Chapter 528

When Xu Yi arrived at Ma Mao Island, he quickly deployed a lot of sentry boats around Ma Mao Island, and tightly controlled the waters around Ma Mao Island. All of them must be killed to prevent their whereabouts from being leaked.

Soon Shui Mao rushed back to Ma Mao Island with two Japanese boats and met Xu Yi.

"My lord, the news we got a few days ago is good. Miyamoto is indeed in Tanegashima. The Shimadzu family has already received the news that the humble officer has returned, and they have begun to gather troops in Akaogi Port and his manor, and began to prepare for the attack. Our attack! I also found out that the Shimadzu family has a private army of more than 300 people in Tanegashima, and Miyamoto has four warships and more than 200 Japanese who betrayed from the humble staff before! These people are all We have to flay the bastard!

In addition, they also transported six hundred native soldiers from Yakushima back here to strengthen the defense here. In addition, they also forcibly recruited young and strong islanders from Tanegashima to form a new army. Start the drill and continue to strengthen the defense force here. At present, nearly [-] new recruits have been recruited, and all the ships in Tanegashima have been concentrated in Akaogi Port. Miyamoto will be sent to conduct unified drills, trying to meet them outside Akaogi Port. us! "Shuimao reported to Xu Yi the news that he sneaked into Tanegashima to inquire in one breath.

The Japanese people on the boat helped them a lot this time. After seeing the killing methods of the Fubo army, these Japanese people were all scared to death. In addition, they all saw the strength of the Fubo army, and they knew in their hearts that if they dared not listen to the Fubo army According to the arrangement of the wave army, I am afraid that they will die a hundred times worse than those Japanese soldiers under Oshima, so they are very obedient and follow Mizumao's instructions, and under the supervision of the Fuba army, they will go to Tanegashima for a while. The small place inquired about the news of Tanegashima in many ways, and actually inquired about the news here clearly, allowing the water cat to fully grasp the situation here.

Xu Yi nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "It seems that Shimadzu and this Miyamoto are really afraid of us. Now that we know we are afraid, why should we have done so before? With so many things going on, I want to rely on them The army defeated us, they really thought they were supermen wearing underwear outside! Miyamoto is also an idiot, knowing how powerful our Fubo army is, but trying to fight to the end, it seems that he will not cry when he sees the coffin Okay! Let them do it! After they are fully assembled, we will do it again. This time we will completely erase the Shimadzu family from this world! I want to see what supernatural power they have that can stop us s attack!"

Xu Yi is full of confidence, he is not afraid of Shimadzu and this Miyamoto concentrating on fighting against the Fubo army!What they really have at present are the more than 2000 soldiers of the Shimadzu family, the more than 200 subordinates of Miyamoto, and the four former warships of the Fuba Army. What kind of new army, it will not have any combat effectiveness at all. A group of farmers put down their hoes and picked up knives and guns and called the army?But it can only be called a gang of mobs!This kind of army can only be regarded as a bluff, and it is okay to wave the flag and shout, but it will frighten people if it is not successful in a smooth battle. Once they face a tough opponent, they will collapse immediately and do nothing at all. If it does not work, it may shake the morale of the main battle army. The benefits are not as bad as the disadvantages!
The other generals also had the same opinion as Xu Yi, and they didn't pay attention to these new recruits as new troops at all. As for the hundreds of soldiers transferred from Yakushima, they didn't take it seriously. They were originally a group of semi-peasant soldiers, and they were not guarding their own homes. As long as they yelled a few times when Yakushima was captured when the war started, these soldiers would naturally lose their morale and collapse immediately. !
There are also the so-called fleets assembled by the Shimadzu family on Tanegashima. Except for the four ships of Miyamoto, they are all fishing boats and cargo ships, and most of the sailors are merchant fishermen. Such a fleet Can it also be regarded as a battle fleet?hey-hey!Definitely an excellent target for training!It would be better for Shimadzu and Miyamoto to be a little more stupid, and simply put their elites on the boat, so that it will be more convenient to do it!
Soon Fang Shu's reconnaissance ships also returned to Mamao Island from Osumi and Yakushima, met Xu Yi, and told Xu Yi the news they had discovered.

Basically as Mizumao had expected, some large ships and soldiers are now being mobilized along the coast of Osumi Country, and they are gathering towards Botsu Port in Satsuma. In addition, they are still gathering some soldiers and horses, and they seem to be going to Tanegashima for support. The Shimadzu family, this news is very important to the Fuba Army. Once the reinforcements from the Osumi Kingdom arrive on Tanegashima, it will have a great impact on their future offensive plans.

In addition, the news from Yakushima coincides with what Mizumoo heard. The soldiers there have been transferred from Yakushima to Tanegashima, and Yakushima is now basically in an undefended state.

