Great Song Pirate

Chapter 48 Preparations (To)

Chapter 48 Preparations (To)
The island is busy now. Xu Yi has established a system, that is, every morning, the main responsible personnel will hold a meeting in the Juyi Hall to report the progress of various preparations and facilitate the resolution of problems that arise. Everyone feels very satisfied with this system. It is necessary, and they all agreed.

In order to facilitate communication at sea, relying on people pulling their necks and screaming is not enough. Xu Yi took the time to find ten smart guys with good eyesight, and taught them the semaphore that he learned when he was a seaman. Later, as long as they waved the small flags in their hands, the people on the other ships could immediately understand the meaning, which played a huge role in promoting the coordination of joint operations in the future. Li Bo also knew that he would also use some flags in battles in the army. The flag was used to express the command and command of the general, but the semaphore he knew was simple and worthless compared to the semaphore passed by Xu Yi, and he admired Xu Yi's versatility even more.

In addition, for the convenience of calling each ship, Xu Yi also ingeniously named each ship, let the personnel on each ship think of names for their own ships, and then chose the best name among them to name each ship. This greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the crew, and at the same time made them feel more proud of their own ship. So these pirates began to rack their brains to think of names for their ships. After collecting these names, Xu Yi laughed. The nose of the boat is crooked, such as yellow croaker, cat fish, fur seal...they are all the names of fish in the sea, some people call their boats the name of gods ingeniously, there are all kinds of strange things, think about it Few of these pirates were literate, so they could come up with good names for their ships. In the end, Xu Yi set things right and decided on the names for several ships himself. The ship was named Yangwei, Qian Laoben’s fast boat was basically the same as Shuimao’s boat, and was finally named Chaoyong, and the cargo ship handed over to Xue Tu was named Treasure Island. The name of the ship was chosen by a person on his ship, called the Shark, and the name of the ship was certain, and immediately received enthusiastic responses from everyone, and all he said was the name of the ship he was on. He was so proud that only the cargo ship The brothers in the village were a little unhappy, feeling that the name of their ship was not loud enough, but Xu Yi explained to them that the reason why they called them Treasure Island was because they were cargo ships, and they were mainly responsible for freight, and they were also the ships that made money on the island. Of course, the name should be richer and nobler, and the name of the Treasure Island is auspicious. These people are happy again, and feel that their own ship is more auspicious than anyone else's.

In fact, as a modern Chinese, Xu Yi always has an inexplicable pain in his heart. Due to the weakness of the Qing government and the bastard of the Empress Dowager Cixi, etc., the powerful Beiyang Fleet that was once flaunted by the Qing government was in the midst of a Sino-Japanese naval battle in Japan. In an instant, the ship was wiped out, sinking, captive, so many people sighed. As Xu Yi who is familiar with this period of history, he can never forget those brave sailors, so naming their ships this time is not intentional. Or intentionally, the names of the three ships were all named after the famous ships in the Beiyang Fleet, in a vague way that he wanted to wash away the faint pain in his heart as a Chinese in this battle at sea. And the Treasure Island is because of TW Island, which has always been a thorn in the heart of the Chinese people. Although it is called Treasure Island, most Chinese can only look at each other across the sea. For these reasons, he can only rot in his stomach And can't tell others.

Seeing that it had been a few days since the boat that encountered Huangyu Island, everyone was worried about when Huangyu Island would come to attack, so Jin Huo discussed with Xu Yi whether he would consider boarding the boat and going out to sea every day. , in case of a sudden attack on Huangyu Island, to avoid that when the opponent attacks, their Dulong Island boats will be blocked by the opponent on the island, and they will not be able to go to sea to fight. It should be because the entrance and exit channel of Dulong Island is narrow. , They lost their initiative if they wanted to set sail to fight again. When necessary, Jin Huo, the leader, was still very responsible.

Xu Yi agrees with Jin Huohu's proposal theoretically, but after careful consideration, there are some problems with this plan. First of all, they don't know when the other party will call. It may be within two or three days, or it may be a month later, depending on the situation at sea. Changeable, the fleet has been sailing all day to prepare for battle, which undoubtedly aggravated the worries of these people. If the time is short, morale will be fine. If it is long, it will undoubtedly affect the morale of everyone. Secondly, the living conditions on the ship are limited after all. Let’s not talk about food and drink, the key is not enough to live in. Over time, everyone’s physical strength will inevitably be consumed in unnecessary cruising in advance, but after the war, everyone has become soft-footed shrimp. Great disadvantage, based on these reasons, Xu Yi proposed his solution.

In fact, Xu Yi's solution is very simple. Just to be on the safe side, Xu Yi configured the Shark and Yangwei, which had completed the refitting and reinforcement work first, and let Wang Feng and Shuimao take turns to lead them out of the island to patrol, but not far away from Dulong Island. Instead, he was cruising outside the sight of Dulong Island and used it as an outpost reconnaissance ship. Both ships carried the binoculars and signal flares he brought from the lifeboat with them. Once they found the fleet of Huangyu Island, they would fire the signal flares in time. Inform the island to make preparations early, but most people still live on the island, they practice when they have nothing to do, and they usually feed them with delicious food and drink. In addition, it provides more time for other preparations.

Xu Yi's approach was supported by several leaders on the island, especially the water cat, who had been thinking about Xu Yi's binoculars for a long time, and now he could play with it every day. As a lookout, you can monopolize the telescope for a long time.

According to Xu Yi's arrangement, the two ships took turns to patrol the sea every other day. Xu Yi's instructions to them were to only conduct patrols. Once they found the enemy's track, they would send a signal immediately, but they were never allowed to fight the opponent with their own courage. Knowing that even if they are equipped with a few ballistas, if they encounter more than ten warships of the opponent at the same time, it will be for nothing, and let the opponent make dumplings for no reason, so as soon as they find the opponent, they will immediately send a signal, and then return to leave the opponent. Waiting for the other ships to come out, and then cooperate with each other to fight against each other. This kind of work is quite competent for the two Clippers. Both Wang Feng and Shuimao agreed.


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(End of this chapter)

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