Chapter 510
The night covered the entire sea, and there was a thin layer of thin clouds floating in the sky, which obscured the moonlight and starlight. The sea was breezy and the waves were rippling. A huge fleet was floating on the ocean east of Cancer Island. , Each ship raised a pair of small sails to control the position of the ship. There was no light on all the ships, like a pack of wolves at night, silent.

Although Xu Yi asked those who were okay to rest in the cabin and recharge their batteries, at this time, few people could sleep soundly. Even he put on his clothes and walked up the ship building. The sailors on duty at night watched When Xu Yi came out, they all bowed to him, but they all lowered their voices, as if they were afraid that their voices would be heard by the Japanese.

Looking at the thin clouds in the sky and listening to the sound of sea water beating against the hull, Xu Yi took a deep breath of the icy air. After arriving here, the weather has become very cold. With people's breathing, you can see the breath, so The night is simply prepared for them, the night of the dark moon, when the sun rises again tomorrow, I am afraid that many Japanese will never see it again.

At this time, a thin and inhuman figure was tied to a pillar on the pier of Cancer Island, with disheveled hair and was firmly tied to the pillar. If you could see the hot air exhaled from his mouth and nose, everyone would think that he was already a dead person.

Several Japanese people passed by the pillar, and a Japanese man spat hard on the bound man, cursing in Japanese: "I really can't figure out what this guy is made of. After so long, he actually insisted on Don't die! If someone makes me like this, I'd rather die quickly, why should I suffer?"

Another Japanese said: "It's true, you don't know how powerful he is. When we raided here, it was this guy who killed us. I don't know how many people were killed. Later, he was caught by us after being exhausted and injured. Originally I thought about killing him, but our lord wanted to make him submit and surrender us, but this guy would rather die than surrender, so the lord let him die slowly, and we thought he would not survive because of his wounds How long has it been, but I didn't expect this guy to persist for such a long time, even the wounds on his body healed on his own. Later, our adults became interested, so we ordered him to be tied here like this, and he would not starve to death. See Seeing how long he can last, even I am curious, what is he doing so long? He endures the wind and sun every day, suffers from hunger, is scolded, spit on, and beaten, is he still alive? It's better to die!"

A few Japanese chatted while carrying a jug of wine they had just brought, and went to drink in a warm place, leaving behind the empty pier and the bound man.

The man slowly opened his eyes, and looked towards the sea with his already cloudy eyes. The long-term tying, constant malnutrition, and continuous insults and beatings had already caused his body to suffer a lot. Huge torture, scars all over his body, pain has become a habit for him now, he can't bear it many times, and wants to give up this cruel life, but even he can't figure it out. In the end, he survived, just lingering on his last breath. At this time, he kept watching the sea every day, hoping that there would suddenly be a warship flying the skull flag on the sea, but every time he waited and watched, the final result was disappointment, disappointment, and disappointment again. .

But he still didn't want to die, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, because Big Brother Shui Mao told him that their lord would never give up on his brothers, and the people that Shui Mao trusted must have his reasons, he believed As for the water cat, the lord will come here sooner or later, he can't die, he will use his own eyes to watch the water cat and the lord come back with their brothers, and avenge him and their brothers who died unjustly.

The temperature at night was very low, and he was only wearing a torn cotton padded jacket that could no longer be worn. This was ordered by Oshima Weimon to put it on for him. It has become one of his playthings. Oshimaemon gave him the padded coat because he didn’t want him to die so quickly, but to let him suffer so slowly and die slowly. He would not be grateful to this bastard Oshima .

Even though he was wearing this tattered padded jacket, he still couldn't resist the bone-chilling chill of the night. After taking a deep breath, he relaxed his whole body, and slowly mobilized a trace of inner breath from his dantian, urging the inner breath to circulate slowly throughout his body. And set aside a part to protect his viscera and heart. The reason why he survived is because of this kung fu. This is a kind of health-preserving kung fu taught to him by his master. What my master probably didn't expect was that it was actually used by him to maintain a painful life.

