Chapter 558
When the occupants of Dayou saw clearly the fleet flying the skull flag that appeared behind their fleet, Xu Yi had already led the fleet to catch up with the tail of the Japanese fleet. Like a tiger, it rushed into the frightened Japanese ship fleet, showing their sharp fangs!
The bows of the Jiangbei sea ships were sharp and made of strong materials, which happened to be their best weapons at this time, and those Japanese ships that fell at the end were originally the slowest ships in the Japanese fleet. When the Jiangbei sea ships rushed towards them When they came over, they had nowhere to hide, they could only watch the warships of the skeleton army attacking them like giant axes, they could only let out their terrified exclamations, but there was nothing to do. Method!

With the sound of violent impact, the wedge-shaped Fubo army fleet broke into the Japanese fleet straightly, and the fleet behind the Japanese was smashed into pieces, one after another. A Japanese boat immediately fell into pieces under their impact, or broke into two pieces, floating on the water, and a large number of Japanese soldiers immediately became drowned chickens thumping in the water, and could only struggle desperately in the icy sea water call for help.

Now the Japanese fleet is quite lively, and those ships that were left behind saw the skeleton army fleet rushing into their midst, smashing the ships behind one by one, so they immediately scattered like hozen , They all struggled to adjust the sails and turn the rudder, and dispersed the formation, so why did they still think about continuing to move forward!

Residents of Otomo stared dumbfounded at the Skeleton Army fleet that appeared behind them, and then shouted after a long while: "We are fooled! This is the main fleet of the Skeleton Army, and the ones in front are their introductions! Let us know quickly. Master Muto, tell him to quickly gather the fleet and turn around! Hurry up!"

As he said that, he dispatched a few people, put down a small sampan, and a few soldiers shook their oars like crazy, wishing to paddle their small sampan into the air, and rushed towards the front of the fleet desperately. Go, and shouted all the way to turn around quickly, the main fleet of the Skeleton Army was behind them, so the Japanese soldiers who heard their shouts tried to look back, only to realize that there was really a big problem behind them. There was a mess, and immediately the ships were in chaos again. I don't know whether to continue chasing down the wind, or to turn around and face the chasing skeleton army ships.

Xu Yi led the vanguard fleet composed of Jiangbei ships. Once he reached the tail of the Japanese fleet, he rushed down without stopping, regardless of the nearby Japanese ships that were dispersing in panic. His purpose was to use The Japanese formation is too long now, and when most of the ships in front are not aware of their arrival, try to disperse them as much as possible in the rear. As for the Japanese ships that have dispersed, he does not need his forward fleet to manage them. , Naturally, the boats led by Zheng Guang, Kong Qingxi and others following behind were responsible for cleaning them.

So Xu Yi took these Jiangbei sea ships, relying on their speed advantage, and rushed all the way to the rear of the Japanese ship formation. Any Japanese ships that blocked them were immediately knocked away with their bows or As for the rockets and other things fired on those Japanese ships, they don't care about them at all. They have the guards on the side of the ship to protect them from the arrows. they.

Originally, it was not Xu Yi's turn to do such a thing in person, but Xu Yi chose to lead the ship to be the vanguard officer himself. A pioneer came and commanded the crossbar to rush to the forefront, leaving the other tribes helpless , can only bravely follow him and rush into the Japanese boat formation.

Ever since they entered the enemy line, Xu Yi never ordered the gunners on the ship to fire. The ballistas and archers in the ship were ordered to fire at will, so the ballistas and archers on these ships took advantage of it. Usually, they can only enjoy themselves after approaching the enemy ship behind the artillery. This time Finally, they felt elated for a while, and the artillerymen who were ahead of the Leigong Pao experienced the addiction of killing the enemy in advance.

The reason why Xu Yi did this was not to save the ammunition of the artillery. He did it to let the Japanese who ran at the front understand what happened later. Once so many ships fired at the same time, The sound spread out, and soon the Japanese at the front would know that the main fleet of the Fubo Army appeared behind them. Once the Japanese understand it, they will regroup and kill them quickly. So convenient!So he would rather let the vanguard fleet bear some losses caused by the counterattack of the Japanese army at this moment, and strictly ordered the gunners of each ship not to fire without authorization.

