Great Song Pirate

Chapter 560 Gorgeous Flying

Chapter 560 Gorgeous Flying

Seeing Yang Ci shaking his head slightly at him, Xu Yi knew that Cui Yan had left. Moistness appeared in the tiger's eyes. He gently placed Cui Yan's body on the ground, and stood up abruptly, gritting his teeth.

"Why are you crying? Brother Cui Yan died for me today, under the arrows of the Japanese. You all remember, if we don't kill all the Japanese fleet today, we will never return to Tanegashima! Kill me!" Xu Yi Shouted loudly.

The soldiers surrounding Cui Yan, after hearing Xu Yi's roar, wiped away their tears and shouted vigorously: "Kill all the Japanese dogs..."

As the crisscross was the first to fire its guns and spit out bursts of flames, there was no need to convey any orders. This was the best signal. The good artillery was ignited, and then the rumbling sound filled the sky above the sea, spreading around like rolling thunder.

The huge and continuous sound of the cannon covered all the sounds that came out, flames spewed out from the ships continuously, and bullets hit the nearby Japanese ships like lightning.

The gunners of the Zongheng also learned the news of Cui Yan's death in the attack at this time, and immediately locked their targets on the Japanese ship on their port side, and almost all the gunners on the port side aimed their guns at this There is no need for anyone to command them. After loading, the twenty Leigong cannons on the port side and one Shenwei cannon fired one after another, pouring their anger on the Japanese boat immediately.

Pity this Japanese ship, it didn't even have a chance to struggle, it was immediately shattered into flying fragments amidst the sound of so many artillery fires, it was almost disintegrated on the spot, the culprits on it seemed to have no chance to scream When they got it, they were torn to pieces by the flying shells on the spot. Some lucky guys were not shot to death by the shells, and threw themselves into the sea, trying to struggle to free from this terrifying skeleton army warship, but they immediately endured it. There was a rain of arrows that covered the sky, one by one stopped struggling with blood foam, and slowly floated on the surface of the sea.

A group of sharks on the nearby seabed quickly sensed the smell of blood in the sea with their keen sense of smell, so they swung their tails and rushed towards the messed up sea area. Their feast began!

Resident Otomo stared dumbfounded at his own ship not far from his ship, which was shattered into pieces under the thunderous bombardment, and even the sail was torn into rags, and slowly fell into the sea. Among them, this is the first time that I really feel the power of this terrible weapon at close range.

"Turn around, turn around and avoid them!" Otomo yelled in horror at the soldiers on the ship who were scrambling to resist.

At this time, he had already lost control of the battle situation in this area. The ships that were left behind were the slowest among the fleets of various countries, and their numbers were not uniform, and there was no cooperation at all between them. Most of them are not the ships of their Dayou family. Even if he rushes back, he can't control the ships and generals of these other families. He can only watch the skeleton army warships armed to the teeth and start a massacre against them. But there was no solution. In desperation, in order not to become the next victim, he could only choose to retreat.

Otomo's ship is obviously different from other Japanese ships in this area. Because of his identity, he is on the best warship of their Bungo country, and the family flag flying on the mast also reveals his identity. As he turned around, he soon fell into the sight of the tall cannon at the bow of the Crossbar. Don't look at the tall cannon honestly, but when he fired at this time, his vision was shrewder than anyone else, and he pushed it away and was aiming at another The gunner of the Japanese boat quickly operated the artillery, and slowly aimed the muzzle at the ship that seemed to be the leader of the Japanese who was about to escape, and when he confirmed that he had aimed, he immediately shouted: "Fire! "

Without even thinking about it, one of his gunners stabbed the red-hot cleaning rod into the fire door, and then their divine power cannon immediately made a loud noise, and the huge recoil pushed the cannon back a long way , and stopped under the tug of a few arm-thick iron chains.

Gao Dapao didn't need to worry about the reloading of his brothers, he quickly lay down on the bow and looked at the Japanese boat, and when he saw a piece of debris suddenly exploded on the Japanese boat, he shouted: "It's a hit!" Haha! Damn! Look where you're going! Come on guys! Hurry up and reload, give that guy another shot and kill them!"