After he ran his inner breath for a big week, the chill on his body was relieved a lot, then he adjusted his breathing, slowed down all the functions of his body, and minimized consumption. I ordered some so-called food that even pigs would not eat. This little food was not nutritious at all. If a brother who had surrendered to the Japanese secretly sent him some food every other night in the middle of the night, if he fed it to him, I am afraid he would Already starved to death!Even so, the little food he ate can only hang him to death from starvation and thirst, so as long as he wants to live, he must save energy consumption, and gradually he begins to fall into a kind of suspended animation In such a state, it seems that even breathing has stopped.

After the third watch, the silent fleet on the sea began to move again like a sleeping beast. More than 30 ships slowly raised their sails, sailed away from the large fleet, and headed towards the sea. The not-too-distant Cancer Island sailed, and the leader of the team was Water Cat. Accompanying him to Cancer Island were Li Bo and his Viper Squad, Yang Zaixing and some of his elite infantry, and several soldiers led by Wang Zhi. The warships of the main fleet, some of the ships selected by Lin Xiong and jumping helpers.

Everyone was fully clothed, and their eyes were fixed on the front. No one spoke, only when they were exercising, armor and weapons collided and made some clattering noises. In the silence of the night, even this sound was a bit harsh.

The fleet still did not hang any lighting objects such as light balls, only a back-lighting wind lamp at the stern of the temporary water cat boat walking in the front gave off a faint light, and the more than 30 boats behind were all Using this light as a reference, they maintained a dense formation and sailed towards Cancer Island. Even if someone on the boat spoke, it was quickly drowned out by the sound of the waves, and it could not be heard very far.

Xu Yi stood on the Crossbar and watched the fleet disappear into the night, then turned around and sat on the big chair Cui Yan sent him, waiting for the news from the front. At this time, the eastern sky was blurred. A white line appeared, and it was almost dawn.

A Japanese man was lying on the watchtower outside the pier of Cancer Island, wrapping his cotton-padded clothes again and again, with his head down from time to time. It was a very hard job to be on duty at night in this season. It was so cold that he wanted to sleep but couldn’t sleep. Sleepy and drowsy, the upper and lower eyelids kept fighting, but finally it was almost dawn, and he could be laid off immediately, and went back to the house to sleep. This guy looked at the few colleagues around him who were already sleeping and snoring, a few guys To be able to fall asleep in such a cold day is so fucking born by pigs!He muttered and cursed a few words, then lay down on the railing and dozed off. When the sky is about to dawn, people will sleep to death, and this time is also the time when vigilance is at its lowest.

Oshimaemon held a woman in his arms and snored in the hot bed. From time to time, he dreamed of two concubines at home. He was already full of anger at being sent here to guard, and Dazaifu's power Shuai is like a pig, those pirates have been wiped out long ago, why did he send himself to guard this shitty island?This is not a good place. When they captured this place, thousands of skeleton pirates were killed here. I am afraid that there are ghosts of those pirates everywhere here. If they are entangled by these ghosts, it will be bad luck. up.

What's more, I heard from Miyamoto, who turned from the skeleton pirates, that the skeleton pirates not only have a base here, but also have their lair on the coast of the Song Dynasty. Maybe the water cat that fled back will bring people Come back to take revenge on them, so when he took over this Cancer Island, he was really uneasy for a long time, but now he no longer has this kind of worry. Seeing that half a year has passed, a skeleton army who came to take revenge He didn't see any of the ships, presumably they should have been scared and didn't dare to come here to disturb their Yamato country anymore, so after winter, he began to sleep a lot more peacefully.

The pier of Cancer Island is built at the northeast end of the island, facing the direction of Kyushu Island, so it is also the best place to sail. The sight of the arrow tower on the northeast corner is very good, and the angle of sight almost covers the entire east, north and south. direction, and not too far from here, the water cat's fleet put down several sampans, and then the strong sailors carried Li Bo and dozens of soldiers of the Viper Squad towards the east at a very fast speed. The sailors paddled almost without making too much noise, and cooperated very tacitly. Several sampans maintained a very tight formation and cut through the sea like flying on water. Under the cover of night, they quickly Arrived at the shore of Cancer Island, washed up on Cancer Island on a gentle beach.

Li Bo jumped out of the sampan without saying a word, and the rest of the poisonous snakes jumped out of the sampan following him without a sound. Within a short period of time, he appeared silently under the watchtower in the northeast corner of Cancer Island. With a sharp short knife in his mouth, Li Qingyuan climbed up the watchtower as silently as a civet cat...

(End of this chapter)

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