesson from the artillery attack so far. Keeping a dense formation, the distance between the ships is very close, and there is not much space between the front and rear. Looking from the Fubo Army fleet, the opponent's ships seem to form an airtight ship wall Generally speaking, when they fired, it was almost like firing at a wall. Naturally, the shells would fall into the open space, so the first round of shelling can be said to be very successful, immediately destroying some of the Japanese ships running in the front , or fell apart, or flooded in a lot, began to sink slowly.

Japanese boats are different from Song boats. Song boats have several or even a dozen compartments separated. Even if one or two compartments are flooded, they generally will not capsize. They are all silos. Once the water leaks, the ship will quickly lose its buoyancy and start to sink. This is the key reason why they have suffered serious losses since the beginning of the war. The shortcomings of the Japanese ships also made their attacks seem to be more effective with less effort.

Gritting his teeth, Muto watched the skeleton army's warship spit out flames, continuously creating death in his fleet, and wished he could pounce on and hack these hateful pirates to death, but this was just an illusion, he just wanted to He was able to keep ordering people to beat the war drums and urge the fleet to move on. This kind of loss was actually within his expectations. Who let them have no other ships with strong guns? It is inevitable to be beaten. At this moment, he just If he wants to stand out as soon as possible, he can take away as many ships and soldiers as he can. As for whether he can defeat the skeleton army, it is no longer what he thinks about.

Under Sun Hai's dispatch, the Fubo Army's fleet quickly passed in front of the Japanese ship formation, and then turned around again in front of their left, forming a completely tailwind state. At this time, the distance between the two ships was very close, and the Japanese Since the ship could not go against the wind, their course turned to the northeast direction, just showing the flanks to the Fubo Army, so the Fubo Army's fleet only paused for a while, and immediately all the sails were full of the sea wind, as if A huge ax slashed towards the left wing of the Japanese boat formation.

Both sides also have a large number of ships, and relatively speaking, the ships of the Fubo Army are relatively large. It should be that the Japanese ship formation is more flexible in mobilization, but what happened today is just the opposite. The Japanese ships crowded together densely in order to protect themselves. In addition, they are private soldiers from many local lords, and they have not done any joint training before the expedition. Although Muto can see the tactical intentions of the Fuba army, he cannot effectively mobilize his fleet. Driving on a relatively fixed course, watching the Fubo Army fleet change formation in an instant in front of them, but there is nothing they can do.

Before the Fubo army set out to march, Xu Yi ordered Sun Hai to lead the assembled ships from various places to conduct joint training for more than a month on the sea outside Danshui Village. At this time, the results of this joint training were fully revealed. After coming out, all the ships were staring at the ever-changing semaphore on the crossbar, and adjusted according to the various instructions issued by the crossbar. The overall appearance was orderly. As soon as they started to attack, they made two gorgeous U-turns in succession. The Japanese soldiers were dumbfounded.

The fleet of the Fubo Army was headed by the Pioneer, and the Crossbar was in the middle. It slammed into the left side of the Japanese fleet fiercely like a rainbow. At this time, almost everyone in the fleet had already learned about Xu Yi's captain With the news of Cui Yan's death, everyone was so angry that everyone was already trying their best to take revenge on the Japanese people, so as soon as their fleet approached the Japanese ship formation, the officers and men on each ship rushed Taking out all the magic weapons, the artillery, ballista, and crossbow fired at the same time, and each of them swayed their anger on the Japanese ship like a hedgehog.

The archers even took out the kind of booster rockets that they didn't use very much from the cabin, put on the bowstring, and started to launch. At this time, they didn't need to deliberately pursue the hit rate, what they wanted was to fill the Japanese boat. A fire, the rocket has been used by them as an arson at the moment, it fell on the sail of the Japanese ship, and the afterflame of the unburned cartridge immediately ignited the sail of the Japanese ship coated with tung oil, At least it can burn a big hole in it.

Looking at these weird weapons falling towards them like a torrential rain, the Japanese were beaten so helplessly that they could only hide around on their boat with a wooden shield screaming. It may have a little effect under certain circumstances, but when they are hit by shells or kerosene bombs, they are still torn to shreds like pieces of paper.

With the advance of the Fubo army, chaos began to occur on the left wing of the Japanese boat formation. One after another Japanese boats were concentrated by kerosene bombs, and a big fire ignited. One after another Japanese boats began to flood after being hit by artillery. , the sails of many Japanese ships were riddled with holes by various weapons. Only a few Japanese ships were lucky and did not suffer many attacks, so the private soldiers from various countries on the Japanese ships also began to attack. Now they are finally able to attack their opponents. I have to admit that some Japanese soldiers still have considerable courage. Under the command of the leader of the ship, they stood on the side of the ship one after another, raised their bamboo bows, Braving the artillery fire of the Fubo Army, they began to shoot arrows at the oncoming Fubo Army ships.

For a moment, there was a scene of arrows flying across the sky above the ships of both sides, and the sound of shouting and killing resounded between the sea and the sky. The bow of the warship was cut heavily on the side of the Japanese warship...

(End of this chapter)

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