Chapter 512

After Shuimao and Yang Zaixing led the infantry to deal with the Japanese soldiers in the stockade, the battle on the pier was coming to an end. Under the blockade of the Fubo Army warships, none of the ships on the pier could break through and escape. When they found out that they were attacked, most of the ships were already infiltrated by members of the Viper Squad. They threw a palm mine into the cabin, killing and wounding most of the remaining sailors on board. Even if they wanted to escape, no one could control the ships. up.

Lin Xiong was also covered in blood, brandishing his large knife to kill from one boat to another, and then jumping from another boat to a further boat, leaving a trail of blood with broken limbs and arms everywhere he passed. , the jump helpers have already selected their targets for attack, and under the leadership of their respective teams, they boarded the target ships one after another. As soon as they saw Japanese people jumping out of the cabin, they immediately besieged one with several people and poked them with spears. Cutting with a short knife, three times, five times and two times, the Japanese were turned over on the deck of the boat, and then a special person went up to make up the knife and completely killed the Japanese.

Therefore, under their strict organization, there were almost no casualties, so they basically killed the Japanese who were in a mess. , Encountered such a situation, the soldiers felt that it was too extravagant to deal with them with palm thunder, so they called in archers to stand at the cabin door and shoot with bows and crossbows. At such a short distance, the Japanese martial arts were not as high as that of the Japanese. It can be avoided, the result is very clear, the stubborn Japanese soldiers in the cabin also turned into hedgehogs, lying on the ground to obey the call of Amaterasu.

The whole attack process went smoothly like a drill. When the sun appeared on the eastern sea, the battle on the island was basically over, and only a few Japanese soldiers who fled to the mountains and forests were left to be eliminated gradually.

The water cat was standing on a high place, but the clairvoyance sent to him by his subordinates, he looked up and saw two light fast boats on the sea, in addition to their full sails, there were also a few big paddles protruding from the side of the boat like crazy. Flee towards the land.

"Bah! These bastards are cheap! Next time we meet them, there will be no such cheap things!" Water Cat put down his clairvoyance and cursed at the two boats. He had already discovered the two boats hidden behind the island yesterday. Ship, if it wasn't required in the plan, how could he let them escape!

A brother didn't know the plan, so he hurriedly said, "It's too late for us to catch up with them, so why don't we tell the brothers who are patrolling at sea to catch up quickly?"

"Forget it! Let them go, we let them go on purpose! Order to clean up the village and welcome the Lord to the island!" Water Mao shook his head.

In the corner of a pile of goods at the pier, the brother who found Hou Cheng turned a deaf ear to the shouts of killing coming from all directions, and hugged the thin and inhuman Hou Cheng tightly, wrapped him in a cotton coat, and warmed him with his body temperature body of.

Hou Cheng was in a tortoise's breath or in a coma, and gradually felt this strange warmth, so the various organs in his body began to speed up slowly, making him recover gradually, and he opened his eyes forcefully , the eyes of the two eyes were very scattered at first, and then slowly adjusted the focus, focusing on the face of the person holding him, when he saw the face of the person in front of him clearly under the gradually brightening sky, There was a look of ecstasy on the skinny cheeks, he opened his mouth a few times, but no words came out, and his body began to tremble violently.

The brother holding him felt his movement, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at Hou Cheng in his arms. When he saw that he had woken up, the brother named Zheng Mingjian burst into tears, choked up and shouted: "Brother Hou...Brother Hou...we are here! We...Brother Shuimao is here, and the lord has personally brought the brothers here! You will be fine...we came too late! did you Have you been tortured like this by these bastards? You bastards, you bastards..."

Hearing Zheng Mingjian's words, Hou Cheng felt very relaxed and comfortable. He wanted to struggle to sit up from his arms, but his muscles had shrunk after being bound for a long time. He didn't succeed, so he had no choice but to return. Let Zheng Mingjian hold him, but there is a strong joy in his eyes. He has been looking at Zheng Mingjian with this kind of eyes all the time. His upper teeth were almost knocked out by the Japanese, and he had to save all his energy. He hadn't said a word for several months. Suddenly, even his tongue was stiff and he couldn't speak. .

At this time, Zheng Mingjian heard that the shouts of killing outside had gradually weakened a lot, knowing that the battle was basically over, so he picked up Hou Cheng and said to him: "Brother Hou, don't worry, I will take you to see him right now." Brother Water Cat, go!"

He walked out of the corner with Hou Cheng in his arms, and was immediately spotted by the brothers who were searching for the remaining Japanese soldiers at the pier. Seeing what seemed to be a human being in his arms, they all surrounded him.

