Great Song Pirate

Chapter 42 Kidnapping

Chapter 42 Kidnapping
The speed of the return journey was much slower than when they came, because they dragged two huge whales behind their boat, and it was not with the wind. The water flight, which was originally known for its speed, became a slow cow, and returned to Dulong Island slowly. There is a relaxed atmosphere on board.

Although Yingchun couldn't bear it, she also knew that Xu Yi's actions would definitely be useful. She had complete trust in Xu Yi, so when the whaling was over, she returned to the boat to watch their activities.

Because of the bloody smell on the whales, many sharks were attracted along the way, trying to get a share of the action. Liu Laoliu is still good at dealing with this shark. After hunting a few medium-sized sharks, everyone had a tooth-making ceremony. Shark fins are a good thing. In the old world, they could only be eaten in big restaurants. It is generally difficult to taste this thing, and the price is scary. It’s not something ordinary people enjoy. Now it’s good. The shark’s fins brought back by Liu Laoliu and the others can keep them full, and they are still fresh. Said: "What's so delicious about this thing? You eat it with gusto. That's how I eat it. It tastes weird!"

Xu Yi said happily: "You don't know! This is a good thing! It was hard to get it in our place before, why? Don't you like it? Then I'll have another bowl! Haha!"

After sailing for more than three days in a row, they gradually saw the shadow of Dulong Island. Their return naturally aroused a lot of jubilation. The adults and children on the island all ran to watch the fun. Usually, they encountered whales in the sea. I didn't think it was too big, but now I put it in front of my eyes and it feels like two mountains of meat. How long will it take to eat it!Especially Lin Xiong and the others who had just arrived on the island were eye-opening and amazed, now they don't have to worry about being hungry!well!What are you thinking about!It's all because I was hungry some time ago!

As for how to deal with the whale, Xu Yi doesn't care, anyway, what he wants is whale oil and tendons, and the rest are by-products, so just leave them to Liu Lao Liu and the others.

When he came back, Xu Yi had already seen the cargo ship that Xue Tu had taken away, and knew that Xue Tu had returned, so he hurriedly found Xue Tu who was discussing with Jin Huhu.

"Brother Xue has worked hard all the way! I have met Brother Xue!" Xu Yi was very polite to Xue Tu. After all, he was much older than him and helped him a lot, so Xu Yi has always been more respectful to Xue Tu. .

"Where is there! It should be that the military adviser has worked hard. I am going to enjoy the blessing this time. I don't need to fight and kill, but spend a lot of money. People treat me like a master. What hard work is there? It’s not as good as you, and it’s really hard work to go out to hunt whales just after you come back!” Xue Tu said with a smile.

"We young people should do more. It's just that I don't know how Brother Xue is doing this time?" Xu Yi was polite and brought the conversation to the main topic. This is what he cares about.

"Don't worry, military commander, all the things you told me have been done, but this pigeon is really hard to find. It took a lot of time and cost a lot of money to get a few pairs from a foreigner. I don't know if there are enough pigeons. !” Xue Tu quickly replied.

"Enough is enough. These are prepared for the future. Now we just need to raise them well and reproduce them as soon as possible. Don't rush to use them. As for the other things, you can use them in a hurry. I think Mr. Yuezhang has already put the Huangyu Island surnamed Pu." I told Brother Xue about the matter, but I don’t know if Brother Xue has any opinions!" Xu Yi continued.

They sat down under Jin Huo's greeting. Xue Tu thought for a while and said: "I know that the Korean surname is Pu. They pushed their territory towards us a lot. Although Li Tong was not happy at the beginning, there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't expect that they were still dissatisfied and wanted to attack us. It seems that this time we can no longer be bullied by them. I’m angry, the military advisor is keen to observe and take precautions, I admire Xue very much! I have nothing to say, the military advisor just orders, this time we want to show this Korean man how powerful we are!”

After Xu Yi was polite, he was more sure of his judgment. After a few chats, Jin Huo and Xue Tu were also interested in the whale that Xu Yi had just captured, so they walked down to the pier to have a look. It was lively, and I couldn't help being surprised to see two such big whales resting on the edge of the pier. I praised Xu Yi for really having a way.

What Xu Yi cares about now is not this. What he cares about now is the artisans brought back by Xue Tu. After greeting Jin Huhu, Xu Yi asked where those artisans were temporarily settled, and then led them to work under the guidance of Xue Tu. Go down to where they live.

The place where the craftsmen were placed was a compound built before on the island. There were several brothers guarding the courtyard. When they saw Xu Yi coming, several people saluted Xu Yi one after another. Xu Yi politely asked about the situation of these craftsmen. One of the bosses went with Xue Tu this time. When Xu Yi asked about this, he felt a little embarrassed. A well-known craftsman tried to persuade them to go to sea with him, but these craftsmen relied on their ability to eat, and they didn't have to worry about food and drink, so they didn't want to go to sea. One by two were tied up, and after some threats, they were locked up on the ship and kept under strict supervision. They were all brought back when they returned.

Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh, this Xue Tu really can do anything!I just said it at the beginning, but in the end he really started the kidnapping business, but thinking about it the other way around, he was relieved. After all, Xue Tu took his words seriously and completed the task he gave seriously. It seems that those who come back empty-handed are much stronger if they have some brains and can't find it. It seems that the outreach training at the beginning was not in vain. Xue Tu understood the true meaning of it very well, and he has nothing to say!
Xu Yi reckoned that these craftsmen were quite frightened, and it seemed that he needed to come forward to appease them!Otherwise, even if they are really forced to work, even if they are willing to do it, they will not do it with all their heart. If they do something secretly, it will be those pirates who will suffer!He knows the truth that he can't do the best work when he is forced to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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