Chapter 519

After the skinless bodies of the Sun brothers were wrapped in broken straw mats and dragged down, the other three guys were also lifted above the execution platform. Iron pot, and firewood was set up under the iron pot, and someone poured buckets of clean water into the iron pot.

As soon as the three guys who were put on the execution platform saw the three iron pots below, they immediately understood what fate was waiting for them, so they immediately began to struggle fiercely, and it turned out that their struggle was obviously ineffective , two burly men on both sides clamped them tightly, making them unable to move, so they could only look desperately at Xu Yi with extremely terrified eyes, which were full of pleading expressions.

Xu Yi didn't look at them at all, completely ignoring the begging element in their eyes, and said loudly to the people below: "These three people not only did not make any resistance when the Japanese attacked Cancer Island, they even passively There was nothing to hide, so he jumped out, willingly led the Japanese into the above stockade, and pointed out the residences of brothers everywhere for the Japanese. It’s just that I didn’t find them. If they were given the same chance as the Sun Brothers, then they would never do worse than the Sun Brothers! Such scum is also a disgrace to our Fubo Army! Today I prepared for them The way to die is stew! Come on! Throw these three scum into the pot! Boil them!"

Following Xu Yi's order, the six big men immediately set up the three bastards who had already shown their faces on the stage, and strode down the execution platform. Whether they wanted to or not, they added a few more ropes to tie them up. To get stronger, they were thrown into the cauldron, with only one head exposed, and a stick was put through them to support them so that they could not immerse their heads in the water and choke to death.

Then three personal guards came over, poured a spoonful of fish oil to the bottom of the pot, and threw the torch into the firewood at the bottom of the pot, and the fire caught the fish oil and immediately burned.

The hearts of all the officers and men were chilled again. This punishment was no more merciful than skinning people alive just now, and it was even crueler than the sky lantern at the starting point. Because there was cold water in the pot, people only felt cold at first when they were thrown into it, but The water is heated up a little bit, maybe they will still feel comfortable for a while, but when the water gets hotter and hotter, everyone knows what it feels like, Xu Yi treats such a betrayer, see I really hate it, otherwise how could I come up with such a cruel punishment?

The three guys curled up in the pot in despair. The cold water made them tremble all over, but they knew that this cold feeling was probably more comfortable than waiting for the heat. This is the first time they have heard of the death method, the three guys are almost scared to death at this moment, if it is really possible to be scared to death, it may be better, but the three of them seem to be very nervous, unexpectedly He didn't even faint from shock, he could only feel the water at the bottom of the pot slowly heating up.

No one spoke in the audience, only the occasional crackling and whirring of the firewood burning at the bottom of the pot, and if there were other sounds, there were only the chirping of seagulls and waves occasionally flying by in the sky The sound of lapping the shore!Everyone was staring at the three cauldrons, watching the three scum who were tied up like zongzi shaking their heads in panic on the water. These people began to feel a little numb. After the scene, this scene of stewed living people is far less shocking than the scene just now!

Everyone just watched the three scum struggling in the pot. No one is interested in showing mercy at this time and pleading for them. Think about the tragedy of Hou Cheng and those brothers who died here , Think about Lu Hanrong who died fighting, and think about the brothers who were tortured to death by the Japanese people in the past two days. Live on your knees with backbone, this is a sentence that Xu Yi often said, and it is also a sentence that the coaches of the Fubo Army often say to newcomers, but these guys chose to live on their knees, and now it is time for them to pay the price !

Cooking with water is much crueler than cooking with oil. If you cook with oil, first boil the oil in the pot and then throw the criminal into it. As a result, even if the criminal's skin is scalded, the victim will die soon. At least he will suffer less pain, but today Xu Yi uses water to cook, and it is still cold water. This way of death is far worse than cooking with oil.

The water temperature began to heat up slowly under the fire at the bottom of the pot. Gradually, the three scums began to feel the chill gradually subside, and the water temperature began to make them feel very comfortable, but the more they were like this, the more terrified they were. It was full of fear, begging and despair, but still no one stood up to speak for them.