No need for him to explain, at this time his subordinates were already very busy. Several of them cooperated to put out the remaining fire in the gun chamber with water, then wiped the gun chamber back and forth with a cannon brush, and then put the prepared divine power The special ammunition package for the cannon was inserted into the barrel, and the ammunition package was inserted into the breech of the gun with a cannon rod, tamped hard, and then cork was inserted to seal the barrel tightly, and a gunner then held a The shells wrapped in cotton cloth were filled into the muzzle, and someone pushed the shells into the deepest part of the barrel with the fastest speed. All actions were coordinated so tightly, like flowing water flowing clouds, and it looked even full of a sense of beauty. This is all the result of Bai Gao Da Pao's practice of these gunners day and night. These gunners have already become the best gunners in the fleet.

Then, with the joint efforts of everyone, the cannon was pushed back to the gun position. The tall cannon immediately leaned down, lay on the rear sight and began to aim carefully again. At this time, someone had already prepared the gun door for ignition It's done!
"Let it go!" After aiming for a while, Gao Cannon roared again, and then the Shenwei Cannon rang again, and retreated amidst the roar.

Just when Otomo Resident had just completed the U-turn and tried to retreat with the wind, there was a sudden burst of debris on the bow of his ship, and several unlucky guys were blasted into the air, and when they fell again, There were splinters of wood all over his body, and blood gushed out from the wound, and it seemed that he could not survive.

Otomo was stunned by the sudden blow, and looked around in horror, trying to determine who had fired at his ship, but the nearby skeleton army ships were all spewing flames and making a loud noise. Then there was a roar, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere, and it was impossible to see which warship blocked his ship, so he had to scream wildly to speed up and get away from these terrifying skeleton army warships.

But his hope was once again in vain. Before his ship escaped the range of the artillery attack, he felt another huge shock behind him, and then he was pushed by a huge force, and flew out, directly from the stern of the ship. He fell from the top of the ship tower, and stuck his head on the deck. Although he was wearing armor and looked majestic, although the armor on his body withstood the attack of the fragments, it could not withstand the heavy force of the fall. When his head was in close contact with the deck, his neck made a serious protest and made a crisp sound, and then he rolled and fell on the deck. Otomo residents were surprised to find that they could actually see one of their shoulders In the back, the armor there looks really good!But he could no longer feel any sensation from the body below his neck, and then a strong sense of dizziness hit him, and he slowly closed his eyes.

The generals on his ship were horrified to see their master turned into a bird, soared out into the air under the huge earthquake, and landed on the deck, so they all called out to the general and surrounded him, but they immediately They found that their general's neck had been broken, and he had sensed the call of their great God Amaterasu, and left them, so they immediately became a mess...

Gao Dapao didn't know who was killed by the two cannons he fired just now. Now that the crossbar turned around, he could no longer fire at the Japanese boat, so he immediately called his gunners and hurried to find the next one. The unlucky target was ready to strike, as for who he killed just now, that was beyond his knowledge.

Although Xu Yi was in a rage, he did not lose his mind. He still stood on the ship tower, carefully observing the situation of the enemy and us. After this charge, the tail formation of the entire Japanese fleet had been torn into pieces A large number of Japanese boats were either smashed to pieces by them on the spot or were beaten into flames and smoke. After being hit by two or three shells, the lucky ones fled in a hurry and turned into a group of frightened wild ducks. , I want to be put together again, I am afraid that is a task that only God can complete.

But after this period of time, the rest of the Japanese boats also began to understand. Their front team changed into the back team, and they began to gather together into a group and re-formed a dense formation. At this time, they were like being trapped in the sea. The sardines attacked by the sharks are like a group of sardines. They gather together to form a big ball, making it impossible for the fierce sharks to attack them. This is entirely out of instinct, not the result of Muto's command. Only by gathering together can they resist the attack by the Skeleton Army fleet, at least they can be brave, but even if they gather again, they are still in a mess. One family ship can still be contacted, and the rest of the ships brought in have already become a mess at this time. Looking at the sails removed, they are still sails, and it is impossible to command the officers and soldiers of the ships belonging to their own family.

(Be lazy these few days, take a break to adjust your thinking, and then adjust your waist! Finish the manuscript and speed up the progress!)

(End of this chapter)

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