Gao Dapao standing next to the Shenwei cannon in the bow looked at the Japanese ships that kept appearing in front of the bow, wishing to bump his head into the Shenwei cannon in front of him. These targets were simply amazing, and he was confident that every shot would not miss. , Such a good target of such a Japanese boat, I am afraid that they will not be able to bear it if they are hit by his divine power cannon casually. A cannon can sink it on the spot, but because of the master's order, he can only do it in a hurry, and can't use all his strength to enjoy it.

The gunners around were also in the same mood as him, jumping up and down waiting for Xu Yi's order to fire.

Just after Xu Yi commanded the vanguard fleet to enter the Japanese fleet for several miles, Muto, who was running at the front, really realized that something big seemed to have happened behind him. When he turned his head to look behind again, he realized that It was found that the rear of his fleet in the distance was already in chaos.

"What happened in the end, and how did it turn out like this? What is that Otomo resident doing? Could it be that he can't even deal with the scattered ships of the Skeleton Army? This idiot! Baga!" Muto cursed furiously. Living with Otomo, he felt that this guy was really incompetent, and let a small group of skeleton pirates mess up their huge fleet's rear, but when he cursed these words, his heart suddenly A strong sense of uneasiness arose.

As soon as his words fell to the ground, the watchman staying in the mast bucket shouted in panic: "My lord! It's not good! It seems that we are not attacked by a small group of pirates, but by a large group of sea pirates." The thieves are attacking!"

As if to confirm the watchman's words, the alarm horn from the rear was much louder at this time, and thick smoke began to rise in the middle of the ship formation behind.

Now Muto is somewhat aware of the seriousness of the problem. If ordinary small groups of pirate ships are harassing, how can they not so quickly hit so many ships behind them to smoke and catch fire!It seems that things are not as simple as he thought just now, but at this time, the main fleet of the skeleton pirates should be chased by them in front and fled, so how could there be a large group of pirate ships behind them? Where did they launch the attack?A series of question marks emerged in his mind. At this moment, he still didn't expect that his opponent had set him a huge trick.

"Order the fleet to suspend the pursuit of the enemy ships in front, gather them together, and see what happened behind!" Muto had to make such a decision at this time. He was chasing and hitting them, but couldn't hit them. But it was copied by others. Isn't this battle a bit strange?If this is said, wouldn't it be ridiculous?It doesn't seem like a solution to do this, let's deal with the skeleton army ships in the back first!While giving the order, Muto secretly summed up.

Therefore, after receiving Muto's order, the ships that were madly chasing Wang Feng and the Mizumao fleet began to slow down and gather together, and under Muto's command, they gradually turned around and gradually gathered the long-distance fleet into a thick formation. The boat formation, intending to see what kind of enemy is coming from behind, actually messed up their rear formation.

Just when they started to slow down, close up, and turn around, a sampan quickly chased after them, and the Japanese soldiers on it were panting like cows and were still shaking their oars with their lives, and almost broke into the boat as if they were dying of exhaustion In the midst of the battle, he sailed towards Muto's eye-catching ship, and leaned against Muto's ship.

Several sailors hurriedly dragged a tired guy from the sampan onto Muto's boat. As soon as the guy stepped on the deck, he collapsed on the deck and could only fight with his mouth open. Old Ming gasped for breath, but couldn't speak. Someone recognized their identities from his clothes and shouted: "They are the soldiers of General Otomo of Bungo Kingdom, quickly take him to see the general!"

Immediately, two strong sailors stepped forward, each holding the tired and paralyzed guy, dragging him up to the ship tower where Muto was almost without touching the ground.

This guy knelt in front of Muto, panting heavily, pointing back to the direction of the tail of the northern fleet, and shouted out of breath: "General... Your Excellency! We... our rear... the rear appears It's...appeared...fufu..."

Mu Teng pressed the waist knife on his waist and stared at this guy, wishing to grab his neck and squeeze out the rest of his words, and asked anxiously: "What happened behind us? Tell me!"

"My lord...behind us...a larger skeleton pirate...a fleet of pirates suddenly came from behind us!"

(End of this chapter)

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