Among the first batch of people who landed on the island, quite a few were brothers from the old department that Shuimao took with him and fled back to Dulong Island. Some people saw two extremely skinny legs hanging from under the cotton-padded jacket he held in his arms. People's legs were startled, and they hurriedly called out: "Old Zheng! Why are you hugging a dead man?"

"Fuck you! If anyone dares to say that I'm holding a dead person, I'll be impatient with you! I'm holding Brother Hou Chenghou!" Zheng Mingjian was impatient at the time, and he couldn't tolerate others saying that Hou Cheng was a dead person.

The people who gathered around knew Hou Cheng's name, and they all turned pale with fright, and hurried over, even the brother who was scolded by Zheng Mingjian didn't mind, and rushed to his side to see the person in his arms .

When they saw the person in Zheng Mingjian's arms, they all took a breath, and someone exclaimed, and then they carefully looked at this already thin and inhuman face, and finally fixed their eyes on his left eye On the upper half of the eyebrows, someone shouted: "It really is Brother Hou! God! How did Brother Hou become like this?"

Zheng Mingjian glared at the brother who spoke and said, "Is there any need to ask? Of course it was tortured by the Japanese dogs! Damn Japanese dogs, I swear I will never end with them in my life!"

The brothers around immediately followed suit, and Hou Cheng tried to show everyone a smile with his shriveled lips, but his expression looked uglier than crying, but everyone could still see from his eyes He was overjoyed, so they called Brother Hou to rest assured and so on, to comfort him.

"Where's Big Brother Water Cat?" Zheng Mingjian left the crowd and asked anxiously.

"It's up there, hurry up, let's give Brother Hou a place to be warm and warm!" A group of people couldn't care less about anything else, and walked towards the stockade protecting Zheng Mingjian. Someone wanted to reach out to take Hou Cheng, but Zheng Mingjian gave him a hand. He refused, so a brother immediately ran up and reported to the water cat.

The water cat came down from the mountain, and ordered his subordinates to light a bonfire on the mountain, burning some damp branches, soon a puff of smoke rose into the sky, and then someone fired three rockets into the sky, This is the signal agreed between Shuimao and Xu Yi, informing Xu Yi that he has succeeded.

"What? Say it again! Hou Cheng? Are you talking about the flower monkey Hou Cheng?" The water cat grabbed the old department that came to report the news, and his voice changed in excitement.

"That's right! It's Hou Cheng, the flower monkey! He's still alive, and he was found by Zheng Mingjian!" The subordinate replied excitedly.

The water cat threw him away and shouted: "Where is he? Where is he now? Hurry up and take me to see him!" Then he ran down the mountain.

The subordinate rushed forward to lead the way, but suddenly slowed down while running, and said to the water cat while walking: "Commander Sun! When you see Brother Hou in a while, you must be mentally prepared. Brother Hou, he..."

As the water cat sprinted, he asked dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter with your talking? Why are you stammering? What happened to the flower monkey?" His heart began to sink when he said this.

He knew that the Japanese were vicious, otherwise he wouldn't have been murdered like this. Since Hou Cheng fell into their hands, as long as he refused to surrender to them, he would not be able to fall. He didn't dare to think about it.

"Brother Hou is not in a good condition now, but he is not missing any arms or legs. Don't worry about that, he is just a little thin!" The subordinate replied cautiously.

The water cat was much relieved when he heard it, so he waved his hand and said, "That's good, isn't it just a little skinny! Japanese dogs will definitely not serve this guy with big fish and meat! Thinness is inevitable! Take me to see this place How is the situation!"

This subordinate won't say anything more, let him see for himself in a while!

When the water cat appeared in front of the house where Hou Cheng was temporarily housed, there were already a lot of old men who escaped here, surrounding the house, wanting to go in and see Hou Cheng. After making way for him, the water cat rushed into the house and drove away the surrounding group of people, revealing the person lying in the middle.

"Ah?...!!!!" The water cat was also stunned on the spot when he saw the lying person clearly, no wonder the brother had to explain to him in advance, this kind of thinness is really unusual!He was already very thin some time ago, but the Hou Cheng in front of him is no longer thin, but just like a mummy covered in skin. The water cat's lips were trembling, and it squatted down slowly, looking up and down at Hou Cheng Cheng, his lips trembling, he didn't know what to say.

Hou Cheng was fed some water at this time, and after seeing the brother he hadn't seen for so long, his mental state improved a lot. After seeing the water cat coming, his eyes became moist, and he opened his mouth and let out a difficult expression. There was a voice: "Commander..."

(Put another dose of strong medicine, let the brothers of Fubo Army hate the little devils, otherwise they will not be able to kill them in the future! By the way, I will fall out of the top [-] on the monthly ticket list! Brothers, can you help me? Hold on? I promise bloody tomorrow!)

(End of this chapter)

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