Gradually, the temperature of the water became higher, and the cauldron began to emit steam, and the few guys couldn't bear the temperature. Although they couldn't speak, their noses could speak, so the three scum They began to howl in the depths of their nostrils and throats, and their muscles were also working hard, but at this time they discovered the beauty of cooking in cold water, because their muscles had long since disappeared during the process from cold water to hot water Without strength, he could only helplessly whine with his nose.

In this way, the fire kept burning, and the water temperature became higher and higher, and the screams of the three scum became louder and louder. After reaching the peak, their screams gradually weakened until they were completely silent. .

The executioner ran to the bottom of the high platform and reported loudly: "My lord! These three scum have lost their intuition!"

Xu Yi didn't even look at it, and snorted coldly: "Keep cooking until it's rotten!"

After the executioner got the order, he immediately turned around and ran back, continued to add firewood to the bottom of the pot, and continued to cook. After an unknown period of time, a meaty smell began to permeate the open space, but no one thought the smell was good. There was a feeling of wanting to be disgusted, and many people thought to themselves, it seems that it is better to be a vegetarian for the next few days, don’t even think about the stew, as long as they smell the stew again, I’m afraid they will I will think of the three scum in the three cauldrons. I don’t know if I can stick it in with chopsticks now, sweat!What are you thinking?

"Okay, pour the contents of these three pots into the sea, so that everyone will feel sick!" Xu Yi also smelled this smell, and his stomach was filled with nausea again, so he waved his hand and ordered.

After disposing of these three guys, four more people were brought up on the execution platform. These four people were also tied up, and hemp balls were stuffed in the innermost part. Their liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and their souls were scattered. If it wasn't for someone driving them next to them, they would have turned into a puddle of mud on the spot.

"These four people were captured in a dream. There was nothing wrong with being captured, but their fault was that they had not been threatened by the Japanese, and they immediately surrendered to the Japanese, willingly worked for the Japanese, and became Japanese soldiers. After going to the island, they still didn't want to turn back, and simply found a place to drill. Such cowards, what's the use of keeping them? As soldiers, what they did is already a disgrace to soldiers, so they can't be kept, but For the sake of their innocence, today I am extrajudicial, no longer lighting their sky lanterns, and beheading four of them to show the public. At that time, I identified a Japanese who was hiding, so I left the whole body for him! Give him the hang! Execute!" Xu Yi loudly announced the crimes of the four people, and announced the way to deal with them.

The four of them no longer had the desire to survive. When they heard that they were beheaded for public display, they felt a sense of relief, and their hearts were full of gratitude to Xu Yi.

The soldiers supporting them on both sides released their hands, and three of them knelt on the bloody execution platform, and then three heavy-backed executioners came, each holding a bright ghost-headed sword, followed by a burst of blood. The drums sounded, and they immediately raised the ghost knife into the air, while the other person who was given the whole body was taken to the noose at the back, someone put the noose around his neck, and tied it around his ankle. A few sandbags were hung on the ground, and as the beating of the drums suddenly stopped, the three executioners swung down the ghost-head knives held in mid-air at the same time, and saw a flash of cold light, and the three huge human heads rolled out. , the headless body immediately fell on the execution platform, the blood from the broken neck spurted far away, and the bench under the feet of the hanged man was immediately kicked down by an executioner, and the man's body was suspended in the air , the sandbag under his feet fell on his body and fell suddenly, only to hear a crisp sound from his neck, and immediately the cervical vertebrae were broken by his weight and the weight of the sandbag, and the person trembled violently for a while, and then slowly fell silent down.

Regarding this kind of treatment, the people below did not express any objection. The Fubo Army does not want soft bones. Even if they are not killed by Xu Yi, I am afraid that it will be difficult for them to gain a foothold in the Fubo Army in the future. Talk about a relief!
When the remaining nine people were also dragged to the execution platform, Xu Yi looked at them. These people seemed to know their fate, and they all lowered their heads consciously, waiting for Xu Yi's punishment, and no one made any sound. .

(Treat it differently. You can’t all be skinned. Traitors should die like this. It’s a pity that many traitors don’t end up like this!)
(End of this chapter)

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