"It seems that we can't wait any longer. The news brought back by Fang Shu is very important to us. If the Osumi Kingdom really sends reinforcements to Tanegashima, I'm afraid we will encounter a lot of trouble when we attack Tanegashima. We must do it as soon as possible." Let's do it, eat Tanegashima! This will just knock the mountain and shake the tiger, speed up the assembly of the Japanese fleet, and let them come to confront us!" Xu Yi put his hand on the table and said to the generals in the account.

All the generals also nodded to agree with Xu Yi's opinion, and Xu Yi began to order: "Sun Hai listens to the order..."

Mamao Island soon began to get busy. Warships sailed away from Mamao Island with the unique skeleton battle flag of the Fubo Army flying high. The things Xu Yi entrusted to them.

Among them, a fleet of ten square boats loaded with a large number of infantry, also led by Li Bo, Yang Zaixing and others, sailed away from Mamao Island and headed towards Tanegashima. They were the ones who attacked Tanegashima this time However, Xu Yi gave them instructions not to participate in the direct attack on Chiweimu Port, but to order Yang Zaixing to lead the infantry after the water battle at Chiweimu Port started. When the Shimadzu Army was completely attracted to the vicinity of the port, They were able to land on the beach ten miles south of Chiweimu Port, form an array there, attack the Shimadzu family's Zhuangzi from land, cooperate with the main battle fleet's attack at sea, and annihilate the Shimadzu family's army in one fell swoop. Using Akaogi Port as the base, sweep Tanegashima with the fastest speed and wipe out all resistance forces on the island!
For this mission, Yang Zaixing was full of confidence. Although he only brought [-] infantry and Xiao Jianfeng's [-] cavalry, the number was far less than that of Shimadzu's army in Tanegashima, but he had no doubts about the combat power of his subordinates. Full of confidence, they have already made too much preparation for this day, not to mention that they have absolutely advanced artillery and palm mines, even if they directly use the knives, guns, bows and crossbows in their hands to fight the Japanese hard, they are not worried about being defeated These dwarfs!

The [-] main attack ships led by Sun Hai, Wang Zhi and Shui Mao as deputy, left Ma Mao Island immediately after the landing fleet of Yang Zaixing's infantry set off, and formed a line outside Ma Mao Island. A double-column array sailed to the direction of Akaogi Port on Tanegashima. Most of the ships included in the main attack fleet this time were Jiangbei ships unique to the Fubo Army. The large Cantonese ships drawn from Kong Qingxi's command are all solid ships, they are considered to be the absolute elite in this expedition fleet, each ship is basically equipped with artillery, and their combat effectiveness is absolutely strong!

The reason why Xu Yi ordered Sun Hai to be right was that Sun Hai had already accumulated quite a lot of experience in new naval warfare. Twenty warships equipped with artillery went to attack the Tanegashima fleet organized by cargo ships and fishing boats and Akaogi Port. To be honest, it feels like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife. If you can't beat Chiweimu Port like this, according to Sun Hai's own words, just find a pair of trousers and hang him on the mast of the ship!
In addition to these two fleets, Xu Yi also sent a fleet of more than 20 warships headed by Fang Shu, with Zheng Guang and Wang Feng as deputy, heading towards the waters northwest of Tanegashima. It is very clear that a cordon is set up there to strictly prevent Osumi from sending reinforcements from this direction to Tanegashima to support the Shimadzu Army. If they dare to come here at this time, then sorry, Fang Shu and his ships are enough to catch them all. Send them to meet their Amaterasu!
But Xu Yi himself could only cross his legs and stay on Ma Mao Island with the rest of the ship crew to wait for the news. Now they still can't reveal their full strength prematurely, so as not to scare that Fujiwara Daizai and make them afraid Come to find yourself to fight again, this kind of waiting made Xu Yi a little impatient. Compared with the later generations, the efficiency of the Japanese people is too low, and they are procrastinating, which made them come here for several days, but they didn’t have a day. A decent battle can be fought, even worse than the efficiency of the Annan people. I really don't know when their bushido spirit will be formed and instilled in the little devils and the whole people!

Sun Hai stood on the Pioneer, flanked by water cats and Wang Zhi's ships. This battle was an opportunity he fought hard for. If he couldn't completely kill the Tanegashima's motley fleet, then he would really have no face in the future. What kind of navy commander is Fu Bojun acting as?But now he is not worried that he will not be able to solve the Tanegashima fleet. What he is worried about is the weather. Now that the sky is covered with dark clouds, it is not a good idea to choose this time to attack Tanegashima, but Liu Laoliu said that the two There will be no big storms in the sky, and it should not affect their expedition. I hope Liu Laoliu will not miss it this time. When they arrive at Chiweimu Port and start a war with the Japanese, there will be a big storm, and it will be troublesome .

Just when Sun Hai was still worrying about the weather, a watchman's voice came from above the mast: "Commander Sun! There are Japanese ships ahead..."

(End of this chapter)

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